INT > QCK attacks no lower than Good and boosts HP by 1.35x. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. It took me 180 gems in Season 1 to reach Crimson 1 (unlock max facility levels), while in August Season 4, it would have only taken me around 20-30 gems. Note that you have to kill the enemy team at some point, so attacking teams must have enough damage. His heart was filled with appreciation towards his sons that gave him everything he only wished for: a family. Support Me on Ko-fi. Save ranking for one of the latter ones. Honorable mention to DUAL V2 Vivi&Rebecca , they provide so much utility and a nice one enemy nuke. Same here, I'll judge it after I've played it and I'm happy that OPTC makes an effort to keep the game fresh but this addition seems like a complete different game to me. In constrast to my other posts, these units are not replacement or theory-building oriented, they are the real "creme de la creme" of PVP. Download a copy of it and play around with it. Thanks for taking your time to put these together. Well that will be a mystery! Red is attacking and blue is defending. This changes everything, I will edit the post. {OPTC GLB} Pirate Rumble Championship | INT Team VS Slasher Team Thanks for watching! New Player Roadmap [edit | edit source] Note: The roadmap to farming story units is less and less useful these days, as a) you can pull story units from Friend Recruit, … Straw Hat Pirates captain. Unique defense teams are more effective. The literal translation is CT charge Down lv 10. If you are not gemming for stamina, whatever you do, do NOT LOSE your matches on day 1. 2; 24. Since he's Slasher you can bring him on your slasher team to really stomp DEX team. Is your team built around crit? I may be speaking too soon but, after reading your guides recently I am very excited for pvp now. I was totally overwhelmed when I first dove into this topic but you outlined the DOs and DONTs very well so I now know which traps to avoid (e.g. *The Pirate Rumble Sugo-Fest only characters are exclusive to the Pirate Rumble Sugo-Fest and will no longer be available at Rare Recruit after Mar. I keep getting Mystoms on my support tickets. The OPTC-DB we all know, love, and rely on, has been missing a lot of pirate rumble data, and the data it had was not very conducive to searching and filtering. Pirate Festival, or PF for short, is OPTC’s version of PVP. His Super Evolution is a side-grade. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Treasure Cruise related. I don't think that is accurate. … Edit : Thanks to u/Gear56 for pointing out some mistake. I imagine it will be slightly more different on Global given the amount of information that's been published whether here or YouTube, but I think most players still won't know what they're doing at the start. Lol. Ich würde mich allgemein erst einmal um deine Box kümmern und daraus ableitend ein paar Allzweck-Teams … Cotton Candy RCV Power Up (+100) x1. However, if you fight high def unit then that won't be the case. It seems that with OPTC version 8.2, Bandai changed the tutorial structure and the old reroll files are incompatible with it. Nope, try again, they are immune to Special Bind. 0 turns since last SEMLA orb consumed. For example, my L/S can deal up to +10k using their nuke, against enemy with 400 def stat (very easy to get this high def with INT team), they will only hit slightly above 2k. Levels are cheap early. Furthermore, Season 1 of PF will be the most competitive and most expensive. Captain ability let him power up 2x … She is a simple nuker with around 1.7K base damage. I'll probably won't bother much with pirate festival other than auto generated teams and natural stamina, or w/e it uses. Health Points lost since special was activated. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Treasure Cruise related. Consider carefully what you need more, and as is usual with sidegrades, you'll ideally want both. Synergize so well with the current Slasher team, CT reduction with Kuzaru and Roger and Atk Up with Oden, they will fit the 5th slot next to V1 Doffy. I'm thinking the game mode just wasn't made for a late joiner so I have to sit out till the next one. I guess I’m going to see how this teambuilding works when 10.0 goes live. 10. To be clear, his special cooldown timer will be longer on the 2nd activation, 3rd, etc... Now there is a weakness in all of this, he targets nearby enemies. within 1 minute of Pirate Festival reset time) is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to do well, In the middle of your first battle, open up settings. The Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance is an alliance formed between the Straw Hat Pirates, the Heart Pirates, the Kozuki Family, and the Mink Tribe with the goal of taking down Kaido of the Four Emperors.1 1 Members 1.1 Organization 1.1.1 Preparation Works 1.1.2 Attacking Force 1.1.3 Invasion 2 Alliance Strength 3 History 3.1 Past 3.2 Four Emperors Saga 3.2.1 Zou Arc 3.2.2 … The Gem Tree just by existing means that there is an opportunity cost with your tickets. You gain points for successfully defending against enemy attacks. Is your team meant to launch super fast AOE specials to clear the enemy team before they can react? 12,000ptで. Take your units, some cost more than others, position them and have them fight. Cotton Candy HP Power Up (+100) x1. Just be sure to have more than 32k hp before entering Zephyr cause you have to tank 2 hits. Whole tier list revamp. etc. Drop table. within 1 minute of Pirate Festival reset time) is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to do well. Rather she does a max of 3 nukes as the fight goes on. (edit: my bad reading comprehension on this one. still no idea what the hell i´m suppose to do xD. Support does not affect PF stats. The Pirate Rumble is the most unique mode introduced in the game so far, and the closest the game gets to a real PvP. There nothing more to say, he's a perfect debuffer Sub or main starter in a STR pure team. Also includes a damage calculator that accurately helps you find out how much damage your team will deal. Just want to say your claim on Luffy/Sanji lv 10 nuke guarantees 2 kills. Your strategies change with what other players use. Note that I wouldn't rely too much on some of their other resources, like their "Tier list" for PF. OH, good correction! For reference could you give us an example of a well built offense team and go in depth on who it is build around, why you choose the remaining members for synergy and which units could be replaced for other ones? - Francis. He died from the fatal blow he received during the Paramount War. It is a completely separate game mode from the main game, with brand new mechanics and team building. Sometimes you will activate this special on the same enemy. This guy is the real definition of a debuffer. It's a little like autochess or TFT or TABS. Legend Checklist for OPTC. -----If this is the first of my PVP thread you're reading, I suggest you take a look to these ones too : Pirate Rumble Teambuilding - General teambuilding guide to shape up the meta a bit. Is there a huge difference? Of course, this include Max LimitBreak, CC, Tomes and specials. I recommend to max out his Special AND passive. Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, Dr Grabs Lusanum, Selgros Dutch Oven, Huawei E5576-320 Bedienungsanleitung, Physik Plus Klasse 7/8 Lösungen Buch, Blubbern Rechter Rippenbogen, Celtic Animal Zodiac Deutsch, Mod Na Meble, Wespennest Entfernen Feuerwehr Kosten österreich, Baby Will Keine Flasche Mehr Nur Noch Brei, Schmieder Klinik Heidelberg Anfahrt, Wie Lange Kann Man Urin Aufbewahren Für Schwangerschaftstest, Kärcher K4 Reinigungsmittel Funktioniert Nicht, " /> INT > QCK attacks no lower than Good and boosts HP by 1.35x. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. It took me 180 gems in Season 1 to reach Crimson 1 (unlock max facility levels), while in August Season 4, it would have only taken me around 20-30 gems. Note that you have to kill the enemy team at some point, so attacking teams must have enough damage. His heart was filled with appreciation towards his sons that gave him everything he only wished for: a family. Support Me on Ko-fi. Save ranking for one of the latter ones. Honorable mention to DUAL V2 Vivi&Rebecca , they provide so much utility and a nice one enemy nuke. Same here, I'll judge it after I've played it and I'm happy that OPTC makes an effort to keep the game fresh but this addition seems like a complete different game to me. In constrast to my other posts, these units are not replacement or theory-building oriented, they are the real "creme de la creme" of PVP. Download a copy of it and play around with it. Thanks for taking your time to put these together. Well that will be a mystery! Red is attacking and blue is defending. This changes everything, I will edit the post. {OPTC GLB} Pirate Rumble Championship | INT Team VS Slasher Team Thanks for watching! New Player Roadmap [edit | edit source] Note: The roadmap to farming story units is less and less useful these days, as a) you can pull story units from Friend Recruit, … Straw Hat Pirates captain. Unique defense teams are more effective. The literal translation is CT charge Down lv 10. If you are not gemming for stamina, whatever you do, do NOT LOSE your matches on day 1. 2; 24. Since he's Slasher you can bring him on your slasher team to really stomp DEX team. Is your team built around crit? I may be speaking too soon but, after reading your guides recently I am very excited for pvp now. I was totally overwhelmed when I first dove into this topic but you outlined the DOs and DONTs very well so I now know which traps to avoid (e.g. *The Pirate Rumble Sugo-Fest only characters are exclusive to the Pirate Rumble Sugo-Fest and will no longer be available at Rare Recruit after Mar. I keep getting Mystoms on my support tickets. The OPTC-DB we all know, love, and rely on, has been missing a lot of pirate rumble data, and the data it had was not very conducive to searching and filtering. Pirate Festival, or PF for short, is OPTC’s version of PVP. His Super Evolution is a side-grade. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Treasure Cruise related. I don't think that is accurate. … Edit : Thanks to u/Gear56 for pointing out some mistake. I imagine it will be slightly more different on Global given the amount of information that's been published whether here or YouTube, but I think most players still won't know what they're doing at the start. Lol. Ich würde mich allgemein erst einmal um deine Box kümmern und daraus ableitend ein paar Allzweck-Teams … Cotton Candy RCV Power Up (+100) x1. However, if you fight high def unit then that won't be the case. It seems that with OPTC version 8.2, Bandai changed the tutorial structure and the old reroll files are incompatible with it. Nope, try again, they are immune to Special Bind. 0 turns since last SEMLA orb consumed. For example, my L/S can deal up to +10k using their nuke, against enemy with 400 def stat (very easy to get this high def with INT team), they will only hit slightly above 2k. Levels are cheap early. Furthermore, Season 1 of PF will be the most competitive and most expensive. Captain ability let him power up 2x … She is a simple nuker with around 1.7K base damage. I'll probably won't bother much with pirate festival other than auto generated teams and natural stamina, or w/e it uses. Health Points lost since special was activated. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Treasure Cruise related. Consider carefully what you need more, and as is usual with sidegrades, you'll ideally want both. Synergize so well with the current Slasher team, CT reduction with Kuzaru and Roger and Atk Up with Oden, they will fit the 5th slot next to V1 Doffy. I'm thinking the game mode just wasn't made for a late joiner so I have to sit out till the next one. I guess I’m going to see how this teambuilding works when 10.0 goes live. 10. To be clear, his special cooldown timer will be longer on the 2nd activation, 3rd, etc... Now there is a weakness in all of this, he targets nearby enemies. within 1 minute of Pirate Festival reset time) is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to do well, In the middle of your first battle, open up settings. The Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance is an alliance formed between the Straw Hat Pirates, the Heart Pirates, the Kozuki Family, and the Mink Tribe with the goal of taking down Kaido of the Four Emperors.1 1 Members 1.1 Organization 1.1.1 Preparation Works 1.1.2 Attacking Force 1.1.3 Invasion 2 Alliance Strength 3 History 3.1 Past 3.2 Four Emperors Saga 3.2.1 Zou Arc 3.2.2 … The Gem Tree just by existing means that there is an opportunity cost with your tickets. You gain points for successfully defending against enemy attacks. Is your team meant to launch super fast AOE specials to clear the enemy team before they can react? 12,000ptで. Take your units, some cost more than others, position them and have them fight. Cotton Candy HP Power Up (+100) x1. Just be sure to have more than 32k hp before entering Zephyr cause you have to tank 2 hits. Whole tier list revamp. etc. Drop table. within 1 minute of Pirate Festival reset time) is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to do well. Rather she does a max of 3 nukes as the fight goes on. (edit: my bad reading comprehension on this one. still no idea what the hell i´m suppose to do xD. Support does not affect PF stats. The Pirate Rumble is the most unique mode introduced in the game so far, and the closest the game gets to a real PvP. There nothing more to say, he's a perfect debuffer Sub or main starter in a STR pure team. Also includes a damage calculator that accurately helps you find out how much damage your team will deal. Just want to say your claim on Luffy/Sanji lv 10 nuke guarantees 2 kills. Your strategies change with what other players use. Note that I wouldn't rely too much on some of their other resources, like their "Tier list" for PF. OH, good correction! For reference could you give us an example of a well built offense team and go in depth on who it is build around, why you choose the remaining members for synergy and which units could be replaced for other ones? - Francis. He died from the fatal blow he received during the Paramount War. It is a completely separate game mode from the main game, with brand new mechanics and team building. Sometimes you will activate this special on the same enemy. This guy is the real definition of a debuffer. It's a little like autochess or TFT or TABS. Legend Checklist for OPTC. -----If this is the first of my PVP thread you're reading, I suggest you take a look to these ones too : Pirate Rumble Teambuilding - General teambuilding guide to shape up the meta a bit. Is there a huge difference? Of course, this include Max LimitBreak, CC, Tomes and specials. I recommend to max out his Special AND passive. Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, Dr Grabs Lusanum, Selgros Dutch Oven, Huawei E5576-320 Bedienungsanleitung, Physik Plus Klasse 7/8 Lösungen Buch, Blubbern Rechter Rippenbogen, Celtic Animal Zodiac Deutsch, Mod Na Meble, Wespennest Entfernen Feuerwehr Kosten österreich, Baby Will Keine Flasche Mehr Nur Noch Brei, Schmieder Klinik Heidelberg Anfahrt, Wie Lange Kann Man Urin Aufbewahren Für Schwangerschaftstest, Kärcher K4 Reinigungsmittel Funktioniert Nicht, " />

optc pirate rumble int team

And would crash teams that rely too much on V2Ray. The other part of her passive is to make her special even stronger than it already is. B. 17,000ptで. Read in more detail here: Oh wait we don't have one yet... yeah /u/Gear56 get on it! I do NOT recommend going above +400 without your Gem Tree maxed, but if you wish, you can also do 60/80/60 split for +500, 80/80/40 split for +500, or 80/80/80 for +540. Ich check noch fast garnichts . Global's Pirate Festival will start soon, right after the maintenance is over, so one quick word of advice before the wall of text that follows: Playing IMMEDIATELY (i.e. 100% chance to special seal 2 PSY enemies (20 sec), 100% chance to movement seal 1 PSY enemy (10 sec). Does anyone know why ppl can create teams which I can’t because they go over 300 cost? DEF stat is the most broken stat in the game. Pirate Festival is basically OPTC 2, so try new things! unterhalten! This character entry in OPTC-DB Sample teams using this character as a captain: Nakama Network list. BEATING SLASHERS AND INT. Since he's a STR unit, he can be considered as a valuable pick in STR pure team for his heavy ATK Buff. This time I will be listing the future Pirate Rumble/Legends units to be released that are worth investing scrolls into, until Gold Roger & Oden release. We always add stuff To sta The ATK Up boost is so much stronger since you will attack faster and launch all your specials before the enemies. This button will let you customize the battle UI. If you spend your tickets else where, it means you have a lower level Gem Tree and get fewer gems. lol. Spanish DB. No one knew what each unit did. Global: Stand 10.02.2017 Hi und zwar hat sich ein Kollege von mir heute auch OPTC installiert und mich nach den aktuell besten Teams ("Dream Teams") gefragt. LES BEST TEAMS PVP FEVRIER 2021 GLO+JP OPTC FR ... cette saison sur la global vous aurez les personnages INT mis en avant durant chaque phase de qualification et final. CD: 12 (-6) (Startwert: 18) Captain-Fähigkeit: Reduziert zu Beginn … He gives good utility to the team and massive boost to himself. Deals damage, inflicts a huge Atk Down and Def Down while boosting his own team's Atk and Special Cooldown. Lafitte is der mvp in Dex lastigen Akainu Teams Wenn du genug Chars hast, mit ner cost 50+ welche auch noch STR sind (nicht zwingend) dann spart man sich sogar den atk booster da ja Akainu auch einen gibt. Since One Piece Treasure Cruise now has thousands of characters, this is a quick cheat sheet as to which units, primarily Legends, are the most useful in the new PvP mode Pirate Rumble. Spend them on units who gain a lot from the exp, don't waste them on units who don't improve much. Most units in the game will have unique PF specials and abilities that do not affect the main game whatsoever. Some units are just too OP, some units are just good in certain situations, some units you want for a temporary effect and don't mind if they die off early. At the beginning when you're figuring things out can you just use your attacking team for defending? Is your team tanky? 5. Zum Thema: Gerade Chaos Colos und Trainingforests sind das größte Kaliber in OPTC und auch der gerade laufende Akainu-Raid ist nicht gerade einfach (es soll Leute mit P-Level 300+ geben - *hust* wie mich zum Beispiel *hust*, die den Content nicht einmal schaffen ^^). The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know. 660+ Disregard everything else and level your gem tree to AT LEAST level 25 to 28 (preferably 28). If you aren't ranked, well, you're not going to get defenses because they can't choose to fight you. Vs BM nuke. Just like vanilla OPTC, some units buff types, some units buff classes. Note that it will take MONTHS/YEARS to max out a facility, so don't rush with your rankings! Form your own pirate crew and set sail for adventure! Captain Ability: Connection to the King of the Pirates: Boosts ATK of DEX, QCK and INT characters by 2.75x at the start of the chain, boosts ATK by 4x following a chain of DEX > INT > QCK attacks no lower than Good and boosts HP by 1.35x. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. It took me 180 gems in Season 1 to reach Crimson 1 (unlock max facility levels), while in August Season 4, it would have only taken me around 20-30 gems. Note that you have to kill the enemy team at some point, so attacking teams must have enough damage. His heart was filled with appreciation towards his sons that gave him everything he only wished for: a family. Support Me on Ko-fi. Save ranking for one of the latter ones. Honorable mention to DUAL V2 Vivi&Rebecca , they provide so much utility and a nice one enemy nuke. Same here, I'll judge it after I've played it and I'm happy that OPTC makes an effort to keep the game fresh but this addition seems like a complete different game to me. In constrast to my other posts, these units are not replacement or theory-building oriented, they are the real "creme de la creme" of PVP. Download a copy of it and play around with it. Thanks for taking your time to put these together. Well that will be a mystery! Red is attacking and blue is defending. This changes everything, I will edit the post. {OPTC GLB} Pirate Rumble Championship | INT Team VS Slasher Team Thanks for watching! New Player Roadmap [edit | edit source] Note: The roadmap to farming story units is less and less useful these days, as a) you can pull story units from Friend Recruit, … Straw Hat Pirates captain. Unique defense teams are more effective. The literal translation is CT charge Down lv 10. If you are not gemming for stamina, whatever you do, do NOT LOSE your matches on day 1. 2; 24. Since he's Slasher you can bring him on your slasher team to really stomp DEX team. Is your team built around crit? I may be speaking too soon but, after reading your guides recently I am very excited for pvp now. I was totally overwhelmed when I first dove into this topic but you outlined the DOs and DONTs very well so I now know which traps to avoid (e.g. *The Pirate Rumble Sugo-Fest only characters are exclusive to the Pirate Rumble Sugo-Fest and will no longer be available at Rare Recruit after Mar. I keep getting Mystoms on my support tickets. The OPTC-DB we all know, love, and rely on, has been missing a lot of pirate rumble data, and the data it had was not very conducive to searching and filtering. Pirate Festival, or PF for short, is OPTC’s version of PVP. His Super Evolution is a side-grade. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Treasure Cruise related. I don't think that is accurate. … Edit : Thanks to u/Gear56 for pointing out some mistake. I imagine it will be slightly more different on Global given the amount of information that's been published whether here or YouTube, but I think most players still won't know what they're doing at the start. Lol. Ich würde mich allgemein erst einmal um deine Box kümmern und daraus ableitend ein paar Allzweck-Teams … Cotton Candy RCV Power Up (+100) x1. However, if you fight high def unit then that won't be the case. It seems that with OPTC version 8.2, Bandai changed the tutorial structure and the old reroll files are incompatible with it. Nope, try again, they are immune to Special Bind. 0 turns since last SEMLA orb consumed. For example, my L/S can deal up to +10k using their nuke, against enemy with 400 def stat (very easy to get this high def with INT team), they will only hit slightly above 2k. Levels are cheap early. Furthermore, Season 1 of PF will be the most competitive and most expensive. Captain ability let him power up 2x … She is a simple nuker with around 1.7K base damage. I'll probably won't bother much with pirate festival other than auto generated teams and natural stamina, or w/e it uses. Health Points lost since special was activated. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Treasure Cruise related. Consider carefully what you need more, and as is usual with sidegrades, you'll ideally want both. Synergize so well with the current Slasher team, CT reduction with Kuzaru and Roger and Atk Up with Oden, they will fit the 5th slot next to V1 Doffy. I'm thinking the game mode just wasn't made for a late joiner so I have to sit out till the next one. I guess I’m going to see how this teambuilding works when 10.0 goes live. 10. To be clear, his special cooldown timer will be longer on the 2nd activation, 3rd, etc... Now there is a weakness in all of this, he targets nearby enemies. within 1 minute of Pirate Festival reset time) is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to do well, In the middle of your first battle, open up settings. The Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance is an alliance formed between the Straw Hat Pirates, the Heart Pirates, the Kozuki Family, and the Mink Tribe with the goal of taking down Kaido of the Four Emperors.1 1 Members 1.1 Organization 1.1.1 Preparation Works 1.1.2 Attacking Force 1.1.3 Invasion 2 Alliance Strength 3 History 3.1 Past 3.2 Four Emperors Saga 3.2.1 Zou Arc 3.2.2 … The Gem Tree just by existing means that there is an opportunity cost with your tickets. You gain points for successfully defending against enemy attacks. Is your team meant to launch super fast AOE specials to clear the enemy team before they can react? 12,000ptで. Take your units, some cost more than others, position them and have them fight. Cotton Candy HP Power Up (+100) x1. Just be sure to have more than 32k hp before entering Zephyr cause you have to tank 2 hits. Whole tier list revamp. etc. Drop table. within 1 minute of Pirate Festival reset time) is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to do well. Rather she does a max of 3 nukes as the fight goes on. (edit: my bad reading comprehension on this one. still no idea what the hell i´m suppose to do xD. Support does not affect PF stats. The Pirate Rumble is the most unique mode introduced in the game so far, and the closest the game gets to a real PvP. There nothing more to say, he's a perfect debuffer Sub or main starter in a STR pure team. Also includes a damage calculator that accurately helps you find out how much damage your team will deal. Just want to say your claim on Luffy/Sanji lv 10 nuke guarantees 2 kills. Your strategies change with what other players use. Note that I wouldn't rely too much on some of their other resources, like their "Tier list" for PF. OH, good correction! For reference could you give us an example of a well built offense team and go in depth on who it is build around, why you choose the remaining members for synergy and which units could be replaced for other ones? - Francis. He died from the fatal blow he received during the Paramount War. It is a completely separate game mode from the main game, with brand new mechanics and team building. Sometimes you will activate this special on the same enemy. This guy is the real definition of a debuffer. It's a little like autochess or TFT or TABS. Legend Checklist for OPTC. -----If this is the first of my PVP thread you're reading, I suggest you take a look to these ones too : Pirate Rumble Teambuilding - General teambuilding guide to shape up the meta a bit. Is there a huge difference? Of course, this include Max LimitBreak, CC, Tomes and specials. I recommend to max out his Special AND passive.

Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, Dr Grabs Lusanum, Selgros Dutch Oven, Huawei E5576-320 Bedienungsanleitung, Physik Plus Klasse 7/8 Lösungen Buch, Blubbern Rechter Rippenbogen, Celtic Animal Zodiac Deutsch, Mod Na Meble, Wespennest Entfernen Feuerwehr Kosten österreich, Baby Will Keine Flasche Mehr Nur Noch Brei, Schmieder Klinik Heidelberg Anfahrt, Wie Lange Kann Man Urin Aufbewahren Für Schwangerschaftstest, Kärcher K4 Reinigungsmittel Funktioniert Nicht,

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