Brute Force - Otto increases the Attack of each officer on the Bridge of the ship by 20%. However, they’re not the most effective ones when it comes to this buff. Hidden Stash - T'Pring increases the protection of The Cargo by 50%. âThe ships in Star Trek Fleet Command are of four types; survey ships, interceptor ships, battleships, and explorers. However, like in any gacha game, some officers are week, while others are good and others still are truly extraordinary. Romulan Tactitian - When the ship's Hull Health goes under 70%, Charvanek has a 80% chance of Burning the opponent for 3 rounds. As we mentioned in our BlueStacks guide to Star Trek Fleet Command’s battle system, a fully upgraded crew will significantly improve your ship’s stats, including damage, health, armour, and much more. Each officer will contain a type of synergy group which can be found at the top right side of the officer's icon. Welcome to our Star Trek Fleet Command ships overview. The Spock-Kirk Morale combo gives you immense survivability. (PvE). (In some cases BlueStacks uses affiliate links when linking to Google Play). Crystal Miner - Barot increases the rate of Crystal Mining by 20%. Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) offers a large complement of officers and abilities which makes it inherently complex. Interceptor Overseer - Koth decreases the time needed to repair the ship by 20% if it is an Interceptor. Romulan Grudge - Yuki Sulu increases the Damage against Romulan ships by 25% of the Health of the crew on the ship. 15. Choosing an optimal group of officers is one of the most important aspects of Star Trek Fleet command that can give you an advantage against other players. Scattering Field - If the opponent's ship is a Battleship, Woteln increases the Damage of the weapons by 10%. Powered Armor - As long as the ship's Hull Health is under 70% of its value at the start of combat, Arix increases its Armor by 15%. That’s right, he’s much more than a pretty face. Optin Form. Summon your skills in strategy, combat, diplomacy, and leadership to master the dangerous universe of Star Trek Fleet Command. Fake Communiques - At the beginning of each round, Vixis has a 6% chance of delaying the opponent Weapon Fire by one round. The two make an unbeatable team if we take into consideration the way that the most loved half-Vulcan, half-Human responds to Morale. Weapons Expert - Carol increases the Weapon Damage by 20%. Open Them Up - As long as the opponent's ship has a Hull Breach, Koth increases the damage dealt by Kinetic Weapons by 5%. History Repeats Itself - Marla increases the Repair Speed of the ship by 20%. See the Flaws - Every time the ship strikes the opponent, Nero has a 25% chance of Burning it for two rounds. | 65,220 members Excel Under Pressure - When the ship gets a Hull Breach from the opponent, Qa'ug decreases all the stats of the officers on the opponent's ship by 35%. His officer ability is called Illogical and it basically restores your ship’s shields by 25% of the total Defense of the crew whenever they are under the effects of Morale. Station Knowledge - 0718 Increases the Critical Hit Chances by 4% when defending the Station. Sturdy Companion - Vella increases the total Health of all Officers on the ship by 5%. Posted by 1 day ago. (PvP). Home Engineer - When defending the Station, Zahra increases the Weapon Damage by 5%. (PvP), Energy Boost - If the opponent is a player, Rukor increases the damage made by the Energy Weapons of the ship by 5%. (PvP). Ruthless Mind - When attacking a station, 50% chance of drastically reducing the mitigation of all opponent's ships and defense platforms for 2 rounds. Characters of the Star Trek franchise, STFC Game. Keep Going - After winning a battle, Moreau heals the Shield Health by 40%. Sulu and Scotty are both uncommon officers which you get pretty early in the game and that can benefit from it. Join your fellow commanders on the official Star Trek Fleet Command⢠Discord server! Bodyguard - The Protected Cargo is increased by 30% with One of Ten. Think or Sink - When getting hit by a Critical Hit, Mitchell increases the ship Weapon Damage by 30%. It provides removal of Debuffs and Control effects to self and team for 4 seconds. Emergency Repairs - As long as the ship is in the Station, Keenser increases its Hull Health by 20%. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus. Battleship Trainer - Frank Leslie increases the Ship Experience gained on Battleships by 20% each turn. Jaylah Borgified: Five of Ten increases the Shield deflection, Armor and Dodge by a Percentage of the Total Health of all Officers on the ship. It is extremely important to re⦠Klingon Tactics - When the opponent's ship Shield Health are depleted, Yan'agh increases the Weapon Damage by 10%. Galaxy Traveler - Hadley increases the Warp Speed of the ship by 15%. At the end of the table, I have grouped a few officers who work well together in certain situations which you will commonly encounter when playing Star Trek Fleet Command. Star Trek: Fleet Command Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Augments are the best. Scopely’s polished, Star Trek-themed MMORTS relies on the heavily charismatic cast of Star Trek: Into Darkness. Dogs of War - If the ship deals a Critical Hit to the opponent's ship while it has a Hull Breach, Chang has a 30% chance of delaying its next weapon attack by 1 round. In Star Trek Fleet Command Officers can perform one of the three roles: Ship Commander, Bridge Officer or Crew Officer. Enter a galaxy on the brink of war as Federation, Klingon, and Romulan forces vie for control of the Alpha and Beta quadrants. It was then re-classified as an Interceptor and has since been widely adopted as a forward scout. Windows 10 is recommended. Hurry Home - As long as the Cargo of the ship is full, Domitia increases its Warp Speed by 50%. Categories Federation, Officers Tags kirk, morale crew. Master Ship Power Pack $49.99 >>> âXI1WiAHLLuw96V0_Q3â(Updated cheat code)4. Critical Strike - Increases the Critical Hit Damage of the ship by 8%. Fighting Spirit - Increases the Attack of all the Officers on the ship by 10%. Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Guide. (PvE), Thorough Scans - T'Laan increases the Ship Experience gained by fighting Hostiles by 15%. Burning Vengeance - Every time the ship gets hit, Mirek has a 20% chance of Burning the opponent's ship for 1 round. Negotiations - Increases the Shield Health of the ship by 9%. If you go to your Officers tab and organize them by Group, you’ll get the characters that can either use or benefit from Morale. Disrupting Field - Yuki Sulu decreases the Shield Health of the opponent's ship by 10% for each round. Assemble your crew and ready your ships for the biggest strategy game on mobile. Unflinching Resolve - When attacking a Station, Joachim decreases the Weapon Damage of all opponentâs Ships and Defense Platforms by 10%. (PvP), Resist Kinetic - If the opponent is a player, Komal decreases the damage made by its Kinetic Weapons by 5%. Romulan Health - L'Nar increases the Health of the Officers on the Bridge by 20%. Still, even though Kirk is lower than Sulu in rank and level, he seems to be better suited in the captain role. (PvE), Tritanium Hunter - Shev increases the Tritanium rewards for defeating a Hostile by 25%. Born Engineer - Scotty increases the total Hull Health of the ship by 10% of its original Hull Health. These will help you win the toughest of battles. Playing this game, you’ll be able to recruit a crew that includes Chris Pine’s Kirk, Zachary Quinto’s Spock, Benedict Cumberbatch’s Khan, and many more. Discover an ancient secret that could tip the scales of power ⦠You can see a champion’s class either by looking at the bottom left corner of their portrait, which will show the respective sign of each class, or by going into the upgrade screen and clicking on the i button next to their name. You have the conn! Firewall Protection - Joaquin increases the Protected Cargo of the ship by 50%. Logical - Spock increases the Accuracy of the ship by 15% at the beginning of each Round in combat. Special Offer $4.99 >>> âTOMca62piiE2zHZ_Ofâ(Updated cheat code)3. No Fear - Moreau decreases the Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy of Hostiles by 30%. To give you an example, Sulu, who is a Lieutenant, now benefits from 10% synergy from each side. Blood Oath - At the start of battle, Kang increases the Accuracy of the ship by 100% of the Attack of the crew on the ship. Itâs all we have to go on: As long as your HHP is above 30% of your starting value, at the start of each round, X% chance of gaining morale for that round. Synergy happens when each of your bridge officer belongs to a different role, while your central role is fulfilled by someone who belongs to the Captains. Target That Signal - Uhura increases the Accuracy of the ship she's in by 40%. Explorer Trainer - Hendorff increases the Ship Experience gained on Explorers by 20%. (PvE), Battleship Specialist - When inside a Battleship, Komal increases Weapon Damage against players by 20%. Know Your Enemy - Decreases the Attack, Defense and Health of all the Officers on the Bridge of the opponent's ship 20%. She has the Parsteel Hunter Captain Maneuver, which means that when she’s leading a ship, the amount of parsteel you get is increased by a whopping 25%. As we’ve seen with Kirk and Spock, it’s up to you to find the best combinations between them. Jan 27, 2021. Sabotage - For the first round of combat, John Harrison ignores 60% of the opponent's shield. Master Research Boost Pac⦠Base Chance: 20% Maximum Chance: 90%, Seven of Ten increases the Health of all Officers on the ship Rank 1 Value: 60% Rank 5 Value: 100%, (Azetbur) Eight of Ten increases the chances of firing a Critical Hit against Borg targets Base Value: 10% Maximum Value: 50%, Eight of Ten increases the Attack of all Officers on the ship Rank 1 Value:45% Rank 5 value: 85%, (Gonzalez) Nine of Ten decreases the chances of firing a Critical Hit of Borg targets Base Value: 10% Maximum Value: 30%, Nine of Ten increases the Defense of all Officers on the ship Rank 1 Value: 45% Rank 5 value: 85%, The Ultimate Con: Reduce opponentâs damage for 1 round every time youâre hit (Armadas only), Down But Never Out: Increase all damage (significantly) when your shields are depleted, Drastic Measures: Increases crit damage by % if Hull Breach on self, Guardian Angel: Increases mitigation stats by % if Hull Breach on self, Getting Up To Speed: Increase Impulse speed by X%, Mistakes Were Made: % chance to apply Hull Breach to self, Youâll Pay For That: Increase damage by % if Hull Breach on self, Systems Critical: Increase crit chance by % if Hull Breach on self, Chance of having 98% shield mitigation on first two Rounds (Synergy Bonus increases the chance), Chances of double shots for the first round, Opportunist: When taking shield damage, increase damage, Delta Quadrant Technology: Chance to regen 5% of shields when theyâre depleted, Endless Ambition: Increase the Captainâs stats, Fatal Charm: Chance of damage bonus from attack, Chirurgical Precision: Crit chance bonus against Eclipse hostiles for the first three rounds, Shield Remodulation: Chance to reduce mitigation on Eclips, Grizzled Veteran: First Round crit chance bonus vs hostiles, Always on Guard: Chance of Reducing Eclipse Opponentâs Crit Chance by 15% (armadas included), Intimidation: First 3 rounds increase Crit Damage against Eclipse hostiles (Armadas included, Security Breach: First 3 Rounds Reduce Shield MItigation of Eclipse hostiles (armadas included), Mirani Technology: Chance of raising mitigation against Eclipse hostile, Intuitive: when getting hit, reduce opponentâs shields by X% of attack in PvP, Precautions: Reduce opponents Critical Hit Chance by X% on every crit taken in PvP, Avoid Danger: Reduce opponentâs Damage by x% in PvP, Vulcan Hello: Increase the Attack of All officers on the ship by 45, Biologist: Increase the Health of All Officers on the ship by 40, No Time To Waste: Increase Warp Speed by 45%, Vigilant: Increase the Defense of All Officers on the ship by 40, Prey Instinct: Increase Hull Health by 11%, Credit for the extra Kahn's Crew info goes to. Wife of a Dahar - As long as the opponent ship has a Hull Breach, Mara decreases its Dodge by 20% at the end of each round. Applied Science - When defending your Station, Carol decreases the Weapon Damage from opponents by 40%. At the other end of the spectrum is epic Kirk, who has one of the best Morale enablers in the entirety of STFC. Feb 08, 2021. Merciless Pursue - After Killing a ship, Kuron increases the Impulse Speed by 25% for 30 seconds. Ranking Fire - When the ship has Morale, Sulu increases the total damage made by Energy Weapons by 15%. Scan the Enemy - Decreases the Weapon Damage of the opponent's ship by 10%. Overwhelming Fire - Javaid increases the Shield Piercing of the ship by 20%. Depending on whether there are one or two bars active on each side, all three, only two, or just the captain might benefit from the added stats. Dilithium Miner - Domitia increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 20% when mining Dilithium. Star Trek Fleet Command is a free to play mobile MMORPG / RTS that brings an entire galaxy of characters and ships to life for the ultimate Star Trek gaming experience! BlueStacks guide to Star Trek Fleet Command’s battle system, Play Star Trek Fleet Command on BlueStacks. Fine Tuning - As long as the ship is in the Station, Keenser increases its Shield Health by 20%. Savage Tenacity - Everytime the ship is hit by a Defense Platform, Khan increases the Critical Hit chance by 1%. Our set-up with a Kirk Ensign gives him a 6% synergy on each side for a total of 12% boost to his stats. Creating Opportunities - When the ship hits the opponent with a Critical Hit, Gorkon has a 70% chance of causing a Hull Breach for three rounds on the opponent's ship. Star Trek Fleet Command Ship Guide. Star Trek Fleet Command Summon your skills in strategy, combat, diplomacy, and leadership to master the adventurous universe of Star Trek⢠Fleet Command , the free to play mobile game. Excellent Security - As long as Hull Health is below 60% of its value at the start of combat, Hendorff increases Dodge, Armor and Shield Deflection by 20%. Goes up to 40% with maximum Synergy bonus. Motivational - Increases the Attack, Defense, and Health of all Officers on the Bridge by 20%. However, the Synergy and Morale systems have the potential to be astounding game changers if properly accounted for. 7 comments. Warp Theory - Increases the Warp Distance of the ship by 3. Next time somebody with significantly less power than you steamrolls your crew, you’ll know why it happened and how to prevent it from happening again. Vemet decreases its Shield Health by an amount equal to 20% of the Health of all Officers on the ship. What’s more, his Leader ability, which is triggered when he’s placed in command, will provide his crew with an 80% bonus to all their stats for as long as they have Morale. Except for the survey ships, interceptor ships/battleships/explorers are good for combat. Parsteel Miner - Helvia increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 20% when mining Parsteel. Spreading Fire - When the ship is Burning from the opponent, Severus decreases the opponent's Hull Health by 10% each round. Also, as has been stated in a previous comment, there are some Officers that can inflict a debuff, such as Burning or Hull Breach, and other complimentary Officers that take advantage of this. Acid Bitterness - Mirek increases the Damage against Federation ships by 25% of the crew's Defense. Morale, on the other hand, is a positive buff that can affect your crew in certain situations. (PvE), Energy Absorber - If the opponent is a Hostile, Chen decreases the damage done by its Energy Weapons by 10%.
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