The Education Career Mod. Sims 4 Highest Paying Job. Highest Paying Job in Sims 4 is Interstellar Smuggler, Criminal & Secret agent. Your Sim will go to work on average 4-5 times per week and earn an hourly wage. This career is only for the truly evil, those who like to make money by causing havoc. They have been singled out based on the income per week at the highest career level. Luckily, OhMy!! My current sim is a computer tech and has no issues going to work at all. 5. faith4jesus Posts: 95 Member. Boss (Criminal path) - 12,460 Simoleons per week. She makes it from the house to car rather quickly. 1. The Sims 4 Careers Guide to Job Rewards, Pay Rates and Bonuses. The Sims 4: The Best Career For Your Sim (Based On The University They Attended) With the Discover University addition being added to Sims 4, Sims ⦠To bad drinking sims isn't a job he'd be perfect for it. Actor Career. Villain: $12,875 a Week. January 2017. Getting promotions earns you rewards, more money, ⦠... Not sure what the best job is....probably a night job or job working as an entrepreneur. Being an Astronaut is certainly one of the most highly-paid jobs in The Sims 4. Itâs get for those sims that love make-up, hair, clothes, and all things appearance. From among all the jobs in The Sims 4, there are three that you receive the most money from: Interstellar smuggler (Astronaut path) - 14,868 Simoleons per week. If a Sim chooses the Interstellar Smuggler Branch they will bring home §14,868 per ⦠Triple agent (Secret Agent path) - 12,875 Simoleons per week. 4. Your task, being an Astronaut, is to explore the outer spaces and discover the items of interest. The Sims 4: Get Famous expansion pack added on the addition of the active Actor career. That's not counting harvesting the plants you work on in this career. One of the best features from The Sims 3 that many of us have been missing in The Sims4 is the teacher career track. Sims can earn 14K Simoleons per week in Interstellar Smugglerâs career. @sim31984 One of my favorite careers is the Botanist branch of the Gardening career, but for this you will need the Seasons expansion pack.A level 10 Botanist makes at least 2940 simoleons per day, 5 days a week. Best Sims 4 Career Mods Delve into the beauty industry with this mod that offers careers relating to cosmetology. from Mod The Sims came up with The Education Career Mod that makes the education career possible in The Sims 4. The Sims 4 features Careers like all other games in the franchise. 1 Astronaut - Interstellar Smuggler Branch (§14,868/Week) The astronaut career is the most lucrative of them all in terms of top pay, and even the max base pay a player can earn. For Interstellar Smuggler, you need logic Skills & Rocket Science Skills. If being evil on Sims is the best â¦
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