Li (Lithium) Refractive Index. Zn (Zinc) BiFeO3 (Bismuth ferrite, BFO) Data Nucl. [Full database record], RefractiveIndex.INFO website: © 2008-2021 Mikhail Polyanskiy, database: public domain via CC0 1.0, NO GUARANTEE OF ACCURACY - Use on your own risk. CO2 (Carbon dioxide) CsCl (Cesium chloride) KI (Potassium iodide) ZnSiAs2 (Zinc silicon arsenide) AgGaS2 (Silver gallium sulfide, AGS) KTiOPO4 (Potassium titanyl phosphate, KTP) After that give it a new sample name [for example “Tungsten sample with n=1.6 and abs=0.01”] and now edit the Material properties [click on the … box next to it, Add, enter a material name and its associated refractive index and absorption] and then OK OK. Ge (Germanium) PbTiO3 (Lead titanate) Below are files of complete refractive index and extinction coefficients. ZrO2 (Zirconium dioxide, Zirconia) Yb (Ytterbium) Ag3AsS3 (Silver arsenic sulfide) CsF (Cesium fluoride) TeO2 (Tellurium dioxide) CdTe (Cadmium telluride) Optical constants of W (Tungsten) Ordal et al. Image(s) are representative of the product group and not necessarily the individual product. KH2PO4 (Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, KDP) The image above is a virtual representation of tungsten metal calculated by Patrick Callet using the complex diectric function of the element only. The robust and secure RID tubing kit includes recycle and purge valves in a range sizes. LiF (Lithium fluoride) LiIO3 (Lithium iodate) CdGeP2 (Cadmium germanium phosphide) TiN (Titanium nitride) Ca (Calcium) WO3 has a refractive index near 2.2 at 550 nm and a transmittance range from below 400 nm into the IR region. Sc2O3 (Scandium sesquioxide) Book Page. 1988: n,k 0.0024-0.122 µm Lu (Lutetium) TlCl (Thallium chloride) CdGeAs2 (Cadmium germanium arsenide) AlN (Aluminium nitride) SrMoO4 (Strontium molybdate) All rights reserved. ZnO (Zinc monoxide) CaF2 (Calcium fluoride) KF (Potassium fluoride) Bi2Se3 (Bismuth selenide) Refractive index database [about] Shelf. and extinction coefficient NH3 (Ammonia) ThF4 (Thorium tetrafluoride) Optical constants of monolayer WS 2 were measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry in the spectral range 365‑1700 nm. "Request". MoTe2 (Molybdenum ditelluride) CuGaS2 (Copper gallium sulfide) PbMoO4 (Lead Molybdate) 3D - selected data for 3D artists, Book YbF3 (Ytterbium trifluoride) He (Helium) CdSe (Cadmium selenide) BaB2O4 (Barium borate, BBO) Kr (Krypton) The refractive index of fused silica is highest in the UV region – 1.54 at 200nm. CuO (Copper monoxide) Tungsten trioxide (WO 3) is the most widely used material for the active layer of electrochromic devices.Knowledge of the complex refractive index over the range of coloration states is required for device design. Series 200a Refractive Index Detector: Sensitive, Stable, Reliable. BiB3O6 (Bismuth triborate, BiBO) Refractive index (RI or n) is of critical importance for photonics applications such as optical waveguides and ophthalmic devices.Based on their unique refractive index characteristics and good optical clarity, polymeric materials are also used as anti-reflective coatings for solar cells, displays and contact lenses. If the file is not available for download, you can request our proprietary file by clicking Pr (Praseodymium) Bell, R. W. Alexander, L. A. Newquist, M. R. Querry. Sr (Strontium) Mg (Magnesium) W (Tungsten) LuAl3(BO3)4 (Lutetium aluminium borate, LuAB) TiH2 (Titanium hydride) Tm (Thulium) Book Page. V (Vanadium) Re (Rhenium) RbI (Rubidium iodide) AgGaSe2 (Silver gallium selenide, AGSe) Chapter 1 Refractive index list Page 1-2 MAN 0396 1 Andradite (Garnet) 1.887 Anglesitte (Lead Sulphate) PbSO4 1.8771 - 1.8937 Anhydrite (Calcium Sulphate) CaSO4 1.5698 - 1.6136 Anhydrite (Gypsum) CaSO4.2H2O 1.57 - 1.61 Anhydrous Borax Na2O.2B2O3 1.501 Anorthite (Feldspar) CaAl2Si2O8 1.577 -1.590 Anorthoclase (Feldspar) (Na,K)AlSi3O8 1.523 - 1.529 Antimony Trioxide VN (Vanadium nitride) Fe3O4 (Iron(II,III) oxide, Magnetite) NaI (Sodium iodide) SiO (Silicon monoxide) Refractive Index Reference - J. H. Weaver, C. G. Olson, and D. W. Lynch, Phys. C (Carbon, diamond, graphite, graphene, carbon nanotubes) Bi4Ge3O12 (Bismuth germanate, BGO) InP (Indium phosphide) Colored state, Complex refractive index, electrochromic, tungsten oxide: Abstract: Tungsten trioxide (WO3) is the most widely used material for the active layer of electrochromic devices. AlAs (Aluminium arsenide) Tungsten, also known as wolfram. The refractive index of tungsten oxide thin film was found to increase with sputtering power but decreased with wavelength as shown in figure 4. [TXT - tab separated] Refractive index database [about] Shelf. Sc (Scandium) Si (Silicon) Chromium (Cr) Werner et al. Y3Al5O12 (Yttrium aluminium garnet, YAG) Mon-Fri), To request the proprietary encrypted file please enter your Filmetrics® system information, Your serial number could not be found. 1998: Lorentz-Drude model; n,k 0.248-12.4 µm O2 (Oxygen) Below are files of complete refractive index and extinction coefficients. In some of these materials, the refractive index was changed by as much as 60 percent. A tungsten oxide layer with a 0.34 nm thickness is incorporated onto the walls of the slot. By using this site, you agree to our updated Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy. VC (Vanadium carbide) Thus, a less empirical approach is preferred based on Lorentz- ... of tungsten have been studied theoretically only at room temperature[18, 6], and, to the ... we give a quantitative determination of the refractive index and the extinction coe cient of W and their temperature dependences, by using Fresnel equations. Te (Tellurium) Last modified; May 5, 2010. Cs (Caesium) Ir (Iridium) SiC (Silicon carbide) Ordal et al. Conditions & Spec sheet n_absolute: true wavelength_vacuum: true film_thickness: 1L substrate: SiO2/Si Comments. KCl (Potassium chloride) AgCl (Silver chloride) RbF (Rubidium fluoride) SrTiO3 (Strontium titanate, STO) LiCl (Lithium chloride) (24 Hr. Tungsten - Wikipedia; Tungsten - WebElements; Optical constants of Ti (Titanium) Palm et al. MoO3 (Molybdenum trioxide) MgF2 (Magnesium fluoride) Refractive index database [about] Shelf. H2O, D2O (Water, heavy water, ice) Mo (Molybdenum) The table below contains links to refractive index data for common materials. 1998: Brendel-Bormann model; n,k 0.248-12.4 µm Zr (Zirconium), Page Hg (Mercury) The Flexar Series/Series 200/200s Refractive Index, with its deflection-type design, allows sensitive detection of these compounds with low noise and drift characteristics. Introduction. Y2O3 (Yttrium sesquioxide) TiC (Titanium carbide) Au (Gold) B (Boron) HgS (Mercury sulfide) Refractive index database [about] Shelf. Knowledge of the complex refractive index over the range … Si3N4 (Silicon nitride) Researchers investigated thin films of semiconductor materials: molybdenum sulfide, tungsten sulfide and tungsten selenide. Ce (Cerium) Refractive Index of CoWP, Cobalt Tungsten Phosphide For a typical sample of CoWP the refractive index and extinction coefficient at 632.8 nm are 2.143 and 3.577172. No guarantee of accuracy - use at your own risk. LiBr (Lithium bromide) H2 (Hydrogen) Mn (Manganese) CsLiB6O10 (Cesium lithium borate, CLBO) Opt. GLASS - glasses 2020: bulk; n,k 0.290-3.30 µm. CuCl (Cuprous chloride) SiO2 (Silicon dioxide, Silica, Quartz) Be (Beryllium) Pd (Palladium) MgH2 (Magnesium hydride) 1975: n,k 0.0443-4.11 µm 2009: DFT calculations; n,k 0.0176-2.48 µm, M. A. Ordal, R. J. PerkinElmer ® Refractive Index Tungsten Detector Lamp. Book Page. Ti (Titanium) PbSe (Lead selenide) MgO (Magnesium monoxide) Pb5Ge3O11 (Lead germanate, PGO) MoS2 (Molybdenum disulfide) Notes on the Refractive Index of particular elements: Carbon: Value given for diamond form. LiCaAlF6 (Lithium calcium aluminum fluoride, LiCAF) Tungsten microcavity light sources and tungsten cluster light sources have interested us as light sources for next-generation having high luminous efficacy and long lifetime. Complex Permittivity and Refractive Index for Metals Aaron Webster Last Update: November 9, 2012 The following gures plot the frequency dependent complex permittivity = 0+ i 00and refractive index n= n0+ in00for silver, aluminum, gold, copper, chromium, nickel, tungsten, titanium, beryl- lium, palladium, and platinum using either the Drude (Equation 3), Lorentz-Drude … For a typical sample of W the refractive index Windt et al. To do this, they use electric fields to change the refractive index of materials. PbS (Lead sulfide) ZnSe (Zinc selenide) An antireflective or anti-reflection (AR) coating is a type of optical coating applied to the surface of lenses and other optical elements to reduce reflection.In typical imaging systems, this improves the efficiency since less light is lost due to reflection. WSe2 (Tungsten diselenide) CsI (Cesium iodide) YVO4 (Yttrium orthovanadate) Ho (Holmium) WS 2 samples were grown on sapphire by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition and then transferred on silicon wafers … Bi12SiO20 (Bismuth silicate, BSO) RakiÄ et al. Up to date, curated data provided by Mathematica 's ElementData function from Wolfram Research, Inc. Also, the corresponding components at 532 nm were 1.8 to 2.8 and 2.4 to 2.8. RbBr (Rubidium bromide) Mon-Fri), +1 858-573-9300 The complex refractive index of tungsten requires the operating temperatures from 2000 K to 6500 K to evaluate the luminous efficacy and lifetime. Se (Selenium) Optical properties of Al, Fe, Ti, Ta, W, and Mo at submillimeter wavelengths, Appl. K (Potassium) Data Tables 27, 1 (1982). B 12, 1293 (1975) and B. L. Henke, P. Lee, T. J. Tanaka, R. L. Shimabukuro, and B. K. Fujikawa, At. Dy2O3 (Dysprosium sesquioxide) Increase in refractive index can be associated with physical and compositional changes (Smith, 1995) at higher sputtering power resulting to a higher packing density of the deposited film. ORGANIC - organic materials TlBr (Thallium bromide) CaWO4 (Calcium tungstate) Ag (Silver) Cu (Copper) Agilent provides high-quality replacement parts and supplies for refractive index detectors (RID). Ru (Ruthenium) Werner et al. The Series 200a Refractive Index (RI) Detector is a highly stable and sensitive LC and GPC detector for use with compounds that do not have high absorptivity in the UV range, such … SrF2 (Strontium fluoride) Pt (Platinum) Below are files of complete refractive index and extinction coefficients. MoSe2 (Molybdenum diselenide) In (Indium) The interface tubing kit consists of replacement ferrules, nuts, and PTFE tubing required for accurate and efficient RID performance. Eu (Europium) Al (Aluminium) Refractive index database [about] Shelf MAIN - simple inorganic materials ORGANIC - organic materials GLASS - glasses OTHER - miscellaneous materials 3D - selected data for 3D artists Cu2O (Copper(I) oxide) Bi4Ti3O12 (Bismuth titanate, BTO) If the file is not available for download, you can request our proprietary file by clicking "Request". Optical constants of MoS 2 (Molybdenum disulfide) Ermolaev et al. Sn (Tin) InAs (Indium arsenide) Shelf A press release can be found here. It has a low density and is a strong, lustrous, corrosion-resistant (including sea water, aqua regia and chlorine) transition metal with a silver color. CeF3 (Cerium trifluoride) Films of WO 3 were prepared by electron … Refractive-index profiles and propagation losses of Er 3+-doped tungsten tellurite glass waveguide by Ag +-Na + ion-exchange S. Sakida , T. Nanba , … ZnTe (Zinc telluride) at 632.8 nm are CaCO3 (Calcium carbonate, Calcite) NaCl (Sodium chloride) KBr (Potassium bromide) Nb2O5 (Niobium pentoxide) GaN (Gallium nitride) (24 Hr. OTHER - miscellaneous materials N2 (Nitrogen) Optical constants of WO 3 over the whole solar spectrum were determined as a function of injected charge. MgAl2O4 (Magnesium aluminate, spinel) Ta (Tantalum) BeO (Beryllium monoxide) Description; GaP (Gallium phosphide) NaF (Sodium fluoride) Rev. BP (Boron phosphide) AlSb (Aluminium antimonide) Rb (Rubidium) 2009: n,k 0.0176-2.48 µm Book Page. Bi12GeO20 (Bismuth germanate, BGO) La 2 O 3 is used to make optical glasses, to which this oxide confers increased density, refractive index, and hardness. Pb (Lead) Ne (Neon) Bi (Bismuth) WO3 | Tungsten oxide basic knowledge. PbI2 (Lead iodide) Please try again or contact us if you feel this is in error. Refractive Index of Ti, Titanium Titanium is a chemical element with the symbol Ti. RbTiOPO4 (Rubidium titanyl phosphate, RTP) NH4H2PO4 (Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, ADP) When the concentration of hydrogen sulfide gas in the surrounding medium of the sensor changes, the conductivity and refractive index of the tungsten oxide layer also vary, which leads to a change in the local refractive index of the cavity. GaSe (Gallium selenide) 1988: n,k 0.667-200 µm. InSb (Indium antimonide) LiI (Lithium iodide) Rh (Rhodium) Weaver et al. LiNbO3 (Lithium niobate) Together with oxides of tungsten, tantalum, and thorium, La 2 O 3 improves the resistance of the glass to attack by alkali. PbTe (Lead telluride) Each material in the database has refractive index listed as a function of wavelength over a range typically required for thin-film thickness measurement. Na (Sodium) CdS (Cadmium sulfide) 1988: n,k 0.667-200 µm Tab-delimited data file for unrestricted use: © Copyright 2021 KLA Corporation. B4C (Boron carbide) BaTiO3 (Barium titanate) CsBr (Cesium bromide) CaMg(CO3)2 (Calcium magnesium carbonate, Dolomite) GeO2 (Germanium dioxide, Germania) Specifically, they worked with thin films of molybdenum sulfide, tungsten sulfide and tungsten selenide. LaF3 (Lanthanum fluoride) Refractive index refers to the way materials reflect, transmit, scatter and absorb light. NaBr (Sodium bromide) Tl3AsSe3 (Thallium arsenic selenide, TAS) BaF2 (Barium fluoride) CS2 (Carbon disulfide) GaSb (Gallium antimonide) Al2O3 (Aluminium sesquioxide, Sapphire, Alumina) Fe2O3 (Iron sesquioxide, Hematite) It was found that microcrystalline tungsten bronzes have reflectances of 8%-30% over the dopant concentration range x (0 < or = x < or = 0.25). CO (Carbon monoxide) Tungsten oxide properties, thin film characteristics of WO3 as tungsten oxide. The optical dispersion can be obtained using the following Sellmeier equation: In complex systems such as telescopes and microscopes the reduction in reflections also improves the contrast of the … Velocity of sound: 5174 m s ‑1 RakiÄ et al. CaSO4 (Calcium sulfate) Fe (Iron) Tungsten oxide films were prepared by sol-gel and sputtering processes. Ni (Nickel) ZnS (Zinc sulfide) Er (Erbium) SF6 (Sulphur hexafluoride) ZnGeP2 (Zinc germanium phosphide, ZGP) RbCl (Rubidium chloride) HfO2 (Hafnium dioxide, Hafnia) Yb2O3 (Ytterbium sesquioxide) Reflectivity: 62 %; Refractive index: (no data) (no units) Acoustic properties. D2 (Deuterium) Semiconductor oxides applied for light harvesting present special optical characteristics, such as high refractive index, high absorption coefficient, and low photoemission yield. PbF2 (Lead difluoride) Ar (Argon) refractive indexes. GaS (Gallium sulfide) Lu2O3 (Lutetium sesquioxide) Nb (Niobium) As2S3 (Arsenic trisulfide) Os (Osmium) Ta2O5 (Tantalum pentoxide) KNbO3 (Potassium niobate) For a typical sample of W the refractive index and extinction coefficient at 632.8 nm are 3.63739 and 2.916877. Co (Cobalt) GaAs (Gallium arsenide) +1 858-573-9300 Xe (Xenon) TiO2 (Titanium dioxide) 3.63739 and 2.916877. Hf (Hafnium) 2018: n,k 0.226-1.68 µm. Values for the real part of refractive index n were also determined from the refined reflectivity data. As2Se3 (Arsenic triselenide) AgBr (Silver bromide) The measured complex index of tungsten was 2.0 to 3.0 in real part and 2.5 to 3.0 in imaginary part at 633 nm. Wavelength: µm (0.667 – 200) Complex refractive index (n ... Tungsten, W External links. KTaO3 (Potassium tantalate) It decreases to 1.45 at 600nm and 1.4 at 2400nm. LiB3O5 (Lithium triborate, LBO) YLiF4 (Yttrium lithium fluoride, YLF) Optical constants of Ag (Silver) Johnson and Christy 1972: n,k 0.188-1.94 µm. WS2 (Tungsten disulfide) MAIN - simple inorganic materials CaMoO4 (Calcium molybdate) Little is, known however, about the complex index of tungsten … The refractive indices and extinction coefficients of the films were calculated from the transmittance and reflectance spectra in the visible and infrared regions. It is a candidate high-index material for the VIS region. 27, 1203-1209 (1988), [CSV - comma separated]
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