Defeat the Yrdian Bandit. Tritanium ×1,200, Upgrade the Academy to Level 9. ", "Armor Piercing is increased for all Interceptors. ", "Increases the Battleship for Defense Platforms against Interceptors. Interrogation Chamber - Assist the Starfleet office in finding his kidnapped crew member. (3760 Interceptor), Crossed Blades. Tritanium ×320, (unknown minutes) Repair Speed Up ×5, Upgrade Defense Platform A to Level 4 click- Upgrade your Defense Platform to improve its durability and strength in battle. Described as a PvP "free-roaming multiplayer Star Trek experience combining role-playing game style progression and real-time battles with enemy ships", the game is published by Scopely, who developed the game with Digit Game Studios and in collaboration with CBS Interactive. ", "Parsteel Generation speed is increased for all Generators. Upgrade the Parsteel Generators to produce more Parsteel, an alloy with immense tensile strength. (Interceptor 143), Small Favor - Rescue a Rigellian Captain who has crash landed his freighter. 29 November 2018 ", "Damage done to Hostiles is increased for all Interceptors. ", "Unlocks the Engine Technology Lab building. Enlisted - The Syndicate are hoping to entice a Corvallen scientist to work with them and would like a neutral party to complete a contract with them. ", "Increases Parsteel rewards for defeating a hostile. Parsteel ×40k, Officer XP ×2,200, The Warband - Assist the Nausicaan Warband. Some Station buildings require research advancement prerequisites, and conversely, some research requires Station improvements. The following Galaxy research goals (presented in more compact format until more data entry is completed) are available only upon reaching Warp Technology 1: "+100% to the Attack, Defense, and Health for all Officers. Parsteel ×15,000, Rigellian Datapad ×1, Defeat Jakobed, the Pakled saboteur. Defeat 1 Hostiles of Level 5 or higher. Investigate the distress signal from the Federation Outpost. 1* Battleship Parts ×12, Recruit Token ×30, Officer XP ×80, Take down the informant Harrak Jane. Tritanium ×290, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×4, Upgrade Shipyard: Level 7 - Upgrade the Shipyard to gain access to new and more powerful ships. You can see the map here. Dilithium ×1,500, 5 Minute Repair Speed Up ×32, John Harrison ×6. Wenn du Mitglied einer Level 50 Allianz bist, kannst du 50 Mal täglich um Hilfe bitten. ", "Provides the Station with a strong shield. Parsteel ×33k, Tritanium ×1,500. Aber: Man muss auch ehrlich sein, denn wer schnell erfolgreich sein will, wird gezwungen sein, viel Geld auszugeben. As all fleet members can contribute, these projects require large amounts of various resources, first and foremost fleet marks and refined dilithium . Star Trek: Starfleet Command is a computer game based on the table-top wargame Star Fleet Battles.It was developed by 14° East and Quicksilver Software and published by Interplay Entertainment.It was released on August 11, 1999 for the Microsoft Windows.It simulates starship operations, ship-to-ship combat, and fleet warfare in the Star Trek universe. Crewing Up - Assign an officer to your ship. ", "The Damage done when defending the Station is increased" [sic], "Improves the Cost Efficiency of Tritanium and Dilithium for Klingon", "Improves the Cost Efficiency of Tritanium and Dilithium for Federati" [sic], "Improves the Cost Efficiency of Tritanium and Dilithium for Romula" [sic], "The cost efficiency for Klingon ships repair is increased", "The cost efficiency for Federation ships repair is increased", "The cost efficiency for Romulan ships repair is increased", "The Repair speed for Klingon ships is increased", "The Repair speed for Federation ships is increased", "The Repair speed for Romulan ships is increased". ×3, Discoveries - Assist Torym on his secret mission. Dilithium ×19, Officer XP ×350, Scotty ×1, Veteran: Defeat 5 Level 4 hostiles. Tritanium ×15, Shipyard Enhancements - Upgrade the Station's Shipyard. A new Station consists of an incomplete structure and a few functional, Level 1 buildings: Operations, Academy, and Ship Hangar in the Station's interior, and Drydock A and Defense Platform A on the Station's exterior. Tritanium ×150, Corvette - Build the Orion Battleship. Das schnellere Abschließen von Forschungen und Bauvorhaben erlaubt dir ein schnelleres Wachstum deiner Kampfstär… ", "Increases the mining rate of Dilithium. Collect your payment on Ruhao, in the Groshi system. Parsteel ×7,500, 2* Common Refined Crystal ×100, The Isle of Noises - Open talks with landmark systems and investigate available missions there. (2905 Battleship) Parsteel ×5,000, Recruit Token ×30, 2* Interceptor Parts ×12, Relocation Token ×1, Interrogation Chamber. (669 Interceptor) Dilithium ×90, 5 Minute Speed Up ×8, Shev Akria ×1, Rookie: Defeat a hostile of Level 7 or higher. 5: New information added at the Officers Page Tritanium ×170, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×2, Construct Tritanium Generator B. It is primarily used to build up the station. ", "Unlocks the Orion Corvette, a Grade 1 Battleship. Es wurden keine weiteren Informationen angegeben. See also: Operations, R&D Department, Astronautics Studio, Dilithium Warehouse, Dilithium Vaultand for cost: Resources, Refinery, Parsteel, Tritanium and Crystal The R&D Department unlocks additional upgrades for the Shipyard and Ships. What is your purpose here? Battle Pass 1 ; Engineering Class Officers 40 ; Featured 3 ; Items 1 ; Officers 116 ; Ships 51 ; Star Trek Fleet Command 1 ; Video 1 ; New in STFC. Level 13 system. Some missions have not yet been documented well enough to assign them to one of the above categories. ", "Protected cargo of Survey Ships is increased. Refine Raw Ore, Crystal or Gas to upgrade your ships". (3877 Interceptor), We Are Smart - Find the Pakleds responsible for the espionage against the Rigellians. (Interceptor 143), Upgrade the Realta to Tier 2. Parsteel ×2,500, Upgrade Operations to Level 11 - Operations houses the command center and the Station's main computer. Pick up the explosives on Oxoss in the Fostaa system. It is primarily used to build up the station. Dilithium ×95, Gaila ×1, Soldier: Test your skills in battle against escalating difficulties of hostile enemies. Tritanium ×625, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×1, Upgrade R&D Department to Level 10. Upgrade the Parsteel Warehouse to store more Parsteel in the form of ingots. ", "Improves the Cost Efficiency of Tritanium for components. The R&D Department unlocks additional upgrades for the Shipyard and Ships. Digit Game Studios Dilithium ×3, Officer XP ×50 (Also listed as a guided mission. ", "Storage size is increased for the Dilithium Warehouse. "Repair Speed for Explorers is increased. (1392 Explorer) Dilithium ×240, 10 Minute Speed Up ×8, Gaila ×2, Rookie: Defeat a hostile of Level 9 or higher. ", "Increases the Damage for Defense Platforms against Explorers. One has a reputation with each (except independent), which determines faction daily goals, and whether one's ships are attacked in faction systems. Destroy Urkwen's ship. Tritanium ×15, Upgrade Parsteel Warehouse to Level 2. Used to acquire items from the Augment Faction Store and to level up Augment Officers. Tricorder ×1. ", "Increases Klingon Points gained/lost for defeating a hostile. ", "Hull Health is increased for all Explorers. Note that although this mission has the same requirements as, "Test your skills in battle against escalating difficulties of hostile enemies. Tritanium ×110, (unknown minutes) Repair Speed Up ×1, Upgrade Shipyard: Level 5 - Upgrade the Shipyard to gain access to new and more powerful ships. 6: Augment Space page, • Augment Space • Neutral Zone • Faction Zones •, Pages Needing Attention Star Trek Fleet Command Officers are probably the most important part of the game. (Star Trek VI: Das unentdeckte Land) Described as a PvP "free-roaming multiplayer Star Trek experience combining role-playing game style progression and real-time battles with enemy ships" , the game is published by Scopely , who developed the game with Digit Game Studios and in collaboration with CBS Interactive . Upgrade the Parsteel Processing to produce more Parsteel, an alloy with immense tensile strength. Parsteel ×100, 5 Minute Speed Up ×1. The new user gets a sequence of missions with some choices, but generally a fairly similar list of missions. ", "Invest into a bright Future. ", [The number required, 5, is present in the progress indicator, but not the mission subtitle.]. ", "Increases Accuracy, Armor Piercing and Shield Piercing against Stations. ", "Earn by completing Romulan Missions and Events. 1. ", "Increases the Cost Efficiency of Gas for Federation ship compone" [sic], "Increases the Cost Efficiency of Ore for Romulan ship components.". (3760 Explorer), Capture the cheater. Dilithium: Die seltenste Resso… (533 Explorer), Deal with the final target, Jale Zon. Lass uns gleich anfangen, denn im Weltall gibt es einiges zu erledigen. Officers are recruited by opening recruiting chests, which produce officer "shards"; between six and 120 shards (see the Officer table) are required to recruit a new officer. Parsteel ×5,000, Takret Incursion - Stop the Takret Hostiles from controlling the landmark system. ", "Weapon Damage is increased for all Explorers. (6548 Battleship), The Least Expected - Uncover the source of the energy drain on the Rigellian colonies. "The Shipyard is instrumental in ship construction. Latinum ×10, 30 Minute Speed Up ×3, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×3, Upgrade R&D Department to Level 8. It is used primarily to build Station modules. Parsteel ×10,000, 2* Common Refined Gas ×75, Officer XP ×3,000, Defeat Kalnogog the Taker in Bellas. The Tritanium Generator is used to acquire this crucial resource in ship construction. This section is for categories of missions that have not all been copied to the table section above. ", "Hull Health is increased for all ships. After the guided sequence of tutorial missions, Scotty hands over guidance to artificial intelligence that he helped create. Upgrade the Realta to Tier 3. Please note: Suliban Bounty Hunters spawn when Vaaran Marauders are destroyed in number, this is a variable. ", "Unlocks the Armada Control Center building. ", "Repair Speed for Battleships is increased. Fazit: Star Trek Fleet Command ist ein Muss, keine Frage. Tritanium ×50, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×1, Building the Shipyard - Build the Shipyard. ", Nausicaan Outlaw, Orion Traitor, Pakled Thief, Kriosian Rebel, Gorn Marauder, Dessneran Bandit, Kriosian Rebel, Dessneran Bandit, Gorn Marauder, Romulan Transport, Romulan Trader, Corvallen Rebel, Scotty: "I'm picking up a distress call from a nearby colony. Interceptors are more powerful than their power rating in combat with Battleships. Star Trek Fleet Command hat ein leicht zu lernendes aber schwer zu meisterndes Kampfsystem. After the guided sequence of tutorial missions, Scotty hands over guidance to artificial intelligence that he helped create. ", "Increases Dilithium rewards for defeating a hostile. (3102 Interceptor), Finish the informants off. Tritanium ×500, Encryption Key ×1, Officer XP ×220. This differs from Mission Hostiles or PvE (Player versus Environment) Hostiles. Upgrade a Dilithium Generator to acquire more of this valuable resource. Dilithium ×35, Shev Akria ×1, Soldier: Defeat 3 hostiles of Level 6 or higher. Well, whoever you are, we need your help. During the Dominion War, Starfleet ships were divided into fleets or task forces. ", "Increases the cost efficiency of Research for base resources.". Spock: Repair the ship at your station. ", "Build Speed is increased for all buildings. Construct Drydock B at the Station. Where two levels are indicated, the first is the earliest level at which it is likely to appear in the mission list, while the second is the earliest level at which it is possible to complete. Tritanium ×70, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×1, Upgrade Parsteel Processor A to Level 7. Negotiations - Make contact with a Federation envoy. ", "Armor Piercing is increased for all ships. "Produces Parsteel, an alloy with immense tensile strength used to build Station buildings. After the guided sequence of tutorial missions, Scotty hands over guidance to Maia, the artificial intelligence that he helped create. Such construction takes time (which can be reduced to "Instant" by spending Latinum) and has material requirements. ", "Increases the Cost Efficiency of Crystal for Klingon ship components. Recruitment Drive - Build the Academy then get more Officers for your ship. ", "Alliance Credits are used to purchase items in the Alliance Store. (221 Battleship) Officer XP ×250, Spock (?) ", "Improves the cost efficiency of Battleship Parts for components. 2010 Mystery Reward, Neural Network - Collect the experimental cortical stimulator tech from Rigel V. Parsteel ×5,000, 1* Survey Parts ×30, Energy Manifold ×1, Outpost Assault - A Federation Outpost has come under attack from an unknown enemy. STFC Official Blog for Updates, Release Notes, News & More, Du kannst deiner Flotte viele verschiedene Schiffe hinzufügen. Silence Bought - Parlok needs help silencing some Nausicaan informants. Mystery Reward (Officer XP and a new recruit.). ", "New ship hulls are researched and unlocked here before becoming available in the Shipyard. ", "Shield Deflection is increased for all ships. Used to acquire items from the Romulan Faction Store and to level up Romulan Officers. ", "Tritanium Generation speed is increased for all Generators. Upgrade the Station's Operations to Level 3. Es hat außerdem einige Vorteile, wenn du dich … Defeat the Takret leader, Polsik. Dilithium ×35, Officer XP ×600, Kirk ×1, Veteran: Defeat the hostile captain. Upgrade Parsteel Warehouse to Level 4. Mine 800 Dilithium. Transport K'Tok to the brig.). Some officers require more Officer XP to be promoted in rank. ", "Improves the Cost Efficiency of Gas for components. ", "Found in 3★ Crystal Mines in Klingon Space. ", "Shield Health is increased for all Explorers. For example, Nero requires four times the typical officer XP to advance, and Barot, Stonn, and Uhura (but not Cadet Uhura) require double, while Komal, Rukor, and Vartoq require only one-fifth the usual Officer XP. ", "Increases Federation Points gained/lost for defeating a hostile. One sequence of missions is the combat training mission. ", "Weapon Damage is increased for all Romulan ships. When a player attempts to target another player's ship or station, if the other player is within their PvP Target Range, they can be targeted and attacked. Parsteel ×3000, Upgrade Operations to Level 6 - Operations houses the command center and the Station's main computer. Ship XP ×25. Dilithium ×24, Kirk ×1, Soldier: Defeat 3 hostiles of Level 5 or higher. Recruit Spock (Repair the ship.). Where mission levels are indicated, they are the earliest level that the mission can be accepted, which may be earlier than the minimum level required to complete them. Upgrade the Shield Generator to increase the shield's hitpoints. (Interceptor 143), New Recruit - Recruit a new officer. Das Star Trek Online-Lexikon ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt, geschrieben und bearbeitet von den Spielern. "Unlocks the Refinery building for Refining Materials.". Parsteel ×2,500, Encryption Key ×1, Helvia ×2, Hollowed - Find out which Yridian Dealer is spreading lies for his own gains. Star Trek Online ist das Science-Fiction MMOPRG, in dem der Spieler sowohl einen Charakter für Bodeneinsätze spielt der über seine eigenen Schiffe für Raumeinsätze (im Weltraum) befehligt. Tritanium ×600, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×6, Upgrade Dilithium Generator A to Level 5. Star Trek Fleet Command Deutschland. Officer XP ×230. ", "The Armada Control Center allows you to initiate Armada attacks on hostile targets. Dilithium 15, Behind the Scenes - Extract a Tal Shiar agent from her undercover assignment in independent space. Tritanium ×340, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×5, Upgrade Operations to Level 10 - Operations houses the command center and the Station's main computer. Mistaken Identity - Defend a helpless ship against Nausicaan attackers. ", "Increases Shield Deflection, Armor and Dodge at the Station. Tritanium ×180, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×2, Upgrade Operations to Level 8 - Operations houses the command center and the Station's main computer. Advance Sulu. Destroy Orion vessel. I'm detecting wreckage nearby. ", "Increases the mining rate of Tritanium. ", "Reduces the total shield regeneration time for Explorers. Defeat 5 hostiles of Level 11 or higher. The Shipyard is instrumental in ship construction. Aquire Blueprints by Killing NPCs in Khitomer, Vulcan, Draken. Parsteel ×6,000, Encryption Key ×1, Officer XP ×340, Defeat Kraag the Smasher. Source some replicator technology from Deneva. - Parsteel ×4,000, Domitia ×3, Fugitive - Transport a Yrdian information dealer to the Cita Laga system. Star-Trek-Spiele; Weblinks und Literatur. Upgrade Shipyard: Level 10 - Upgrade the Shipyard to gain access to new and more powerful ships. Tritanium ×75, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×1, Construct the R&D Department. With Season Six: Under Siege, a dedicated advancement system for fleets was introduced. Premium Recruit Token ×75, Upgrade the Academy to Level 10. Mine The Resources In Systems, But Wisely ⇒If you explore a bit in the System, you will find mining nodes. ", "Parsteel Generators provide resources at increased speed. Parsteel ×3,000, Tritanium ×1,500, Orion Manifest (?) This STFC officer guide will help you better understand the characters and various ways to use them. Retrieval - Recover a starship that was stolen by an opportunistic Yrdian thief. This table will be expanded into individual levels as times, materials, and requirements are researched. In addition to earning enough shards for promotion, there is a promotion cost. Sie ist aufgrund steigender Spannungen (unter andere… Dilithium ×3, Officer XP ×50 (Further Combat Training missions are in their own section. Attack statistics include officer attack bonus, damage per round, armor pierce, shield pierce, accuracy, and critical chance and damage. Upgrade the Shipyard to gain access to new and more powerful ships. Recruit Token ×20, Schemes - Help the Klingons spy on a Federation outpost. (143 Interceptor) Parsteel ×90, Intervention - Complete a bounty for the Romulan Star Empire. +100% bonus to Station resource protection. Defeat 3 hostiles of Level 7 or higher. The Tritanium Generator is used to acquire this crucial resource in ship construction. Es ist leicht zu beschaffen und du wirst in jeder Phase des Spiels ausreichend davon haben. Parsteel ×75 1.1. Upgrade the Parsteel Generators to produce more Parsteel, an alloy with immense tensile strength. Enhancements - Upgrade your Opeations to Level 3 to enhance the Station's capabilities. Keep it up and you'll make a name for yourself in this sector. Dilithium ×90, Crew XP ×1,500, Vel K'Bentaur, Veteran: Test your skills in battle against escalating difficulties of hostile enemies. ", "Hull Health is increased for all Survey ships. Click "Alliance". ", "Parsteel Storage is increased for the Parsteel Warehouse. Dilithium ×480, Crew XP ×4,500, K'Bisch ×2, Veteran (2905 Battleship) - Dilithium ×800, 15 Minute Speed Up ×10, K'Bisch ×2, Rookie - Defeat a hostile of Level 12 or higher. ", "Dodge of Swarm hostiles is reduced when using the USS, "Improves the cost efficiency of Interceptor Parts for components. Star Trek: Fleet Command has a variety of materials and resources of various types: Some materials and resources are used in tables in the #Ships and #Research_and_Station sections. ", "The Weapon Damage of all Defense Platforms is increased.". Vaccine - A cargo shipment of a vaccine needs to be transported from Rigel III to Elmirana. ", "Critical Hits do increased Damage for all Interceptors. Rescue the Starfleet Ensign from Commander Polsik. +100% bonus to Weapon Damage for all ships. Next unlock Shipyard Level 3: Explore the Strange and the New - Build the Research & Development building. ", "Dilithium Generation speed is increased for all Generators. Encroachment - Fight back against the Nausicaan Outlaws swarming the Rigel system. Tritanium ×550, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×6, Upgrade Dilithium Warehouse to Level 3. Dilithium ×32, 3 Minute Speed Up ×6, Scotty ×1, Rookie: Defeat a hostile of Level 5 or higher. Tritanium ×210, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×2, Upgrade Drydock A: Level 2 - Upgrade your Drydock to reduce repair tires and costs for the ship it holds. ", "Tritanium Storage is increased for the Tritanium Warehouse. Demolition Zone - Mine down the Dilithium asteroid to a size destructible by the local defense force. Tritanium ×60, 1 Minute Repair Speed Up ×1, Upgrade Parsteel Processor B: Level 7. Officers advance along two tracks: level and rank. Command and Conquer - Defeat the hostile ships. Tritanium ×25, Upgrade R&D Department to Level 3. Tritanium ×1,600, Upgrade Drydock A: Level 7 - Upgrade your Drydock to reduce repair tires and costs for the ship it holds. Jellyfish Blueprint Part×2, Search Commander Harthin's ship for the kidnapped Ensign. Operations houses the command center and the Station's main computer. Refine this to get 2★ Refined Ore (used to upgrade 2★ Battleships). Defend Govac's data against Kreele. Parsteel ×2,400, Encryption Key ×1, K'Bisch ×2, Masked - Cover up a Malurian deception by spreading false information on the Yridian market. Dilithium ×650, Komal ×1, Soldier - Defeat 5 hostiles of Level 13 or higher. To Boldly Play: The Best and Worst Star Trek Videogames, in: Metacritic, Februar 2010; Liste offiziell lizenzierter Star-Trek-Spiele, Webpräsenz von MobyGames (englisch); Dennis Andree, Raphael Süs: Star Trek-Computerspiele – dies sind die Abenteuer… (PDF; 2,7 MB), in: Webpräsenz der FH Kaiserslautern, ca. Doch bei einem Raumschiff muss es nicht bleiben – baue dir eine ganze Flotte aus deinen liebsten Raumschiffen zusammen, um fremde Galaxien zu erobern und deinen Feinden das Fürchten zu lehren. Collect 2 Cargo Crates. Go to the last known location of the starship. Next unlock at Shipyard Level 14: Talla [Battleship]. Five Falsehoods - The Malurians have been having difficulties with a group of local pirates. +100% bonus to the speed of all research projects.
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