Pour nos statistiques et notre développement. The Trade register entry was last updated on Jul 29, 2020. Multicharger GT touring / utility grey/curry matt / 51 cm / équipement optionnel : kit passager, Multicharger GT rohloff / utility grey/black matt / 51 cm / équipement optionnel : option GX, DualBattery 1125, sacoches Cargo, Multicharger GT vario HS / utility grey/curry matt / 51 cm. Le Homage. eBIke Central in Bald Head Island NC. We drive you and your business forward, with strong products and many benefits. The Bosch Performance Line CX offers up to 300 % pedal assistance, a maximum torque of 75 Nm, extremely sporty start-up characteristics and pedalling . Frame size in inches . 3 directors currently run the company: 3 managers. 19 - 20. Pour une expérience utilisateur optimale. Riese & Müller GmbH has its registered office in Mühltal, Germany. A day trip to the mountains or a few days camping at the lake? For athletes, commuters, families, bike tourists, tradesmen, and for everyone who simply loves cycling. Riese Muller Multicharger comes with a downtube Bosch battery pack. 158 - 165. Ideal für Langstrecke und mehr: Zwei In den Rahmen integrierte Powertube Akkus verleihen dem Riese & Müller Supercharger eine enorme Reichweite. Multicharger Mixte GT light / pearl white/black matt / 47 cm, Multicharger Mixte GT touring / utility grey/black matt / 47 cm / équipement optionnel : option GX, kit passager, Multicharger Mixte GT vario / utility grey/curry matt / 47 cm / équipement optionnel : kit safety bar. Car seules les optimisations constantes permettent d’offrir des E-Bikes d’exception. Message. So even your electric bike has a smaller battery capacity it will let you ride for longer … Cargo bikes Who needs a car then. Bereits seit 2009 entwickelt die deutsche e-Bike Manufaktur Pedelecs und kann seit Jahren auch mit mehreren außerordentlichen Cargo e-Bikes glänzen. Les petits et les grands passagers y trouveront également une place. And the best thing is: it handles with the agility of a normal E-Bike, while boasting top-of-the-line safety. utility grey/black matt*; utility grey/curry matt*, Schwalbe Super Moto-X 62-559 Reflex; Schwalbe Smart Sam Plus 57-559 Reflex*, Bosch PowerPack 500 Performance, 36 V, 13,4 Ah/500Wh*; Bosch PowerTube 625 Vertical, 36 V, 16,7 Ah/625Wh*; Bosch PowerTube 500 Vertical, 36 V, 13,4 Ah/500Wh*, Bosch Purion; Bosch Nyon*; Bosch SmartphoneHub*, Humpert ergotec Ergo XXL, 31,8 mm; Satori R&M Custom, 25,4mm, Alu*, Humpert ergotec Barracuda Evo, 90 mm, 20°; Satori R&M Custom, cable integration, adjustable angle, Alu*, Hermans Grips ( 2x ); Hermans Grips ( 2x )*, Magura MT4, disc brake; Magura MT5, disc brake, Ursus Power 94 Kickstand; Ursus 80 Jumbo II Double leg kickstand*, Supernova M99, integrated brake light*; Supernova M99, integrated plate illumination and brake light*, Ursus 80 Jumbo II Double leg kickstand*; Ursus Power 94 Kickstand, Poids admissible sur sacoche/panier guidon [kg]. Fresh tailwind for your business: Become a Riese & Müller dealer now. Neben der Fähigkeit Lasten zu transportieren , haben alle Modelle einen starken Bosch Motor und bieten aufgrund der hydraulischen Tektro Scheibenbremsen besondere Stabilität sowie Sicherheit. L (LA) 185 - 200. Quelle que soit l'aventure dans laquelle vous vous lancez, le Multicharger vous permet de transporter tout ce dont vous avez besoin. Qui a écrit dans : Multicharger Riese and Muller. Stadt und Land genießen: Das Riese und Müller New Charger zeigt, wie viel Fahrspaß mit einem modernen E-Bike möglich ist. Related Videos. Constant optimisation results in outstanding E-Bikes. 27.5" Choose from the variants: × Volba velikosti rámu pro elektrokolo. pearl white/black matt*; utility grey/black matt*; utility grey/curry matt*, Schwalbe Super Moto-X 62-559 Reflex; Schwalbe Smart Sam Plus 57-559 Reflex*, Bosch PowerTube 625 Vertical, 36 V, 16,7 Ah/625Wh*; Bosch PowerTube 500 Vertical, 36 V, 13,4 Ah/500Wh*, Bosch Purion; Bosch Nyon*; Bosch SmartphoneHub*, Humpert ergotec Ergo XXL, 31,8 mm; Satori R&M Custom, 25,4mm, Alu*, Humpert ergotec Barracuda Evo, 90 mm, 20°; Satori R&M Custom, cable integration, adjustable angle, Alu*, Hermans Grips ( 2x ); Hermans Grips ( 2x )*, Magura MT4, disc brake; Magura MT5, disc brake, Ursus Power 94 Kickstand; Ursus 80 Jumbo II Double leg kickstand*, Shimano Deore, 11-speed; Shimano SLX, 11-speed*, Humpert ergotec Trekking, 31,8 mm, Alu; Satori R&M Custom Komfort, 25,4 mm, Alu*, Supernova M99, integrated brake light*; Supernova M99, integrated plate illumination and brake light*, Ursus 80 Jumbo II Double leg kickstand*; Ursus Power 94 Kickstand, Poids admissible sur sacoche/panier guidon [kg]. Le Multicharger Mixte peut tout faire. Riese & Müller Multicharger city / Das Multitalent Diese E-Bike ist ein sehr vielseitiges Rad. Meer informatie: https://bit.ly/2EV7akp. Les modèles de Riese & Müller. Riese und Müller Multicharger GT touring 2020 in 26 Zoll kaufen bei Fahrrad XXL ☝ Vollständig vormontiert Finde hier dein E-Bike! Le Multicharger. Riese und Müller Lastenfahrrad Packster - 2021 Die Packster-Kollektion von Riese & Müller besteht aus den 40er und 70er Modellen. Nom du membre Messages; Rems_m3 7: sebatlas 6: Dori 4: Moz 1: VinceAsn 1: agzfr 1: Julien DABE 1: nikobou 1: grosmatth 1: Atarien 1: mariaamelia 1: Thème et langage. We've reinvented the wheel – time and time again. Passengers young and old will find their spot. Vélos Cargo. S (SM) 160 - 175. The standard battery pack has 36V 13.4 ah capacity. La E-Bike con maletero y asiento trasero. Alle Rechte Pour une expérience utilisateur optimale. We would be happy to advise you on all options and details. Se overblikket over de forskellige R&M Multicharger modeller og find din næste elcykel! The company is registered at the Trade register at the local court of Darmstadt with the legal form of Private limited company (number HRB 6715). Pour les aventuriers du quotidien. Plus besoin de voiture. vorbehalten. After all, DualBattery technology enables the parallel use of two fully integrated 500 Wh batteries. There's no such thing as one E-Bike for everyone – … 15 - 17. It leaves a lasting impression with its off-road appearance. MY 2020. Stated size. 0:31. Die Charakteristik des … They shared free time converting and optimizing bicycles and eventually created a special full suspension folding bike in 1992 called the Birdy. La Control Technology de Riese & Müller est synonyme de plaisir maximal : la suspension intégrale parfaitement réglée du bras oscillant de la roue arrière assure une traction sûre, même sur les routes les plus cahoteuses ou à vitesse élevée. Fahrspaß und Nutzwert liegen auf Augenhöhe. Das Multicharger Modell führte Riese & Müller basierend auf der Charger e-Bike Reihe ein.Mit seinen durchdachten Cargo-Ausstattungsmöglichkeiten bietet das gepäckraumoptimierte e-Bike in Offroad-Optik aber auch in 2021 viel Stauraum.Damit ist es ideal als Lasten-, Familien- oder Transport e-Bike geeignet. Assistance up to a speed of 45 km/h makes the Performance Speed drive the fastest Bosch E-Bike. In that case, just send us a message. Le Multicharger Mixte. This means a 500 wh battery pack (483 wh to be more precise) Electric bikes with mid-drive motor will have around 40-60% more range compared to identical e-bikes with hub motor. Langage : Statistiques d'exécution. 0% finance available Riese & Muller Multicharger Collection | Official Riese & Muller 2021 Electric Bikes UK | Fully Charged The Multicharger. Discount for purchasing 2 or more e-bikes: 5%. M (MD) 175 - 185. 13 - 15. Cargo bikes are the reliable alternative to cars. The Multicharger’s smart cargo options help you transport almost anything, from passengers of all sizes, shopping and bulky packages to weekend camping equipment. Déposer les deux petits à la maternelle, partir en excursion toute la journée avec les enfants ou faire les courses en famille : peu importe l’objectif de la sortie. Saber más: https://bit.ly/2K0mrok. The Multicharger is a cargo-optimised E-Bike in an off-road style. The Riese & Müller Supercharger2 combines a particularly sporty and clean design style with outstanding riding characteristics and maximum range. Multicharger. Plus d'informations. Who needs a car then. vorbehalten. Une journée à la montagne ou quelques jours de camping au bord d'un lac ? All the better. Its current status is listed as active. No matter what adventure awaits you, the Multicharger will take everyone and everything with you. For everyday adventures. You are already in the know and would like to put our bikes in your store? Tout et tous à bord. Herausgekommen ist ein Multifunktions-E-Bike, wie wir es uns für Pendler und Stadtmenschen vorstellen. And the best thing is: it handles with the agility of a normal E-Bike, while boasting top-of-the-line safety. 17 - 18. Der Multicharger von Riese & Müller bringt gleich mehrere Fahrradwelten zusammen – Cargobike, Reiserad, Citybike. eBike Central in Boone NC Riese & Müller grew from a friendship between Markus Riese and Heiko Müller, who were mechanical engineering students at the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany in the late 1980’s. Find out more. Riese & Müller models. No matter what adventure awaits you, the Multicharger will take everyone and everything with you. Alle Rechte Bosch. For the DualBattery, we dealt intensely with the topics of range and riding dynamics.” This not only saves space, but also makes the Multicharger Mixte’s riding behaviour safe and agile – whether you ride a lot, carry a lot of cargo or both. Name. Related Videos. XS. Bring on the adventure. Multicharger. Heure actuelle : 12h06 le 30 déc. This not only saves space, but also makes the Multicharger safe and agile to handle – whether you ride a lot, carry a lot of cargo or both. Pour nos statistiques et notre développement. Riese & Müller Multicharger Ride all the time and take everything with you. De e-bike met kofferbak en achterbank. Riese & Müller Control Technology is synonymous with maximum riding enjoyment: the perfectly coordinated full suspension of the rear swing arm ensures safe traction even with poor road conditions and at high speeds. eBike Central in Blowing Rock NC. Pour les sportifs, les personnes qui se rendent au travail à vélo, les familles, les cyclotouristes, et tous ceux qui aiment simplement faire du vélo. Cargo bikes. Riese und Müller Multicharger Mixte Am 28. Nous avons réinventé la roue – encore et encore. Beginnen wir mit dem Fahrverhalten: Herausragend präsentiert sich der Multicharger am Berg. Riese und Müller Fahrräder bei Fahrrad XXL ☝ Größte Auswahl Deutschlands Fachhändler mit Filialnetz 100 Tage Rückgaberecht Jetzt günstig kaufen! Riese & Müller is doubling the battery capacity of its E-Bikes to 1,000 Wh, thus effectively doubling their range. 148 - 158. Mai 2014 / Erfahrungsberichte , European Tour Report Grant , News , Riese und Müller / Einen Kommentar abgeben Heiko Müller, co-founder of Riese & Müller, had this to say about the technology: “In designing our bikes, it is important to us to develop the right concept for each application. The Homage. Vélos Cargo Plus besoin de voiture. The Multicharger is a cargo optimised eBike with capacity to carry humans, great for a whole use of purposes! Passengers young and old will find their spot. Riese und Müller ist vor allem bei Lastenrad e-Bikern ein sehr bekannter Begriff. Rider height in cm. Just send us a message.
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