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simonho ca gaming rok commander pairings

This is currently one of the most devastating combos in the game for open-field. The u/AppleLiving3703 community on Reddit. I’m simply collating the original information and presenting it in graph form so that it’s quicker and easier to digest. Tier lists for commander pairings have been discussed by many people on YouTube, but I wanted to find a way to condense the information in those lengthy videos into a … Absolutely devastating combo for open-field, specialists in leading archer units and among the strongest in the game. can you please update this ? To make sure everyone sees those … I will try to fix this soon for lower resolution devices (e.g. Data and code used to create force-directed graphs for RoC commander pairings. phones, tablets), EDIT (2/9/2019): Added the new epic commanders to the Legend Rhony rankingEDIT (1/5/2019): Added Legend Rhony’s garrison commander guide. There are a lot of working commander pairings in Rise of Kingdoms. Exactly the kind of guide I was looking for this is underrated thanks. So I spent the last little while working on an online talent builder for the game so you can create and tweak talent builds without worrying about talent resets. Follow this upgrade priority. Play Rise of Kingdoms on PC to fully enjoy the game! The combination of these two commanders becomes resistant and impeccable against any enemy, it can undoubtedly be the cavalry pairing tank. The absolute defense of garrisons has a name and it is Zenobia + YSS. _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); A brilliant horseman and military leader who is known for his brutality, he is considered as one of the greatest “barbarian” rulers in history, who had successfully expanded the rule of Huns, devastating lands from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. 통솔 부대의 일부 경상 유닛을 치료합니다.제재 (패시브) 야만인과 중립 유 So, if you disagree with the rankings I would suggest you contact the creator of the original guide! One neat thing about force-directed graphs is that commanders with similar roles (e.g. In other words, Joan should not be used as a primary commander, and even though she has 2 rank 1 pairings (ie they are the best pairings for her as a primary), they shouldn't really be used. Choose the Source Data you want to read from in the Guide section. Attila + Takeda is the strongest pairing in Rise of Kingdoms for Rally specifically when attacking any garrison. Goldmine; Scout camp (no blueprint) Watchtower (no blueprint) Wall. Tavern. Charles Martel – YSG. To free players, it is always not easy to invest in Legendary commanders since they require a lot of resources and especially golden sculptures.. Latest Working Rise of Kingdoms Gift Codes Note: Bluestacks is the official partner of Lilith Games. I’m not making any claims about the correctness of the pairings, and nor do I necessarily agree with the rankings. Would love your thoughts, please comment. I’d be happy to add more graphs if you can provide the data file, which is simply a CSV file containing the ranking of each commander pair. This pairing is characterized by the attack and constant improvement of its troops and statistics at all times, they do not have damage skill but that does not make it less important, its impulse is the strong attack per buff and the debuff that they cause to any enemy, they hit at the precise moment and point. They gain full defensive stamina and stats, share their Garrison Commander specialty, and will be able to withstand the best of attacks, thanks to Theodora’s Rallies damage reduction. I can also be found playing the guitar, doing visual effects, and tinkering with Raspberry Pis! Harald Sigurdsson is a powerful commander for open-field and he becomes even stronger when he fights against various enemies thanks to his main skill that enhances his attack, in addition to other unique and exclusive skills for open-field. Two cavalry commanders who perfect their skills against each other and become a powerful pairing against any type of army or unit. More information can be found [here](https://www.simonho.ca/ gaming/roc-commander-pairings … Academic […] Could you update with the new commanders please, This is amazing could u update with the newest commander please please. yeah that was based on Legend Rhonys old defense video, but its quite outdated now as a lot of things in the game have changed and I haven’t had time to update the graph. Could you include more options for Mehmed II and add Æthelflæd in? The original data and source code can be found on GitHub. While serving as captains of any garrison, the skills and talents of both come together almost perfectly and we can say that they are the pairing capable of withstanding the strong siege of Attila-Takeda. 아라비아 / 알 말리크 안 나시르 / 레전드 살라딘 기마병 유닛 공성 지원 스킬 고삐 잡는 자 (액티브)필요한 분노 포인트 : 1000즉시 피해량 : 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 / 1400행군 속도 감소 : 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%치료 효과 감소 : 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% / 40% 타깃에 비잔티움 / 최후의 로마인 / 에픽 벨리 사리우스 기마병 유닛 야만 스킬 스킬 기만 (액티브)필요한 분노 포인트 : 1000공격력 감소 : 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%방어력 감소 : 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%즉시 피해량1 : 150 / 210 / 270 / 360 / 450 2초 동안 타깃의 공격력과 방어력 Tier lists for commander pairings have been discussed by many people on YouTube, but I wanted to find a way to condense the information in those lengthy videos into a … The u/Hot-Rub-6996 community on Reddit. Below is the best form you could ever find for answering your “What are the best commanders to work with ____?” question! Tier lists for commander pairings have been discussed by many people on YouTube, but I wanted to find a way to condense the information in those lengthy videos into a more digestible form. It is not impossible for everyone to use Legendary commander. There is always the debate among “F2P” or “Low Spender” players about which Legendary Commander we should choose and why. This open-field pairing has the same effectiveness and excellence. https://www.gotit.co.kr/rok/commander is it your tier? For example, if you are sending an Infantry march then pair two infantry commanders. Hrdinovia--> Aktuálne informácie nájdete na našom klanovom discorde <--Hrdina je zameraný na: Cavalry = podpora utoku, obrany, zivota jazdy Infantry = podpora utoku, obrany, zivota pesiakov Archer = podpora utoku, obrany, zivota strelcov Leadership = podpora bonusu na velkosti armady s ktorou je hrdina + vodcovske bonusy Attack = podpora utocneho bonusu vojska With the exception of Attila-Takeda, the rest is a piece of cake for these guys. Rank = how good the paring is. Choose your commander in the top-right dropdown menu; Click talent nodes to bring up the tooltip. The size of each circle represents the number of viable pairings that commander has, The line thickness between two commanders shows the rank of that pair, Hover over a commander to see a full list of their ranked pairings, The graph does not show all possible commander pairs because many were missing from the original guides. If you’re interested, you can find my other Rise of Kingdoms posts here. In order to unlock Tier 5 research in Rise of Kingdoms you need a level 25 Academy. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. There are many excellent pairings in Rise of Kingdoms thanks to the variety of commanders, skills and talents, however, these are the most recommended and strongest to date, these are undoubtedly the ones that every player should achieve or write on their task list. Simply copy them and follow the list below to see how to use them and get a lot of valuable resources such as Golden Key, Gems, and Resource Tokens!. Open-field Fights – Garrison Defense – Rally Attack. Great resistance and defense on the part of Charles Martel, an absolute leader who has some talents and skill very good combining YSG with his great damage in AOE capable of affecting multiple targets and causing many casualties, both at the same time are specialists in defending garrisons, thanks to the fact that they share a unique ability for this task that enhances and improves it while serving as commanders. This is post 1 of 3 in the series “Rise of Kingdoms tools”, Creation of analysis and visualization tools for Rise of Kingdoms, Rise of Kingdoms (iOS, Android) has many possible primary/secondary commander pairings, some of which are amazing, while others are absolutely terrible. 기타 / 야만인의 포효 / 에픽 로하 종합 야만 지원 스킬 압도적인 힘 (액티브)필요한 분노 포인트 : 1000즉시 피해량 : 150 / 200 / 250 / 350 / 450유닛 치료량 : 150 / 200 / 250 / 350 / 450 단일 타깃에 대량의 피해를 줍니다. Gamer, friend, Governor in Rise of Kingdoms and enthusiastic to help the community. 일본 / 무사도의 혼 / 에픽 구스노키 마사시게 궁병 유닛 주둔 스킬 스킬 칠생보국 (액티브)필요한 분노 포인트 : 1000즉시 피해량 : 150 / 180 / 210 / 250 / 300추가 피해량 : 100 / 130 / 160 / 200 / 250 구스노키 마사시게 통솔 부대의 디버프 및 제어 효과가 사라집니다. This duo is one of the best currently leading infantry, thanks to its combination of damage and buff, constant and strong buffs. This means they grant similar buffs to the troop and these buffs stack together. 오스만 / 이스탄불의 정복자 / 레전드 메흐메트 2세 리더십 공성 스킬 스킬 오스만 대포 (액티브)필요한 분노 포인트 : 1000즉시 피해량 : 450 / 600 / 700 / 950 / 1150추가 피해량 : 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 정면 부채꼴 범위 내의 적에 피해를 줍니다(최대 타깃 5개) 타깃이 추가될 때마다 각 타 Guan Yu has an incredible damage skill in AOE that can deal damage to multiple targets on a large scale, in addition to his rapid Rage regeneration. When pairing commander, it is important to understand that, the talents only comes from the primary commander but the skills from both commanders apply. Choose the kind of commander paring tier list you want to see. As I mentioned on my own site, you should watch the original source videos for details on the pairings This is a fan site and it is not affiliated with Lilithgames in any way. Hi folks. Undoubtedly this combination is a chaos for any defense, the amount of deaths that these commanders cause is devastating. Castle (no blueprint) Alliance center; Siege workshop. Code used to analyze data for Rise of Kingdoms. The more viable pairings a Commander has, the bigger the bubble should be. Contribute to sho-87/rok-data development by creating an account on GitHub. However, the upgrade to Academy level 25 has a number of nested building requirements, with the majority of those buildings needing a Master’s Blueprint. 25 City Hall; Lvl. Commanders are colored by their rarity (i.e. Note: “Eulji, Osman, Kusunoki, Keira, Boudica, and Scipio” are some of the commanders that are useful up to season 1 of KvK. 스페인 / 빼어난 부흥자 / 에픽 펠라기우스 기마병 유닛 주둔 스킬 스킬 전속 돌격 (액티브)필요한 분노 포인트 : 1000즉시 피해량 : 150 / 180 / 210 / 250 / 300추가 피해량 : 150 / 180 / 210 / 250 / 300분노 회복 : 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 100 타깃에 즉시 피해를 주고 2초 동안 매초 Talent Builder Usage. If Speed mode is enabled in the Settings, you can left or right click directly on the nodes to assign talent points; Note: Speed mode disables tooltips Check the stats of your build in the info panels Good way to put your skills to work on a passion you enjoy! Lumber Mill; Stable it is really helpful for us so if you could add the new commanders and their pairings please, The problem is that these are based on guides from various youtubers, but I haven’t seen any updated pairing guides from them so I can’t include the new commanders. Must-Have Garrison Commanders For New Players. If you are still looking for the best secondary commander for your primary one, you will love this guide! Commanders are put in different categories: The thickness of the line between commanders describe the synergy of those two. Amazing city defense commander with an amazing. Rise of Kingdoms: Commander Pairings Rise of Kingdoms (iOS, Android) has many possible primary/secondary commander pairings, some of which are amazing, while others are absolutely terrible. Ramesses II & Why He is Great for F2P Players! If you are looking for a strong paring capable of perfectly defending any garrison, this is one of them. All of the best Secondary commanders for it will be shown up with detailed information. for “Skill” talents and increased damage. Download Rise of Kingdoms for PC (February 2021). Barracks. Martel is an excellent PVP commander who guarantees a great defense to his troops and improves the garrisons he defends, when paired with Theodora, the combination of these is almost impenetrable to any attack. Since Rise of Kingdoms (RoK) is mainly designed for smartphones and tablets, most players do not know that they can play the game right on their computers with ease using Android emulator. Farm; Archery range. Trading post. In Rise of Kingdoms, by upgrading to a 3rd star, our commander will automatically allow us to pair it with another, we call this “Commander Pairing“, it is the main mechanism of commanders. Since the opening of this subreddit we have seen a lot of great guides from our community. How come, when looking at the Garrison setup on the graph, it only shows Sun Tzu and YSG as a viable pair – they’re not viable in any other configurations at all?! This is a fan site and it is not affiliated with Lilithgames in any way. Lvl. YSG provides the best damage per skill in AOE, ideal archer pairing for PVP in open-field. The order is random and does not rank the secondary commanders. 25 Academy. Some commander have very high synergie. gatherers, infantry) have a natural tendency to cluster together. I ended up creating D3.js force-directed graphs to show viable pairings between primary and secondary commanders, along with the rank for each pairing. All of the sources saying you could get banned are totally fake. I will check them out . Am confused! We all know it's difficult to play around with talents in RoK because of the gem cost for talent resets. Rank 1 is the top tier pair for that primary commander, … Afterward it is best to swap to better commanders and I’ve only recommended them as some of the starting civilization offer them as a commander. I would also recommend watching/reading the original guides if you want more information about how and why each pairing works. Takeda, another great cavalry commander, causes a lot of debuffs all the time to his opponents, this makes him one of the best counters in the game before any commander or unit. Rise of Kingdoms: Commander Pairings Rise of Kingdoms (iOS, Android) has many possible primary/secondary commander pairings, some of which are amazing, while others are absolutely terrible. Rise of Kingdoms commander pairings by thatguywind (@thatguywind) Well done sir. There are version: Normal and Garrison. Best 5 Legendary Commander for Free Players. This would give a bigger subset of input for higher methodologies when pairing and drill down to the most used or preferred. Can you calculate the best pairing instead of using the frequency of YouTubers? PhD graduate from the University of British Columbia (Cognitive Science and Quantitative Methods). 로마 / 무관의 제왕 / 레전드 율리우스 카이사르 리더십 공성 공격 스킬 무적의 부대 (액티브)필요한 분노 포인트 : 1000 공격력/방어력 증가 : 10% / 12% / 14% / 16% / 20%피해량 증가 : 10% / 14% / 18% / 24% / 30% 5초 동안 부대의 공격력 및 방어력 증가, 주는 피해가 증가합니다.신성의 율리우스 I didn't come up with the rankings/pairings themselves, but rather I used guides from various content creators who made ranking videos. Fully offensive infantry pairing for Open-field! You will not get banned for using Bluestacks to play RoK. Artemisia and YSG are two powerful archer commanders! Cheapest Way to Unlock T5 Units in RoK. Below are the latest working Rise of Kingdoms gift codes or redeem codes for getting a lot better start in the game! Interesting topic and fancy visualization! While many of them are extremely great, some others are very terrible pairings, if not saying that they could even give you some negative impacts. For updated garrison builds, check out the new Garrison master class (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgdXuK76vQc) or Dragothien’s garrison guide (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8ZxotYKLw), Okay, thanks Simon! People have been discussing a lot about the best Primary/Secondary commander pairings in the game since the beginning. simonho has collected some of the best data out of those possible commander pairings for us. We rank all six Legendary Cavalry Commanders in Rise of Kingdoms (RoK) and provide epic pairings so that you can decide how you would want to invest. Contact me if you want more details on how to do this. Click + and - to add/remove talents points. Some of the most commonly used pairs at the current game but this doesn’t mean other pairs can’t be used. on CodePen. I simply extracted that information and put it into a single graph. Quarry; Storehouse. When adding a second commander … Well thought out and presented. Keep up the good work. When I’m not doing research I enjoy keeping up with trends in modern data science and learning about new statistical methods or new deep learning techniques. I would also encourage an input area from outside players beyond the two shown. Versatility = the amount of viable pairings a commander has. Only supports Browsers on PC at the moment. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. He has nicely converted all of the long data sheets into a very digestible graph, helping us browse and read the data a lot easier. Recruit more members for your Alliance here! The goal was to create a quick and easy-to-use resource that could answer the question: “which commander works best with ____?”. 137 votes, 40 comments. Now, look in the commanders skills you are pairing. Great tool! If you enter the 1st season of KVK, I can be sure that this will be the most effective pairing for PVP both open-field and garrison defenders. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Webcam Eye Tracker: Data Collection of Screen Coordinates, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgdXuK76vQc, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8ZxotYKLw, Choose between different tier lists using the drop-down in the top left. Primary commander should be the one who has better Talent tree. The visualization contains multiple graphs, each sourced from a different content creator, and obviously each individual has a different opinion about how the pairs should be ranked.

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