Ive played my fair share of games like this and havent really had an issue making builds. Once you hit the minimum specified stats, you can take keep this build going across any level. The stats specified maximize your katana use. A basic sword build for enthusiasts which offers tips and focuses on speed. This weapon is by far one of the most interesting as it is ultimately just a blade and bludgeon chained together. This Build will be updated as I reach higher levels of the game and more equipment becomes available. A powerful Kusarigama build with high end applications. Description. This makes the kusarigama perfect for crowd control when surrounded by several enemies. 10 Dual Katana Swords and Katana Sword. It's flexible, it's damaging, it's got range, it's got speed, it comes with powerful attack buffs, and is excellent for inflicting Status Effects. Question. This page lists all of the Kusarigama Skills in Nioh. Dex for Kusarigama/Nnjustu, Skill if you're going Dual Swords or Heart for Single Sword. With only a little time left to beat the Nioh 2 open beta, players are going to need to be properly equipped to earn The Mark of … This Nioh build primarily focuses on PVE and uses axes as the primary weapon and spears/kusarigama as the secondary weapons. 15 body is enough to use most light armor and 20 heart is good for ki, stam/str stay low, but you can being strength up to 10 for easy skill points and ok katana scaling. The best build and skills for Sword (Katana) in Nioh 2 on PS5 and PS4. Now I must warn the reader that I myself am not a huge fan of the sword moveset, but I have compiled a list of interesting skills that will guide you past the worst stinkers and provide you with some useful information. If you prefer high DPS, go with dual katanas or the kusarigama. The Sword is one of Nioh base weapons (Spear, Kusarigama, Dual Sword & Axe) Sword is also very friendly for new player to the series. If you are good with Iai Quick Draw way back in Nioh, you will feel right at home with the new Nioh 2. Skill/Dexterity (Ninja Build) - So, the Kusarigama is an amazing weapon that was added to the final demo prior to Nioh's release. The final set bonus is a universal damage boost based on ninjutsu power so don't be afraid to crank Dex hard. As you make it towards the latter stages of Nioh 2’s campaign you gain access to many more armor sets, but can also start dabbling in mixing sets together. Nioh 2 Builds are optimized combinations of equipment such as Weapons and Armor, Skills that define a specific set of playstyle or highlight a certain natural strength of a character. Get Spirit up to 11 for now, and boost Strength for armor buffs. Nioh – Dual Swords Build. Iga ninja clan set has katana and kusarigama so you 'll probably go for Iga, also it has Agility A. Kusarigama : DEXTERITY/SKILL/BODY . Nioh 2 GUIDE. Melee Weapon: Swords / Spear; Ranged Weapon: Head: Chest: Hands: Legs: Accessories: Items: Build Strategy. Stats: Heart, Body, Skill The Katana is a great starting weapon in the game for those unfamiliar to this genre. Rakuyo's Sword Build . The Kusarigama is one of Nioh’s more interesting weapons. The High Attack for Kusarigama is OP so focus on that, make sure you get the Hold Triangle skill that throws the sickle end at enemies, you can use it to whittle down large enemies and bosses. ". This Build will be updated as I reach higher levels of the game and more equipment becomes available. Below is a list of Kusarigamas in Nioh 2, and each Kusarigama has an effect that will ALWAYS be present, no matter what other random bonuses there may be, and these are listed in the "effect" column.Damage values are not listed since these change by rarity and level, making it difficult to compare them easily. In Nioh 2, Sword still retain it’s old moveset and mechanic. For the Guardian Spirit, you need to … Kawanami Kusarigama Description. This may not be … Dual Katana swords and a Katana sword might seem like a nonsensical combo, but the fact that they are similar weapons and rely on the same stats make them noteworthy. Below is a list of Swords in Nioh 2, and each Sword has an effect that will ALWAYS be present, no matter what other random bonuses there may be, and these are listed in the "effect" column. But I find katana the most balanced and kusarigama very fun - so I chose those 2 for my main guy because they are the best fit for me. I know the fun part should be just discovering it on my own, but my playtime is limited so I want to progress when I do have time to play. This page features several Nioh 2 Builds by the Fextralife Team, as well as user-submitted builds. You can find infromation on the best Sword build and skills as well as how to use the Sword. Kawanami Kusarigama is one of the Kusarigamas in Nioh 2. Break and Block are listed, since these do not change with rarity or level. You need to build up Paralysis as quickly as possible in order to be able to make best use of this Build, so you want to have this in both slots if you can find it. But the stats in this game are really giving me a hard time. Compared to the Sword, Axe, and Spear, they can feel pretty weak. The Kusarigama have always been considered the most technical weapon in Nioh, and that remains the case in this sequel. The Katana sword has a primary scaling of Heart, a secondary scaling of Skill, and … It also scales with Skill and Strength. Best Katana Build. Kusarigama Build – Nioh. Katana/Kusarigama Build Help. I n this Nioh 2 Build Guide I’m going to show you how to play the Watery Devotion Build using Medium Armor, Onmyo Magic and the new Splitstaff weapon, pummeling things into oblivion via repeated strikes. February 16, 2021 Taku Bou Nioh … Katana – The Katana sword is a rock-solid basic weapon and an exemplary choice for your starting weapon in Nioh 2 … so if your Build has high Dexterity, consider using this Weapon type. To avoid this kind of problem try to use weapons … Break and Block are listed, since these do not change with rarity or level. The Dual Swords in Nioh are probably the fastest weapons you’ll find in the game. Sword Build – Nioh. Description. Nioh 2 Builds: Poisonous Shinobi (Kusarigama) The Poisonous Shinobi Build uses a combination of Stealth, good Agility and Poison to take down enemies one by one without getting into situations where you are outnumbered. I run strictly damage skills with a bit of healing just in case, I'll go into each skill tree pointing out the ones I got. Build Strategy. This build is a general framework for using katanas. Best Armor sets for Nioh 2’s later game. The sword is by far the most balanced weapon in all of Nioh, as it offers skilled users a variety of approach options without limiting them to … I like using the high stance of Kusarigama. This weapon works in conjunction with the Kusarigama Skills skill tree and usually has good scaling with the Dexterity stat. These skills can be purchased with Samurai Skill Points, which can be earned either by putting points … It doesn't matter that their stats don't match up well. I can put CtA dex or CtA magic on them - the fact that I only have 70 heart doesn't make my katana weak - I still shred enemies with it. I’ll be showing you where to place your Stats and Skill Points to get the maximum impact for this Build, as well what equipment to use, and which Guardian Spirit … Where to place your Skill Points is a vital part of making any Build in Nioh 2 work, and in this section we’ll take a … The Sword has a very fast attack speed, as well as powerful High Stance combo. This is a player-created Build for Nioh. The Kusarigama may be the best weapon Nioh has to offer. For Nioh on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "any other Katana/Kusarigama builds? Nioh 2: Best Weapons For Each Build. For this build I recommend having the Pipe as it provides additional Ki and either of the white and black Fans as they provide Ki Recovery, but you can go with whatever makes sense for you. For Character Creation and Fashion, see Character Creation Codes and Armor. Using a kusarigama will provide players with a +1 to dexterity which will affect the effectiveness of ninjitsu. Nioh 2 Best Starting Weapon – which should you choose. I think I want to focus in on using Ninjitsu … It provides a small, curved blade (not unlike a sickle) on a … Today we will be exploring the best Nioh 2 weapon combos. Top; Starting Choices ; Stat Builds; Beginner Guides; Strategy Guides; Weapon Tier List; Home Nioh 2 Best Build and Skills for Swords Nioh 2 - Best Build and Skills for Swords. This is a starter/mid game Build meant for players just beginning Nioh 2, or for those that are early to mid game and are having trouble. Anyone have any advice on what stats to not touch and what stats to barely touch to round out a Katana Kusarigama build? Paralyzing Blade Skills Where to place your Skill Points is a vital part of making any Build in Nioh 2 work, and in this section we’ll take a look at the things you need to create the Paralyzing Blade Build. Nioh – Spear Build. Anyhow, here is what I like so far. Damage values are not listed since these change by rarity and level, making it difficult to compare them easily. Rakuyo's Kusarigama Build . Spears are one of the five weapon types you can equip in Nioh, and knowing just how to use them can make you an incredibly deadly force in battle. KATANA : HEART/SKILL/STRENGHT. Build Name: Powerful Swordsman; Build Level: 130; Build Focus: PvE; Build Main Stat: Spirit . Nioh 2 Builds: Agile Archer (Katana & Bow) Every … A sickle and chain weapon favored by Hachitsuka … Kusarigama is also very much not a defensive weapon, and has some very slow moves, whereas duals are very fast and defensive, with high base parry stats (Kusarigama on the other hand have low base parry, making them weak for blocking), and Mind's Eye allows them to have a low stance dodge with extra i-frames, and then one of the mystic arts greatly increases your damage … I kara jishi GS, dragon ninja 7(full set minus kusarigama) iga ninga2 (onimaida katana) I use the flowing shadow skill to get behind an enemy and activate kara jishi's attack up and then stay behind the enemy and punish it, using flowing shadow to dodge and re up the kara jishi bonus. Greetings All, I find myself spending more time on Google in game making sure I don't mess up this build leveling up. Choosing the Kusarigama in Nioh 2. Build Equipment. Skill scales kusarigama … I would recommend you to put your amrita in Skill at the beggining cuz both Kusa and katana has them, but later you'll have to choose between katana and Kusa. Ninjutsu Power is also not bad to look for.. Water Swordsman Skills. I know to pump Heart and Dex but the other stats are where im …
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