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gg tier list

Murasaki Shikibu and the Seven Cursed Books, Rabbit's Reviews #286: Kiichi Hogen (4* Assassin), Stream to start at 1640 JST, about 5 hours from now. Sadly, her poor Quick card performance and resultant NP Gain does hold her back a bit from being among the cream of the crop. Caster of Okeanos builds upon the foundation of Medea’s playstyle, bringing an Instant NP Charge for her single target NP. Finally, he has a self DEF and NP Gain buff that last for 3 turns, which both improves his durability and helps him unleash his Noble Phantasm more quickly. Her reliance on an AQQ chain to generate NP, poor Attack stat and lack of powerful skills make her not worth including in generic teams most of the time. In addition, she outputs formidable damage due to her welfare status, while her defences and utility remain up to par. While his skills are all quite simple in nature and usage, they offer a good amount of firepower to the team, ranging from Critical Damage and Noble Phantasm damage, to overall attack damage. Despite rarely being the pick of choice for damage due to her classing, her solid kit and respectable damage make her a great Servant to have in the roster. Courtesy of her naturally high NP level from being a welfare Servant, a Buster steroid from her Mana Burst, a party wide NP Generation buff and an Interlude that improves her Noble Phantasm’s damage, Lily is a decent Saber for farming purpose, especially for Masters who just start out. He also has a potent self ATK boost that has both a 1 turn and 3 turn component, which also comes with a bonus 1 turn immunity to debuffs. Iron: 3.01% Bronze: 23.73% Silver: 39.51% Gold: 24.41% Platinum: 7.51% Diamond: 1.66% Master: 0.12% Grand Master: 0.05% Challenger: 0.02% Summoners above Iron. Hawkeye B+ gives him both impressive star generation, even on his three Arts cards, and a staggeringly high critical damage for 3 turns. The increasing vulnerability to Arts only improves Hassan of the Hundred Personas NP refund further, while the Critical Hit Rate reduction can render Rider enemies toothless. With his Rune Magic boosting his Critical Damage and his Beast Slayer granting Star Gathering, Proto Cu can serve as a highly effective Critical Damage dealer, assuming he has access to the Critical Stars he needs. With what can only be described as ludicrous speed damage potential on her NP, Maid Alter's single target NP Damage stands amongst the highest of all Servants outside of anti-trait shenanigans. One primary advantage is her strong NP charge opening up some nice farming opportunities via Arts refunding. Both his star generation and NP gain are lacking, often necessitating support from his team members to properly exhibit his worth. With strong competition from higher rarity Casters as well, Masters may not find as many opportunities to field her as they would like. He comes with effectively two Buster Performance boosts, an NP Gain boost, critical star generation, and the utility of both a self debuff cleanse and AoE buff removal. If servants could be divided into traditional RPG archetypes, then Medea Lily would easily be the White Mage. Her damage potential is nonexistent, as she lacks a damaging Noble Phantasm, has extremely low base stats, niche steroids, and competes with too many powerful Servants of the same class. Still, Taunt Servants are amazing at making unpredictable fights predictable. The Queen of Heaven’s kit does have a couple of weak points, as her only survivability tool has but a 80% chance to proc, and her massive attack buff can be tricky to fully utilize for less experienced players. Unfortunately, outside of Dragon enemies, his performance is simply average. However, without access to her favorite Quick Support, Parvati is rather hamstrung in the teams she can fit well in. However, given her status as the most damaging 3* Cavalry Servant for taking out Demon Pillars, and the lack of high-quality F2P single target Riders in general, Ushiwakamaru is a great investment for any new Master. His long-lasting debuff Immunity after his second Interlude will make him more useful for some debuff heavy challenging encounters. Sanzang is currently the best offensive Caster with some nice supportive skills. It is usually not worthwhile trying to turn him into a pseudo-berserker through his Noble Phantasm when there are plenty of Servants around who can boost the performance of the entire team while still doing equivalent damage with their Noble Phantasms. Complete Walkthrough Fate/Extra CCC SE.RA.PH. He comes with a solid self Quick and Star Drop Rate buff, a self-Evade that also has a chance to increase Star Gather Rate and apply Ignore Invincible, and finally a Critical Strength and self ATK buff of humble values. As his deck is heavily Buster-centric, his NP Generation (let alone his Star Generation) is also rather restricted, despite his excellent Extra card. Romulus is still decent as a filler for AoE damage against Archers, but due to the abundance of AoE Lancers in the game, he is quickly sidelined as Masters increase their Servant roster. With an incredibly fast Noble Phantasm animation, Paul Bunyan is a staple for Buster farming compositions. Best champions based on millions of League of Legends matches. Thanks to high single target damage Noble Phantasm, powerful one-turn Critical buff, and Arts Effectiveness buff, few Lancers can match this martial artist in dishing out damage over one turn, even against enemies with Dodge or Invulnerability. EMIYA (Assassin)’s kit is one of extremes. He also lacks any survivability tools needed for tougher content, despite his high base HP. His survivability is a trait that very few Berserkers in the game can boast, further cementing his simple but effective gameplay. We rate champions as Optimal (S-tier), Great (A-tier), or Good (B-tier) based on their ability to perform in the current meta. She does lack an NP Gauge charging skill, however, so she will need to be supported properly to farm efficiently. Total Matches: -Become Mythic. She is notably strong with Skadi, who is released at the end of Lostbelt 2, enabling very consistent 3-turn farming setups with her high hit counts, NP Gain, NP per turn, and Critical Star generation. Most notably, she competes with everyone’s favorite eggplant Servant as an easily accessible defense buffer. Nevertheless, her flexibility will generally allow her to patch up any hole in a Master's roster with little difficulty. She sits at among the highest in AoE Saber NP damage with the assumptions of NP5 Welfares / NP1 Non-welfares, dealing more damage than Altria (Alter), although it should be noted that Altria (Alter) will deal more at NP2. While her Anti-Male attribute grants her a good niche, her low Attack and middling skill set ultimately hold her back in terms of general performance. One look at Altria Pendragon (Lancer Alter) baseline stats is enough to impress any Master, and she combines her high attack with a solid hyper-offensive skill set that can devastate any enemies standing in her way. Regardless, Nero Claudius (Caster) adds great quality of life to any Master. Bringing a plethora of absurdly overpowered team support effects, Merlin raises the performance of all Buster-centric Servants by several levels and allows many team setups to reach unmatched heights. In addition, her own damage is rather low, and none of her skills help her allies survive any better. In the right team, Billy can easily function as the primary damage dealer. But that’s no issue. Illya possesses the highest NP damage value of all Casters currently in the game, and by some margin. First of all, he offers great team-wide support in the form of Attack and NP damage buffs, and great healing (particularly for female allies). Jeanne d'Arc (Archer) makes for an extremely solid AoE Arts Archer, with a kit of all-around solid buffs from all three flavors of Arts, NP damage, and ATK buffs. He slots very well in Arts centric teams and has extremely high synergy with Arts supports, although outside of that context his performance is not as spectacular. Rift Trash Killer Tier List. Trading her signature Excalibur for her divine spear, Altria Pendragon’s performance has definitely improved. She is a solid option for an AoE Assassin, although her damage can be somewhat mediocre given her class. Yet, it's her combination of this AoE damage, critical potential, hard survival and good all-around teamwide support that elevates her from middle of the pack to a great pick. Servants that are a solid asset to the roster. With Skadi in the roster, she is definitively an impressive NP looper, although without Skadi, her performance is notably less remarkable. Nonetheless, for any Masters looking for a strong damage dealer with high burst potential, Jaguar Warrior is the one. Her most unique aspect is her ability to work as a reliable Critical-based Caster through her Self-Modification skill. Yet, unlike her many of her AoE Berserker peers, Paul Bunyan provides more value than just her farming alone. Double Servant compositions are considered.All 5* Servants are excellent! WARFRAMES PRIMARY WEAPONS SECONDARY WEAPONS MELEE WEAPONS ARCHWING COMPANIONS. His Zenkai alone has completely revamped the tier list, and shifted the entire meta. With decently strong individual skills, Nitocris (Assassin) ought to be much stronger than she actually is. For some Masters, the sheer lengths to set him up properly may be too much effort. He is completely reliant on teammates to keep him alive until he can start the vicious cycle of endless Chaos Labyrinths. Unfortunately, he suffers from the main issues associated with his class. However, these demerits are not significant enough to devalue her many strengths. Karna’s downsides are his lack of survival tools as well as the lack of any means to reliably gather Critical Stars for himself. Their team support is so powerful that the most powerful teams revolve around them. platinum. His Noble Phantasm, while highly useful in generating Critical Stars and debuffing enemies, also does not hit particularly hard. On top of that she has an excellent supportive skill set to further bolster any Art team’s survivability. His Aesthetic Appreciation skill’s NP damage down only works on Servants and its values are too low to be practically useful. With powerful Arts buffs it is particularly easy for her to recharge immense amount of NP gauge from her NP turn with her strong Arts cards, especially as she still has her own NP battery to top off her NP Bar. Assassin of Shinjuku in his release state is a lackluster Assassin whose main flaws are so detrimental and fundamental, that Masters have to expend a lot of extra effort to make him perform well relative to his peers. In addition, her use outside of Challenge Quests is rather limited given how tricky it is to fully charge her NP from scratch. With many competing effects on his skills, Masters often need to sacrifice offense for defense or vice versa. Even outside of difficult content, or any poor Berserker enemies, her ability to refund and charge her NP can even land her a spot during farming sessions. Chiron, as with many other Archers, suffers from steep competition within the class. Kintoki (Rider) is best described as a Rider who fully abuses his class’s strengths. She touts a non-standard Assassin deck with three Arts cards, allowing her to form Arts chains readily. Outside of farming, Avicebron provides little value, as the support from his 3rd skill is rather gimmicky to trigger, while the NP Gain from his Overcharge is rather small. It’s an independent website that will provide you with up to date Database, tear list and great guides and builds. Nero Claudius(Caster) is strong overall Servant, but excells especially in her role as farming Servant. Tierlists . Video Player. Another unique trait of BB (Summer)'s is that she is immune to Burn, which is rather niche but still nice. However, Jing Ke has very poor sustained damage, poor survivability, and lacks a strong specialization that grants her more value as the game goes on. is not affiliated with or endorsed by is a Database and Tier List for the Genshin Impact game for PC, Switch, Playstation 4, and mobile game app on iOS and Android. With her signature skill Rapid Words of Divine, Medea can fire off her Rule Breaker whenever it comes off cooldown (just level 4 of the skill offers a whopping 101% NP upon use). As long as she is used for her intended purpose, this Jeanne will not let any Master down. Still, her niche farming uses and good starter value can make her Kira Kira valuable enough. An offensive support/damage dealer hybrid that works well with female Servants, Elisabeth Bathory’s main value lies in her ability to grant up to 60% Attack increase to female teammates through her Sadistic Charisma’s teamwide Attack-buff and Torture Technique’s Defense Debuff. All in all, Sakata Kintoki (Rider) is a powerful Rider for any Master, no matter how diverse and levelled their roster. It is a frequent sight to see Cu Chulainn being the last man standing thanks to his combination of debuff clearance, hit-based evasion, and guts. She also can grant herself Debuff Immunity and increase her star gathering for 1 turn, with a rather novel (but niche) 40% chance to remove debuffs when normal attacking for a single turn. Miyu Edelfelt enters the crowded non-damaging Arts-NP Caster archetype with a supportive NP of her own that is somewhat reminiscent of another rather infamous Caster Servant. As cute as she is, Hassan of Serenity does not hold up quite well in terms of combat prowess. With a 50% NP Charge, a powerful targetable steroid, 2 Buster cards, high NP Gain, and multiple steroids to buff herself with, Nero Claudius has all the essential components for an ideal farming Servant. Her NP has bonus effects of decreasing DEF and Critical Rate, along with decrease NP Charge for [Dragon] trait enemies, providing a bit of situational stall utility. His Star Generation is not particularly outstanding, and he lacks any form of additional Critical Damage self-buff to make great use of his Independent Action and high base Attack. Despite fielding somewhat unimpressive damage numbers, Medusa is still quite useful for most Masters. She does have decent staying power, having an HP Regen skill, a 1-time Evade, Debuff Immunity, and Damage Cut. As good as her upsides are, Nursery Rhyme suffers from the fundamental flaw of every damage dealing Caster: her low Attack stat and weak Caster attack modifier. All in all, he is a highly valuable Servant with clear strengths and weaknesses who can be used virtually anywhere provided he is given the necessary tools for the job. Her NP spam potential, especially under the influence of Quick Performance buffs and good card draws, is excellent and her own 3-turn steroids ensure each NP in that 3-turn window seriously hurt. She also has access to an Invincibility, but its shared cooldown with her large and only Buster steroid does make using it a bit tricky on more difficult nodes. She lacks any survival skills whatsoever, and she is fairly draw dependent when it comes to unleashing her full damage potential or charging her NP Gauge with that bonker single Arts card. Until then, her Buster compatibility grants her some additional power, while her targetable mix of both Evasion and Invincibility can help with creating some interesting Order Change strategies. Santa Alter’s game plan, much like her normal Saber counterpart, is simply overwhelming the opponent with sheer AoE damage output. His drawbacks are still there though, as extracting Yagyu Munenori's full capability is difficult. His NP inflicts a DEF down effect before damage, has the added bonus of Instant Death chance, and receives a damage upgrade. If Mata Hari had a higher rarity, she’d most likely be much better than she currently is. As is quite often the case with support-heavy Servants, they tend to buff others harder than they buff themselves. The buff removal can make it difficult for Masters to support her, however, although this can be mitigated by her second skill's Buff Removal Resist effect. Cleopatra is easily among the best AoE Assassins in the game. She comes with a 30% NP Gauge charge at max skill level, which will help her quickly unleash her Noble Phantasm to remove an unwanted Cavalry or Foreigner-class enemy. To compensate, Medea’s damage potential is on the lower side due to the poor modifier on her Noble Phantasm as well as the low Caster class damage modifier. While she has a party-wide Arts boost after her Rank Up, and offers defensive buffs on her Noble Phantasm, the values on these are quite weak and many other Servants will pull off whatever form of utility Boudica can grant much better. Her NP Gain woes are partially mitigated by her 3-Arts Card deck, although NP looping will be a difficulty for her without a great deal of support. Shakespeare is a highly accessible offensive support who shines in fast battles. Being one of the few Servants with the capability to cleanse all debuffs from the team, while also being able to strip an enemy of all their buffs, Martha is a darkhorse pick for many high difficulty challenges. When his passive Independent Action, first and third skills are used together, he can reach a whopping 162% Critical Damage bonus and output seriously impressive damage numbers. The famed literary author, Murasaki Shikibu, is a Caster-class Servant that provides an AoE Arts-type Noble Phantasm with bonus damage against Demonic enemies and a 1-turn Buff Block effect, which can come in handy in fights with bosses that might otherwise use threatening self buffs. In addition, relying on her Instant Death niche against silver and gold enemies is generally just an exercise in frustration/ Regardless, Nitocris is a prime example of not bringing a lawnmower to a knife fight. His survivability is also quite poor, as he possess no hard survival skills, has low HP, and his main defense tool is tied to one of his offensive skill. When the stars align, this fluffy destruction machine can blow the enemies to hell and back with a few critical hits. His Buster cards are sure to deliver heavy blows to his opponents. They will perform decently nonetheless and still put up a great performance with the right support. Tier 3. Semiramis is an Assassin-class Buster-type AoE damage dealer. When the stars align, they can hit for an astounding amount of damage, having one of the hardest-hitting Noble Phantasm in the game at low HP. With strong NP Gain and a stacked NP, when the right card draws match up, Houzouin Inshun's performance is downright terrifying. The best of the best, these Servants can be put into any team and will vastly improve team performance by a significant margin. AoE Instant Death is not an amazing niche, but it can be quite useful from time to time, especially for farming. Check out the change log for details on tier list changes!A full tier list change log history can be found here. The order inside each tier does not matter. The first 20 minutes or so is…, This is probably my last question about kiara, so here it goes, Fantastic NP, Critical Star Generation, and a useful overcharge effect on her single-target Noble Phantasm land Summer Tamamo a spot in many teams dedicated to killing bosses. As a result, David is mainly a highly flexible support hybrid who excels at supporting powerful friend support Servants, yet, if need be, he can still offer some decent damage on the side. Sort by win rate, tier, role, rank, and region. His low rarity thus allows him to be a fantastic budget option for pretty much any Master. Lacking powerful  long-lasting self-buffs and possessing a lackluster Attack stat, Martha’s damage output leaves much to be desired. But, while the benefits are fantastic against certain bosses, setting him up is not easy. Marie has notably high HP for a 4 Star Servant, with one of the best defensive skills in her 3-hit based Invincibility, two HP recovery skills, a Charm, and a Noble Phantasm that removes all teammates debuffs and recovers their HP. Her combination of a high hit count NP and NP Gain buff embodies everything a 3-turn Quick NP looper is looking for. Furthermore, as the majority of her kit only comes into play against male enemies, she is essentially dead weight against enemies of a different gender. Akkhan Invoker Bombardment Crusader Guide. She would be the more optimal choice during Events where she has a damage bonus, or against waves of multiple Foreigner class enemies, which are unfortunately very rare at this time. She fulfills her role well and easily avoids the lower tiers, but there are also more potent alternatives for each of her primary aspects. As such, she is often called upon by many Masters looking for powerful single target Riders, and she can even often outperform several higher rarity Servants while requiring low maintenance over the course of battle. Luckily for this Devilish Bodhisattva, her usefulness will increase notably in the future with two Rank Up quests. This great hero is absolutely fantastic at wave clearing and holds a highly valuable and easily exploitable gimmick. His baseline performance can already give most of his Rider peers a run for their money, but he becomes truly ridiculous when properly supported, capable of looping his Noble Phantasm with proper support. Masters may be able to stagger his buffs across two turns, but he also lacks the ability to recharge his NP quickly. Yet, without dedicated teams to make this potential shine, Lancelot has some extreme playability issues. Masters need to rely on some clever card chains for his Quick and Busters cards to salvage his NP, or stick him in a complete Arts team. With that out of the way, her combat performance leaves much to be desired. Amongst the populated AoE Caster role, Caster of the Nightless City does hold a specific niche in countering enemies with the “King” trait. GoD Hungering Arrow Demon Hunter Guide. Li Shuwen's Assassin form is a solid entry to the single target Arts damage dealer roster. Low rarity, Berserker class, Self-NP charge skill and AoE Noble Phantasm, Spartacus is tailor-made to be a farming machine for almost everyone. With difficulty charging her NP bar, with only her good Arts cards to save her, and a terrifyingly long cooldown on Mana Tuning, Helena Blavatsky (Archer) is mainly suited as a support in situations where her teamwide NP Charge is essential to clearing a quest quickly. That being said, Leonidas does have other merits to make up for it. The combination of Pioneer of the Stars and Golden Rule (Body) allows Da Vinci-chan to easily charge her NP gauge compared to most of her competition. Powerful Servants that are among the top in performing their role in the current state of the game. The most used Roles for Jungle are Fighter and Tank. Despite this offense, he still retains his counterpart’s excellent survivability through Protection from Arrows, making him a great F2P Servant who can provide both safety and damage potential. His low rarity and Berserker class do make him extremely squishy (despite having a heal-oriented kit), which is often not impactful due to Spartacus’s main usage as a farmer for many 3 Turns farming setups. Additionally, she has zero hard defensive options, and may have trouble staying on the field without defensive support when faced with enemy NPs. Altria Lily's downsides can be quite aggravating. Frankie holds her place for one reason alone - amazing AoE NP damage with potential looping potential in very specific Skadi comps. Furthermore, Medea can also clear debuffs from allies with her third skill upon completing her Rank-Up Quest. With his buffs, and at high NP levels, his NP can deal a good amount of damage as well. Check your Summoner, Live Spectate and using powerful global League of Legends Statistics! In contrast, his NP refunds quite well. There are already 200,000+ tier list templates available on TierMaker and you can make a tier list for nearly anything by searching for the topic you are interested in or starting on our category page. Her ability to cleanse debuffs for the entire team, turn enemies into piglets, and apply a small Defense Down also grant her a small niche for certain difficult encounters. Overall, Elisabeth is a good starter Servant, with female support and decent damage that will last a long time before competitive support options for all card types are available. It might sound a bit unkind to call this beloved and ultimate bro a “cockroach”, but that is one of the best descriptions of Cu Chulainn. His main features are his powerful single turn team-wide Buster buff and his targetable 20% NP charge. When Lancelot makes 20 Critical Stars for himself, he is likely to get all 20 of them. Fans of Jeanne d'Arc,dolphins, whales, and other aquatic mammals alike will find her an asset to any Arts team. Do not pursue Lu Bu. Her problems lie in her poor base Noble Phantasm damage, the low values on each of her individual debuffs and her lackluster skillset. Anne Bonny and Mary Read are a highly one-dimensional Servant pair. Furthermore, his damage output is poor, even by Caster standards. Just, don’t turn him into a Rare Prism before seeing his full potential. Kid Gil is a solid AoE Archer with a wide array of positive traits. Patch 11.4 She provides team support in the form of ATK and Critical Strength buffs, and an AoE Arts Resist debuff, all with decent numbers. Outside of farming, Anastasia’s plethora of debuffs, her Charisma and her Stun make her a good main damage dealer in AoE fights especially when supports can provide the sustained damage and survival she is meaning. She has the rare ability to provide teamwide Guts consistently, which can be lifesaving in high difficulty content. Still, he can output some hilarious damage numbers if set up right. While his kit is not quite as efficient for farming as Zhuge Liang or Skadi once released, Merlin’s value in high difficulty content is unparalleled, being able to function flawlessly in both short-term and long-term battles, in both Arts- and Buster-centric teams. He is certainly a strong addition for Masters looking for an affordable single target Archer, but he definitely requires a proper team setup to truly shine. Sherlock Holmes provides a powerful mixture of Critical Damage, Offensive Team Support and situational Defense-Piercing Utility. A highly offensive Berserker, Lancelot has all the tools he needs to deal massive damage to any enemies in his way, be it AoE or Single Target. Furthermore, his access to only a single Buster card reduces his direct damage potential as well as making it more difficult to choose a right teammate for him. However, while his deck heavily improves his capacity for destruction, his Star gen and NP gen take a hit, even with his monstrously high NP gain per hit.

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