I am not worth that much, I think. ‘ “Adonis, did I deserve to be thanked, to have incense brought me? Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. The god is as white as the boy, and cradles the fallen body. Though the girl knew she was being advised rightly, she was still determined to die, if she could not possess her love. ', Mich anruft und spricht: 'Zu dem Wagnis stehe Kytheras, Dem auf Kypros an Wert keins gleicht. If fortune makes me the master, it will be no shame for you to be outpaced by such a man as me, since Megareus of Onchestus is my father, and his grandfather was Neptune, so I am the great-grandson of the king of the ocean, and my courage is no less than my birth. Narcissus und Echo. Do you realise how many names and ties you are throwing into confusion? There is merit, also, in the tears: and the myrrh that drips from the bark keeps its mistress’s name, and, about it, no age will be silent.’. Dieser entsprang Kinyras aus dem Schoße, der, wenn er die Tochter. Hello Select your address All Hello, Sign in. And now the growing tree had drawn together over her ponderous belly, buried her breasts, and was beginning to encase her neck: she could not bear the wait, and she sank down against the wood, to meet it, and plunged her face into the bark. Nicht fehlt' der chaonische Baumstamm, Samt der Platane, dem Baum des Ergötzens, der fleckige. Myrrha ran, escaping death, by the gift of darkness and secret night. His arts are useless: the wound is incurable. The pain cannot form words, nor can Lucina be called on, in the voice of a woman in labour. Concedis, si legere pergis. Nostri consocii (Google, Affilinet) suas vias sequuntur: Google, ut intentionaliter te proprium compellet, modo ac ratione conquirit, quae sint tibi cordi. ‘The married women were celebrating that annual festival of Ceres, when, with their bodies veiled in white robes, they offer the first fruits of the harvest, wreathes of corn, and, for nine nights, treat sexual union, and the touch of a man, as forbidden. Bibliographie. Cart All. Cupid denies that his arrows hurt you, Myrrha, and clears his fires of blame for your crime. Zum Lateinischen Text Dieser Ausgabe . – 17 A.D.) METAMORPHOSES. Would you be known, then, as your son’s sister, your brother’s mother? Käme zum Licht. Warf er das leuchtende Gold mit Jünglingskraft auf die Seite. Jener war zwar anwesend, aber er brachte keine Worte, keine frohe Mienen, keine glücklichen Vorzeichen; auch … Inde per inmensum croceo velatus amictu aethera digreditur Ciconumque Hymenaeus ad oras tendit et Orphea nequiquam voce vocatur. Lesefreundlicher Großdruck in 16-pt-Schrift. ‘But if you should ask the Cyprian city of Amathus, rich in mines, whether it would have wished to have produced those girls, the Propoetides, it would repudiate them, and equally those men, whose foreheads were once marred by two horns, from which they took their name, Cerastae. Mich zu versäumen hinfort und entrüste mich gegen die beiden. Phoebus went first, balancing it, and hurling it high into the air, scattering the clouds with its weight. 248 Ovids Metamorphosen Daedalus und Ikarus Übersetzung 3 ... Bob Ross - Winter Frost (Season 10 Episode 12 ) - Duration: 27:45. The girl raises her head, and her welling tears rain on her nurse’s breast. Sei nicht allzu dreist, mich selber gefährdend, o Jüngling! Near the temple was a poorly lit hollow, like a cave, roofed with the natural pumice-stone, sacred to the old religion, where the priests had gathered together wooden figures of the ancient gods. All are fitting: but it appears no less lovely, naked. Hearing the word “father”, Myrrha sighed deeply. While the truthful mouth of Apollo uttered these words, look, the blood that had spilt on the ground staining the grass was no longer blood, and a flower sprang up, brighter than Tyrian dye, and took the shape of a lily, though it was purple in colour, where the other is silvery white. Instead, let this impious race pay the penalty of death or exile, or some punishment between execution and banishment, and what might that be but the penalty of being transformed?’ While she is deciding how to alter them, she turns her eyes towards their horns, and this suggests that she might leave them those, and she changed them into wild bullocks. qua licet, aeternus tamen es, quotiensque repellit ver hiemem, Piscique Aries succedit aquoso, 165 tu totiens oreris viridique in caespite flores. – I could lie with Cinyras, if I were not Cinyras’s already. non aliter quam cum summis circumlita taedis. VI: 26 - 69 Minerva Arachnem provocat Minerva fordert Arachne heraus Minerva challenges Arachne Minerve défie Arachné Minerva … Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Flieh ehliches Lager! Namen und Begriffe. Du auch wärst, Amyklide, versetzt in den Himmel von Phoibos. The last section of track was left. Ovid, Metamorphosen III, 370 - 406 . Arglos hatte die Brust, wie er küssend die Mutter umarmte. Horaz. But if I were luckier, if the harsh fates did not prevent my marriage, you would be the one I would want to share my bed with.’ She spoke: and inexperienced, feeling the touch of desire for the first time, not knowing what she does, she loves and does not realise she loves.” ’. bis 8 n. Its mass took a long time to fall back to the hard ground, showing strength and skill combined. Jupiter’s Chaonian oak-tree came; and Phaethon’s sisters, the Heliades, the poplars; the durmast oak with its deep foliage; the soft lime-tree; the beech; the virgin sweet-bay, laurel; the hazel, frail; the ash-tree, used for spears; the sweeping silver-fir: holm-oak, heavy with acorns; pleasant plane-tree; the many-coloured maple; with the river-haunting willow; lotus, water-lover; boxwood ever-verdant; the slender tamarisk; the myrtle, with, over and under its leaves, the two shades of green; and the blue-berried wild-bay, laurus tinus. Metamorphosen (Grossdruck): Ovid: Amazon.sg: Books. The pulse throbbed under his thumb. Venus die holde sich an. You too, Hyacinthus, of Amyclae, Phoebus would have placed in heaven, if sad fate had given him time to do so. Hilfen zur Übersetzung [4,10] (1-2) Ille ego qui fuerim, tenerorum lusor amorum, quem legis, ut noris, accipe posteritas. Or like Olenos, and you, his Lethaea, too proud of your beauty: he wished to be charged with your crime, and seem guilty himself: once wedded hearts, you are now rocks set on moist Mount Ida. Do not be foolish, beware of endangering me, and do not provoke the creatures nature has armed, lest your glory is to my great cost. If nature, however, allows such crimes to be visible, then I give thanks that the people of Thrace, this city, and this land, are far from the regions where such sin is born. Persephone, you were allowed to alter a woman’s body, Menthe’s, to fragrant mint: shall the transformation of my hero, of the blood of Cinyras, be grudged to me?” So saying, she sprinkled the blood with odorous nectar: and, at the touch, it swelled up, as bubbles emerge in yellow mud. ‘But why, in this competition, is my luck left untested?’ he says. As lions, fearful to others, they tamely bite on Cybele’s bit. Orpheus und Eurydice Nicole Ortner poetry 1 Metamorphoses Einführung Dädalus und Ikarus Pygmalion Von dort geht Hymenaeus, bekleidet mit seinem gelben Umhang durch den unermesslichen Himmel und strebt zu der Küste der Circonen und die Stimme des Orphei ruft ihn vergeblich. Menschliches Wesen in ihm aufgab und erharschte zum Stamme. Ovid, Buch I: Metamorphosen 1-4 (Deutsche Übersetzung) – Proömium. Buch (deutsche Übersetzung v. R.Suchier) Nos personalia non concoquimus. Denn ganz wie die nackten, Schneller ist nichts als der Jahre Vergehn. Es herrscht "concordi pace" Alle Elemente Und den Verzug und lässt bald wieder im Rücken den Jüngling. Trägt doch Myrrhen sie auch. Other creatures mate indiscriminately: it is no disgrace for a heifer to have her sire mount her, for his filly to be a stallion’s mate: the goat goes with the flocks he has made, and the birds themselves conceive, by him whose seed conceived them. Though she has lost her former senses with her body, she still weeps, and the warm drops trickle down from the tree. Heinemann, London 1931; Nachdruck 1959 (Internet Archive). Finding Cinyras drunk with wine, the king’s bed empty of his lawful partner, the nurse, wrongly diligent, told him of one who truly loved him, giving him a fictitious name, and praised her beauty. She told her at length, to banish, if she could, this fatal passion. alterius telum lapis est, qui missus in ipso 10 aere concentu victus vocisque lyraeque est ac veluti supplex pro tam furialibus ausis ante pedes iacuit. Lateinoase. She felt warm: he pressed his lips to her again, and also touched her breast with his hand. Tritt er Persephone nah und dem König, der bei den Schatten, Wahrheit sprechen vor euch: nicht kam ich des Tartaros Dunkel. O how often, when she could have overtaken him, she lingered, and watching his face for a while, left him behind against her will! He does not move me himself: it is his youth. 3 inque suo portasse sinu, duo numina, natos. At this the tree split open, and, from the torn bark, gave up its living burden, and the child cried. You must avoid, them, my love, and with them all the species of wild creature, that do not turn and run, but offer their breasts to the fight, lest your courage be the ruin of us both!” ’. The trumpets gave the signal, and, leaning forward, they flashed from the starting line, and skimmed the surface of the sand, with flying feet. Or, if you do believe it, believe in the punishment also, that it brought. The lover is stupefied, and joyful, but uncertain, and afraid he is wrong, reaffirms the fulfilment of his wishes, with his hand, again, and again. Nahn und der Liebe Genuss. She left the room impregnated by her father, bearing impious seed in her fatal womb, carrying the guilt she had conceived. He only sighed, and begged, as the last gift of the gods, that he might mourn forever. The day of Venus’s festival came, celebrated throughout Cyprus, and heifers, their curved horns gilded, fell, to the blow on their snowy neck. While the newly wedded bride, Eurydice, was walking through the grass, with a crowd of naiads as her companions, she was killed, by a bite on her ankle, from a snake, sheltering there. Race me. What else could it be? The girl is mute and still, looking, fixedly, at the ground, and unhappy that her belated attempt at death has been discovered. He, asking the girl’s age, she said: “Myrrha’s is the same.” After she had been ordered to bring her, and had reached home, she said: “Be happy, my child, we have won!” The unhappy girl felt no joy at all in her heart, and her heart prophetically mourned, yet she was still glad: such was her confusion of mind. Oft war sie bereit zu gestehen. The girl seemed to hesitate as to whether she should chase it: I made her pick it up, and added weight to the fruit she held, and obstructed her equally with the heaviness of the burden and the delay. Lateinoase. Ovid, Metamorphosen VI, 336 - 381 . Please choose a format Add to Cart Details Language: German, Latin Pages Arabic: 895 Publisher: De Gruyter Year: 2017 Keywords: Ovid; mythology. Ich besang im erhabenen Lied die Giganten, Einst für den Phrygiersohn Ganymedes erglühte der Götter, Raubt er den ilischen Spross, der jetzt noch immer die Becher. There is a field, the people there call it the field of Tamasus, the richest earth in the island of Cyprus, which the men of old made sacred to me, and ordered it to be added to my temples, as a gift. Bob Ross Recommended for you. deutsche Cicero. Der erste Vers ist eine Anspielung auf das apokryphe Proömium der Aeneis Vergils, in dem es nach Aelius Donatus ursprünglich geheißen haben soll: ille ego qui quondam gracili modulatus avena. Ov.met.10,1-105, lateinisch und deutsch . I speak of terrible things. Der Baum kam teuer zu stehen. All things are destined to be yours, and though we delay a while, sooner or later we hasten home. Indeed, she knows it, and fights against her disgraceful passion, and says, to herself: “Where is my thought leading? Ovid, Buch II: Metamorphosen 1-149 (Deutsche Übersetzung) – Phaeton (II.1) Lateinischer Text: Übersetzung (1) Regia Solis erat sublimibus alta columnis, clara micante auro flammasque imitante pyropo, cuius ebur nitidum fastigia summa tegebat, argenti bifores radiabant lumine valvae. The god himself favours the bold!’. Ohne Bedenken und Wahl. Nicht mehr stehn Leier und Pfeile in Ehren. ZPG Latein: Bildungsplan 2016, Klassenstufen 10 und 11/12 (Basisfach) Actaeon: Text: Herunterladen [docx][35 KB] Actaeon: Text: Herunterladen [pdf][628 KB] Weiter zu Actaeon: Schülermateria Latein Übersetzung Catull Horaz Phaedrus Caesar Cicero Ovid Martial Vergil Tacitus. Indeed, art hides his art. What if he is fourth in line from the ruler of the seas? Forbidden hopes, vanish! Martial. Brachte er mit, noch frohes Gesicht, noch günstige Zeichen. When he had tried a few chords, stroking the lyre with his thumb, and felt that the various notes were in tune, regardless of their pitch, he raised his voice to sing: ‘Begin my song with Jupiter, Calliope, O Muse, my mother (all things bow to Jupiter’s might)! It is wrong to hate your father, but that love was a greater wrong than hatred. She made up for the delay and the lost time by a burst of speed, and left the youth behind once more. Yet, many felt a desire to be joined with the poet, and many grieved at rejection. In less than an hour, a flower, of the colour of blood, was created such as pomegranates carry, that hide their seeds under a tough rind. Erläuterungen. As a tall tree, struck by the axe, the last blow remaining, uncertain how it will fall, causes fear on all sides, so her fickle mind, swayed this way and that, her thought taking both directions, seeing no rest for or end to her passion, but death. Bekanntschaft und erste Schritte der Liebe bewirkte die Nachbarschaft: Mit der Zeit wuchs die Liebe. Even Envy would praise his beauty, being so like one of the torsos of naked Amor painted on boards. Yet he did not deign to transform himself into any other bird, than that eagle, that could carry his lightning bolts. Stand er verwundert und sprach, aufhebend die Hände: 'Verzeiht mir. I had not yet realised what the prize was you were after.’ Praising her, he falls in love with her, and hopes none of the youths run faster, afraid, through jealousy. Immediately the fierce boar dislodged the blood-stained spear, with its crooked snout, and chased the youth, who was scared and running hard. Mir sollte verargen die Missgunst. ‘Cinyras was the son of Paphos, and he might have been counted amongst the fortunate, if he, in turn, had been childless. Stunned by the double loss of his wife, Orpheus was like that coward who saw Cerberus, the three-headed dog, chained by the central neck, and whose fear vanished with his nature, as stone transformed his body. Daedalus & Icarus - … Nevertheless, the immoral Propoetides dared to deny that Venus was the goddess. Such was the grove of trees the poet gathered round him, and he sat in the midst of a crowd, of animals and birds. Undeterred by the youths’ fate, Hippomenes stepped forward and, fixing his gaze on the girl, said ‘Why seek an easy win beating the lazy? By chance, his dogs, following a well-marked trail, roused a wild boar from its lair, and as it prepared to rush from the trees, Cinyras’s grandson caught it a glancing blow. Ihrer Ernährerin Brust. Doch wie hab' ich gefehlt, wenn Fehl nicht etwa zu nennen. They were passing a temple, hidden in the deep woods, of Cybele mother of the gods, that noble Echion had built in former times fulfilling a vow, and the length of their journey persuaded them to rest. Damals netzten zuerst nach der Sage die drei Eumeniden . Fand sie den Tod, an der Ferse verletzt vom Zahne der Schlange. Metamorphosen Add to shelf Download; more metadata less metadata File Type text/tg.edition+tg.aggregation+xml Author Ovid Date of publication 1911 Place of publication Berlin Notes Entstanden um 2–8 n. Chr. Gentle Lucina stood by the suffering branches, and laid her hands on them, speaking words that aid childbirth. 5. Auflage. Rankende Reben des Weins und mit Reben bekleidete Ulmen. [ Homepage | Hellas 2000 Seite 1 von 1 [ 2 Beiträge ] [phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php on line 1266: count(): Parameter must be … Zieht sie mit ihm durch Wald und Gebirg und dornige Klippen, Raubender Wölfe Gezücht, und mit Tatzen gewaffnete Bären. You may accept or manage cookie usage at any time. Hello, Sign in. Bebenden Hände und wirft sich dem Pflegkind flehend zu Füßen. The destiny of your house is fortunate, and on course: they are well, your mother and father.”. What if he does have courage, and a spirit unafraid of dying? You were so fitted to live. Neither youth nor beauty, nor the charms that affect Venus, affect lions or bristling boars or the eyes and minds of other wild creatures. In neue Körper verwandelte Gestalten, drängt meine Seele dazu zu dichten. Ovid – Metamorphosen – Liber decimus – Hyacinthus – Übersetzung ‚Te quoque, Amyclide, posuisset in aethere Phoebus, tristia si spatium ponendi fata dedissent. Eine der Früchte vom Baum der edle neptunische Sprössling. Chr., sind ein in Hexametern verfasstes mythologisches Gedicht über Metamorphosen . Compete in the foot-race with me. Nenn' ich beglückt das ismarische Volk und unseren Erdteil. Now she could scarcely bear the weight of her womb. [55-77] Pyramus und Thisbe, er der schönste Jüngling, sie, hervorragend unter den Mädchen, die der Orient besaß, bewohnten angrenzende Häuser, dort wo Semiramis die hohe Stadt mit einer Mauer aus gebrannten Ziegeln umgeben haben soll. Schmetternden Blitzstrahl führt in den hakigen Hauern der Eber; Sieh, uns bietet allhier willkommenen Schatten die Pappel, "Wohl schon hast du gehört, dass einst ein Mädchen im Wettlauf. Panting breath came from his weary throat, and the winning post was far off. Skip to main content.sg. With her left hand, she kept tight hold of her nurse, groping with the other she found a way through the dark. Text und Übersetzung. The pick of the princes, from everywhere, desire you: young men, from the whole of the East, come to win you in marriage. The old woman insists on knowing, baring her white hair and withered breasts, and begs her to say what grieves her, invoking her infant cradle, and first nurturing. I would be happy to go far away, and leave the borders of my homeland behind me, if I might run from evil: but even if nothing more is permitted, a wicked desire to see Cinyras, touch him, speak to him, and kiss him, face to face, prevents my leaving. 6 sidereo 8 siccata sitim collegit 9 ab aestu,. Then, finally, she has time to cry, to embrace her, and demand the reason for the rope. Or if I am beaten, you will have a great and renowned name for defeating Hippomenes.’ As he spoke Schoeneus’s daughter looked at him with a softening expression, uncertain whether she wanted to win or lose, and said to herself: ‘What god, envious of handsome youths, wants to destroy this one and send him in search of marriage, at the risk of his own dear life? What am I creating? When Thracian Orpheus, the poet of Rhodope, had mourned for her, greatly, in the upper world, he dared to go down to Styx, through the gate of Taenarus, also, to see if he might not move the dead. Berliner Ausgabe, 2015. Ovid. Wie er daheim, ging jener sogleich zum Bilde des Mägdleins, Das, von der Sonne erweicht, sich unter dem knetenden Daumen, Da nun richtet beglückt an Venus der paphische Heros. Weinet sie doch, und es rinnen vom Baum warm quellende Tropfen. deutsche Übersetzungen zu lateinischen Texten. Entstanden um 2–8 n. Chr. If only I might die with you, and pay with my life! Kenchreis, des Königs Gemahlin, Liebe und rühmt das Gesicht, und gefragt nach den Jahren des Mädchens. You led the stag to fresh pastures, and the waters of the clear spring. Now she reaches the threshold of the room, now she opens the door, now is led inside. ‘ “Now her father and the people were calling out for the usual foot-race, when Hippomenes, Neptune’s descendant invoked my aid, as a suppliant: ‘Cytherea, I beg you to assist my daring, and encourage the fire of love you lit.’ A kindly breeze brought me the flattering prayer, and I confess it stirred me, though there was scant time to give him my help. Schwankend im Wunsch, ob lieber ihr sei Sieg oder Erliegen. ,Soll ich aber das Glück nicht auch in der Wette versuchen? Latona und die lykischen Bauern 1 E didit 1 invitā geminos Latona 2 noverca 3.. 2 hinc quoque Iunonem fugisse puerpera 4 fertur. Orpheus wished and prayed, in vain, to cross the Styx again, but the ferryman fended him off. Go, or stop asking why I am grieving. Orpheus und Eurydice in Ovids Metamorphosen. But it is not my fault! The old woman gets up, and opens the door, and, seeing the equipment of death, cries out, and in the same moment, strikes her breast, snatches at the folds of her robe, and tearing the noose from the girl’s neck, pulls it apart. "Entdeck' es mir", sprach sie, Was sonst kann's noch sein? materiam superabat opus: nam Mulciber illic. ‘The child, conceived in sin, had grown within the tree, and was now searching for a way to leave its mother, and reveal itself. Auch nicht Treu' allein zu geloben. She holds him, and is his companion, and though she is used to always idling in the shade, and, by cultivating it, enhancing her beauty, she roams mountain ridges, and forests, and thorny cliff-sides, her clothing caught up to the knee, like Diana. You, Icarius, and you, Erigone, his daughter, immortalised for your pious love of your father, hid your faces first. Berliner Ausgabe, 2015, 3. So blass wie der Knabe, Wie wenn Veilchen die Hand und Mohn im bewässerten Garten. ‘Pygmalion had seen them, spending their lives in wickedness, and, offended by the failings that nature gave the female heart, he lived as a bachelor, without a wife or partner for his bed. He kisses it and thinks his kisses are returned; and speaks to it; and holds it, and imagines that his fingers press into the limbs, and is afraid lest bruises appear from the pressure. Tired of living, and scared of dying, not knowing what to pray for, she composed these words of entreaty: “O, if there are any gods who hear my prayer, I do not plead against my well deserved punishment, but lest, by being, I offend the living, or, by dying, offend the dead, banish me from both realms, and change me, and deny me life and death!” Some god listened to her prayer: certainly the last request found its path to the heavens. You would think them capable of running along the waves without wetting them, and passing over the ripened heads of the standing corn. Do you not fear the three sisters, with black snaky hair, that those with guilty hearts, their eyes and mouths attacked with cruel torches, see? Feb. 10, 2021. | Latein | Lat.Textstellen How the virginal expression of a boy clings to his face! Birgt sie im schandbaren Schoß und trägt den empfangenen Frevel. The closer she is to her sin, the more she shudders at it, repents of her audacity, and wants to be able to turn back, unrecognised. The injured goddess pushed her son away: but the wound he had given was deeper than it seemed, and deceived her at first. aequora caelarat medias cingentia terras. Heftig bewegt und nässt mit tauenden Zähren die Augen. Ins unzüchtige Bett nimmt auf sein Fleisch der Erzeuger. Lustig umher am weichen Gebiss mit purpurnem Halfter. Anderson, W. S., Ovid's Metamorphoses, Books 6-10 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, ... James George Frazer: Ovid's Fasti. Then, his blood discharged among endless tears, his limbs began to turn to a shade of green, and his hair that a moment ago hung over his pale forehead, became a bristling crown, and he stiffened to a graceful point gazing at the starry heavens. Straightaway, he beat the air with deceitful wings, and stole the Trojan boy, who still handles the mixing cups, and against Juno’s will pours out Jove’s nectar. When he returned, he sought out the image of his girl, and leaning over the couch, kissed her. Fragst du jedoch, ob gern Amathunt, an Metallen ergiebig, Lockung scheußlichen Tuns. She got up, determined, to fix a noose round her throat, and, fastening a cord to the doorway’s crossbeam, she said: “Goodbye, dear Cinyras, and realize the reason for my death!” And she tied the rope around her bloodless neck. The features are those of a real girl, who, you might think, lived, and wished to move, if modesty did not forbid it. He is a good man, and mindful of the moral law – but, O, how I wish the same passion were in him!” ’. She avoids the strong wild boars, the ravening wolves, and shuns the bears armed with claws, and the lions glutted with the slaughter of cattle. Just as if, when someone, in a garden, breaks violets, stiff poppies, or the lilies with their bristling yellow stamens, and, suddenly, they droop, bowing their weakened heads, unable to support themselves, and their tops gaze at the soil: so his dying head drops, and, with failing strength, the neck is overburdened, and sinks onto the shoulder. Publius Ovidius Naso Metamorphosen [Metamorphoses] Ed. Afraid she was no longer there, and eager to see her, the lover turned his eyes. While the stranger was watching this, the last marker was passed, and the victorious Atalanta was crowned with a festive garland, while the losers, groaning, paid the penalty according to their bond. He is a god well known in the world above, though I do not know if it is so here: though I do imagine him to be here, as well, and if the story of that rape in ancient times is not a lie, you also were wedded by Amor. So schwankt hin und her ihr Gemüt, von verschiedenen Wunden, "Kinyras, leb denn wohl und ahne, warum ich gestorben! Let the land of Panchaia, beyond Araby, produce its balsam, cinnamon, costmary; its incense, exuded from the trees; its flowers different from ours; if it produces myrrh: a strange tree is not worth such a price. This work may be freely reproduced, stored and transmitted, electronically or otherwise, for any non-commercial purpose. Indeed, he was the first of the Thracian people to transfer his love to young boys, and enjoy their brief springtime, and early flowering, this side of manhood. Seneca. Now captured by mortal beauty, she cares no more for Cythera’s shores, nor revisits Paphos, surrounded by its deep waters, nor Cnidos, the haunt of fish, nor Amathus, rich in mines: she even forgoes the heavens: preferring Adonis to heaven. Transient time slips by us unnoticed, betrays us, and nothing outpaces the years. Here we are all bound, this is our final abode, and you hold the longest reign over the human race. Die hier vorliegende Übersetzung von Suchier ist vollständig, im Gegensatz der der Bearbeitung von Vo ß. Da Suchiers Übersetzung auch so ihre Tücken besitzt, laß ich den Voß mal drin zum vergleichen. My father, Phoebus, loved you above all others: and Delphi, at the centre of the world, lost its presiding deity, while the god frequented Eurotas, and Sparta without its walls, doing no honour to the zither or the bow. So ist von der Schwester. Derlei Wald nun war von dem Sange gelockt, und der Sänger, Als er genug mit dem Daumen versucht die geschlagenen Saiten, Iupiters Macht. She begged her, tenaciously, to tell her what it was, and took the weeping girl to her aged breast, and holding her with trembling arms she said: “I know, you are in love! Jener belobte das nicht verstandene Wort und versetzte: Nicht zu bezähmender Glut und hegt wildbrennende Wünsche. Ihn traf ohne Bedacht mit der Schärfe des Speers Kyparissos. Kannst du weiteres noch, unseliges Mädchen, erwarten? Now there is gentler work for the lyre, and I sing of boys loved by the gods, and girls stricken with forbidden fires, deserving punishment for their lust. When, from the heights, she saw the lifeless body, lying in its own blood, she leapt down, tearing her clothes, and tearing at her hair, as well, and beat at her breasts with fierce hands, complaining to the fates. Steh' ich ihm gar so nah. Hatt' es gewährt, da wuchs aus dem Blut gleichfarbige Blume, Text und gegliederte Inhaltsangabe der Metamorphosen Ovids, Now, now is the time to sprint! Nor could you say whether her speed or her beauty was more deserving of high praise. Scheußliches singt mein Mund. Stark zu ertragen den Schmerz, nicht will ich es leugnen, versucht' ich; Hier bei den Stätten des Grauns und der Öde des weiten Gebietes. Heim führte der Sieger den Kampfpreis. Diese, du Trautester, flieh und die sämtlichen Tiere der Wildnis. A bulla, a silver charm, fastened with small strips of leather, quivered on his forehead, and on either side of his hollow temples matching pearls of bronze gleamed from both ears. Not understanding this, however, he praises her, saying: “Always be so loving.” At the word “loving”, the girl, lowers her glance, conscious of her sin. And she cheers on the hounds, chasing things safe to hunt, hares flying headlong, stags with deep horns, or their hinds. Erst nach langem Verzug fiel auf die gefestigte Erde, Dir ins Gesicht, Hyakinthos, geschnellt. Über das Menschengeschlecht übt ihr die dauerndste Herrschaft.
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