Lobotomycorporation, Lobotomy, illustration, binah are the most prominent tags for this work posted on December 1st, 2019. 欢迎收听能看到那光吗的电台《脑叶公司-Lobotomy Corporation-OST》,简介:全部ost内容更新完毕,大致的顺序是1-46,上层部门,47,中央部门,48,下层部门,49,50,ed,游戏内未使用内容,最后是一点杂七杂八的。更多能看到那光吗相关电台内容尽在网易云音乐 欢迎收听电台节目《Binah-Garion》,该节目属于主播能看到那光吗的《脑叶公司-Lobotomy Corporation-OST》电台,简介:直面恐惧,斩断循环。更多能看到那光吗相关的电台节目尽在网易云音乐 SITB fucked around with this message at 09:11 on Dec 30, 2020 At least until she felt something. Includes all character from Lobotomy Corporation story: Angela Malkuth Yesod Hod Netzach Tiphereth A Tiphereth B Gebura Chesed Binah Hokma Myo Elijah Gabriel Michelle Giovanni Lisa Enoch Kali Daniel Garion Benjamin Abel Abraham Adam Ayin Carmen; Recommended hair color is R:255 G:255 B:255 for all character. 비나(Lobotomy Corporation 세계관) 최근 수정 시각: 2021-02-10 02:32:17. Create an account Log in. In her dying moments, she managed to fatally wound Garion as well. Think about it, if the parallels with Flowey's case are any indicator, then Garion probably lacked a soul. Owns District 12. ... Lobotomy Corporation. ... 본명은 가리온(Garion)으로, 그녀는 H사를 초토화시키고, 미셸이 머리에 밀고하면서 넘긴 정보에 따라 로보토미 사로 이동했다. As for Garion's state, I highly suspect that she was affected by this "disease" Carmen was working against. Big Bird, Punishing Bird and the Bird of Judgement all have incredibly low success rates when Repression/Justice work is done on them. AschereCanicula. She honestly didn’t know what it was. The whole corporation was thrown into disarray after the "Seed of Light" ending. ... Garion. Claim Authorship Edit History. Just a gut feeling in her stomach. Maybe it was nothing. Garion’s Bad Day System’s Revenge Garion was having a good weekend. Today's Top Image Galleries . This is a mirror to what Garion did in life; she acted as the spearhead during an attack on the Corporation on the behalf of The Head, causing a massive containment breach to help her slaughter everything. Or, to be precise, she lacked the ability to find happiness and divinity in the world, something directly associated with the soul. Knowing that another wave will come, A and Benjamin extracted Garion's brain and turn her into a Sephirah (Binah), and with her knowledge were able to escape and continue their experiments under the cover of a Wing called Lobotomy Corporation. Textile Embed. Ayin only started trying to found Lobotomy Corporation after he captured Garion and extracted all the information about how to becom a Wing and avoid the attention of the Head from her. About the Uploader. Sleuth & Curator & Pundit & Collection Butler . Or Mizu and Binah being utterly incapable of connecting, because Mizu loves the abnormalities and Binah/Garion is literally tortured endlessly to create and/or capture them for Lobotomy Corporation. binah, garion, lobotomy corporation, video games, sephirah, robot, brain transplant, mimicry, nothing there. And she walked off before finding it hours later. Artichoke. R Corporation: A military company that handles any threats to their clients with several specialized branches of varying destruction. Still, she was given the weekend to kill some agents from H corp and she got it done early. L Corporation: Known as Lobotomy Corporation, they gathered energy by extracting abnormalities, led by Ayin and Angela, along the 9 Sefirot.
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