Hayama receives the ball and dribbles to Seirin's basket. It is decided that Kaijō would be Seirin's next opponent in the Semi-finals. [37] A third game Kuroko's Basketball: Mirai e no Kizuna (黒子のバスケ 未来へのキズナ, Kuroko's Basketball: Bonds for the Future) was released on March 26, 2015 for the Nintendo 3DS. When the match starts, it appears that Yōsen has control of the ball first. The struggle for points begins again and with mere seconds remaining, Kagami blocks Kasamatsu's shot and goes for a fast-break with Kuroko. On the sidelines Kise comments that Mayuzumi doesn't have the weight of determination from being in the shadows. Meaning that victory would be attained for sure if he played. He also wears it in practices. When he saw Kuroko for the first time, he thought that Kuroko would be that very player, a 6th man. [196], Ogiwara shows Kuroko his re-gained passion for basketball. Kuroko asks him if he is alright but Hyūga tells him not to worry as there is something else he should focus on. On the sidelines, Midorima tells Takao that Kuroko was simply making Mayuzumi stand out more than himself. From then on the two grew more distance between them as they were no longer friends and Kuroko quit Teiko basketball. During the interval of the Rakuzan vs Shūtoku match, Kuroko briefly encounters Akashi when his team prepares for a warm-up. The ball is so strong that it can even pass the Generation's ace, Aomine. Kuroko replies saying that he is concerned for not having any ideas as of yet. The Teiko Junior High basketball team rose to distinction by demolishing basketball teams within Japan, winning the junior high Nationals for three consecutive years. [126], Kuroko steals the ball back from Kasamatsu. Kuroko then goes on to show Momoi his new Vanishing Drive. Seirin are prepared to face Rakuzan again as they have regained their spirits. Episode 23 24m. [96], Seirin's opponent in Round 3 is Kogōmo North High. He then tells Kagami that he may be able to beat the Generation of Miracles in an areal battle, but he may not beat them on the ground. Kise prepares to pass Kuroko but is suddenly surprised when Kuroko goes on for a steal. Furihata uses a screen to get Kuroko off of his mark. This is because Kuroko is difficult to place in one of the five set basketball positions, his role in the team applies to none of those, but mostly as a pass-first point guard based on size and passing abilities. Kuroko is aiming for first string but is perplexed when he is divided into the third string, because of his weak overall abilities.[9]. Fukuda passes the ball and Kuroko immediately redirects the ball to Furihata, who was under the basket and scores a simple lay-up. Hanamiya goes on to score the basket using his Floater shot. Kagami then enters the Zone once again to face Akashi. [76] It is known later that it is for Kuroko to develop his shooting for when he has the space after he passes his opponent with his Vanishing Drive. However, Furihata tells him to stop and Kagami passes the ball back to Furihata. It's Kaijō's counterattack when Kuroko approaches Kagami and tells him he has found a solution, following the plan they discusses during the time out. He has no presence and is quite unnoticeable, a trait that goes well with his misdirection. Meanwhile, a mysterious person in the crowd mutters Kuroko's name. During the warm-up, both Kuroko and Kagami have their resolve conveyed to the opponent team, telling them they won't lose. It has blue trimming on the sleeves and vertically in the middle. On Kaijō's bench, Kise demands from his coach to let him in. Back in the gym, Seirin starts training and when Kuroko makes a successful invisible pass, Tetsuya #2 barks and seems happy. The Generation of Miracles were all surprised when they saw Kuroko coming back to the court. Hyūga fumbled and got the ball. Il est très difficile, il travaille dur et essaie toujours de satisfaire les besoins de l'équipe avant les siens . Midorima also did not like Kuroko's choice of high school, saying he could not stand the fact that he acknowledges Kuroko, who in spite of his lacking physicality is skilled enough to stand as his equal, and yet he went to a new and unknown team who could not utilize his power to the fullest. [108] Okamura makes a shot, and after that, Kiyoshi reminds Kagami of some points they came up with during the break. After Rakuzan and Seirin won their matches it was finally decided who the two teams in the finals would be. Kagami is shocked to find that Kuroko isn't good at basketball, in fact, he's bad! On the sidelines, Akashi comes to the same conclusion and tells his teammates that the last two minutes will be the most difficult play. [18] He yells at Kuroko, saying that he's overestimating himself when he thinks he can win like that. Kise asks Seirin to agitate the coach for him to let him play, also agitating them that if they can't let him in the game, they certainly won't beat "The Generation of Miracles". The match continues and Kirisaki Daīchi uses their rough style of play to score baskets. He tells Takao they are going and then tells Kuroko not to disappoint him at the Winter Cup preliminaries.[37]. On Seirin's bench Koganei asks Riko if this is the right time to substitute Kuroko out as his Misdirection will run out. Kuroko catches the ball but the referee stops him as the ball goes to Kaijō. He passes outside to Hyūga and he scores another three-pointer. Tatoeba Last Dungeon Mae no Mura no Shounen ga Joban no Machi de Kurasu Youna Monogatari Kise, however, evades passing the ball to Kasamatsu. Seirin grows even more desperate as the point difference is not shrinking. Kiyoshi tells everyone that this year's Winter Cup is special because all of the Teikō Junior High's geniuses including the Phantom 6th man will be participating. He then questions him how long he will stay so optimistic. The two turn around and notice Kuroko and Kagami standing there. Back in Teikō, Kuroko was Kise's personal instructor before he made it as a regular in the first string. Kuroko has a deadpan and straight forward personality. As the championship matches are coming to an end, the contest between Aomine and Kise remains tight and the result is still uncertain. Kuroko then launches the Ignite Pass which Kagami catches and scores the basket. ... at Gogoanime. Seirin's third match of the Final League was about to commence, their next opponent, Kirisaki Daīchi High, the team that has injured Kiyoshi in the past. Meanwhile, the Rakuzan players are shocked of their defeat, as well as Akashi who finally realises what defeat is like. As Momoi and Kuroko walk, Momoi notices Kuroko playing with the ball in his hands and tells him that it is unusual for him. Just as Akashi is about to use his own Emperor Eye to steal the ball back, Kuroko snaches the ball away from Kagami using his Quasi-Emperor Eye, preventing Akashi from stealing it. Kuroko soon met Ogiwara, a cheerful boy from the neighborhood. As the match resumes, Kagami has the ball but is marked by Hayama. [111] Murasakibara counters by saying that he'll push back, even if it's Kuroko. Kuroko gets the rebound and passes it to Kagami, who shoots a three-pointer seemingly without Murasakibara interfering. There are few exceptions: Kuroko's type of girl is a gentle person. Opting to purposely miss the free-throw and make the rebound for the definite win, Kiyoshi misses the free-throw, but a roaring Aomine slaps the ball out of Kagami's hands towards the the other side of the court. Kuroko agrees and tells him that he is the same. [70] Finally after convincing Kiyoshi to rest, the Seirin team heads out to finish the match. [107] As he takes up position to attempt a Phantom Shot, Liu and Murasakibara jump in front of him. They then met Shintaro Midorima in the preliminaries of Interhigh. Seirin had won with the score of 76 - 70, qualifying to the Winter Cup. This is that when his misdirection has run out and his presence on the court is beginning to show. Squeezing out their last ounce of strength, Kagami overcomes Aomine, makes the dunk and brings Seirin victory. On the bench, Riko decides that instead of stopping Kagami, they will go along with it. He approaches Kuroko and says that he can't defeat him, putting Kuroko even more in despair.[83]. Kuroko no Basket قصة أنمي Kuroko no Basket تدور حول بطل القصة كوروكو وجيل المعجزة. The day of the match, Kaijō seems to underestimate Seirin High since they're only using half a court. The match resumes and with the team play of Kagami and Aomine, they manage to stop Silver and his advances. During Seirin's counterattack, Kuroko uses his pass to pass to Kiyoshi who scores the basket. As Kagami notices Kuroko's bed hair, Midorima and Takao are walking the corridors past Kuroko and Kagami. Kagami threatens Kuroko to death if he ever does that again. The skill is basically a cross-diagonal move (a duck-in) to where the opponent's eye field can't see. During the break, Kagami requests that if Yōsen breaks through the all-coat defense, he's the center. In the preliminaries, they met team Shutoku again. The finals match is beginning and all of the players are announced onto the court. [244] The comination started off from a missed shot from Kuroko on a wide open layup attempt and Kagami followed it up. When the opponent can't see him, it is much easier to steal the ball. It was later revealed in the semi-finals of the Winter Cup that Kuroko had always felt a one-sided rivalry with Kise, because even though he was Kuroko's first trainee, he had quickly surpassed him. He says that he will make Kagami the strongest of Japan, to be his supporting shadow. Kuroko and Kagami then show them the original, as the two teams have made their declaration of war. Murasakibara expresses his disbelief that Kuroko would be the one to make the first points against Yōsen; there is a flashback to when Aomine was teaching Kuroko. Punching the ball with your fist is a violation of the rules. [92] Not soon after, Kagami enters the Zone as well and battles it out with Aomine, leaving Kuroko perplexed. Find quality Kuroko's Basketball (Kuroko no Basuke) cosplay here with us. [120] Later on, Kuroko and Kagami meet Momoi who came with Aomine. Furihata passes the ball to Kuroko who uses his Invisible Pass to pass the ball to Kiyoshi. When it comes to basketball, we do think alike. Kiyoshi refuses but Kuroko tells him that Kiyoshi is like an older brother protecting them and that he wishes for him to protect them in the future. Kuroko tries to get to the ball by using his usual misdirection, but for some reason it doesn't work and Kuroko is unable to shake off Imayoshi's defense. (227) Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (66) ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond (66) Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (62) Naruto (61) 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (58) [13], Also in his second year, he witnessed Aomine's awakening. Kuroko describes his partnership with Kagami as "shadow and light." Feb 23, 2021 - Explore Emma Warr's board "Kuroko No Basket" on Pinterest. Kuroko kept training hard on the club and even stayed late after practices. When Kuroko is announced in the starter line-up, the familiar faces in the crowd comment on how Kuroko received many cheers from the spectators. This is a list of chapters of the manga Kuroko no Basuke, collected in the different volumes. [174], Mayuzumi questions himself on why he has passes Kuroko knowing full well that he shouldn't have. Kuroko moves towards the railing and brings out a megaphone, because he finds it difficult to speak to such a large group without electronic aid. He notices Kagami's amount of food and comments that he is still growing. The true form of this pass, according to Midorima, is a tap pass, which allows Kuroko to change direction of the ball without touching the ball for a long period. It's Rakuzan's counterattack and Hayama uses his fast dribble to make the basket. A match they have won with the score of 78 – 61. However, they won and gained a ticket to the Winter Cup. Murasakibara disagrees but after Akashi's persuasion, the giant agrees and the team goes back on the court. On the sidelines, the Generation of Miracles all realise that they cannot win alone anymore. It was all because of the Phantom 6th man of the Generation of Miracles. But Aomine suddenly turns around and cuts Kuroko off, defeating his last resort move. All of the Yōsen players move up, despite the man-to-man defense being played by Seirin. Once they arrive they meet their old enemies, Seihō High. Kuroko notes that Mayuzumi didn't do anything and that Akashi is simply using him to divert Kagami's attention to him, in order to have successful passes. Kuroko's best subjects are Classical Japanese and Modern Japanese. The team finally arrives and Kagami asks Kuroko who he thinks will win, with Kuroko replying that he doesn't know. He also appears to be able to ski. They made it so that Imayoshi switched with Susa and is now rendering Kuroko disabled. It's like Kuroko is odorless. [251] Midorima has so far shown good understanding of the theories behind Kuroko's skill, the opposite of Aomine whose understanding of Kuroko is by instinct and their former partnership. At night Kagami has been doing some jumping training with Riko, meanwhile Kuroko comes outside looking for Kagami when he sees Takao. It was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from December 2008 to September 2014, with the individual chapters collected into 30 tankōbon volumes by Shueisha. She tells the rest of the team that the favorites, Kaijō, Shūtoku, and Rakuzan, also won their third matches, and that Seirin's next opponent is Yōsen High. Kuroko acquired his version of the Emperor Eye from the deep trust and bond he has forged with his teammates and by his observation skills. [187] Kuroko and Kagami do an alley-oop but Akashi goes to guard Kagami again. Izuki wants to pass the ball to Kagami but he is still double teamed by the Rakuzan players. Kuroko is refueled by Ogiwara's faith in him and decides to continue playing basketball. 5: Includes vols. Riko and everyone else is surprised as Riko notes that they will be taking a huge risk. They note that now there is still hope for Seirin, with the power of light and shadow. [161], Rakuzan overwhelms Seirin, with the current score of 37 - 62. There is no notable change in them but the immense pressure they are giving off. As each of them gets stronger individually, they will eventually combine their strength for team play thus making it stronger. [183] Hyūga puzzled as to how the two could take on Akashi, approaches Kuroko and questions him on his plan. After passing Hayakawa, Kuroko scores using his Phantom Shot, taking the first two points for Seirin. Kuroko was disappointed, even though he went on the court with full fighting spirit. As Kagami shot the decisive dunk, allowing Seirin to win the match, Kuroko helped him stand back up. Izuki faces Hayama again, but is unable to stop him. Kuroko then suggests making a detour in order for him to show her something. Kuroko agrees and watches as the play continues. [77] Riko sends Furihata along. It was then that he first discovered and developed his misdirection and invisible pass. "I'll definitely return to the court. When Murasakibara receives the ball, he turns to shoot, but forgets that Kuroko is there; he gets a foul for charging. An anime film adaptation of the Kuroko's Basketball: Extra Game manga premiered in Japan in March 2017. The match progresses and Kuroko still can't manage to shake off Imayoshi. Kuroko meets with Kagami not soon after, when they are both looking at Seirin's newspaper article form last year. Kuroko gets back in the game with his Ignite Pass. [131] Everyone is surprised as Seirin calls for a player substitution. In Seirin, Kuroko only passes this way to Kagami and occasionally to Teppei Kiyoshi. With the score of 15 - 9, Riko decides to substitute in Kuroko, in oder to keep the gap in points. Luckily it was the interval time, and Kuroko dragged the collapsed Kagami off the court with the rest of the team. He later complains about the pass being way too hard. A time-out is called and Riko considers substituting Kagami out. It tells the story of a high school basketball team trying to make it to the national tournament. His hobbies are reading (mainly literature works) and human observation. With the Interhigh Championship finally over, Seirin's basketball team refocuses their efforts, training harder than ever to get the chance to participate in the Winter … The match had ended and the Seirin members were in their locker room. No matter what the result end up being, until the very end, he won't run away. [205] Akashi claims that the victors will be Rakuzan as Seirin has only forty-one seconds left, with a seven point gap difference. He comments that he didn't even notice Kagami, since Kagami's so light. During Seirin's counterattack, Rakuzan is excerpting great pressure on them. His skin is fairly pale. When the ceremony was finished, Kuroko receives a text message on his cellphone. [50], Takao talks to Kuroko before the Seirin vs Shūtoku match, The match between Shūtoku High and Seirin is about to commence. [36] Shōri e no Kiseki sold 45,681 copies in its first four days on sale. "[249]Kise is also the first member of the Generation of Miracles who starts changing thanks to Kuroko. In the end credits of Season 3, there are photos of Kuroko's life before High School that depict him as a fat, happy giggling baby. Kaijō's coach notices that with the addition of Furihata, Seirin's atmosphere has changed. The second season premiered on October 6, 2013[16][17] and ended on March 29, 2014, also with 25 episodes. The team is ready to go to the Winter Cup. That didn't matter to Aomine, because he saw the same amount of basketball passion in Kuroko that he has. [18][19] The third season premiered on January 10, 2015[20] and ended on June 30, 2015, with a total of 25 episodes. In order to win...!". [16] Riko and all the others are shocked to see him standing there, because they haven't noticed him at all. Okamura passed the ball, and he dodges around Kagami, shooting the ball and making it. [235][236], There is however, also a grave downside to the use of this technique. On the bench, Hyūga tells Kuroko and everyone else that he's coming back into the game. Instead of shooting the ball over one's head, the Phantom Shot releases from the chest. When Kagetora proposes a rematch, Team Jabberwock accept to face the new team in a month's time. When Riko calls a time-out, Kuroko tells the team about his technique's weakness. Akashi leaves again and says to the rest that it seems they haven't forgotten their oath they made last year. Murasakibara runs down the court with the ball, but as he jumps, his knees almost give out. As Aomine stands at three point line, he cracks open the gates of the Zone and thanks Kuroko for finding him a competent opponent. He held a basketball in his hand, and boosted the morale of Kuroko and the Seirin team. In the finals, when he was unable to play, he lost the chance to play against Ogiwara, his childhood friend. Kise uses Murasakibara's block and Akashi's Emperor Eye to block the shot. Meanwhile, the dog has crawled up Kuroko's head and shaking his tail.
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