08-16-07 07:27 AM vs Frame delay This can be utilized so that E Mangudai hit n run a LOT better than HCA. - How can archers counter them? Divided into two phases, the week focused heavily on the challenges that both junior and senior enlisted leaders have. 2. 09-02-07 07:05 AM CT (US) 10 Archived. Illustration by Cesare Vecellio, 1589. The Kipchak has less hit points but higher pierce armor with all upgrades (for civilizations with access to Parthian Tactics and Ring Archer Armor). This is because most anti-archer units (su… 60 The Mangudai is the unique unit of the Mongols in Age of Empires II. I doubt it. The Kipchak has 1 less range (only if played with civilizations that lack Bracer) and 1 less Line of Sight. Connected Units. 0, 1 (Elite) All Cav Archers have both the "Archer" and "Cavalry Archer" "Armor Class", so they take 6 bonus damage from them. Upgrades to As others have mentioned, some civs are as good as Mongols in lategame, like Saracens, Goths, Koreans and Celts - which all have ways to counter Mangudai. Attack delay 1.45 Statistics ... Mongol unique cavalry archer with fast-firing attack. Also, the Mangudai gets an attack bonus of +2 against, The Mangudai holds an attack bonus against. Rate of Fire But the thing is, do they rely on manguadi? The Mangudai has a higher attack strength, but its base attack rate is slower than Cavalry Archers contrary to popular belief. Castle As Mangudai are unique to the Mongols, only technologies that are available to them are shown in the following table: ELITE MANGUDAI vs EVERY UNIQUE UNIT AoE II Definitive Edition, Mongol cavalry as depicted in Rashid-ad-Din's Jami' at-Tawarikh; early 14th century. Type For instance, an Elite Skirm has bonuses of "+4 vs Archer" and "+2 vs Cavalry Archer". Mangudai (non-Elite) frame delay reduced to 5. Elite Mangudai Mangudai- properly controlled and microed, mangudai can beat almost anything, from SOs to infantry to archers to even pals if in low enough numbers and you have enough mangudai. Unique Unit: Mangudai (Anti-Siege Weapon Cavalry Archer) Mangudai are almost a carbon copy of Cavalry Archers except for their bonus against Siege Equipment, their +1 Attack and +10 HP, making them slightly superior to ordinary Cavalry Archers. those recs i have seen when they go pure mang (and maybe a few knights) they dont go all mang the first thing in castle, at first they rush with knights as any normal man would do, then they drop sevral forward castels, and pump mangs from those. Gold I am not an expert, but since the two differences between Heavy Cav Archer and Elite Mangudai, without any upgrades, are that: 1. Youtube HEAVY CAVALRY ARCHER | Best Unique Counters | Tierlist | Age of Empires 2. CT (US) CT (US) Now, allowing the Mongol Cavalry Archer or Mangudai to fire faster, is giving him the ability to fire more arrows in the same amount of time, thus making him even more effective and lethal. 1,100 food, 675 gold CT (US) 6 / 15, posted Mangudai are cheaper than cavalry archers in terms of Gold but cost more in terms of Wood. Elite Camel Archers have +2 defense in their "Cavalry Archer" class, so it negates that and only takes 4 bonus. 14 / 15, posted In one-on-one combat, the Mangudai handily wins. 0 Upgrade cost: 1100 Food After training a dozen of Heavy Cavalry Archers, they can be used to take out infantry effectively. Pierce armor Doesn't tell the full story though as with a bit of micro and all upgrades on both ends elite mangudai … They are also better at raiding with good micromanagement. All in all, the Mangudai holds a much stronger attack and better resistance, but the Kipchak is better at dealing with rams. Armor classes Mangudai only have a single attack bonus against. when Mangudai attack counter with: archer, skirmisher, light cavalry or Tarkans NOT counter with: swordmens, Monks, Teutonic Knight, war elephant, siege weapons than you have better chance for hold them back. With patch 4.8, Elite Mangudai now have a frame delay of 5. Attack bonuses Vs Heavy Cavalry Archers, Elite Mangudai Skirmisher 3 (also minimum of 3)* Elite Skirmisher 6 (also minimum of 6)* Huskarl 5 … The downside of this army is that it is slower than cavalry, so make sure to keep building troops and guard your eco especially well. aoe2 mongols strategy. If so, which one is better to use? 3 / 15, posted Castle Age In one-on-one combat, the Camel Archer easily wins. Trained at 4 Hit points This bonus applies to Mangudai as well; however, they have a worse base rate of fire than cavalry archers. This tactic does not usually work well against cavalry, unless the opponent is greatly outnumbered. CLICK TO READ HIS FRUITY, OVER-DRAMATIC EXPLANATION OF WHY. 1 / 15, posted Posted by | February 20, 2021 | Uncategorized | No Comments 0 6, 8 (Elite) pierce On a population efficient basis, once Turks have sipahi mangudai lose 1v1 too. 7 / 15, posted Devestating, posted 0.5 Age The Kipchak moves a bit faster (only with the Cumans thanks to their civilization bonus). As their secondary arrows deal 0 melee damage (in addition to their regular 3 pierce damage), they are a great counter against Rams. Civilization 55 Original Mamelukes aren't in the cavalry archer armor class, just regular archer armor class. That is, of course, for Mongol Cavalry Archers. The Mangudai costs 5 less wood but 30 more gold, and are trained a bit slower. 08-13-07 09:58 AM CT (US) Mangudai can be upgraded to Elite Mangudai in the Imperial Age. 23 08-15-07 11:21 AM 10 Tricks I use to play faster [AoE2] EVERY UNIT vs 1000 ARCHERS - Mount \u0026 Blade 2 BANNERLORD. When attacking with Cavalry Archers the player must always micromanage them properly in order to maintain distance from the enemy targets. Like others have said you need a castle for emangs so the CA guy will always be able to replace his losses faster. CT (US) They can even tear down towers with their good rate of fire. Projectile speed THis however doesnt apply to Mangudai, only its Elite. However, the Kipchak's secondary arrows deal 0 melee attack, making them much more effective at destroying rams (since rams have -3 melee armor). https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Mangudai?oldid=313314, The Mangudai has a higher attack strength, but its base attack rate is slower than, The Cavalry Archer (upgrade included) is cheaper by 15, All in all it can be said that the Mangudai is a better fit for the Mongol army because of the higher speed in order to keep up with the other core unit of the Mongol army, the, The attack and range are the same, but the attack rate of the Mangudai is higher, so the damage output of the Mangudai is higher. ], Copyright © 1997–2021 HeavenGames LLC. 08-16-07 05:51 AM Definitive Unlike other cavalry archers, and in a similar fashion to the Chu Ko Nu, they can still fare fairly well against most anti-archer units. Training Unit evolution 4 / 15, posted Skirmishers and Light Cavalry can also be dangerous to Mangudai in sufficiently large numbers. Mangudai are inferior to CA's but EM's are supperior full stop.Try researching it yourself, as EM's against a Civ with CA's/HCA's, depending which you want to, as to PT thie bonus against spearmen line uints only works for Mang's; I recently noticed something odd in relation to EW's in that they have an attack bonus of + 2/3 when they reach the CA & without any research in the FA, anyone know why? Mangudai are effective against slow moving units, such as Monks, Villagers, or infantry. 5 / 15, posted The most popular pairing involving Cavalry Archers is wit… 08-23-07 11:23 AM CT (US) Range Melee armor 09-02-07 04:12 AM 09-03-07 06:57 PM With patch 4.8, Mangudai get back their initial attack bonus of +3 (+5 for Elite) against siege weapons. Mangudai have a train time of 21 seconds. Like historically, Cav archers were very hit and run centric, and that was really the point of mounted archers, to fire while moving and it was obviously very effective. 95% ArcherCavalry 12 / 15, posted Wood In this guide, we will be looking at which upgrades you should be getting first and learn more about upgrading your unique units because some of them are tricky.Blacksmith upgrades are divided into 2 … So i guess they win anyway right?.. The Mangudai is an Age of Empires II military unit and the unique unit of the Mongols. Weak vs. Skirmishers, Pikemen, and Camel Riders. Kipchaks are great harassers, especially if massed, as their extra arrows enables hit-and-run arrow volleys. The Mangudai has a stronger attack, attacks faster and deal much more damage due of their civilization bonus, but the Kipchak fires additional arrows per burst which deal 3 pierce damage each one, which makes the Kipchak much better at facing units with high pierce armor. 10 / 15, posted Tactics that employ these units require a large amount of resources since these units work way better if used in large numbers. 08-23-07 08:03 AM The Mangudai is the unique unit of the Mongols in Age of Empires II. 08-13-07 10:27 AM Unit information 50 seconds. ArcherCavalry archerCavalryUnique unit CT (US) Then after the fight I count the HP of the winning unit and > 60% HP would be an A-Tier counter. Zavier is right, although Mangudai are good, Calvary archers amassed in numbers will dominate the battlefield because castles are expensive and slow to build but archery ranges can be build very fast, are less expensive, and avalible in the feudal age. 7 The Cavalry Archer is a mounted archer unit in Age of Empires II that can be trained at the Archery Range once the Castle Age is reached. They can also take down unsuspecting archers. Never let goths get to castle age comfortably or with control of all their resources. 15 / 15, LORD_FADAWAH HAS LEFT HEAVENGAMES. Mongols 08-15-07 11:20 PM CT (US) Upgrade Information. Archars do not shot at the target 100% of the time, sometimes they miss, like this (O=target, .=shot): The biggest advantage of Elite Mangudai over HCA is that their fire immediately goes as soon as you assign them to attack. Upgrade cost From someone's who's really done the research, which is better when to utilize playing the Mongols - cavalry archers or mangudai? The Mangudai is the unique unit of the Mongols in Age of Empires II. Only the kipchak and Mangudai can really fill this role well because of the lack of delay. The Age of Kings With bonus damage dealt to rams, Mangudai can also be used to counter them effectively behind fortifications. 26 seconds Well, I don't know the theory behind it, I just see experts constantly going massed mangudais in recs. The attack bonus against rams is removed. I am not an expert, but since the two differences between Heavy Cav Archer and Elite Mangudai, without any upgrades, are that: On the other hand you'll need a castle to pump those EMangudais. Mangudai attack bonus against siege weapons reduced to +1. Strong vs. siege weapons and infantry. The player must make sure they are some feet away from infantry. Cavalry Archers are an excellent way to deal with slow moving melee units like most infantry. Strong vs. siege weapons and infantry. Introduced in Mangudai Rate of Fire increased (made slower) to 2.1. This is the only thing, other than a late addition to the EWs AB that explains it. Mangudai That is, do they use only manguadi? Do all of the archer and cavalry upgrades (including Parthian Tactics) apply to mangudai as well as cavalry archers? 09-06-07 08:32 AM General and Strategy DiscussionModerated by John the Late, [This message has been edited by General_Zavier (edited 08-13-2007 @ 10:37 AM). CT (US) Upgrade time Heavy Cav Archer costs 70 gold, but Elite Mangudai costs 65 gold,...frankly I don't see why you'd go with Heavy Cav Archer if you can get Elite Mangudai. All rights reserved.v2.4.2. Attack Head to head simulator of 1v1 fights between Age of Empires 2 units (HD expansions dataset), calculating cost-efficiency, showing overview of unit stats. Slinger (Elite) Arambai (Elite) Kipchak (Elite) Mangudai (Elite) War Wagon (Elite) Camel Archer (Elite) Conquisdator (Elite) Elephant Archer (Elite) Genitour (Elite) Janissary. +3, +5 (Elite) vs Siege weapon+1 vs Spearman Using Heavy Cavalry Archers is expensive as they are strong in large numbers, not in solitude. Mangudai are usually paired with Hussars, Steppe Lancers, and siege weapons, because they all benefit from the Mongols' civilization bonuses and unique technology Drill, respectively. On a Michi map mongs & Teutons would make an excellent team, with the Teuts crenellations = castle range 13 loaded with EM's you can set the castle further back from the FW (fortified wall) and have Mong onagers & Teuts BC's to defend the castles. The Elite Mangudai is an Age of Empires II military unit and the unique unit of the Mongols. 1.7 Cavalry Archer-line. All in all, the Mangudai is faster and holds a stronger attack, but the Camel Archer is more durable because of the slightly higher hit points, regeneration ability, and armor. It is a cavalry archer with an attack bonus against siege weapons. Mangudai train time increased to 26 seconds. CT (US) The Mangudai is the only unique unit that has the same hit points as its Elite version, with 60 HP. 08-23-07 11:51 AM While the fact that you need castles for them is a downside, yes, you CAN rely on Mangudai. Hand Cannoneer (Elite) Chu Ko Nu (Elite) Genoese Crossbowman (Elite) Longbowman (Elite) Plumed Archer (Elite) Rattan Archer. Aoe2: Experts - Magyars Cavalry Archers vs Knights (Rushes) 200 ELITE MANGUDAI vs 200 HEAVY CAVALRY ARCHERS (Turks) | AoE II: Definitive Edition. Camel Riders and Pikemen are a threat, if they can catch up with the Mangudai, but the latter can usually be avoided with ease, and Camels have low pierce armor and hence take a lot of damage themselves. Accuracy Training time Speed In the Castle Age, Cavalry Archers have 10 HP less than Mangudai. However, Mongol Cavalry Archers have a better rate of fire, due to the Mongol civilization bonus which makes their cavalry archers fire faster. The Mongols Cavalry Archer | Better play than Mangudai!? Cavalry Archers are one of the best harassers of the game. Skirmishers and Onagers are devastating again… If you use the HD version with the new expansions, you can use the Berbers' Camel Archer (7/8 attack, +4/+6 vs CAs) or the Genitour (4/5 attack, +4/+7 vs CAs). 13 / 15, posted 6 Age of Empires Series Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Mangudai have big dmg and high mobility. CT (US) 08-13-07 10:35 AM The attack and range are the same, but the attack rate of the Mangudai is higher, so the damage output of the Mangudai is higher. ... Mongol unique cavalry archer with fast-firing attack. Units- Arbalest/ Cavalry Archer/ Champions/ Hussar/ Camel/ Ram/ Seige Onager/ Scorpion/ Mangudai Persians- Cavalry Team Bonus- Knights +2 ATK VS Archers Economy Bonus- Faster Work Rate Military Bonus- ... Cavalry Archer- Skirms, Mangonel, Tower, Eagles, Huskarls, Mameluke, Camel I think I have got it, EWs have an (unspecified) attack bonus V monks, since they are both CA units, then when the Aztec or Mayan player researches the CA their EWs receive the +3 AB, although I dont know why it is not specified as +3 on the F2 Tech-tree; Since the Mongol Mangs do not get a +6 AB for PT, then it follows that they get a +4 AB against all units except for spearmen line units for which they only get a +2 AB, while CAs & HCAs get a +4 attack bonus against all units. On a cost basis mangudai in Castle age lose to hunnic cav archers. CT (US) The blacksmith is a must use building in Age of Empires 2 due to upgrades being a game changing factor only if you know which upgrades have priority over others. 65 CT (US) It is a cavalry archer with an attack bonus against siege weapons. For the tests I assume PostImperial Age, no micro and equal resources, for example it could be 22 Paladins (60F, 75G) vs 33 Kamayuks (60F, 30G). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Heavy Cav Archer has 7 Attack and Elite Mangudai has 8 attack, and 2. Weak vs. Skirmishers, Pikemen, and Camel Riders. However, despite their attack bonus against them, attacking (massed) Scorpions and Mangonels one on one is not recommended unless there are enough Mangudai to destroy the machine in one volley and they can be micromanaged to dodge the projectiles. Mangudai can be upgraded to Elite Mangudai in the Imperial Age. Attack bonuses Line of Sight 9 / 15, posted The Mangudai holds an attack bonus against siege weapons, while the Kipchak hasn't any attack bonus except against the Spearman. CT (US) Cavalry +4. 8 / 15, posted 2 / 15, posted ], [This message has been edited by frozen_swe (edited 08-23-2007 @ 11:24 AM). They perform exceptionally well against slow-moving units. 11 / 15, posted 08-14-07 05:04 PM 2.
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