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gekkoscience newpac dual bm1387 usb stick miner

We have something special to offer! --NEW-- GekkoScience NewPac BM1387 Dual Chip Stickminer 28gh/s+. Mar, Mon 22, 2021 | 17:29:33. Read This Before You Buy Into It, Crypto Crashing OH GOD OH JESUS IT'S ALL OVER AAA, Algorithm: SHA256 (Coins Mined: Bitcoin, BitcoinCash, Peercoin, etc. And of course it’s got BLINKY LIGHTS now showing that it is mining. This miner on Amazon - little guy can actually turn a profit. ... GekkoScience NEWPAC BM1387 SHA256 Bitcoin USB Mining Stick Miner BTC NO RESERVE! No investment is a guarantee. It is clocked to about 25GH/s. It's a great stick to mine some bitcoin with a laptop. It’s designed as a flexible yet affordable tool to learn a lot about bitcoin mining and its hardware. You will need a powered USB hub that is capable of supplying at least 1.0 - 2.0 amps per port. GekkoScience NEWPAC Dual BM1387 Stickminer USB Specifications: GekkoScience Compac NEWPAC is a USB miner containing 2 BM1387 core chips You will need a powered USB hub that is capable of gekkoscience compac usb stick bitcoin miner supplying at least 1.0 - 2.0 amps per port. 6 minute read, 13 hours ago It's a great stick to mine some bitcoin with a laptop. I also write about global news with the World International News Group and do some photography! Register now at Publish0x to claim your $$$. GekkoScience built Mini USB miner that will run stock at 23+ GH's using only USB power, and can overclocked to to over 100 Gh's with adequate cooling and a powered USB hub. WITH POWER SUPPLY, ASIC USB Block Erupter Bitcoin Miner 330 MH/s Sapphire Rev 3.00 - Matte Pink, KnC Neptune Cube Bitcoin ASIC Miner 670 GH/s - BTC Cash DEM PPC TGC BCH SHA-256, GekkoScience NEWPAC (BM1387) ASIC Bitcoin Block Erupter *Top USB Miner! Insert the NewPac BM1387 USB Stick Miner into the USB hub via the USB port. But if you want to take a shot at profiting from cryptocurrency, I would highly recommend looking at more modern ASIC miners such as Bitmain's Antminer S17 series, or straight up buying and/or trading cryptocurrencies. 20 hours ago Dual ASIC USB-Stick Miner GekkoScience 2Pac 5-25 GH/s The new 2Pac is a USB-Stick Miner for SHA256d based Crypotcoins like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Namecoin, DEM and others. Completely silent operation; 2x Bitmain BM1387 chips; Ship within 3 days of your order. Condition is NEW. Thank you. Hurry up before it all goes! You won't earn a lot, and payback will take a while depending on your cost of electricity. Buy It Now GekkoScience Newpac (dual Bm1387) USB Stickminer 90 Gh/s. * from only $139.99 GekkoScience NEWPAC (BM1387) ASIC Bitcoin Block Erupter *TOP USB MINER*. Remember, investments in cryptocurrencies are like any other investment: Invest only what you can afford to lose. *NOTE* retail GekkoScience Boxes no longer available from manufacturer. b) Insert the 2PAC BM1384 USB Stick Miner into the USB hub via the USB … 7 minute read, 17 hours ago Has many visits a day. Each item quantity is for 1 USB miner. $50.00 +$5.00 shipping. I'm just an average Vancouverite who has been mining for several years now, and have used everything from GPUs to ASICs and from CPUs to USB miners! 7.3 TH/s 7300 GH/s BTC BCH Mining, Obelisk DCR1 Slim Asic - Batch/Gen 2 - Compatible w/ SC1 boards, Block Erupter Heatsink (Fits: ASICMINER) - USB Bitcoin Miner Heatsink. The seller has more than 10 units for sale of this product. For those that have used the original Gekkoscience SHA256 2PAC USB Stick Miner, the NEWPAC should look very familiar, and is just as easy to use. Running at extremely high temperatures could damage the miner, and can of course severely burn anyone who touches the device. Miner 5-25GHz BTC Miner, 4 ASIC Miner Block Erupter USB Bitcoin Miners 330 MH/s black, Bitcoin Mining BitFury Bitmain RedFury Antminer S9 S5 USB ASIC BTC GPU PC Miner, Two (2) Bitmain Antminer Z9 MINI 10-15K Equihash Miner ZEC. The GekkoScience CGMiner is able to detect and recover from the same kind of issues which would have caused a “ZOMBIE” condition on the old 2Pac units, meaning increased reliability and less attention to maintain long-term operation. I will send you a PDF with the setup instructions, Compatible with Windows, Linux, Raspbian, and MacOS, ASIC Bitcoin Block Erupter 3.0 vs Gekkoscience Newpac, ASIC Bitcoin Block Erupter = 300,000,000 Hashes Per Second, GekkoScience Newpac = 23,000,000,000 to 900,000,000,000 Hashes Per Second. The stick is dimensionally identical to the 2Pac, so any custom hardware designed for one will work for the other. GekkoScience built Mini USB miner that will run stock at 23+ GH's using only USB power, and can overclocked to upwards of 90 Gh's with adequate cooling and a powered USB hub. Like before, the miner can run on most versions of Windows, Linux, or Mac, and can also be run off a Raspberry Pi (Which runs Linux). Condition is "NEW". Wait! GekkoScience NEWPAC Dual BM1387 Stickminer USB Specifications:-GekkoScience Compac NEWPAC is a USB miner containing 2 BM1387 core chips.-Stock HashRate of 23 GHs w/ no external fan necessary.-Highly adjustable clock speed allowing upwards of 90 GHs/second WARNING overclocking REQUIRES external cooling. Grelly maybe compensated for some of these listings. Model: Gekkoscience Output interface: USB 2.0 *8 ports The GekkoScience NEWPAC (Dual BM1387) USB Stickminer hashes at between 13 and 16 M/hs. This product has been viewed 2,859 times, since it was first published 6 days ago. GekkoScience NEWPAC Dual BM1387 Stickminer USB Specifications:-GekkoScience Compac NEWPAC is a USB miner containing 2 BM1387 core chips.-Stock HashRate of 23 GHs w/ no external fan necessary.-Highly adjustable clock speed allowing upwards of 90 GHs/second WARNING overclocking REQUIRES external cooling. and Terms of Service apply. The NEWPAC Compac features 2 Bitmain BM1387 chips (this is the same chip as in the Bitmain S5). The 2-PAC Compac features 2 Bitmain BM1384 chips (same chip in S5) and a fully adjustable regulator design that gives you a … Dual ASIC USB-Stick Miner GekkoScience NewPac 22-45 GH/s. In other words, it'll take you almost a decade to break even in the case that mining difficulty does not change. 2.2 Connection a) Connect your USB hub to your host computer. *, ASIC USB Block Erupter Bitcoin Miner 330 MH/s Sapphire Rev 3.00 - Matte Pink Red, One Each - ASIC Bitcoin Miner USB Block Erupter, EBIT E9 6.3 TH/S BITCOIN ASIC Miner DIGIBYTE SHA-256 MINER 900W Ltc, ASIC Miner Block Erupter Bitcoin Miner USB Stick 330 MH/s - Color: GOLD, Gridseed 5-Chip Orb GC3355 ASIC USB Dual Miner Bitcoin/Litecoin, 1 BTC ASIC Bitcoin Block Erupter 333MH/S USB Miner #3 of 6, 1 BTC ASIC Bitcoin Block Erupter 333MH/S USB Miner #4 of 6, ASIC USB Block Erupter Bitcoin Miner 330 MH/s Sapphire Rev 3.00(RED), BITMAIN ANTMINER D3 DASH 19.3 Gh/s  X11 MINER ASIC | USA Seller, ASIC USB Block Erupter Bitcoin Miner 330 MH/s Sapphire Rev 3.00(silver), USED Canaan Avalon 741 ASIC Miner A741 ONLY! All in all, like almost all other USB miners, the Gekkoscience NEWPAC miner is little more than a learning tool and novelty item. The GekkoScience NEWPAC (Dual BM1387) USB Stickminer hashes at between 13 and 16 M/hs. 139.99$ It can teach you about how mining works, and can give you some hands on experience in contributing to a blockchain and making a few cents a week. This miner is currently operating on an external powered USB hub, cooled by a small USB fan. Replaced by GekkoScience NEWPAC (Dual BM1387) USB Stickminer The most efficient USB miner ever manufactured is available in limited quantities! It submits few stale or invalid shares, but at higher speeds, has greater fluctuation and more invalid or stale shares. You won't earn a lot, and payback will take a while depending on your cost of electricity. The 2-PAC Compac features 2 Bitmain BM1384 chips (same chip in S5) and a fully adjustable regulator design that gives you a core voltage range of 550mV to 800mV. Hey there! Are you leaving? Currently the most efficient USB miner ever manufactured. The 2Pac USB stick Miner for SHA256 based Crypotcoins like Bitcoin, Namecoin, DEM and others delivers an average hash rate of 11-15 GH/s and can be safely boosted up to 25 GH/s when gekkoscience compac usb stick bitcoin miner clock rate and voltage will be adjusted. Make sure the power adapter is plugged in as well. I personally have one of these miners purchased from a retailer in 2019. Price distribution "GekkoScience NEWPAC (BM1387) ASIC Bitcoin Block Erupter *Top USB Miner! A total of 11 units have been sold. --NEW-- GekkoScience NewPac BM1387 Dual Chip Stickminer 28gh/s+. While the retail price of about $44.99 US before shipping on sites like eBay is not too extreme (Though I have seen it go for under $40.00 US on occasion), the miner makes just under 13 cents per week, considering you do not have to pay mining pool fees or electricity fees. I'll also discuss various Cryptocurrencies and Projects here! A blog dedicated to mining, whether it's with a GPU, USB miner, or ASIC miner! | Bitcoin BTC ASIC Miner, ASIC Miner Block Erupter Bitcoin Miner USB 330 MH/s - Blue rev 3.00, 1x TTBIT BTC SHA256 v2 USB 15GH/s Miner Bitcoin SHA-256 (like Gekko 2PAC NewPac), **Lot 8** ASIC Miner Block Erupter USB Bitcoin Miners - 333MH/s+ (BTC), 4 ASIC Miner Block Erupter USB Bitcoin Miners 330 MH/s red and black, BitFury Blue Fury USB Bitcoin Miner BTC Mining SHA-256 GPU Rig Cryptocurrency, GekkoScience NEWPAC BM1384 SHA256 Bitcoin USB Lottery!!! While this device is absolutely silent as it has no fan, it can get extremely hot just minutes after it starts mining. Gekkoscience Newpac features a pair of Bitmain BM1387 chips and a stock clock setting of 100MHz for 23GHThe units are capable of running at 90GH, and it’s theoretically possible to overclock to 130GH but this will require a strong hub and and advanced custom cooling setup. It's visited an average of 477 times a day. Please note: Connection order must be “a)” first, and then “b)”. As it can draw significantly more power than its predecessor, it is recommended to run the device off a powered external USB hub for optimal efficiency. Get FREE CRYPTO Just for Tipping this Article. and earn yourself as you read! This entry level miner is good for anyone interested in tweaking and testing stuff, or for anyone wanting to “get into mining” without spending a lot of money or burning a lot of power. Der neue NewPac USB-Stick Miner für SHA256d-basierte Crypotcoins wie Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Namecoin, DEM und andere erbringt eine Leistung von 22-45 GH/s, mit guter Kühlung kann die Leistung durch Anpassung der Taktrate und Core-Spannung sogar noch weiter gesteigert werden. Bitcoin Super-Cycle? This miner is also quite stable when mining, and has little fluctuation in hashrate at lower mining speeds. Send a $0.01 microtip in crypto to the author, Buy GekkoScience NEWPAC (BM1387) ASIC Bitcoin Block Erupter *Top USB Miner! This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google GekkoScience NEWPAC (Dual BM1387 ) USB StickMiner! While this makes a nice tool for someone learning the basics about mining or a fun gift for a cryptocurrency enthusiast, this is not a device I would recommend to anyone who wants to make money off of cryptocurrency mining. These units function though a modified cgminer, which gives you command-line frequency control to adjust the hashrate. It has a average performance of 11-15 GH/s, with active cooling and clock rate adjustment its performance can reach up to … Currently the most efficient USB miner ever manufactured, the N e w P a c features two Bitmain BM1387 ASIC chips (this is the same chip as in the Bitmain Antminer S9). The most efficient USB miner ever manufactured is available in limited quantities! The miner has a large heatsink, features a pair of 16nm Bitmain BM1387 chips, and has a default setting of 23 GH/s, though the creator of the device states that the device can be clocked to over 90 GH/s, and is theoretically able to reach up to 130 GH/s! Dual ASIC USB-Stick Miner GekkoScience 2Pac 5-25 GH/s. GekkoScience NEWPAC Dual BM1387 Stickminer Features 2 Bitmain BM1387, the same chip found in the high end Bitmain S9. Chip: 2 x 16nm Bitmain BM1387 chips; Power use: Between 2 and 12 watts depending on setting; The Review: For those that have used the original Gekkoscience SHA256 2PAC USB Stick Miner, the NEWPAC should look very familiar, and is just as easy to use. 1 minute read. IMPORTANT: If you choose to purchase more than one miner, please request an updated invoice BEFORE you make payment to receive a combined shipping discount. USB Miner GekkoScience 2Pac 5,5 to 25 GH/s (33 GH/s max.) GekkoScience NEWPAC (BM1387) ASIC Bitcoin Block Erupter *TOP USB MINER*. More Views ... (Higher speed requires usb port above spec).15+ watts per gh! Order cannot be reversed. The stock clock setting is 100MHz for 23GH. Privacy Policy By AverageVancouverite | It runs with a performance of 22-45 GH/s, with active cooling and clock rate adjustment it can be run with even higher hashrates. ★ 8 USB 2.0 Ports ★ Dual power input options (6 Pin PCIe or 2.1*5.5mm adapter) ★ Convenient plug-and-play installation does not require the use of software and drivers ★ 4 x Non-Slip Rubber Pads ★ 12V 2Pin Fan Socket can support extra fan accessories for cooling purposes. 15 Jan 2020, The Gekkoscience SHA256 NEWPAC Stick Miner. Disclaimer: Prices and descriptions maybe different on retailers sites, please check the retailers website for the latest images / products / prices and descriptions. I am not in any way affiliated with Bitmain, Gekkoscience, or any other crypto/crypto-related company. Powerful USB Miner on Market, GekkoScience NewPac 130Gh/s+ USB Bitcoin / SHA256 Stick Miner Most Efficient GekkoScience - High speed: 90 gh+ higher speed requires usb port above spec. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Rev 3 GekkoScience Newpac USB Bitcoin Miner 28+gh/s (BM1387x2) at the best online prices at eBay! IMPORTANT: If you choose to purchase more than one miner, please request an updated invoice BEFORE you make payment to receive a combined shipping discount. While its small and doesn’t offer the same hashing power as the big pod systems, the GekkoScience NEWPAC is the most power efficient USB Bitcoin miner on the market today. Features 2 Bitmain BM1387, the same chip found in the high end Bitmain S9. Manufactured in the USA by legendary GekkoScience (Sidehack). TheMiningBlog Bitcoin Mining Rig - 1 Gpu, Alt Coins, Pro Crypto Currency Miner *bit Punisher*, Mining Rig Kit - Up to 6 GPU, Bitcoin miner, Ethereum, Monero, NO GPUs, Bitmain Antminer S9 13.5 TH/s w/psu !BULK ORDER DISCOUNT! However, in my personal experience, I was not able to reach and maintain any hashrate of over 115 GH/s, which is not actually that bad for a USB miner! The NewPac USB-Stick Miner is a highly efficient entry level mining device for SHA256d based Crypotcoins like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Namecoin, DEM and others. The New 2PAC USB Stick Miner GekkoScience NEWPAC Dual BM1387 Stickminer! It only takes 15 seconds and it's free. *" vs 31 similar items. ), Hashrate: 23 GH/s Stock (Though it can be set to 90+ GH/s according to the website), Power use: Between 2 and 12 watts depending on setting. 2 x bitmain bM1387 … 3.8 out of 5 stars (4) Total Ratings 4, ... Make Offer - Rev 2 GekkoScience 2-Pac Compac USB Stick Bitcoin Miner 15gh/s+ (BM1384x2) Compac USB Stick Bitcoin Miner 15+gh/s 31-.35 Watts 2x Bitmain BM1384 Chips. ... + C $10.73 shipping . Hence, I would strongly recommend an external USB fan or something else that can circulate the air around it.

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