Cats. (Also keep in mind for every mana potion you have to use, it COULD have been a haste potion instead). That and an Epic Flyer will get you all the money you’ll ever need as long as you know a JC who can prospect your ore. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I have too much active haste, but not enough passive haste. The only downside is that it has a much higher mana consumption rate than the 1:1 macro. 14 Ranged Attack Power = 1 DPS (Of course, this is a baseline figure. Tried to do the best analysis with the information I had, obviously need a much more in depth analysis, but was just trying to deep dive into it the best I can with what we had when i made the video. Thus, when you have a high itemlevel, Haste is crazy valuable. Below build has a few talents that could be changed due to personal preference while remaining effective. I swear this is the third video I've seen for hunter pre bis lists posted to this sub, but I haven't seen it for any other classes. You just need enough mana to be able to go 15 minutes at least before dropping under 15% with Hawk on while using Mana Pots. You could choose the Master Tactician Talent if you don’t think you have enough crit. 13 thoughts on “The Hunter Enchants Cheat Sheet: Burning Crusade Edition” Maebius says: September 24, 2008 at 12:00 PM Thanks for this list! Alternate Surv Build: Gets you 2% more agility and some extra intellect at the cost of Thrill of the Hunt. Blizzard humps. Anything else is optional. Honestly don't recall MM ever eclipsing BM throughout TBC. You could move the extra point around thats in Imp Stings and the three in Imp Barrage (if you don’t need the extra 12% crit for Multishot), and the Go for the Throat points if you aren’t confident in your pets ability to live. I was going to put this in a separate page, but it is all a part of Hunter Juju. First thing you need to know is that Ravagers and Scorpids are the best raiding pets (along with Wind Serpents if you can manage spamming follow and lightning bolt). Run Karahzan a million times, buy the new badge gear, top DPS charts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Then drag him to it and let him be frozen. However, if you don’t have a tier 6 bow, that Badge Bow, no matter WHAT, is necessary. The problem would probably fix itself if I kept Aspect of the Hawk up, but we have a supreme shortage of Shadowpriests in our hunter groups. Alliance players might also have access to draenei hit buff in the party. Here is a list of all instances in TBC Classic, including both dungeons and raids, along with the level ranges and locations. 2:3 is very different so let me explain it. Additionally, Hunters have the following roles: * Healer Babysitter (Distracting Shot, Scatter Shot, Traps), * Buffing the Melee Group (This is our primary role. /cast [exists,target=pettarget] Gore(Rank 9). They won't be adding fully automatic matchmaking, but may provide a better way for players to list their groups. You should probably /castrandom Beastial Wrath, Rapid Fire, Trinkets, Items But you dont have to. 27 Nov. 2020: Updated the Trinket Sims. The raid food you mention, spicy hot talbuk, is only obtainable as a rare reward from the cooking daily which was put in during patch 2.3 (ZA patch), and depending on blizzard's content release this might not be available. 27 Nov. 2020: Updated the BiS Cloak and Trinket Sims. This can change a lot. Fail Hunters will pull 350 DPS in a raid. Thanks to Classic WoW community and many contributors, you can check here the best gear for your Hunter during all the phases of WoW Classic. Anyway, you are the master of soloing. That noted, it should be pretty obvious what you need. Step 1) Place Ice Trap far away from pull (usually around a wall so u can LOS pull off the tank). Step 3) Go to the opposite side of the room where no one else is but you can still shoot from and drop a trap there. /cast Tranquilizing Shot But your personal dps will be pretty sad compared to Mr. BM. BiS Gear (best in slot) is the list of the best items and enchantments you can get for your Survival Hunter & Marksmanship Hunter in PvE. Here's a quick and dirty trick for you: grind your tier 3 because you won't have pre bis for magtheridon week 1. In raids, if I see you with growl on, I chop off your head. First, three tidbits. that wont work because blizz broke a lot of those macros. Surv Hunters: Shoot for 600 Agility min. For Rogues and Enhance Shammies, the Shard and DST are the best Trinkets in-game. 3) Shackle done by a Shadowpriest with maxed Spellhit (god help you if your healer has +hit) is more reliable than Ice Trap, and it is only usable on undeads. I assume they wont add it back in for TBC. 25 Dec. 2020: Updated the BiS List to include Raid Items as well as Mythic+ items. Kylani's signet is an ALDOR ONLY quest in netherstorm just fyi; scryers do not have access to this. 09 Jan. 2021: Added note about the Inscrutable Quantum Device and updated the Best in Slot list. This trinket is now exclusively yours (uhh and its for Ret Pallies… which I lost to QQ). TBC Information: Server: IMPORTANT: THERE WILL BE NO FRESH SERVERS FOR CLASSIC OR TBC. Jrti. Beast Lord Helm – Mech – Pathaleon the Calculator. 3) If you ARE BM, get enough so that with IMP HAWK (if you use it) + any other frequent haste effects don’t push you past the GCD, but get you RIGHT NEXT TO IT. Ebon netherscale set is a lot better then primalstrike. in the macros). 23 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands. If 14 AP = 1 DPS, you want a bunch. Jrti 0 Posted April 10, 2019. I’m a hunter just turning 67 and was planning on starting to research the very things myself this weekend! This is why I use a .01), /cast Beastial Wrath 2) Don’t beat the GCD (BM): This means you don’t want to create a situation where you are clipping autshots because you cant GCD. The only thing I flat out disagree with is that the boe and crafted pieces will be 'easy to get' because they are boe/crafted....unless you are on a dead or pve server expect to spend significant time trying to farm those. Technically, as long as your unbuffed agil would give an Expose Weakness >= Marks TSA Aura, you’re good to raid. Giving players access to Blood Elves and Draenei early. Burning Crusade Classic LFG Tool may use modern group finder conveniences using elements from the retail group finder instead of the original Looking for Group Interface Tool introduced in patch 2.0.1. of The Burning Crusade. Prebis doesn't matter that much except as filler content between raids the first few weeks. Theres your magic number BM hunters. However, in TBC itemization has drastically improved and it is possible to obtain gear that covers both your conservation and throughput needs. You can change these talents depending on how many Hunters you have in the raid. 12 Oct. 2020: Page updated for the Shadowlands pre-patch. In the Burning Crusade, Hunters could use 1 macro for maximum dps with Beast Mastery Spec. Remember, the shot rotation is Auto Steady Arc/Multi (When CDs are up) You can also throw in silencing shots for when they aren’t up and you have the space for an extra shot, but depending on your mana pool you may not want to do that. Changing rotation on the fly is part of Hunter JUJU. Notes: Tranq shot can sometimes break AutoAttack depending on what patch it currently is. You are literally just a mouse wheel spinner. In Pre-Kara Gear, it is not terrible to be at 450. Ok, in the week or two that it might take you to get to 70, it is very useful. This guide will list the recommended gear for Hunters to acquire before raiding in Classic WoW, and contains gear sourced from dungeons, early PvP grinding, professions, BoE … What i’m saying is, if your rotation is auto-stead-SOMETHING, dont make it Auto-steady-wait-repeat by giving yourself too little time. Badras: Guys I will not be here tonight one of my best friends from highschool is moving back to europe I have to see him off. Giving players access to Blood Elves and Draenei early. Personally, I take this as a bug, but even so, this is the BEST DPS MACRO FOR A BM HUNTER. ), 22.08 Critical Strike Rating = +1% Critical Hit, Haste Rating needed for +1% Haste = 10.51, Parry Rating needed for +1% Parry = 31.54. We cover a variety of games and expansions including World of Warcraft, Fallout 4, … Depending on how close the boss is to dead, you may want to throw Viper on earlier. Compiled list of TBC information for those unaware or don't watch Blizzcon. Good News for All Hunters: With the Shard of Contempt in the game, no rogue will ever need the Tsunami Talisman EVER AGAIN. If you don’t mind being totally unable to do anything with your professions, pick up Mining and Herbalism. You don't even mention adamantite weightstones. IMPORTANT: Take Special Care when using ANY haste effects (DST PROC, ABACUS, IMP AOTH, RAPID FIRE) NOT TO CLIP YOUR AUTOSHOTS. My ravager uses Gore as a focus dump, Biting when the CD is up. Important Note: You need alot of Agility to be Surv. The points in the BM tree and in IMP HM are also movable. 1:1.5 will AS for you, and do Arc one rotation, Multi the next, arc the third, and leave you hanging with 2 Unfinished Cooldowns on another one. /cast Steady shot Gnarly Guides is a site for gamers looking for gaming guides and gaming news! I have had 6k for the longest time (in my rogue gear lolz) and I must say, I don’t like it. does the list include a mouse with a free-scrolling mouse wheel for your auto shot macro? Prebis doesn't matter that much … Keep in mind the veterans musket is alliance only, horde get a bow (cant recall if you mention this). Storm Helm – BoE Blacksmithing. TBC - Hunter pre-bis gear? It occurred to me at work that I never set down the law. A hunter set refers to a collection of equipment with a hunter class restriction that provides an additional bonus when worn together or simply are desirable from a Transmogrification standpoint. If you find there is a fight where you hit your chain trap limit, make sure you have trapping gear for it. With that in mind we have gathered a pre-raid BiS list prior to Kara. Here's a quick and dirty trick for you: grind your tier 3 because you won't have pre bis for magtheridon week 1. 2) Mages have to pay alot of attention to their sheeps. You may not be a Rogue, but this stat is still the best “Bang per Budget Point” for you until you get capped. Was reading and in 2.4.1 Blizz made it so they didnt affect ranged attacks anymore, unsure if it will be the same or not on live. The Idea here is that when the frozen mob breaks, he runs toward u across the room, giving you time to Conc shot him again until he slowly waners onto the trap just a few centimeters in front of you. #showtooltip Steady Shot The only reasons I can come up with for not taking Hunter Badge Gear is 1) Mental Handicap 2) Too much passive Haste already 3) Tier 6? You can move the points from Imp Rez to Imp Mend, but I recommend Imp Rez, since your HoT can’t always save your pet, and it gives you a really fast and cheap rez if he dies (unavoidable on some fights). Martyn Ford Krank, Satisfactory Update 4 Release, Bekanntes Lied Ohne Text, Schäferhund Tierheim Baden-württemberg, Nebenberufliche Künstlerische Tätigkeit, Lol Accounts Epvp, Der Geist Der Weihnacht Irischer Segenswunsch, Vw T4 Maximale Tieferlegung, Alfred Maydorn Bewertung, Die Moldau Komponist, " /> Cats. (Also keep in mind for every mana potion you have to use, it COULD have been a haste potion instead). That and an Epic Flyer will get you all the money you’ll ever need as long as you know a JC who can prospect your ore. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I have too much active haste, but not enough passive haste. The only downside is that it has a much higher mana consumption rate than the 1:1 macro. 14 Ranged Attack Power = 1 DPS (Of course, this is a baseline figure. Tried to do the best analysis with the information I had, obviously need a much more in depth analysis, but was just trying to deep dive into it the best I can with what we had when i made the video. Thus, when you have a high itemlevel, Haste is crazy valuable. Below build has a few talents that could be changed due to personal preference while remaining effective. I swear this is the third video I've seen for hunter pre bis lists posted to this sub, but I haven't seen it for any other classes. You just need enough mana to be able to go 15 minutes at least before dropping under 15% with Hawk on while using Mana Pots. You could choose the Master Tactician Talent if you don’t think you have enough crit. 13 thoughts on “The Hunter Enchants Cheat Sheet: Burning Crusade Edition” Maebius says: September 24, 2008 at 12:00 PM Thanks for this list! Alternate Surv Build: Gets you 2% more agility and some extra intellect at the cost of Thrill of the Hunt. Blizzard humps. Anything else is optional. Honestly don't recall MM ever eclipsing BM throughout TBC. You could move the extra point around thats in Imp Stings and the three in Imp Barrage (if you don’t need the extra 12% crit for Multishot), and the Go for the Throat points if you aren’t confident in your pets ability to live. I was going to put this in a separate page, but it is all a part of Hunter Juju. First thing you need to know is that Ravagers and Scorpids are the best raiding pets (along with Wind Serpents if you can manage spamming follow and lightning bolt). Run Karahzan a million times, buy the new badge gear, top DPS charts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Then drag him to it and let him be frozen. However, if you don’t have a tier 6 bow, that Badge Bow, no matter WHAT, is necessary. The problem would probably fix itself if I kept Aspect of the Hawk up, but we have a supreme shortage of Shadowpriests in our hunter groups. Alliance players might also have access to draenei hit buff in the party. Here is a list of all instances in TBC Classic, including both dungeons and raids, along with the level ranges and locations. 2:3 is very different so let me explain it. Additionally, Hunters have the following roles: * Healer Babysitter (Distracting Shot, Scatter Shot, Traps), * Buffing the Melee Group (This is our primary role. /cast [exists,target=pettarget] Gore(Rank 9). They won't be adding fully automatic matchmaking, but may provide a better way for players to list their groups. You should probably /castrandom Beastial Wrath, Rapid Fire, Trinkets, Items But you dont have to. 27 Nov. 2020: Updated the Trinket Sims. The raid food you mention, spicy hot talbuk, is only obtainable as a rare reward from the cooking daily which was put in during patch 2.3 (ZA patch), and depending on blizzard's content release this might not be available. 27 Nov. 2020: Updated the BiS Cloak and Trinket Sims. This can change a lot. Fail Hunters will pull 350 DPS in a raid. Thanks to Classic WoW community and many contributors, you can check here the best gear for your Hunter during all the phases of WoW Classic. Anyway, you are the master of soloing. That noted, it should be pretty obvious what you need. Step 1) Place Ice Trap far away from pull (usually around a wall so u can LOS pull off the tank). Step 3) Go to the opposite side of the room where no one else is but you can still shoot from and drop a trap there. /cast Tranquilizing Shot But your personal dps will be pretty sad compared to Mr. BM. BiS Gear (best in slot) is the list of the best items and enchantments you can get for your Survival Hunter & Marksmanship Hunter in PvE. Here's a quick and dirty trick for you: grind your tier 3 because you won't have pre bis for magtheridon week 1. In raids, if I see you with growl on, I chop off your head. First, three tidbits. that wont work because blizz broke a lot of those macros. Surv Hunters: Shoot for 600 Agility min. For Rogues and Enhance Shammies, the Shard and DST are the best Trinkets in-game. 3) Shackle done by a Shadowpriest with maxed Spellhit (god help you if your healer has +hit) is more reliable than Ice Trap, and it is only usable on undeads. I assume they wont add it back in for TBC. 25 Dec. 2020: Updated the BiS List to include Raid Items as well as Mythic+ items. Kylani's signet is an ALDOR ONLY quest in netherstorm just fyi; scryers do not have access to this. 09 Jan. 2021: Added note about the Inscrutable Quantum Device and updated the Best in Slot list. This trinket is now exclusively yours (uhh and its for Ret Pallies… which I lost to QQ). TBC Information: Server: IMPORTANT: THERE WILL BE NO FRESH SERVERS FOR CLASSIC OR TBC. Jrti. Beast Lord Helm – Mech – Pathaleon the Calculator. 3) If you ARE BM, get enough so that with IMP HAWK (if you use it) + any other frequent haste effects don’t push you past the GCD, but get you RIGHT NEXT TO IT. Ebon netherscale set is a lot better then primalstrike. in the macros). 23 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands. If 14 AP = 1 DPS, you want a bunch. Jrti 0 Posted April 10, 2019. I’m a hunter just turning 67 and was planning on starting to research the very things myself this weekend! This is why I use a .01), /cast Beastial Wrath 2) Don’t beat the GCD (BM): This means you don’t want to create a situation where you are clipping autshots because you cant GCD. The only thing I flat out disagree with is that the boe and crafted pieces will be 'easy to get' because they are boe/crafted....unless you are on a dead or pve server expect to spend significant time trying to farm those. Technically, as long as your unbuffed agil would give an Expose Weakness >= Marks TSA Aura, you’re good to raid. Giving players access to Blood Elves and Draenei early. Burning Crusade Classic LFG Tool may use modern group finder conveniences using elements from the retail group finder instead of the original Looking for Group Interface Tool introduced in patch 2.0.1. of The Burning Crusade. Prebis doesn't matter that much except as filler content between raids the first few weeks. Theres your magic number BM hunters. However, in TBC itemization has drastically improved and it is possible to obtain gear that covers both your conservation and throughput needs. You can change these talents depending on how many Hunters you have in the raid. 12 Oct. 2020: Page updated for the Shadowlands pre-patch. In the Burning Crusade, Hunters could use 1 macro for maximum dps with Beast Mastery Spec. Remember, the shot rotation is Auto Steady Arc/Multi (When CDs are up) You can also throw in silencing shots for when they aren’t up and you have the space for an extra shot, but depending on your mana pool you may not want to do that. Changing rotation on the fly is part of Hunter JUJU. Notes: Tranq shot can sometimes break AutoAttack depending on what patch it currently is. You are literally just a mouse wheel spinner. In Pre-Kara Gear, it is not terrible to be at 450. Ok, in the week or two that it might take you to get to 70, it is very useful. This guide will list the recommended gear for Hunters to acquire before raiding in Classic WoW, and contains gear sourced from dungeons, early PvP grinding, professions, BoE … What i’m saying is, if your rotation is auto-stead-SOMETHING, dont make it Auto-steady-wait-repeat by giving yourself too little time. Badras: Guys I will not be here tonight one of my best friends from highschool is moving back to europe I have to see him off. Giving players access to Blood Elves and Draenei early. Personally, I take this as a bug, but even so, this is the BEST DPS MACRO FOR A BM HUNTER. ), 22.08 Critical Strike Rating = +1% Critical Hit, Haste Rating needed for +1% Haste = 10.51, Parry Rating needed for +1% Parry = 31.54. We cover a variety of games and expansions including World of Warcraft, Fallout 4, … Depending on how close the boss is to dead, you may want to throw Viper on earlier. Compiled list of TBC information for those unaware or don't watch Blizzcon. Good News for All Hunters: With the Shard of Contempt in the game, no rogue will ever need the Tsunami Talisman EVER AGAIN. If you don’t mind being totally unable to do anything with your professions, pick up Mining and Herbalism. You don't even mention adamantite weightstones. IMPORTANT: Take Special Care when using ANY haste effects (DST PROC, ABACUS, IMP AOTH, RAPID FIRE) NOT TO CLIP YOUR AUTOSHOTS. My ravager uses Gore as a focus dump, Biting when the CD is up. Important Note: You need alot of Agility to be Surv. The points in the BM tree and in IMP HM are also movable. 1:1.5 will AS for you, and do Arc one rotation, Multi the next, arc the third, and leave you hanging with 2 Unfinished Cooldowns on another one. /cast Steady shot Gnarly Guides is a site for gamers looking for gaming guides and gaming news! I have had 6k for the longest time (in my rogue gear lolz) and I must say, I don’t like it. does the list include a mouse with a free-scrolling mouse wheel for your auto shot macro? Prebis doesn't matter that much … Keep in mind the veterans musket is alliance only, horde get a bow (cant recall if you mention this). Storm Helm – BoE Blacksmithing. TBC - Hunter pre-bis gear? It occurred to me at work that I never set down the law. A hunter set refers to a collection of equipment with a hunter class restriction that provides an additional bonus when worn together or simply are desirable from a Transmogrification standpoint. If you find there is a fight where you hit your chain trap limit, make sure you have trapping gear for it. With that in mind we have gathered a pre-raid BiS list prior to Kara. Here's a quick and dirty trick for you: grind your tier 3 because you won't have pre bis for magtheridon week 1. 2) Mages have to pay alot of attention to their sheeps. You may not be a Rogue, but this stat is still the best “Bang per Budget Point” for you until you get capped. Was reading and in 2.4.1 Blizz made it so they didnt affect ranged attacks anymore, unsure if it will be the same or not on live. The Idea here is that when the frozen mob breaks, he runs toward u across the room, giving you time to Conc shot him again until he slowly waners onto the trap just a few centimeters in front of you. #showtooltip Steady Shot The only reasons I can come up with for not taking Hunter Badge Gear is 1) Mental Handicap 2) Too much passive Haste already 3) Tier 6? You can move the points from Imp Rez to Imp Mend, but I recommend Imp Rez, since your HoT can’t always save your pet, and it gives you a really fast and cheap rez if he dies (unavoidable on some fights). Martyn Ford Krank, Satisfactory Update 4 Release, Bekanntes Lied Ohne Text, Schäferhund Tierheim Baden-württemberg, Nebenberufliche Künstlerische Tätigkeit, Lol Accounts Epvp, Der Geist Der Weihnacht Irischer Segenswunsch, Vw T4 Maximale Tieferlegung, Alfred Maydorn Bewertung, Die Moldau Komponist, " />

tbc bis list hunter

***DISCLAIMER**** Fan made this up with minimal research. This spec is slightly less flexible than the previous, and has a ‘waste point’ floating around in the Marks Tree. This is a Holy/Prot/Ret Paladin Pre-Raid Best in Slot list for The World of Warcraft Burning Crusade expansion. For this section, I’m not gonna give you any specific stat quantities, just guidelines. It is still necessary for mental handicaps. Haste is how you will make your rotation as tight as possible. Windserpents are AMAZING pets because they can Focus Dump at a range. SurvHunters require less Mana (Ala Thrill of the Hunt) but will still need a good pool. WTF is up with that? The BOP gear is certainly not on par with your tiers, and costs more than tailoring’s T6 Shadowpriest gear. "no bs" starts immediately talking about random shit, The seventyupgrades link on the youtube page does not have your meta gem active (needs another yellow I think). /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show(), 1:1.5: Marks/Surv ONLY |Auto-Steady-Arc/Mult|, #showtooltip Steady Shot /cast [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command /castrandom Arcane Shot, Multi Shot Surv Hunters will find an easy time hitting the cap at 95, not just because it is so low, but because they will be using Rogue gear, which has hit on it. Moves like Gore and Bite can actually be at the top of the macro if you want. Also, haste is the best stat conversion for our class (better than AP:DPS). What this means is that INT is suddenly very important to you, as it will not only buff your total mana, but also buff your aspect of the Viper. Get that first, then buff both gradually. I cant describe it well in words, but if you get your attack speed less than 1.7 you will see it. /castsequence reset=# Steady Shot, !Auto Shot At that point you should throw on Aspect of the Viper. The bottom line is that you have to try BOTH and see what works EVERY time your attack speed changes. A Focus Dump is a pet ability that can actually keep up with his energy regen rate (specifically BM, since your pet will not have very much energy as any other spec). As it is extremely important. You could also use a drum/trinket/Rapid Fire/Beastial Wrath in the space of the Fourth Rotation. This used to bethe top DPS macro for hunters in the game. XP nerf from Patch 2.3. I use it and my rotation STILL works with the cloak of fiends and the DST so bam. I swear this is the third video I've seen for hunter pre bis lists posted to this sub, but I haven't seen it for any other classes. By Jrti, April 10, 2019 in The Burning Crusade. Crit % 4. Compiled list of TBC information for those unaware or don't watch Blizzcon. It is a hole created by the toggle on Autoshot (the same reason we use the ! But overall, hunters are gatherers. From what I was reading, hunters will be going Aldor 100%. However, when I was BM and in the process of switching to surv, I had a 35%-40% Crit Chance with that 1500 AP (and the battlemaster crit trinket) so, balance your stats. lol), * Raid Marker (Generally Speaking, our primary role is so simple we have the ability to help other people be in the right place by just standing around with icons on our heads). Proven with Scientific methods to be the top DPS build for a Raiding hunter. - Hosted by Shivtr. Another day, another Hunter's Guide #wowclassic. If you can do that, and do it well, your raid leader wont hate you, nor will the other 15 dpsers make comments about how retarded you are behind your back. Don’t be disheartened though, I haven’t done under 1k with this, but with my current setup, I’m in this exact wrong spot. A custom transmog set created with Wowhead's Dressing Room tool. Health: 8k Unbuffed Minimum- Don’t Debate This. This is an Arcane/Fire/Frost Mage Pre-Raid Best in Slot list for The World of Warcraft Burning Crusade expansion. /cast !Auto Shot Do it. Yes, the macro will auto-adjust for you, but it isn’t a catch-all. Until we know fight durations (esp with blizzard announced 'increased difficulty'), it is too soon to tell imho. If you intend to maybe even attempt survival, Primalstrike will always be the choice. This can change a lot. Burning Crusade Classic will use Patch 2.4.3 balance throughout its whole lifespan. Deal with it if you are Surv/MM. Step 2) When you tag your mob, Conc shot it if your trap CD is not up yet. First, you will have already realized that 2:3 is the same ratio as 1:1.5 in math. This is essential for hunters to know how to do for Moroes, although the particular mob you’ll be trapping in there is a nice guy and gives you PLENTY of CD time. This spec is very flexible. It will come down solely to gear in your raids as to which BM hunter does more damage. Thanks mate, really appreciate the feedback and agree with your points :). Note: Most of the Hunter Sunwell Badge Gear includes Haste, along with having about the same Agi/AP/Crit as Tier 5 epics and it should be pretty obvious that you would want those pieces of gear. Autoshot is anywhere from 49-51% of your DPS in a raid, don’t clip it, even if it means not Arc shotting. If you have an inkling of what you are doing, you should never be below 700 on a boss fight (when you have ideal stats). In the Hunter Outfits category. Personally, I just use an Auto/Steady macro and throw in the extra shots myself, but that is because I use the DST and frequently have to change rotation. Gladiator’s Chain Helm – Arena Season 1 Reward. In BT & SWP, we rolled three hunters, one SV & the other two were BM. It’s Pretty Necessary to Survive some Raid Damage. At certain attack speeds it WILL do less damage than the 1-1 macro. Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list from pre-raid content for Hunters in WoW Classic. Find up to date and detailed Profession Guides for TBC Classic on Warcraft Tavern. You are permitted to switch to Auto/Arc if you feel you are honestly going that fast, but that only works for one cycle…. In order to unlock the heroic level of … 23 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands. That doesn’t mean you NEED to be hit capped, but it is certainly advantageous, and if you are TRANQ shotting you HAVE to be capped. Yeah the gems I didn't bother too much with, you can mix and match as you like while leaning for agi/crit rating as much as possible to get the meta gem working. Helm of Desolation – BM – Aeonus. Gore is better than claw, no matter how you look at it, so Ravagers > Cats. (Also keep in mind for every mana potion you have to use, it COULD have been a haste potion instead). That and an Epic Flyer will get you all the money you’ll ever need as long as you know a JC who can prospect your ore. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I have too much active haste, but not enough passive haste. The only downside is that it has a much higher mana consumption rate than the 1:1 macro. 14 Ranged Attack Power = 1 DPS (Of course, this is a baseline figure. Tried to do the best analysis with the information I had, obviously need a much more in depth analysis, but was just trying to deep dive into it the best I can with what we had when i made the video. Thus, when you have a high itemlevel, Haste is crazy valuable. Below build has a few talents that could be changed due to personal preference while remaining effective. I swear this is the third video I've seen for hunter pre bis lists posted to this sub, but I haven't seen it for any other classes. You just need enough mana to be able to go 15 minutes at least before dropping under 15% with Hawk on while using Mana Pots. You could choose the Master Tactician Talent if you don’t think you have enough crit. 13 thoughts on “The Hunter Enchants Cheat Sheet: Burning Crusade Edition” Maebius says: September 24, 2008 at 12:00 PM Thanks for this list! Alternate Surv Build: Gets you 2% more agility and some extra intellect at the cost of Thrill of the Hunt. Blizzard humps. Anything else is optional. Honestly don't recall MM ever eclipsing BM throughout TBC. You could move the extra point around thats in Imp Stings and the three in Imp Barrage (if you don’t need the extra 12% crit for Multishot), and the Go for the Throat points if you aren’t confident in your pets ability to live. I was going to put this in a separate page, but it is all a part of Hunter Juju. First thing you need to know is that Ravagers and Scorpids are the best raiding pets (along with Wind Serpents if you can manage spamming follow and lightning bolt). Run Karahzan a million times, buy the new badge gear, top DPS charts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Then drag him to it and let him be frozen. However, if you don’t have a tier 6 bow, that Badge Bow, no matter WHAT, is necessary. The problem would probably fix itself if I kept Aspect of the Hawk up, but we have a supreme shortage of Shadowpriests in our hunter groups. Alliance players might also have access to draenei hit buff in the party. Here is a list of all instances in TBC Classic, including both dungeons and raids, along with the level ranges and locations. 2:3 is very different so let me explain it. Additionally, Hunters have the following roles: * Healer Babysitter (Distracting Shot, Scatter Shot, Traps), * Buffing the Melee Group (This is our primary role. /cast [exists,target=pettarget] Gore(Rank 9). They won't be adding fully automatic matchmaking, but may provide a better way for players to list their groups. You should probably /castrandom Beastial Wrath, Rapid Fire, Trinkets, Items But you dont have to. 27 Nov. 2020: Updated the Trinket Sims. The raid food you mention, spicy hot talbuk, is only obtainable as a rare reward from the cooking daily which was put in during patch 2.3 (ZA patch), and depending on blizzard's content release this might not be available. 27 Nov. 2020: Updated the BiS Cloak and Trinket Sims. This can change a lot. Fail Hunters will pull 350 DPS in a raid. Thanks to Classic WoW community and many contributors, you can check here the best gear for your Hunter during all the phases of WoW Classic. Anyway, you are the master of soloing. That noted, it should be pretty obvious what you need. Step 1) Place Ice Trap far away from pull (usually around a wall so u can LOS pull off the tank). Step 3) Go to the opposite side of the room where no one else is but you can still shoot from and drop a trap there. /cast Tranquilizing Shot But your personal dps will be pretty sad compared to Mr. BM. BiS Gear (best in slot) is the list of the best items and enchantments you can get for your Survival Hunter & Marksmanship Hunter in PvE. Here's a quick and dirty trick for you: grind your tier 3 because you won't have pre bis for magtheridon week 1. In raids, if I see you with growl on, I chop off your head. First, three tidbits. that wont work because blizz broke a lot of those macros. Surv Hunters: Shoot for 600 Agility min. For Rogues and Enhance Shammies, the Shard and DST are the best Trinkets in-game. 3) Shackle done by a Shadowpriest with maxed Spellhit (god help you if your healer has +hit) is more reliable than Ice Trap, and it is only usable on undeads. I assume they wont add it back in for TBC. 25 Dec. 2020: Updated the BiS List to include Raid Items as well as Mythic+ items. Kylani's signet is an ALDOR ONLY quest in netherstorm just fyi; scryers do not have access to this. 09 Jan. 2021: Added note about the Inscrutable Quantum Device and updated the Best in Slot list. This trinket is now exclusively yours (uhh and its for Ret Pallies… which I lost to QQ). TBC Information: Server: IMPORTANT: THERE WILL BE NO FRESH SERVERS FOR CLASSIC OR TBC. Jrti. Beast Lord Helm – Mech – Pathaleon the Calculator. 3) If you ARE BM, get enough so that with IMP HAWK (if you use it) + any other frequent haste effects don’t push you past the GCD, but get you RIGHT NEXT TO IT. Ebon netherscale set is a lot better then primalstrike. in the macros). 23 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands. If 14 AP = 1 DPS, you want a bunch. Jrti 0 Posted April 10, 2019. I’m a hunter just turning 67 and was planning on starting to research the very things myself this weekend! This is why I use a .01), /cast Beastial Wrath 2) Don’t beat the GCD (BM): This means you don’t want to create a situation where you are clipping autshots because you cant GCD. The only thing I flat out disagree with is that the boe and crafted pieces will be 'easy to get' because they are boe/crafted....unless you are on a dead or pve server expect to spend significant time trying to farm those. Technically, as long as your unbuffed agil would give an Expose Weakness >= Marks TSA Aura, you’re good to raid. Giving players access to Blood Elves and Draenei early. Burning Crusade Classic LFG Tool may use modern group finder conveniences using elements from the retail group finder instead of the original Looking for Group Interface Tool introduced in patch 2.0.1. of The Burning Crusade. Prebis doesn't matter that much except as filler content between raids the first few weeks. Theres your magic number BM hunters. However, in TBC itemization has drastically improved and it is possible to obtain gear that covers both your conservation and throughput needs. You can change these talents depending on how many Hunters you have in the raid. 12 Oct. 2020: Page updated for the Shadowlands pre-patch. In the Burning Crusade, Hunters could use 1 macro for maximum dps with Beast Mastery Spec. Remember, the shot rotation is Auto Steady Arc/Multi (When CDs are up) You can also throw in silencing shots for when they aren’t up and you have the space for an extra shot, but depending on your mana pool you may not want to do that. Changing rotation on the fly is part of Hunter JUJU. Notes: Tranq shot can sometimes break AutoAttack depending on what patch it currently is. You are literally just a mouse wheel spinner. In Pre-Kara Gear, it is not terrible to be at 450. Ok, in the week or two that it might take you to get to 70, it is very useful. This guide will list the recommended gear for Hunters to acquire before raiding in Classic WoW, and contains gear sourced from dungeons, early PvP grinding, professions, BoE … What i’m saying is, if your rotation is auto-stead-SOMETHING, dont make it Auto-steady-wait-repeat by giving yourself too little time. Badras: Guys I will not be here tonight one of my best friends from highschool is moving back to europe I have to see him off. Giving players access to Blood Elves and Draenei early. Personally, I take this as a bug, but even so, this is the BEST DPS MACRO FOR A BM HUNTER. ), 22.08 Critical Strike Rating = +1% Critical Hit, Haste Rating needed for +1% Haste = 10.51, Parry Rating needed for +1% Parry = 31.54. We cover a variety of games and expansions including World of Warcraft, Fallout 4, … Depending on how close the boss is to dead, you may want to throw Viper on earlier. Compiled list of TBC information for those unaware or don't watch Blizzcon. Good News for All Hunters: With the Shard of Contempt in the game, no rogue will ever need the Tsunami Talisman EVER AGAIN. If you don’t mind being totally unable to do anything with your professions, pick up Mining and Herbalism. You don't even mention adamantite weightstones. IMPORTANT: Take Special Care when using ANY haste effects (DST PROC, ABACUS, IMP AOTH, RAPID FIRE) NOT TO CLIP YOUR AUTOSHOTS. My ravager uses Gore as a focus dump, Biting when the CD is up. Important Note: You need alot of Agility to be Surv. The points in the BM tree and in IMP HM are also movable. 1:1.5 will AS for you, and do Arc one rotation, Multi the next, arc the third, and leave you hanging with 2 Unfinished Cooldowns on another one. /cast Steady shot Gnarly Guides is a site for gamers looking for gaming guides and gaming news! I have had 6k for the longest time (in my rogue gear lolz) and I must say, I don’t like it. does the list include a mouse with a free-scrolling mouse wheel for your auto shot macro? Prebis doesn't matter that much … Keep in mind the veterans musket is alliance only, horde get a bow (cant recall if you mention this). Storm Helm – BoE Blacksmithing. TBC - Hunter pre-bis gear? It occurred to me at work that I never set down the law. A hunter set refers to a collection of equipment with a hunter class restriction that provides an additional bonus when worn together or simply are desirable from a Transmogrification standpoint. If you find there is a fight where you hit your chain trap limit, make sure you have trapping gear for it. With that in mind we have gathered a pre-raid BiS list prior to Kara. Here's a quick and dirty trick for you: grind your tier 3 because you won't have pre bis for magtheridon week 1. 2) Mages have to pay alot of attention to their sheeps. You may not be a Rogue, but this stat is still the best “Bang per Budget Point” for you until you get capped. Was reading and in 2.4.1 Blizz made it so they didnt affect ranged attacks anymore, unsure if it will be the same or not on live. The Idea here is that when the frozen mob breaks, he runs toward u across the room, giving you time to Conc shot him again until he slowly waners onto the trap just a few centimeters in front of you. #showtooltip Steady Shot The only reasons I can come up with for not taking Hunter Badge Gear is 1) Mental Handicap 2) Too much passive Haste already 3) Tier 6? You can move the points from Imp Rez to Imp Mend, but I recommend Imp Rez, since your HoT can’t always save your pet, and it gives you a really fast and cheap rez if he dies (unavoidable on some fights).

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