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secretlab omega kaufen

Share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too! It … Full control of your chair’s position is right at your fingertips. Levelled Seatbase. Any particular recommendations? Wenn Ihre Bestellung versandt wurde, erhalten Sie per E-Mail eine Versandbestätigung und eine Sendungsverfolgungsnummer. 1Polsterung wählen I'm 5'10 Rundum sorgenfreies Sitzen in Ihrem Secretlab-Stuhl, der mit Rohstoffen in Industriequalität und modernsten Herstellungsverfahren gefertigt und anschließend strengen internationalen Qualitätsprüfungen unterzogen wird. Thank you! Applicable for all functionality portions of the chair. The Omega is also available in a variety of Special Editions. This gaming chair from Singaporean company Secretlab will fit right at home or in the office with its classy clean looks. RESPAWN OMEGA-Xi Fortnite Gaming Reclining Ergonomic Chair with Footrest (OMEGA-02) 4.1 out of 5 stars 1,291. Product information Product Dimensions 32 x 14.5 x 27.5 inches Manufacturer Secretlab After I sharing in my social media.. Links, rechts, links abgewinkelt, rechts abgewinkelt, vorwärts, rückwärts, nach oben, nach unten – Sie können jede Armlehne exakt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse einstellen und vermeiden auch das Risiko eines Karpaltunnelsyndroms. Die Aktualisierung der Sendungsverfolgungsdaten kann bis zu 24 Stunden dauern. The Secretlab Omega is usually priced at $389, but Amazon is offering a $30 savings with an instant digital coupon. Really good quality and delivery was efficient too. Its relatively compact design is a good fit for those who prefer a more snug sitting experience. Guaranteed ship out by today: Order within, 1x Secretlab Signature Memory Foam Head Pillow. By continuing to use our website, you consent to the automatic collection of your data. To give you an absolute peace of mind, all Secretlab chairs are equipped with Class 4 heavy-duty KGS gas pistons — the best-in-class for consistency, stability, and safety — that are backed by safety certifications including TÜV LGA, ANSI/BIFMA (by SGS) and ISO9001. Thank you secretlab! 175 - 200cm Recommended Height . The multi-tilt mechanism adapts effortlessly to you, whether you’re sitting straight or leaning back. Secretlab K/DA gaming chairs. The multi-tilt mechanism adapts effortlessly to you, whether you’re sitting straight or leaning back. * May take up to 5 working days. Mit einer Garantiezeit, die über dem Industriestandard liegt, können Sie sicher sein, dass Ihre preisgekrönte Erfahrung von Dauer ist. It is why the choice should always start from this point. Each wheelbase is perfectly balanced and reinforced with additional ribs and gussets for improved structural integrity. The Omega is a smaller, slim-fitting chair with a memory foam lumbar pillow. To get an idea of the best fit for you, check out our sizing calculator. Slim Fit. 3 of them directly order after trying my omega chair XD. We’re currently working to minimize the delay and will send you a shipping confirmation email once your order leaves our warehouse. cool design and comfort for long hours. Vielen Dank! To give you greater comfort, support, reliability and personalization, the new 2020 Series features multiple improvements that will exceed the expectations of even the most discerning. How do I take care of my Secretlab chair? Buy the Secretlab Omega - http://bit.ly/gbmomegaIs the Secretlab Omega 2020 worth buying? fehlerhafte Produkte, die nicht den Standards von Secretlab entsprechen, werden im Rahmen unserer Garantiebestimmungen ersetzt. Um eine Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, welcher Stuhl am besten zu Ihnen passt, werfen Sie einen Blick auf unseren Größenrechner. Secretlab TITAN 2020 SERIES. Erweitern Sie Ihr Erlebnis mit den neuen Secretlab Signature Memory Foam-Kissen. The Omega has a maximum weight capacity of 110kg. Category. Ästhetische Mängel und Schäden aufgrund einer unsachgemäßen Nutzung des Stuhls fallen nicht unter die Garantie. Available Upholstery PRIME™ 2.0 PU Leather NEW SoftWeave® Fabric NAPA Leather. Most users take about 20 minutes to assemble their chair. Wir benachrichtigen Sie, wenn dieses Produkt verfügbar ist. Wir werden Sie benachrichtigen, wenn das Produkt wieder verfügbar ist! Titan imo, I'm 6ft 1, 220ish and I can sit cross legged in a Titan. Secretlab OMEGA Gaming Chair Review [Reviewed by Johan M.] The OMEGA from Secretlab was the first gaming chair I ever sat in. 180cm Recommended Height . This product is not available at the moment, but you can register your interest and we will notify you if it becomes available! Secretlab OMEGA 2020 SERIES. New 2020 PRIME™ 2.0 PU Leather Learn More. This means keeping liquids away from your chair, and also wiping it down once in a while to keep it clean. Egal, ob Sie sich Ihre Lieblingsvideos ansehen oder ein Power-Nickerchen machen, die durchgehende Rückenlehne ist fast vollständig neigbar und sorgt für komplette Entspannung mit ergonomischer Unterstützung beim Hinlegen. The Titan is suitable for users as tall as 200cm. The Omega is suitable for users as tall as 180cm. New 2020 PRIME™ 2.0 PU Leather Learn More. With marked improvements to comfort, support, and reliability, the 2020 update to the multi-award winning Secretlab OMEGA delivers an unparalleled sitting experience that is hailed as the gold standard of gaming chairs. Wenn Sie während der Montage auf Probleme stoßen, wenden Sie sich bitte über unser Kontaktformular an uns. Defekte bzw. The Secretlab Omega comes in three different upholsteries, PU Leather, Fabric, and real NAPA Leather. Unsere Stühle sind so konstruiert, dass sie für verschiedene Größen und Gewichte geeignet sind. * Receive a complimentary 2-year extension for a total warranty period of 5 years when you share a picture of your Secretlab chair. Verfügbare Polsterung PRIME™ 2.0 PU-Leder NEUSoftWeave® StoffNAPA Leather, Verfügbare Polsterung PRIME™ 2.0 PU-Leder NEUSoftWeave® StoffNAPA-Leder, Verfügbare Polsterung PRIME™ 2.0 PU-Leder NEUSoftWeave® Stoff, Direktverkaufspreis und kostenloser Versand*. Das Kopfkissen wird mit einer Beschichtung aus Kühlgel geliefert, was für eine angenehme Kühle sorgt und gleichzeitig bei Bedarf zusätzliche Unterstützung bietet. Price. The NeueMesh™ is a premium 3-layer mesh created by combining polyester fibre and DuPont yarn, and has been optimized for long hours of usage, feel on skin, and long-term durability. Tragen Sie sich in unsere Mailingliste ein und erhalten Sie die neuesten Angebote und Produktveröffentlichungen! If you are living in Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg, you may experience additional delays due to poor weather. The Titan is a larger, wider model with a depth-adjustable internal lumbar support. Es behält auch den charakteristischen Plüsch und das geschmeidige Gefühl seines Vorgängers, so dass Sie stundenlang bequem sitzen können. using this chair for a month, really worth the money. 110kg Recommended Weight. Wir sind uns bewusst, dass es Menschen mit den unterschiedlichsten Staturen und Größen gibt. Secret lab chair is amazing! Click here to learn more. Available Upholstery PRIME™ 2.0 PU Leather NEW SoftWeave® Fabric NAPA Leather. Secretlab chairs are designed and certified for safety and durability. As a result, the Omega is now the dedicated small chair in the Secretlab product line. Es besteht daher kein Grund zur Sorge, wenn die Daten nicht sofort angezeigt werden. Snug-Fit Seatbase. Secretlab OMEGA Overwatch Edition. Die meisten Benutzer benötigen für die Montage ihres Stuhls etwa 20 Minuten. Exceptions include distant locations* and stock availability. The more spacious cousin of the Secretlab OMEGA, complete with integrated lumbar support. Whether you’re watching your favorite videos or taking a power nap, the full-length backrest can recline almost fully so you can lie down completely strain-free while enjoying all the ergonomic support. Dieses Produkt ist zur Zeit nicht verfügbar, Sie können Ihr Interesse jedoch vormerken lassen. The concave PU padding also provides ample support while ensuring your elbow stays firmly in place. The Head Pillow comes with a coating of cooling gel as well, enabling you to stay cool while enjoying additional support for as long as you want. You no longer have to pay out the nose for a good gaming chair. Secretlab TITAN 2020 SERIES. Engineered to be 4 times more durable* than regular PU leather, and nearly impervious to small accidents, this is the upholstery you want for the greatest peace of mind. Klicken Sie hier, um mehr zu erfahren. Mit den neuen Secretlab 4D-Armlehnen, die für eine längere Haltbarkeit und einfache Anpassung mit einem neuen Innenmechanismus aus Metall aufgerüstet wurden, können Sie die Unterstützung für Ellbogen und Handgelenk mühelos individuell anpassen. 110kg Recommended Weight. Datenschutzrichtlinien, Copyright © 2015 – 2021 Secretlab. Entwickelt, um <4 mal haltbarer* als normales PU-Leder zu sein, und nahezu unempfindlich gegen kleine Unfälle, ist dies die Polsterung, die Sie sich wünschen. cool design and comfort for long hours. Secretlab OMEGA 2020 SERIES. Instead of layering pieces of foam together, Secretlab stuffed the Omega 2020 with “cold-cure foam” created in solid pieces with aluminium molds. Sie können sich jederzeit abmelden. Secretlab NAPA leather is buttery-smooth, supple, and exceptionally cool to touch, oozing class and the delectable smell of real leather at every turn. Wie wähle ich aus? Secretlab chairs are exceedingly durable, but proper aftercare is still crucial to ensure they stay in good condition for a long time. They are also enjoying the New Year sales. It was really a good experience and a good buy! Hergestellt aus dichtem Kurzgarn und sorgfältig geschliffen, um eine einzigartige ultra-weiche und flauschige Textur zu schaffen, ist Secretlab SoftWeave® Stoff weich, atmungsaktiv und langlebig, die perfekte Mischung, die maximalen Komfort über lange Stunden des Sitzens bietet. I also invite all my friend come and try. Available Upholstery PRIME™ 2.0 PU Leather NEWSoftWeave® FabricNAPA Leather, Available Upholstery PRIME™ 2.0 PU Leather NEWSoftWeave® Fabric. Your input is very much appreciated. Our couriers are currently experiencing a high surge in shipments due to the seasonal sales. Nach Abschluss Ihres Einkaufs erhalten Sie eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail mit einem Montagevideo und einer Montageanleitung. -mehtalkitty_ With marked improvements to comfort, support, and reliability, the 2020 update to the multi-award winning Secretlab OMEGA delivers an unparalleled sitting experience that is hailed as the gold standard of gaming chairs. Sie sollten jedoch auch die Technische Beschreibung für jeden Stuhl lesen, die jeweils genaue Abmessungen enthält. Sit completely worry-free with your Secretlab chair—created with industrial-grade raw materials and state of the art manufacturing processes, then subject to rigorous international quality tests. However, my regular desk chair at work is one of those fancy ergonomic ones, so I figured my body would revolt if this new seating arrangement was anything but comparable to that luxury. With marked improvements to comfort, support, and reliability, the 2020 update to the multi-award winning Secretlab OMEGA delivers an unparalleled sitting experience that is hailed as the gold standard of gaming chairs. 130kg Recommended Weight. All Secretlab chairs are fitted with a robust aluminum wheelbase, constructed for impeccable strength and stability. Thanks! The more spacious cousin of the Secretlab OMEGA, complete with integrated lumbar support. Secretlab OMEGA 2020 SERIES. I LOVE IT!!!!! So, watch it through at least once before you start. Also quite easy to assemble. Cleaning and maintaining your Secretlab chair is quick and easy. * Die Versandkosten werden an der Kasse berechnet. Made from dense short yarn and meticulously ground to create a unique ultra-soft and fluffy texture, Secretlab SoftWeave® Fabric is soft, breathable, and durable, the perfect blend that provides maximum comfort over long hours of sitting. Something wrong happened, please try again! It looks stylish and good quality. We will notify you when this product is available. Our delivery partners Fedex and TNT will not be able to pick up any packages until 5 March. They are also enjoying the New Year sales. Nature Made Triple Omega 3-6-9, 150 Softgels Value Size, Omega Supplement For Heart Health 4.8 out of 5 stars 2,150 $18.32 $ 18 . Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten, bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal! * Shipping cost calculated upon checkout. Really good quality and delivery was efficient too. save. With an ergonomic design in combination with some of the best materials of the moment, the chair offers a unique sitting experience. To give you both immaculate comfort and great support, a patent-pending foam manufacturing procedure was employed to achieve a firmness that feels oh-so good and is beneficial for your posture. Secretlab Omega gaming chair drops fancy colors for classy office looks. Video Game Merchandise - … With marked improvements to comfort, support, and reliability, the 2020 update to the multi-award winning Secretlab OMEGA delivers an unparalleled sitting … Secretlab makes some of the most reliable gaming chairs. Mit deutlichen Verbesserungen in Bezug auf Komfort, Unterstützung und Zuverlässigkeit bietet das Update 2020 des mehrfach ausgezeichneten Secretlab OMEGA ein unvergleichliches Sitzerlebnis, das als Goldstandard bei Gaming Stühlen bejubelt wird. 180cm Recommended Height . How do I choose? I pre-ordered the Omega Overwatch D.Va chair and boy let me tell you.. I putting at my office. * Erhalten Sie eine kostenlose Verlängerung um 2 Jahre auf eine Gesamtgarantiezeit von 5 Jahren, wenn Sie ein Bild von Ihrem Secretlab-Stuhl teilen. + 7 S 0 P O N S O A R P A 7 E E D-1-1 U J-1 0 F J-1-1. There are now two K/DA designs in the Secretlab gaming chair collection. Bestellungen werden in der Regel innerhalb von 1 Werktag bearbeitet und 90 % unserer Bestellungen werden innerhalb von 2 - 4 Werktagen ausgeliefert. Pamper yourself with ultra-luxurious NAPA leather, the preferred material of luxury automobiles and boutique bags. Erleben Sie endlos lange Stunden an Komfort, unabhängig davon, wie Sie dieses Top-Bestseller-Produkt verwenden. Mit PRIME™ 2.0 PU-Leder haben wir eine neue Messlatte für Biege- und Abriebfestigkeit gesetzt. Aesthetic defects and damage from misuse of the chair are not covered. But the Omega series takes gaming chairs to the next level. With PRIME™ 2.0 PU leather, we’ve set a new bar for flexing and abrasion resistance. Up to 49 days from the date of delivery, subject to return fees. Our warehouse is based in Tennessee and Utah and orders usually take up to 1 working day to be processed and delivered within 3 working days. If they are similar for the average user, they start to be very focused on tall and overweight users. S-M L XL. Over $240.00 - apply Price filter. 32 ($0.12/Count) $29.99 $29.99 Benachrichtigen Sie mich, wenn das Produkt wieder auf Lager ist. Von diesem Produkt sind nur noch wenige Artikel verfügbar. My Titan chair is still awesome and looks brand new after a year of heavy use. Beides bietet eine visuelle Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung sowie einige wichtige Sicherheitsinformationen, die Sie beachten sollten. Genießen Sie mit dem optimierten Secretlab Cold-Cure Foam Mix (Kaltschaum) ein Sitzerlebnis der nächsten Generation. Halten Sie daher Flüssigkeiten von Ihrem Stuhl fern und wischen Sie ihn auch hin und wieder ab, um ihn sauber zu halten. Discussion. Is super comfortable. No cheap nylon here. Available Upholstery PRIME™ 2.0 PU Leather NEW SoftWeave® Fabric In the meantime, our operations team is doing all they can to expedite the process. Notify me when the product is back in stock. Die Stühle von Secretlab sind äußerst langlebig, jedoch ist die richtige Pflege immer noch entscheidend, damit ein guter Zustand möglichst lange erhalten bleibt. Pamper yourself with ultra-luxurious NAPA leather, the preferred material of luxury automobiles and boutique bags. Move smoothly over any surface with the large XL PU caster wheels, designed to be quiet, durable, and kind to your floor. 1x Secretlab Signature Memory-Foam Kopfkissen, TÜV LGA, ANSI/BIFMA (by SGS) and ISO9001, Seite mit den häufig gestellten Fragen (FAQ) anzeigen, Vollständige Rückgabe-/Rückerstattungsrichtlinie lesen. This product is available in limited quantities. Ausnahmen gibt es im Falle entfernt gelegener Orte* sowie abhängig von der Verfügbarkeit ab Lager. This is the best chair I have owned and best believe I’m going to order a secondary one! Elevate your experience with the new Secretlab Signature Memory Foam Pillows. Woher weiß ich, ob ein Secretlab Stuhl gut zu mir passt? $95.00 to $240.00 - apply Price filter. Secretlab NAPA leather is buttery-smooth, supple, and exceptionally cool to touch, oozing class and the delectable smell of real leather at every turn. The Omega is larger than the Throne, supporting users from 5’3″ to 5’11”. All rights reserved. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Forget about puny wheels that go bump. $285.69 $ 285. Each wheelbase is perfectly balanced and reinforced with additional ribs and gussets for improved structural integrity. Save secretlab omega to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Full control of your chair’s position is right at your fingertips. * Für bestimmte Länder (z. Forget about puny wheels that go bump. Here, we’ve rounded up the best cheap gaming chair deals you can find online right now. 69. Die konkave PU-Polsterung bietet zudem reichlich Halt und sorgt dafür, dass Ihr Ellenbogen fest an seinem Platz bleibt. It looks stylish and good quality. You can also find the Assembly Video and Assembly Guide in our Resources page. The Omega takes over from the Throne as the smallest Secretlab gaming chair. Unser Supportteam wird Ihnen bestmöglich weiterhelfen. Available Upholstery PRIME™ 2.0 PU Leather NEW SoftWeave® Fabric NAPA Leather. 110kg Recommended Weight. B. Griechenland, Finnland) können für den Versand einige zusätzliche Arbeitstage benötigt werden. Secretlab's new Omega 2018 is a rocking good chair. Think of this as a suspension system for your chair. Feel comfort for endless hours regardless of what you’re doing with this flagship best-seller. Sehen Sie sich das Video und die Anleitung daher mindestens einmal an, bevor Sie mit der Montage beginnen. When your order has been shipped, you'll receive a shipping confirmation and tracking number via email. I also invite all my friend come and try. Available Upholstery PRIME™ 2.0 PU Leather NEW SoftWeave® Fabric Share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too! We apologize for the inconvenience caused. A year ago I bought a SecretLab Titan chair to replace my DX racer chair and still absolutely love the decision. Thanks! The chair is super fine quality with superb COMFORT! We use automatic data collection tools to analyse our traffic and improve your user experience. We’ve compiled a handy Aftercare Guide with more detailed instructions, and you can refer to that for more information. If you take good care of it, your chair will continue to look great while keeping you comfortable for many years to come Wir haben eine praktische Pflegeanleitung mit ausführlichen Anweisungen zusammengestellt, in der Sie weitere Informationen finden können. It was really a good experience and a good buy! Also quite easy to assemble. Secretlab™ is a registered trademark of Secretlab SG Pte Ltd. Sit cross-legged. We also share information about your use of our site with our analytics partners. With PRIME™ 2.0 PU leather, we’ve set a new bar for flexing and abrasion resistance. Think of this as a suspension system for your chair. Both editions come in Omega and Titan variants. 1Choose your Upholstery 180cm Recommended Height . Upon purchase and fulfilment, a confirmation email containing an Assembly Video as well as an Assembly Guide will be sent to your inbox. We use automatic data collection tools to analyse our traffic and improve your user experience. We also share information about your use of our site with our analytics partners. From the hydraulics to the upholstery, each part and product has undergone tests according to established industry standards as well as customized tests that go above and beyond the status quo, so that you can truly sit with absolute peace of mind. The chair is very beautiful and looks even better in person! With a warranty period that’s above the industry standard, you can be assured that your award-winning experience has been made to last. I buying this gaming chair is not for gaming. Bis zu 49 Tage ab Lieferdatum, gegen Rückgabegebühr. However, you should also refer to the specifications sheet for each chair for more detailed dimensions. The elasticity and breathability of mesh has made it the practical choice of the modern workplace. Genießen Sie traumhaften Komfort mit der für Secretlab typischen Stoffmischung. Secretlab chairs are built to be highly customizable and feature a wide range of adjustments. How do I know if a Secretlab chair will be a good fit for me? Secretlab TITAN 2020 SERIES. You can check out all of the color schemes and styles at Secretlab.co, but we’ve listed the six different PU Leather options below, as well the two Fabric color schemes. The Secretlab Omega features highly customizable armrests, multi-functional tilt mechanisms and some of the densest foam we've felt in a gaming chair. Unser Lager befindet sich in Warsaw, Poland. Secretlab Stühle sind so konstruiert, dass sie in hohem Maße anpassbar sind und eine Vielzahl von Einstellungsmöglichkeiten bieten. Veredelt mit einem hochwertigen Memory-Schaumstoff, passt sich dieses dichtere Material Ihren Körperkonturen in dem Maß an, wie es für die Unterstützung Ihrer Sitzhaltung erforderlich ist. KARNOX Legend-TR New Breathable Soft Cloth Gaming Chair with 155º Recline Racing Chair High Back and Ergonomic Style Swivel Chair with Headrest and Lumbar Support(LegendTR- … Please allow for a longer than usual time for order processing. Under $95.00 - apply Price filter. Join our mailing list for the latest offers and product releases! To give you an absolute peace of mind, all Secretlab chairs are equipped with Class 4 heavy-duty KGS gas pistons — the best-in-class for consistency, stability, and safety — that are backed by safety certifications including TÜV LGA, ANSI/BIFMA (by SGS) and ISO9001. Defective products which do not confirm to Secretlab’s standards, will be replaced, subject to our Warranty Policy. Kostenloser Versand*, wenn Sie direkt bei Secretlab kaufen. By continuing to use our website, you consent to the automatic collection of your data. The updated gaming chair from Singapore startup Secretlab now ships to the US, UK and Australia as well. Left, right, angled left, angled right, forwards, backwards, up, down, adjust each armrest to have it suit your exact support needs without risk of carpal tunnel. No cheap nylon here. If you run into any issues during the assembly, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Form and our support team will do their best to help you. The Titan has a weight capacity of 130kg. Easily personalize support for your elbow and wrist with the new Secretlab 4D armrests—updated with a new metal internal mechanism for greater durability and superb ease of customization. Move smoothly over any surface with the large XL PU caster wheels, designed to be quiet, durable, and kind to your floor. I buying this gaming chair is not for gaming. 130kg Recommended Weight. Your input is very much appreciated. Secretlab™ ist eine eingetragene Marke von Secretlab UK Ltd (CRN 10848310). The manufacturer has already won multiple awards. * Sweat, humidity, flexing and abrasion tests performed by TÜV SÜD and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research(A*STAR). 175 - 200cm Recommended Height . Secret lab chair is amazing! With marked improvements to comfort, support, and reliability, the 2020 update to the multi-award winning Secretlab OMEGA delivers an unparalleled sitting experience that is hailed as the gold standard of gaming chairs. 3 of them directly order after trying my omega chair XD. The Secretlab OMEGA is equipped with a thick layer of patent-pending cold-cure foam to provide optimal comfort and support for long hours. After I sharing in my social media.. Upgraded with a premium memory foam, this denser material conforms to the curvature of your body at just the right amount needed to support your sitting posture. 175 - 200cm Recommended Height . The tracking information can take up to 24 hours to update, so don’t worry if it doesn't show up immediately. Is super comfortable. Enjoy dream-like comfort with Secretlab’s signature blend of fabric. Secretlab TITAN Overwatch Edition. Enjoy a next level sitting experience with the improved Secretlab cold-cure foam mix. I putting at my office. Schließen. ** Secretlab will not be held accountable for any delays in shipping due to customs or carrier delays, and unforeseen circumstances outside of our control. Das Montagevideo und die Montageanleitung finden Sie auch auf unserer Ressourcenseite. We recognize that people come in all shapes and sizes, and our chairs are designed to accommodate various heights and weights. 130kg Recommended Weight. Sit at any angle you want, and then lock the seat in place. SecretLab Titan and Omega Chairs - 1 year later + Battlestation pics. The Assembly Video and Guide will give you a step-by-step visual walkthrough, as well as some important safety information to keep in mind. ... Unterstützung und Zuverlässigkeit bietet das Update 2020 des mehrfach ausgezeichneten Secretlab OMEGA ein unvergleichliches Sitzerlebnis, das als Goldstandard bei Gaming Stühlen bejubelt wird. Copyright © 2015 – 2021 Secretlab. Available Upholstery PRIME™ 2.0 PU Leather NEW SoftWeave® Fabric All Secretlab chairs are fitted with a robust aluminum wheelbase, constructed for impeccable strength and stability. The larger cousin of the Secretlab OMEGA. Für einen mustergültigen Komfort und eine großartige Unterstützung wurde ein zum Patent angemeldetes Schaumstoffherstellungsverfahren eingesetzt, um eine Festigkeit zu erreichen, die sich unglaublich gut anfühlt und Ihre Haltung positiv unterstützt. * Schweiß-, Feuchtigkeits-, Biege- und Abriebprüfungen durch den TÜV SÜD und die A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapur). ** Secretlab haftet nicht für Verzögerungen beim Versand aufgrund von Verzögerungen bei der Zollabfertigung oder beim Transport sowie für unvorhergesehene Umstände, die außerhalb unserer Kontrolle liegen. Gilt für alle Funktionsteile des Stuhls. The Secretlab TITAN is renowned for its ample space in addition to customization at the highest level. It retains the signature plush and supple feel of its predecessor too, so you can sit comfortably for long hours. Get it as soon as Tue, Mar 2. … PRIME™ 2.0 PU Leather. Sit at any angle you want, and then lock the seat in place. using this chair for a month, really worth the money.

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