Eventually with enough Courage, your characters will be able to one-shot the Clones to win the match. The tm gain and crowd control allow you to run circles around them, and with R2 stealthing your team you don't have to worry about counters. you need to have speed advantage here, so good modding is required. Then go for Revan. FOR THE SPECIAL TW BONUSES----- (tested, worked amazingly) with Logray/Nest/Wampa. Vs NON-Malak. Need to dispel Baze's taunt while removing Chirrut's protection and focusing on Chirrut hard. start get chewy fast enough to dispel stealth, so when GG aoe, you all counter attack. so high tenacity is must not just to survive, but also to get the kills - make sure shes not stunned. This list is put together by a group in the TW/GA counters Discord. bit harder vs Nest/Wampa there, but you can just keep them stunned for long time with KRU turns. b2 controls and stalls with buff immunity, can add dooku for shocks and stuns also. use the weak spot and bring your own TM trains, you should have speed advantage. General Strategy: Avoid Nightsister Zombie's constant taunting [dispel / buff immunity] or work around it [strong AoEs]. With Logray, Wicket, Scout Strategy - Better offense capabilities than Traya's Defense capabilities. 2 approaches to counter faster teams. Details: Enfys Nest (solo) excels against teams that have a high attack rate but low power output. If target ally is a Clone Trooper, they gain 25% Critical Damage (max 5 stacks) until the end of the battle. Kill 5s then Shaak Ti/Echo. Below is a list of counters for Territory Wars and Grand Arena. can also get rid of Zarris using IPD. 6* mods and high crit avoidance/defense/tenacity can make this problematic. your team should be as good as theirs if you want to beat. Slow Padme team. the % damage - plague. Details: Turn meter gain, high damage and assists from BB-8, annoying foresights and recoveries from Rey (Jedi Training). might still fail if Malak have CAvoidance arrow. 0. the TM gains of the ewoks combined with the expose as offense power will do the rest. Be patient, stack protection up. aco hide and basics call revives. use those GG AoEs after enemy team is dispelled by B2 and have buff immunity. Big damage, high-medium TM gain. Defensive team. If you got GS isolated, have Graceful Assault (Kick) from Padme ready. She gains stacking crit chance and protection every time she is damaged before her turn (these reset at the end of her turn). Rebels (CLS) Overwhelm them with damage. General Strategy: Outspeed them, use the mass debuffs for your own good, or just very high offensive capabilities. Nest isnt problem due to Saber Toss or Wampa increased damage. so use Chewie and maybe even c3po in case of top trayas. General Strategy: Buff immunities (+Isolate + Fracture + zeta Imperial Probe Droid) to deny buffing and stacking of protection-up and bonus % damage. Counter Strategy: Note: this counter is subject to change due to the Darth Vader rework. No debuffs can stick (counter to Jango), kill Boba first, Nest could be tricky (kill her last), Boba and Jango will revive. However, while Territory Wars includes two players facing off in head to head competition.… Starck going before bossk will make this much easier tho. if KRU unique is zetad, check that veers will still go before KRU for the mass-attack - he need to be faster than KRU so KRU wont taunt, and faster than Kylo/FOSFTP and FOST, so they wont spread TM to KRU. Home Uncategorised swgoh counter teams 2020. swgoh counter teams 2020. Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, TIE Fighter Pilot, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Count Dooku, Deathtrooper, Director Krennic, Wampa, BSF, Darth Traya, Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Nest, Darth Vader, Sith Trooper, Grand Moff Tarkin, BSF, Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight Anakin, Old Ben, Ezra Bridger, Young Han Solo, Mission Vao, Han Solo + Chewbacca, Young Lando Calrissian, Cad Bane, Barris, Bistan, C-3PO, Scarif Rebel Pathfinder, Han Solo + Chewbacca, Grand Master Yoda, Jolee, General Kenobi, Bastila Shan, Ezra Bridger, Hermit Yoda, Old Ben, Juhani. ZQGJ team (g11) - can dispel, can assist. What do you usualy do with Shaak Ti after you've gotten GAS? bring a tank to burst the veers AoEs on him and defend logray. SWGOH Shaak Ti Counters Based on 585 GAC Battles analyzed this season. It may be beneficial to save abilities that don't deal damage for this moment, so you don't waste your first damage-dealing attack after her turn with a low-damage attack that she could easily heal from. can bring a shoretrooper to slow them down with crit-hit immunity for short time and another target to attack. You should use annihilate on Revan or Bindo if he is in the team. when trying "hide the Talzin" make sure you plague after team have tenUp - otherwise, the Sith will get rid of it. Use C-3PO's confuse as a daze to stop the counters and assists. Use confuse as a daze to stop the counters and assists. For JTR's assist attack, always call BB-8 (if he has Rolling with the Punches zeta) because he will call another Resistance ally to assist. If they are using Enfys Nest, kill her last. Counter Video---- : https://youtu.be/ONWYYfmWp5I. Counter Strategy: Keep CT-7567 "Rex" and Shaak Ti stunned. Need high gear. Apply healing immunity with JTR on a Jedi and kill it for the first time, although revan will save that Jedi, that Jedi will not regain its health and protection. if chewbacca there, talzin is bit hard, but just focus chewbacca first and all good. Counter Strategy: Use Jedi Knight Revan's Direct Focus to Mark Shaak Ti and take her out first. just put tons of debuffs to get tons of TM. BitDynasty. You need a fast Jango Fett with high potency so you can land Conflagration, which will prevent them from gaining turn meter. DN is must for annihilates, traya so DN won't be debuffed. Palp team, with speed advantage - need vader to go first and feed TM to all. You want your BB-8 to go before their Darth Vader, otherwise you'll end up relying on RNG for a win. dont bring him to less than 100% HP until DN annihilate ready. Starck must outspeed Vader. Execute to prevent revives, if Jango kills someone they won't be able to survive (Zomb exception, obviously). (L ability). fit only for low-medium level phoenix squad, but thats a use for Clones, who dont have much uses. Having healers or high health steal is effective. Shaak Ti and target ally recover 35% of their Health and Protection. keep Kylo' AoE to spread TM, keep doing damage and remove TM with FOO and FoX. [Veers Mass attack] Also try to avoid the debuffs from Cassian, K-2SO and Baze. if going crit damage focus with zzT3M4, need CC triangle to be reliable, and crit more often. SWGOH Shaak Ti Counters Based on 2,612 GAC Battles analyzed this season. isolate, then fracture Revan (need to outspeed when Jolee), super fast Thrawn (extra 30 speed). when your team start to die, GG can AoE 2-3 times and finish them. Counter Strategy: A fast Chirrut Ãmwe is useful to apply tenacity up ASAP. Holdo for dazing them. G11+ with lot of Assists and strong damage. Han+Chewbacca aren't must here. no specific kill order for that team - but focusing Bast/DR usually first to make life easier. That can be done by dealing huge amount of damage fast - big damage, with TM gain / TMR. just "hide the DN", survive, control enemies with fracture+iso and use annihilates. shore can help as meatbag and some crit-hit immunity for one turn. Han needs offense and speed, Chewie a lot of tenacity!!! plague and stuns will do the job. With Zavage Keep Dark Infusion on Darth Malak as much as possible to boost his damage output to quickly take out the Clone Troopers after you knock Gen. Skywalker down. Deal good damage in a single turn that surpass their heals [calling assist/simply high damage/high TM gain]. 3v3 - Palpatine vs Geos | SWGOH GAC EP vs GBA Counter. Strategy - Avoid Zombie taunting 24/7 [dispel / buff immunity] or work around it [strong AoEs], heals [HoTs, healers, high health steal], Counter Video---- : https://youtu.be/Vux466cgJ5Q, Lead give HP+Protection heals on resist/inflicting debuffs, boba's execute make sure no revive. Counter Strategy: Don't try this team if Enfys Nest is paired with a fast Bounty Hunter or Old Republic (Carth L) team - the AoEs will overwhelm you. with boba there and some thermal detonators, its getting easy. Rex L - Titans or Hide the DN/Talzin/Wampa/Solo. cant rely on debuffs/have really high potency (if Fallen Bast there, she and Carth 80% tenacity, rest 30%) bypass the crit avoidance (Zaalbar+Mission 55% CAvoidance, rest 30%). Focus on the weakest enemy first to get the turn meter rolling to be able to use Death Trooper's Deathmark ASAP. Counter Strategy: Note: this counter is subject to change due to the Darth Vader rework. Rex has the potential to be the fastest toon in the game with his unique on top of Shaak Ti’s lead speed boost. Counter Strategy: The turn meter gain and crowd control will make this a more manageable fight. Amilyn Holdo is highly recommended for the AoE daze. Stacking Dots and dealing big damage at once. Give Wat's Baktoid Shield Generator to Enfys Nest to recover Protection and dispel debuffs. Details: Double (Han+CLS): offensive team, high crits, high damage, high TM gain, and lot of counter attacks. The AI Bounty Hunters will inherently have a problem attacking Nest with the correct strategy. Put your best team in top front zone and next best two teams in bottom front zone and pray. If CT-5555 "Fives" has his zeta, you should consider taking him second or maybe even first, depending on the situation. Counter Strategy: Best counter. need to have enough damage to finish in 5 mins, this team will require strong teams to beat. Strategy : outspeed them, use the mass debuffs for your own good, or just very high offensive capabilities. Kill Boba first. GG super high HP build, with crit focus. Mine is R2 but Im not sure if she is supposed to replace someone from the Padme,GK,Anakin,C3p0 and Ahsoka lineup, or just lead the two remaining clones and throw in random chars? With Zarris so you won't die suddenly. Let them kill themselves. Darth Vader's first attack will be Merciless Massacre, which can deal a lot of damage and feed turn meter to their team. Zarris optional. You want to kill Old Daka 3 times (to stop the auto revives and her revives), kill Mother Talzin, kill Asajj Ventress (because she's more powerful now due to the deaths), kill 4th, then kill Enfys Nest last. Be careful with G12 zeta Phoenix, use equally geared zeta'd teams. Vs Shaak Ti they'll kill themselves. Use Mind Tricks from Old Ben. Vs CLS Trio and Quartet : attacking from stealth (r2) and from assists (bb-8) while having higher TM gain than CLS' team. option B) tanky traya, with thrawn + Fallen Bast. just kill chewbacca, GMY insane damage will carry it. Qira Nest Hoda. Counter Video---- : https://youtu.be/t716cZAwj2M. Phasma also cool here. Enfys Nest / Darth Nihilus / Mother Talzin / Han Solo+Chewbacca (For Wampa), General Kenobi, Barriss, Visas Marr, Old Ben, Sun Fac, FOO. Dispelling, healing immunity, TM gain, lot of damage from exposes. Counter Strategy: Consider adding Visas Marr to a team, as her Piercing Strike ignores Protection. KRU use his stun on GMY to stop the buffs and slow GMY down. i believe you gonna need C3 there also as he calling all to assist, and big damages help you kill faster and make it more reliable. When Enfys Nest is debuffed, use Jango's Conflagaration, which will drop her max HP by 25%. With Vader to have big TM advantage. Counter Strategy: Note: this counter is subject to change due to the Darth Vader rework. Counter Video---- : Start at 12:20, and with Tarkin, start with 16:51. Keep it up clash! Fracture Revan and focus Yoda to kill him twice. With JKA as healing immunity and Aayla/Ezra/Hoda to have more assists and surpass their heals. Kill Boba Fett first. Buffs, high Protection pool, high tenacity. swgoh counter to geos. but in both cases, you can have slower DR, slower Bast, enemy have malak and you dont - and it can win reliably. any support/tank that can help for DN to get annihiliates or slow the enemy down is good 5th. High damage from IGs, plus tm gain, cc/cd gain and heal from JEngineer. Oh and spy can one shot people. Use Clone Sergeant - Phase I's Suppressive Fire AoE. Medpac tech to SLK, Shield to Brute (who dies … Counter Strategy: Keep CT-7567 "Rex" and Shaak Ti ability blocked with Poggle the Lesser, and dispel retribution with Sun Fac. JKR is immune to stun, so maybe you bring JKR, GAS, Chewie. General Strategy: Avoid Nightsister Zombie's constant taunting [dispel / buff immunity] or work around it [strong AoEs]. force them to attack Nest/DT, while you have daze from Maul (or nest). Details: General Skywalker's leadership uses the Advance and Cover mechanics. Be careful to kill CT-5555 "Fives" before CT-21-0408 "Echo" dies. This is a very hard team to beat. Daze and high damage. need the revive and potency from talzin L. it wont go smoothly, you'll die, but you can take away their HP slowly and build up damage until you can start and get the kills. So if the teams is GAS 501st + Shaak Ti, then the Shaak Ti on offense might counter the GAS lead on defense. Your General Starck must outspeed their Darth Vader. GAC S eason 13 - 5v5 Season 13 - 5v5; Season 12 - 3v3; Season 11 - 5v5; Seen Sort By; Win% Avg Banners Seen Seen 750 Win % 99.7% Avg 53 Seen 415 Win % 85.3% Avg 55 Seen 192 Win % 97.4% Avg 54 Seen 138 Win % 97.1% Avg 53 Seen 129 Defensive style traya.. Traya Trio, Thrawn, +1 (Shore, SiT, Dooku,...). in this case, fracture GMY to stop buffs and big damage, because revan will have his turns anyway. make sure DT is there for high bonuses and deathmark against boba. Defensive leads that buy you time with passive healings are best options (Bossk, KRU, Traya). 221 views 2 months ago. G12 and zeta on Kanan and Sabine against high tier NS. Go after Snowtrooper first. Current meta team so god-like modding. Great anti-crit stuff, with also tenacity to dispel the daze. Ability block priority is Bossk (to stop his taunt), then Boba Fett (to stop/delay his ability block), then anyone else who isn't initially stunned by Emperor Palpatine's shock. 625 views 2 months ago. And throughout the encounter, she also gains crit damage and health steal whenever an enemy loses a buff or debuff. Shaak Ti and target ally recover 35% of their Health and Protection. Crit team built on exposes for the TM. ZKRU L (Kylo, FoST, FoO, FoX). will become risky, but still doable. Health equalization and high health steal ensure plague isn't a problem for long. Kill order is: CT-5555 "Fives", Shaak Ti, then CT-21-0408 "Echo". General Strategy: You want teams/characters with Daze, Stun, Stealth, Thermal Detonators, and/or possibly Tenacity Down. 00:03:42. From here on you'll face a massive damage output against you. Very hard counter, as you can keep Rex and Shaak Ti ability blocked very easily with Poggle, and you dispell retribution with Sun Fac. Send GS napping, take Fives first, Rex, Echo, ARC/Ashoka. Stun Nest (if present), kill KRU, kill Kylo, kill the others, hit Nest after each of her turns Rex Hide the MT/Wampa/DN. Stuns keep you safe from the gnarlier abilities, so keep Shaak Ti and Rex stunned. to avoid the crit avoidance - Advantage, Lash out (Kylo), and FoX hitting debuffed enemies. need to be good modded and fast. 221 views 2 months ago. Under Shaak Ti they have bonus stats, excellent regen and a lot of retribution. General Strategy: You want to counter with a team that doesn't rely on debuffs because it will cripple your team. Strategy - Stop the TM gain (Daze/High Tenacity) or outspeed them. Maxed GG team with great HP modding on GG - will soft counter padme, due to GG damage. Select Page. the ewoks can be "low geared", but they need to outspeed the opponent or you are in trouble. If target ally is a Galactic Republic Jedi, they gain 25% Tenacity (max 5 stacks) until the end of the battle. risky cause you let your team die. if GG L is zetad - need to avoid TL, can bring a fast chirrut as 5th (to CLS, Han, Chewie, C3) so he can put tenacity after b2 aoe. If 4th is Nightsister Acolyte, you definitely want a dispeller or you can easily get caught between her stealth and Nightsister Zombie's taunt. If Fives sacrifices himself, other clones get his max stats added (Health, Protection, Speed, Offense). This team has big damage with turn meter gain / turn meter removal. Are other 501st allies active he can't drop below 100% health. 30+ speed from L, along with super-fast Foo will make this very swift fight. if you can use C3 call assist on GG before he do his aoe - best case scenario. Protection up being counted as courage, critical hit immunity, and high single target damage are the perks to using this team. control Padme, kill JKA. General Strategy: Stop the spreading buffs by Grand Master Yoda. Keep Zaalbar and L3-37 shutdown by dispelling them. General Strategy: You'll need to stop the turn meter gain with Daze, Tenacity Up, and/or by outspeeding them and killing the biggest debuffers before the unstoppable train.
Kill order: Grand Admiral Thrawn or Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Grand Moff Tarkin or TIE Fighter Pilot. 3v3 - Palpatine vs Finn | SWGOH GAC EP vs Resistance Heroes Counter ... Palpatine vs Shaak Ti | SWGOH GAC EP vs ST Clones Counter. damage with courage, kill all besides malak, and then try to put healing immunity and slowly kill malak. Got taunt to take damage with sun fac. Vader should go first; Keep Nest for the end, daze with Wampa to block tm gain, kill Daka first, EP shock prevents taunt for GK and Zombie. this is a very hard team, no 'hard counters'. zeta Maul and zeta Savage is needed to make this much easier, as zavage take away the dazes and tanking it. You could sub in Jyn Erso if she has a zeta on Fierce Determination (immune to stun), then on her turn grant Rex 100% turn meter to use his tenacity up. 112 views 2 months ago. Padmé's leadership and unique abilities work well against this team, as the Clones' assists will give their target extra protection, which gets converted to Courage on their turn (only if you don't have a zeta on Padmé's Always a Choice). If Enfys Nest, save her for last. If they are using Enfys Nest, stun her with Han Solo. play on the plague + healing immunity. NOT FULLY TESTED, STILL THEORY ** Dooku L with NS. Optional additions : B2, Sidious, Nest, Wampa. Kill order: Padmé Amidala, Jedi Knight Anakin. NS have no anti-crit mechanic or a way to stop the TM train of FO. They need to damage the weaknes enemy 10 times, so you can slow this down using taunters.
You'll want to deal with Bossk by having someone that can either dispel his taunt or apply ability block/buff immunity before he can taunt.
You'll need good single target damage because this team will heal frequently and the Fetts will revive, so you'll need to kill them twice.
Kill order: Boba Fett, Jango Fett, and other Bounty Hunters, Bossk, then Dengar last (because he'll probably be in stealth until the end). Option A) Tarking lead, w. Thrawn - outspeed them: Annihilate GG first. with zDaka can ensure the NS will survive. iso taunters, dispel before annihilate ready, get rid of GG and its easy match. let the troopers kill themselves with counter attacking. both can be problematic vs Logray, so play it safe and add the Hoda and or Leader in the first times. If 3PO is present, use his special to call Padme. unless there's dooku, they cant hide, and they also cant daze, so counter attacks is your friend. get the contract fast - should be easy enough due to all the debuffs. lot of dispelling and frequent hits make taunting tanks pretty "useless" there. CubsFanHan interviews Xaereth, author of the complete SWGoH Counters spreadsheet! If Anakin naps take out Fives, Rex, Echo, ARC. 00:32:51. Or else, he will sacrifice himself with his Tactical Awareness zeta, which will buff the remaining 501st Clone Troopers and may make it impossible to defeat the remaining allies before GAS returns from his first round of Cover. Let them kill themselves. 3v3 - Padme vs Asajj | SWGOH GAC NS Counter… zzTalzin, zAV, Daka, Zombie, Spirit. Shore can soak up damage, DT dispel, and with Range/DK can have lot of attacks to finally kill. try to Iso/Fracture Padme. weak spots: slow team. … If no Enfys Nest, then kill whichever 4th character is used, then finally Nightsister Zombie. Counter Strategy: Note: this counter is subject to change due to the Darth Vader rework. 6* Mods and G12+ often make her above 100K). if the NS are super high tier and your Troopers arent high tier, DON'T. Attack Sion, gain TM, keep attacking. Both have dispel and the ewoks dont have enough damage to kill them. Zody Clones (g11) - attacking from assists usually, dealing good enough damage, TM Gain. Echo for dispelling, Rex for TenUp, Zody for mass assist on chirrut. Jango Fett's contract is fulfilled by damaging debuffed enemies. Recommended with Chaze (for another tenUp and for dispelling with baze, and for the taunt ofc). Bastila Shan's leadership ability provides enough tenacity to stop Emperor Palpatine's leadership ability giving them tons of turn meters based on debuffs. To start, pre-fight checks are important, especially on specific team compositions. dont allow them getting TM, dont allow them to assist. Details: Jango Fett's leadership gives Scoundrel allies +30 speed, punishes your team for putting debuffs them by lowering your potency and tenacity, and prevents turn meter for anyone with the Burning effect. With Darth Revan, be careful not to use Wild Lightning if you feel it will kill a Clone Trooper before CT-5555 "Fives" dies, or else he'll sacrifice himself and buff the team. General Anakin lead + 501st clones would hinge on the speed of your REX. vs Malaks is much harder and not 100% reliable. Counter Strategy: Try to keep Fear on General Skywalker. the second one will probably go on GK cause he perma-taunt. Rebels offensive power surpass FO defensive powers. Under Mother Talzin's lead, all specials will apply Plague, which ignores Protection and deals 5% HP damage. Your team shoud survive the opening attacks. Remember Boba Fett and Jango Fett will revive. Tons of tm gain under Rex lead. Highly versatile team that can be run under Shaak Ti or Rex lead. For non-revans : Bastila leading top jedi like GMY, GK, Ezra.. lot of offense capabilites, and you have the TM advantage. Need good timing on the hits. need high gear, good 6E mods of health, and bit help from RNGesus. Kill order: BB-8/Resistance Trooper, Rey (Scavenger), Rey (Jedi Training). General Strategy: Need better offensive capabilities than Traya's defense capabilities. Focus on defense. This helps a lot since Count Dooku's Master of Makashi will stealth everyone else (all non-tank Separatists). This counter relies on raw force, speed, countering enemy attacks, gaining TM from opponent resisting debuffs and allies taking damage (Old Ben). tenUp stops the dots, and therefore lot of the damage and heals. Lot of Tenacity to stop the dots for long time. Optional: If TM is on your side take out Rex first, Fives safrifices, take Rex out again (immediately). Captain Rex Is … Boba execute can prevent revive + do huge damage when lot of buffs+DoTs (which will be the case). https://wiki.swgoh.help/index.php?title=Territory_War_and_Grand_Arena_Counter_List&oldid=14563, Hermit Yoda, Grand Master Yoda, General Kenobi, Ezra Bridger, Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight Anakin, Old Ben, Boba Fett, Embo, B2 Super Battle Droid, Dengar, Zarris / L3-37 for B2, other Bounty Hunters, Aayla Secura, Greedo, Princess Leia, Sabine, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Îmwe, CHSolo, Ahsoka (Fulcrum), C-3PO, Old Ben, General Kenobi, Thrawn, Biggs, Commander Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Ahsoka (Fulcrum), Ezra Bridger, C-3PO, Princess Leia, Darth Malak, HK-47, Bastila Shan (Fallen), Sith Trooper, Sith Assassin, Sith Marauder, Thrawn, GMY, KRU, Zombie+MT, Shoretrooper, Kylo Ren, First Order Executioner, First Order Stormtrooper, First Order Officer, Nute Gunray, Dooku, IG88, BB8, IPD, T3-M4, L3-37, Mother Talzin, Darth Nihilus or Han+Chewie (for Wampa), Kanan, B2, L3-37 (for tanks), Snowtrooper, Colonol Starck, Shoretrooper, Rangetrooper, Deathtrooper, Grand Admiral Thrawn (L and non L), IPD, DeathTrooper, Tie Fighter Pilot, Darth Vader, BB-8, R2-D2, Resistance Trooper, Amilyn Holdo, Chopper, C-3PO, L3-37, Rey (Scavenger), General Kenobi, Nest, Geonosian Soldier, Geonosian Spy, Poggle, Sun Fac, Savage Opress, Sith Assassin, Count Dooku, Nest, Darth Sidious, Darth Nihilus, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Nest, Barriss, Nightsister Spirit, Nightsister Acolyte, Hermit Yoda, Jedi Knight Anakin, Ahsoka Tano, General Kenobi, C3PO. If Rex gets a turn without AB, you can get nuked. dispels on zaalbar, focus attackers. Wampa pickles them apart with daze. Wampa/Maul as dazer, and lot of debuffs to TM train them. 3v3 - JKL vs Shaak Ti | SWGOH GAC Clones Counter. Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Sith Trooper, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Fallen Bastila, Count Dooku, Emperor Palpatine, Sith Assassin, Nest, Grand Moff Tarkin (L). Counter Strategy: Must match Gear and Relics for this to work. Vs weaker, not maxed GG teams : counter attacks - they'll kill themselves. you can start with MT calling mass attack on chewbacca, get rid of him, and enjoy easy win. Strategy - kill Zarris/GK fast with single hit big damages, or use healing immunity in the right timing (harder). Qira+Nest+Hoda is enough to win 3v5 vs most bastila. Counter Strategy: The Clones don't have much of a way to dispel all of the protection up from a Padmé led team. need to be very strong, well modded; extreme carefull against with zNest or zBarriss dont need to target GG (you can control with debuffs if needed) you go straight for oneshotting him. can do standard seps, or can mix things up. Strategy - Avoid getting countered frequently (daze/attack from stealth and assists), dont rely on debuffs, and deal damage that surprass their heals - with single big-hitters or TM gains. Barris, Grand Master Yoda, Rex, Clone wars Chewie, Fives. Hard to daze them because of foresights, so need to stop the TM train in other ways [disabling BB-8, crit avoidance] or exploit the lot of turns [plague]. Deathmark will negate Boba Fett's revive! ZMT with Aco+Zomb, pretty much any +2 (but daka+av are the better choice obviously, for stuns). can have also high armor pen if built with IG88 and T3M4. remember to use Boba execute when can land a kill to prevent revive. c3po good addition here for the exposes and faster damage. Recommended with MT L for revives in case need, and for the 50% potency. dispel good for the daze. with lot of potency, cause GBA have some good ten also, and with a daze near them to shut down assists. Risky vs Rex lead, because of all the TM gain you feed them. benefit when enemies attack out of turn. Stun Bossk with Kylo Ren (Unmasked), which gives you two turns to kill 1-3 weaker Bounty Hunters. the exposes give them enough damage to overpower the triu. tanks are not needed, they wont help. need good damage and TM gains to kill fast. by | Feb 19, 2021 | Uncategorized | Feb 19, 2021 | Uncategorized Follow the general strategy, and hopefully by the time you have General Skywalker alone, you hopefully have enough Courage to kill him with big hits. General Strategy: Stop the revive and buffs [isolate/ healing immunity/ fracture], outburst their heals [Annihilate/ Plague/ crazy damage], have someone to soak up the damage [Nightsister Zombie, Nest, Sith Empire Trooper, Kylo Ren Unmasked]. Vs CLS Trio : Rex hide the DN/Wampa/Talzin. Wampa Variations (can beat in 1v5), can add anti-rebel to assist, but strong wampa can beat even medium-high phoenix in 1v5. Strat - use their AoEs against them. get Sion and traya as tanky build (DN will get his HP anyway). The only exception is when you can hit her with a big hit (e.g. optional to make it easy: with talzin - which is basically another hide the talzin option. palp lead give lot of heal and TM on him and vader, lots of aoe to work around zomb, Empire should breeze through them. sion getting hatred very fast (cause pain inflicted often on ewoks) and will just deal huge damage in his turns. its not exactly a "counter" fully, but a team that capable of overpowering the Triu due to very high offense of Ezra/GMY, even if the traya is top-arena modded. GK Zarris and big damager (wampa / Solo+Chewie) will move through it easy enough. Just kill them before Darth Nihilus starts his groove by dealing huge amount of damage. I put her with JKR: GAS gets the clones, Padme gets GMYoda (to counter a GAS team), and JKR gets Shaak Ti. keep them debuffed and under control with Stuns and TMR of tarkin. Kill order: Boba Fett, Jango Fett, [whichever Bounty Hunter], Bossk, then Dengar. Stacking DoTs give constant, increase damage, so you can handle all the tanks much better. FOR THE SPECIAL TW BONUSES----- (Not tested yet) Maul, 3 Sith, +1 : Nest/DT. Palp can remove bit HP from IPD so he can bomb fast. legit tactic for confident guys. Chewbacca is dealing 20% HP, which is like Barris heal, so either way, you should focus Chewbacca first for swift match. ZQGJ team - can dispel, can assist. Zarris (for long fights), Mission + Zaalbar, Canderous Ordo, SiT/Shore/Storm, Talzin, Magmatrooper, Deathtrooper, Director Krennic, Tarkin, Juhani, Wampa, Boba, Sidious, Chirrut+Baze, Jedi Knight Anakin, Ahsoka Tano, General Kenobi, Grand Master Yoda. Counter Strategy: Note: this counter is subject to change due to the Darth Vader rework. recommended with Hoda for constant heals and long fight mean lot of master-training. If Shoretrooper is present, bring a dispeller in. Details: Stealthy team with mass dispel of debuffs, fast turn meter gain, first turn advantage, and lots of AoE. (its NOT imp troopers team, Veers L won't work here well). When Nest is below 50% health, use Savage Opress's Overpower to finish her off. Those crits cant kill any of those. Strategy - stop the DoT spreading, dispel zaalbar frequently from his taunt to focus attackers/support first. General Strategy: Killing Chirrut Ãmwe will stop the heal over time [or stop with Buff Immunity using Jedi Knight Anakin].
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