70) Earth is the one getting the most profit of all if you get scales + caim. Sold (WTS) GBF Endgame rank 215 account, all juutens FLB. case 'daystime': xF = formatDaysTime; break; svg.style.width = element.dataset.chartWidth || (element.clientWidth + 'px'); Akasha that doesn't have 50% defense down because it just changed phases? switch(chartType) { for (let i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { else for (var e of document.querySelectorAll('[data-nvd3-chart]')) { key: s.dataset.seriesLabel || ('Unlabelled[' + series.length + ']'), No possible free hades grid usable too, lich weapon are crap and hermanubis is mroe of a mainhand Ancient Ecke Sachs (NB: I was hasty in not mentioning here that highlander grids do particularly struggle to shine against higher-defense enemies, and against non-elemental enemies writ ), Pictured above is my highlander hades grid, which consists of mostly some pretty lackluster weapons outside of a fallen sword and unheil, and which has a FLB magna dark opus equipped. Well yeah, but what I'm seeing isn't "Highlander grids are deficient in non-elemental/high defense endgame content" what I'm seeing overwhelmingly is "highlander is basically a meme if you don't have ULB opus.". So first of all, what is a Highlander grid? (do wanna note that Dark is a bit of a special case when it comes to highlander as you're also getting some skill cap up, but a lot of my points still stand, and for non-Dark non-Earth elements, it really is just the 10% cap up we have to consider). } Envoyez-moi un e-mail. prep.push([x]); let y = series[i].values[j].y; Damage per Turn,Remain HP Ratio, Guaranteed triple attack regardless of Triple Attack Lowered debuffs, DMG for one-foe attacks and counterattacks is amplified, Massive Fire damage to a foe. if (errors.length) { .datum(series) } And for caim grid also which is a double gain from both. }); nv.addGraph(function() { you're able to use, Epic grids all have low amounts of Normal ATK modifiers which in turn gives. if (xv && yv && xv.length == yv.length) { GBF: A Good Day's Grind. } else if (s.dataset.seriesLinearInterpolation) { Element Changed Revenant/GW … Ancient Ecke Sachs I built my grid after thinking about which characters I wanted to use, and how they worked with each other, and how they functioned in a fight. sd.values.push({x: x1, y: y1}); }); ',.02f' : ',s'; Or the game to go along enough to eventually cicle and old mechanics getting a surge of usefulness again. let es = document.createElement('span'); .showControls(uniformLength) Press J to jump to the feed. ^ The grid is far more expensive than any SSR character, especially the whale primal grids using 4+ limited weapons ( Murgleis, Ak4A, Love Eternal) That said the progression for GBF is different from FGO and rarity is worth less in GBF ( Unless its a primal, primals are … Feb 28, 2017. I already have one from farming and dont know about other weapons. case 'daystime': yF = formatDaysTime; break; Wrathfire Longblade, Fire of Prometheus } ; let convertTeamRaidTime = (s) => { sd.values.push({x: prep[0][0], y: prep[0][1]}); Compared to highlander grids in other elements, the loss of damage from making a highlander grid is mitigated somewhat by the 20% unique mod. var xF, yF; You can do this by only applying 25% defense down on the dummy. So what is the actual standard by which Highlander grids are worthwhile? I run magna highlander in both wind and earth (without Caim for now) for most content and find them plainly superior, especailly in any content that actually does serious damage, in the case of Earth, with my teams being Andira/Scathacha/Grimnir, and Vira/Hallessenna/Alexiel, respectively. It is not recommended to use this grid without having at least the Stamina Dark Opus. (ofc some buffs are undispellable but Unheil's for example are not). for (let x of s.dataset.seriesLinearInterpolation.match(/\-?(?:\d+(? As you can see, on ougis every bit of cap up is utilized and during Vikala's field uptime my characters auto for north of 850k damage, this is because of specific decisions I've made to prioritize charcter synergy (and yes, being lucky enough to have the right characters to take advantage). This setup uses a pairing of two 5-star Celeste Omegas to net you 98.8% Crit with the four Abyss Gaze. English-language community for Granblue Fantasy, a web-browser role-playing gacha game developed by Cygames. M1 grids alwayswant weapons with 1 or more ATK skill(s). This means that even with a Hyper-Invested Colo Cane setup, it will be beaten by a fully-free AES setup. .transition().duration(500) .showXAxis(true) let g = [], gx = [], gy = []; – Highlander grids are setups that provide bonus multipliers to ATK and DMG Cap when all of your weapons have unique weapon ID’s (aka no duplicate weapons). These are all cases where you might look to remove some cap up from your grid, and if consider what the first thing to go should be - Qilin Bow is a single weapon slot and has a strong normal mod, Sariel is a single summon slot with a nice call effect, and Unheil's a cool mainhand if you're building around ougis - it really seems like Scales of Dominion, the thing that requires you to reformat your entire grid just to get the exact same cap up as Qilin Bow/Sariel, is first on the chopping block. On a seperate note, for anyone who might want to show damage on training dummy in the future, consider at least showing vs 15 def fully debuffed. series.push(sd); The Metal Destroyers in the graphs can be treated as flexweapons which can be replaced by (almost) any other weapon grid piece. chart.yAxis.tickValues(gy); :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); ES grids also have low amounts of Normal ATK modifiers but is still slightly higher than Epic grids. let firstPoint = series[0].values[0]; 440k * 1.35 = 594k, 594k * 1.33 (seraphic) = 790k. chart = nv.models.lineChart() .tickFormat(yF) A "Highlander" grid is a grid that utilizes the 2nd skill of the Scales of Dominion, a weapon dropped by Anubis, to give your entire grid a flat cap raise of 10%, along with a 20% EX modifier boost to attack. var t = minutesPassed % 1440; m = m < 10 ? if (prep.length == 0 || prep[prep.length-1].length == 2) if (element.dataset.xGrid) { Uses the same setups above but replacing one. .showYAxis(true) UBHL? for (let i = 0; i < g.length; i++) { let xTickFormat = ',r'; "My time will come when crit rebalance comes.". case '': xF = d3.format(',r'); break; Ultima Weapons A thing I wanna point out that might get lost in OP's wall of text is that highlander grid's are very situational, based on what characters you have and what classes you wanna use. 2. You can share your team setup by saving it in your account, then clicking the "Share" button to copy the URL of the page. } Below you can see all the videos on YouTube for Dark Grid. gx.push(Number.parseFloat(g[i])); } What never seems to come up is that the Scales are only one of many sources of cap up, and while not running them does lower your "potential" damage, it allows you to add significantly more damage to your grid that makes it firstly more consistent, and secondly less reliant on specific character buffs. Display info . Looking at your grid, that means Qilin Bow (10%), Scales (10%), Unheil ougi (15%), and you very likely have a fully uncapped Sariel for another 10% (if you don't then there's something unaccounted for here). } Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But you can switch to a non-highlander grid, fitting in more power weapons and other perks, and keep everything else the same, and all it does is change the 45% cap up to 35% cap up. if (null == prev) prev = sd.values.length; I primarily use a magna dark highlander grid with 4* Opus. for (let i = 0; i < g.length; i++) { These are all cases where you do not just automatically reach damage cap and the raw power of your grid is tested more. d3.select(svg) default: yF = d3.format(yTickFormat); break; The graphs will blow up otherwise (case in point: Epic Grids). I'm being serious here. What's being said is more to the effect of "highlander is meme-tier/not worth bothering with without a ULB opus", and without sufficient context it really is just misinformation. A "Highlander" grid is a grid that utilizes the 2nd skill of the Scales of Dominion, a weapon dropped by Anubis, to give your entire grid a flat cap raise of 10%, along with a 20% EX modifier boost to attack. .reduceXTicks(true) Weapon skills and skill levels are more important for party stre… chart.xAxis :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); / All allies gain, Fire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed), Motocal Graph: Epic [4/0] (S / I / Sol / CF), Motocal Graph: Epic [5/0] (S / I / Sol / CF), Can deal critical hits regardless of element / ATK is boosted / DEF is lowered, http://gbf.wiki/index.php?title=User:Midokuni/Notepad/FireGrids&oldid=341431, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Magna Stamina (L), 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Magna Enmity (L), 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Normal Stamina (L), 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Normal Enmity (L), The Combined Graphs only take some representatives from the "grid groups.". x: Number.parseFloat(xv[i]), :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); See more . gbf grid calculator. for (let j = series[i].values.length; j-->0;) { for (let s of element.querySelectorAll('[data-series-label]')) { if (prep.length && prep[prep.length-1].length != 2) prep.pop(); es.appendChild(document.createTextNode(errors[i])); 1-800-472-1142. let formatDaysTime = (minutesPassed) => { See full list on granblue. This page was last edited on 3 May 2020, at 11:15. Auto cap is 440k, increased by a total of 45% cap = 638k, 638k increased by 33% seraphic is 848k, thus the 850k autos you're reporting. Some of my notes regarding Gangsta Grids can be found here: These graphs are from the same setups above. } Of course you can get carried by limited characters with super unique buffs, sure. Number.parseInt(element.dataset.yAxisWidth) : 0; Recording actual raid runs is still better. values: [], let series = [], errors = [], chartType = element.dataset.chart.toLowerCase(), uniformLength = true; What's your setup look like? else if (sd.values.length != prev) uniformLength = false; ; Luci? Can you recommend what other weapons worth to trade instead of the scale? ; -1 : 1); }); Have characters that independently give them very high attack modifiers like Hallessenna (earth) or Grimnir, and also characters with highly valuable ougi effects and a Mumei Kaneshige, then it's well worth it to test, and see for yourself, the difference in average damage between a normal M2 grid and a Magna Highlander grid, regardless of if your Dark Opus is only 4*. // Gridlines at custom positions gbf grid calculator. element.removeChild(element.firstChild); The other setups can work even with 4★ Opus Weapons but make sure to use. It's a shame though that the sheer number of people who don't read is what discourages potential discussion like this even though it might better inform the smaller number of people who do read. Devil x Shiva is the stronger one due to mod dilution (i.e. if (element.dataset.yGrid) { default: xF = d3.format(xTickFormat); break; "0" + m.toString() : m case 'line': for (let i = 1; i < prep.length; i++) { ... 【グラブル】闇マグナ 確定TA 編成 最終オーキス/ Guaranteed TA FA grid Dark Magna Orchid FLB【GBF ... date tenou Title: granblue fantasy highlander magna dark grid demo. Videos tagged “gbf” Sort: Date Alphabetical Plays Likes Comments Duration. if (gy.length > 0) { You can click on a label to show/hide them. Report Save. 0 : (a[0] < b[0] ? Ray of Zhuque Malus Ultima Weapons, Metal Destroyer } y: null } else { Devil x Shiva grids use the same grids as Shiva x Shiva. How about if your damage buffs are down, either due to duration or due to dispels from the boss? For magna, outside of Caim highlander, it's just a noobtrap. 120% Boost to Dark's, Hatred's, and Oblivion's weapon skills. December 2, 2020. let sd = { chart.xAxis.axisLabel(element.dataset.axisLabelX); chart.yAxis.axisLabel(element.dataset.axisLabelY); , a 2013 American teen comedy Bilfinger, a German construction and engineering firm; Gaikundi language, native to Papua New Guinea. var d = Math.floor(minutesPassed / 1440) + 1; } mw.loader.using('ext.cargo.nvd3', function(require) { if (element.dataset.axisLabelX) case 'bar': Meaning you're not glued to stacking Hype between Vicky/Anthuria and can run characters with echoes/more damage cap instead (Nier, Six, etc). color: s.dataset.seriesColor, Your claims have me curious. Context matters. The reason for 15 def is GW nightmare raids tend to be around that or higher, and GW is relevant for anyone who plays a lot. } else { case 'teamraid': yF = convertTeamRaidTime; break; Cap up is useless if you can't reach cap, and without ULB opus this is almost always the case. .useInteractiveGuideline(true) .showMaxMin(true) ; You're absolutely right. break; And so crit came, and Benedia became slightly relevant again. It's also Vs the training puppet and fully debuffed... Of course it's gonna do that shiny 7m when set up literally perfectly. #granblue fantasy #gbf #i wanna play clue with aoidos #i think it a dirt main with that grid AHSBDJDJ #gbf. Mainhand Weapons Ushumgal This generator is very important, way … 0 out of 5. MA boosting characters (Fire has a lot) will devalue the MA boosting weapons. GBF - GW Dark NM90 OTK F2P Magna setup (1 spine, 2 axe). Check the Edit checkbox to add or remove elements from your party. if (s.dataset.seriesX && s.dataset.seriesY) { } A ULB opus will make your damage more stably above cap, yes, but if you:have powerful buffing characters like andira, anila, (light) zooey, any disciple character when paired with elemental atk up, etc.. have characters with remarkable skill damage output, like Valentine Melissabelle, Kolulu, Black Knight, Light Ilsa, either Monika, etc. }; I want to note that this doesn't mean that I'm endorsing using your 6th anniversary ticket to pick it, by the way. Anyway, I'm an idiot so please feel free to correct me on any of this. return formatDaysTime(1160 + (s/60) - 20); let dy = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0); Display or hide any post information (title, tags, source, reblogged from, ...) Pictures definition. Forming Your Grid 1. if (sd.values.length) { Don't be a pepegSit and take in everything. nv.utils.windowResize(chart.update); let yv = s.dataset.seriesY.match(/\-?(?:\d+(? Otherwise nowadays hades is stamina with 3-4 FS or i see some people going highlander grid for boss with weak defense, idk abotu nightmare defense. The most grossly overpowered shit in the game in conjunction with the perversely stacked Dark roster. Ixaba. "); y: Number.parseFloat(yv[i]), sd.values.push({ These do NOT represent what damage you will actually do. ES and Epic Grids have extremely close curves however some things to note are: ES grids will naturally have far higher HP, Standard ES grids require crits to be able to match Epic grids, ES grids are more flexible in terms of grid slots (i.e. 2 x 2 is higher than 3 x 1), Epic Devil is no longer recommended because of. .showMaxMin(true) let y0 = sd.values[sd.values.length-1].y, y1 = prep[i][1]; prep[prep.length-1].push(x) case 'teamraid': xF = convertTeamRaidTime; break; if (isNaN(stepSize) || stepSize < 0.5) stepSize = 1; | gbf grid calculator | Define the grid ratio. prep.sort(function(a,b) { return a[0] == b[0] ? errors.push("Series contains invalid or incomplete data - " + sd.key); Set up a base grid first before uncapping weapons with copies. :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g)) { Just like how Water Staff Highlander is popular right now because of S.Cag and perhaps Pholia. It's less than highlander, but not monstrously less. If you disagree with my opinions, feel free to convince me. default: Maybe not the perfect tag but I'm seeing a lot of woefully underinformed chat about highlander grids so I want to set the record straight a bit, for any new players who are seeing all this. }); es.className = "error-message"; let prep = []; let yAxisWidth = element.dataset.yAxisWidth ? Metal Destroyer Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Crimson Finger let yTickFormat = Math.max(yMax, Math.abs(yMin)) <= 200 ? } Columns. Your dark grid doesn't have an EX mod. The Progression skill is considered at max value for the graphs. You can use the representatives to estimate how the group fares against other groups and then look in the graphs within the group to analyze the other grids. }; Okay, but which cap? return chart; Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/No-Connection-5766, 2/25/21 at 2:52 AM. switch (yTickFormat) { like this as this is a light-hearted romance. Non-Caim highlander magna grids exist to take advantage of extremely low defense enemies, or for a massive burst of damage by heavily stacking buffs. How does the damage hold up against higher level enemies? Gangsta Grids allow you to deal lots of damage against raids where you can land critical hits (Welcome to. if (lp.x > xMax) switch (xTickFormat) { let yMin = firstPoint.y, yMax = firstPoint.y, xMin = firstPoint.x, xMax = firstPoint.x; } Scales of Dominion does not give extra damage, and will lower your grid strength from the extra restriction. Image size. if (element.dataset.xNumberFormat) xTickFormat = element.dataset.xNumberFormat; For example you say your dark team is hitting 850k autos. if (yAxisWidth && yAxisWidth > 0) Like OP says, a lot of your damage comes down to being able to maintain a shit load of buffs on your team, which depends almost entirely on the class you use and what characters you have. let lp = series[i].values[series[i].values.length-1]; .tickFormat(xF) Benedia proclaimed, "I WILL COMBINE MY THICC ATK AND CRIT (and DA) TO OVERCOME THE F2Ps!!". if (xMin > series[i].values[0].x) 元カレ計算機(グラブル攻撃力計算機) / motocal. This is why it's important to test your overall damage. Colossus Cane Omega } Get the bookmarklet to load a GBF party in a single click. chart = nv.models.multiBarChart() There are other more difficult to farm weapons that are more worthy targets imho. break; People are definitely gonna take this out of context, only see the 7m in screenshot, ignore that it's fully buffed turn (baha ougi turn, hype4...), only briefly skim your text post because it's too long for 90% of the people on reddit and then we have a new wave of players trying to jerry rig a highlander grid without any idea what they're doing. Ixaba, Colossus Cane Omega New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Granblue_en community. A gain of 1 will have no effect, a gain of … See more . Ray of Zhuque Malus I remember a long time ago : gisla grid to be a thing too. RLQ.push(['jquery', function() { (scroll further down to see my comments on M2). yMin = y; Seraphic + Death 5* is 33% seraphic. let x0 = sd.values[sd.values.length-1].x, x1 = prep[i][0]; let stepSize = s.dataset.seriesInterpolationStep ? :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); chart.multibar.stacked(uniformLength && 1 == element.dataset.option); sd.values.push({x: x0+j, y: y0+j*dy}); Idk why people always bring this up, but: I run a highlander grid in magna dark and it works more than fine in high def content. Schmerzen Im Oberen Rücken Lunge,
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70) Earth is the one getting the most profit of all if you get scales + caim. Sold (WTS) GBF Endgame rank 215 account, all juutens FLB. case 'daystime': xF = formatDaysTime; break; svg.style.width = element.dataset.chartWidth || (element.clientWidth + 'px'); Akasha that doesn't have 50% defense down because it just changed phases? switch(chartType) { for (let i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { else for (var e of document.querySelectorAll('[data-nvd3-chart]')) { key: s.dataset.seriesLabel || ('Unlabelled[' + series.length + ']'), No possible free hades grid usable too, lich weapon are crap and hermanubis is mroe of a mainhand Ancient Ecke Sachs (NB: I was hasty in not mentioning here that highlander grids do particularly struggle to shine against higher-defense enemies, and against non-elemental enemies writ ), Pictured above is my highlander hades grid, which consists of mostly some pretty lackluster weapons outside of a fallen sword and unheil, and which has a FLB magna dark opus equipped. Well yeah, but what I'm seeing isn't "Highlander grids are deficient in non-elemental/high defense endgame content" what I'm seeing overwhelmingly is "highlander is basically a meme if you don't have ULB opus.". So first of all, what is a Highlander grid? (do wanna note that Dark is a bit of a special case when it comes to highlander as you're also getting some skill cap up, but a lot of my points still stand, and for non-Dark non-Earth elements, it really is just the 10% cap up we have to consider). } Envoyez-moi un e-mail. prep.push([x]); let y = series[i].values[j].y; Damage per Turn,Remain HP Ratio, Guaranteed triple attack regardless of Triple Attack Lowered debuffs, DMG for one-foe attacks and counterattacks is amplified, Massive Fire damage to a foe. if (errors.length) { .datum(series) } And for caim grid also which is a double gain from both. }); nv.addGraph(function() { you're able to use, Epic grids all have low amounts of Normal ATK modifiers which in turn gives. if (xv && yv && xv.length == yv.length) { GBF: A Good Day's Grind. } else if (s.dataset.seriesLinearInterpolation) { Element Changed Revenant/GW … Ancient Ecke Sachs I built my grid after thinking about which characters I wanted to use, and how they worked with each other, and how they functioned in a fight. sd.values.push({x: x1, y: y1}); }); ',.02f' : ',s'; Or the game to go along enough to eventually cicle and old mechanics getting a surge of usefulness again. let es = document.createElement('span'); .showControls(uniformLength) Press J to jump to the feed. ^ The grid is far more expensive than any SSR character, especially the whale primal grids using 4+ limited weapons ( Murgleis, Ak4A, Love Eternal) That said the progression for GBF is different from FGO and rarity is worth less in GBF ( Unless its a primal, primals are … Feb 28, 2017. I already have one from farming and dont know about other weapons. case 'daystime': yF = formatDaysTime; break; Wrathfire Longblade, Fire of Prometheus } ; let convertTeamRaidTime = (s) => { sd.values.push({x: prep[0][0], y: prep[0][1]}); Compared to highlander grids in other elements, the loss of damage from making a highlander grid is mitigated somewhat by the 20% unique mod. var xF, yF; You can do this by only applying 25% defense down on the dummy. So what is the actual standard by which Highlander grids are worthwhile? I run magna highlander in both wind and earth (without Caim for now) for most content and find them plainly superior, especailly in any content that actually does serious damage, in the case of Earth, with my teams being Andira/Scathacha/Grimnir, and Vira/Hallessenna/Alexiel, respectively. It is not recommended to use this grid without having at least the Stamina Dark Opus. (ofc some buffs are undispellable but Unheil's for example are not). for (let x of s.dataset.seriesLinearInterpolation.match(/\-?(?:\d+(? As you can see, on ougis every bit of cap up is utilized and during Vikala's field uptime my characters auto for north of 850k damage, this is because of specific decisions I've made to prioritize charcter synergy (and yes, being lucky enough to have the right characters to take advantage). This setup uses a pairing of two 5-star Celeste Omegas to net you 98.8% Crit with the four Abyss Gaze. English-language community for Granblue Fantasy, a web-browser role-playing gacha game developed by Cygames. M1 grids alwayswant weapons with 1 or more ATK skill(s). This means that even with a Hyper-Invested Colo Cane setup, it will be beaten by a fully-free AES setup. .transition().duration(500) .showXAxis(true) let g = [], gx = [], gy = []; – Highlander grids are setups that provide bonus multipliers to ATK and DMG Cap when all of your weapons have unique weapon ID’s (aka no duplicate weapons). These are all cases where you might look to remove some cap up from your grid, and if consider what the first thing to go should be - Qilin Bow is a single weapon slot and has a strong normal mod, Sariel is a single summon slot with a nice call effect, and Unheil's a cool mainhand if you're building around ougis - it really seems like Scales of Dominion, the thing that requires you to reformat your entire grid just to get the exact same cap up as Qilin Bow/Sariel, is first on the chopping block. On a seperate note, for anyone who might want to show damage on training dummy in the future, consider at least showing vs 15 def fully debuffed. series.push(sd); The Metal Destroyers in the graphs can be treated as flexweapons which can be replaced by (almost) any other weapon grid piece. chart.yAxis.tickValues(gy); :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); ES grids also have low amounts of Normal ATK modifiers but is still slightly higher than Epic grids. let firstPoint = series[0].values[0]; 440k * 1.35 = 594k, 594k * 1.33 (seraphic) = 790k. chart = nv.models.lineChart() .tickFormat(yF) A "Highlander" grid is a grid that utilizes the 2nd skill of the Scales of Dominion, a weapon dropped by Anubis, to give your entire grid a flat cap raise of 10%, along with a 20% EX modifier boost to attack. var t = minutesPassed % 1440; m = m < 10 ? if (prep.length == 0 || prep[prep.length-1].length == 2) if (element.dataset.xGrid) { Uses the same setups above but replacing one. .showYAxis(true) UBHL? for (let i = 0; i < g.length; i++) { let xTickFormat = ',r'; "My time will come when crit rebalance comes.". case '': xF = d3.format(',r'); break; Ultima Weapons A thing I wanna point out that might get lost in OP's wall of text is that highlander grid's are very situational, based on what characters you have and what classes you wanna use. 2. You can share your team setup by saving it in your account, then clicking the "Share" button to copy the URL of the page. } Below you can see all the videos on YouTube for Dark Grid. gx.push(Number.parseFloat(g[i])); } What never seems to come up is that the Scales are only one of many sources of cap up, and while not running them does lower your "potential" damage, it allows you to add significantly more damage to your grid that makes it firstly more consistent, and secondly less reliant on specific character buffs. Display info . Looking at your grid, that means Qilin Bow (10%), Scales (10%), Unheil ougi (15%), and you very likely have a fully uncapped Sariel for another 10% (if you don't then there's something unaccounted for here). } Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But you can switch to a non-highlander grid, fitting in more power weapons and other perks, and keep everything else the same, and all it does is change the 45% cap up to 35% cap up. if (null == prev) prev = sd.values.length; I primarily use a magna dark highlander grid with 4* Opus. for (let i = 0; i < g.length; i++) { These are all cases where you do not just automatically reach damage cap and the raw power of your grid is tested more. d3.select(svg) default: yF = d3.format(yTickFormat); break; The graphs will blow up otherwise (case in point: Epic Grids). I'm being serious here. What's being said is more to the effect of "highlander is meme-tier/not worth bothering with without a ULB opus", and without sufficient context it really is just misinformation. A "Highlander" grid is a grid that utilizes the 2nd skill of the Scales of Dominion, a weapon dropped by Anubis, to give your entire grid a flat cap raise of 10%, along with a 20% EX modifier boost to attack. .reduceXTicks(true) Weapon skills and skill levels are more important for party stre… chart.xAxis :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); / All allies gain, Fire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed), Motocal Graph: Epic [4/0] (S / I / Sol / CF), Motocal Graph: Epic [5/0] (S / I / Sol / CF), Can deal critical hits regardless of element / ATK is boosted / DEF is lowered, http://gbf.wiki/index.php?title=User:Midokuni/Notepad/FireGrids&oldid=341431, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Magna Stamina (L), 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Magna Enmity (L), 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Normal Stamina (L), 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Normal Enmity (L), The Combined Graphs only take some representatives from the "grid groups.". x: Number.parseFloat(xv[i]), :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); See more . gbf grid calculator. for (let j = series[i].values.length; j-->0;) { for (let s of element.querySelectorAll('[data-series-label]')) { if (prep.length && prep[prep.length-1].length != 2) prep.pop(); es.appendChild(document.createTextNode(errors[i])); 1-800-472-1142. let formatDaysTime = (minutesPassed) => { See full list on granblue. This page was last edited on 3 May 2020, at 11:15. Auto cap is 440k, increased by a total of 45% cap = 638k, 638k increased by 33% seraphic is 848k, thus the 850k autos you're reporting. Some of my notes regarding Gangsta Grids can be found here: These graphs are from the same setups above. } Of course you can get carried by limited characters with super unique buffs, sure. Number.parseInt(element.dataset.yAxisWidth) : 0; Recording actual raid runs is still better. values: [], let series = [], errors = [], chartType = element.dataset.chart.toLowerCase(), uniformLength = true; What's your setup look like? else if (sd.values.length != prev) uniformLength = false; ; Luci? Can you recommend what other weapons worth to trade instead of the scale? ; -1 : 1); }); Have characters that independently give them very high attack modifiers like Hallessenna (earth) or Grimnir, and also characters with highly valuable ougi effects and a Mumei Kaneshige, then it's well worth it to test, and see for yourself, the difference in average damage between a normal M2 grid and a Magna Highlander grid, regardless of if your Dark Opus is only 4*. // Gridlines at custom positions gbf grid calculator. element.removeChild(element.firstChild); The other setups can work even with 4★ Opus Weapons but make sure to use. It's a shame though that the sheer number of people who don't read is what discourages potential discussion like this even though it might better inform the smaller number of people who do read. Devil x Shiva is the stronger one due to mod dilution (i.e. if (element.dataset.yGrid) { default: xF = d3.format(xTickFormat); break; "0" + m.toString() : m case 'line': for (let i = 1; i < prep.length; i++) { ... 【グラブル】闇マグナ 確定TA 編成 最終オーキス/ Guaranteed TA FA grid Dark Magna Orchid FLB【GBF ... date tenou Title: granblue fantasy highlander magna dark grid demo. Videos tagged “gbf” Sort: Date Alphabetical Plays Likes Comments Duration. if (gy.length > 0) { You can click on a label to show/hide them. Report Save. 0 : (a[0] < b[0] ? Ray of Zhuque Malus Ultima Weapons, Metal Destroyer } y: null } else { Devil x Shiva grids use the same grids as Shiva x Shiva. How about if your damage buffs are down, either due to duration or due to dispels from the boss? For magna, outside of Caim highlander, it's just a noobtrap. 120% Boost to Dark's, Hatred's, and Oblivion's weapon skills. December 2, 2020. let sd = { chart.xAxis.axisLabel(element.dataset.axisLabelX); chart.yAxis.axisLabel(element.dataset.axisLabelY); , a 2013 American teen comedy Bilfinger, a German construction and engineering firm; Gaikundi language, native to Papua New Guinea. var d = Math.floor(minutesPassed / 1440) + 1; } mw.loader.using('ext.cargo.nvd3', function(require) { if (element.dataset.axisLabelX) case 'bar': Meaning you're not glued to stacking Hype between Vicky/Anthuria and can run characters with echoes/more damage cap instead (Nier, Six, etc). color: s.dataset.seriesColor, Your claims have me curious. Context matters. The reason for 15 def is GW nightmare raids tend to be around that or higher, and GW is relevant for anyone who plays a lot. } else { case 'teamraid': yF = convertTeamRaidTime; break; Cap up is useless if you can't reach cap, and without ULB opus this is almost always the case. .useInteractiveGuideline(true) .showMaxMin(true) ; You're absolutely right. break; And so crit came, and Benedia became slightly relevant again. It's also Vs the training puppet and fully debuffed... Of course it's gonna do that shiny 7m when set up literally perfectly. #granblue fantasy #gbf #i wanna play clue with aoidos #i think it a dirt main with that grid AHSBDJDJ #gbf. Mainhand Weapons Ushumgal This generator is very important, way … 0 out of 5. MA boosting characters (Fire has a lot) will devalue the MA boosting weapons. GBF - GW Dark NM90 OTK F2P Magna setup (1 spine, 2 axe). Check the Edit checkbox to add or remove elements from your party. if (s.dataset.seriesX && s.dataset.seriesY) { } A ULB opus will make your damage more stably above cap, yes, but if you:have powerful buffing characters like andira, anila, (light) zooey, any disciple character when paired with elemental atk up, etc.. have characters with remarkable skill damage output, like Valentine Melissabelle, Kolulu, Black Knight, Light Ilsa, either Monika, etc. }; I want to note that this doesn't mean that I'm endorsing using your 6th anniversary ticket to pick it, by the way. Anyway, I'm an idiot so please feel free to correct me on any of this. return formatDaysTime(1160 + (s/60) - 20); let dy = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0); Display or hide any post information (title, tags, source, reblogged from, ...) Pictures definition. Forming Your Grid 1. if (sd.values.length) { Don't be a pepegSit and take in everything. nv.utils.windowResize(chart.update); let yv = s.dataset.seriesY.match(/\-?(?:\d+(? Otherwise nowadays hades is stamina with 3-4 FS or i see some people going highlander grid for boss with weak defense, idk abotu nightmare defense. The most grossly overpowered shit in the game in conjunction with the perversely stacked Dark roster. Ixaba. "); y: Number.parseFloat(yv[i]), sd.values.push({ These do NOT represent what damage you will actually do. ES and Epic Grids have extremely close curves however some things to note are: ES grids will naturally have far higher HP, Standard ES grids require crits to be able to match Epic grids, ES grids are more flexible in terms of grid slots (i.e. 2 x 2 is higher than 3 x 1), Epic Devil is no longer recommended because of. .showMaxMin(true) let y0 = sd.values[sd.values.length-1].y, y1 = prep[i][1]; prep[prep.length-1].push(x) case 'teamraid': xF = convertTeamRaidTime; break; if (isNaN(stepSize) || stepSize < 0.5) stepSize = 1; | gbf grid calculator | Define the grid ratio. prep.sort(function(a,b) { return a[0] == b[0] ? errors.push("Series contains invalid or incomplete data - " + sd.key); Set up a base grid first before uncapping weapons with copies. :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g)) { Just like how Water Staff Highlander is popular right now because of S.Cag and perhaps Pholia. It's less than highlander, but not monstrously less. If you disagree with my opinions, feel free to convince me. default: Maybe not the perfect tag but I'm seeing a lot of woefully underinformed chat about highlander grids so I want to set the record straight a bit, for any new players who are seeing all this. }); es.className = "error-message"; let prep = []; let yAxisWidth = element.dataset.yAxisWidth ? Metal Destroyer Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Crimson Finger let yTickFormat = Math.max(yMax, Math.abs(yMin)) <= 200 ? } Columns. Your dark grid doesn't have an EX mod. The Progression skill is considered at max value for the graphs. You can use the representatives to estimate how the group fares against other groups and then look in the graphs within the group to analyze the other grids. }; Okay, but which cap? return chart; Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/No-Connection-5766, 2/25/21 at 2:52 AM. switch (yTickFormat) { like this as this is a light-hearted romance. Non-Caim highlander magna grids exist to take advantage of extremely low defense enemies, or for a massive burst of damage by heavily stacking buffs. How does the damage hold up against higher level enemies? Gangsta Grids allow you to deal lots of damage against raids where you can land critical hits (Welcome to. if (lp.x > xMax) switch (xTickFormat) { let yMin = firstPoint.y, yMax = firstPoint.y, xMin = firstPoint.x, xMax = firstPoint.x; } Scales of Dominion does not give extra damage, and will lower your grid strength from the extra restriction. Image size. if (element.dataset.xNumberFormat) xTickFormat = element.dataset.xNumberFormat; For example you say your dark team is hitting 850k autos. if (yAxisWidth && yAxisWidth > 0) Like OP says, a lot of your damage comes down to being able to maintain a shit load of buffs on your team, which depends almost entirely on the class you use and what characters you have. let lp = series[i].values[series[i].values.length-1]; .tickFormat(xF) Benedia proclaimed, "I WILL COMBINE MY THICC ATK AND CRIT (and DA) TO OVERCOME THE F2Ps!!". if (xMin > series[i].values[0].x) 元カレ計算機(グラブル攻撃力計算機) / motocal. This is why it's important to test your overall damage. Colossus Cane Omega } Get the bookmarklet to load a GBF party in a single click. chart = nv.models.multiBarChart() There are other more difficult to farm weapons that are more worthy targets imho. break; People are definitely gonna take this out of context, only see the 7m in screenshot, ignore that it's fully buffed turn (baha ougi turn, hype4...), only briefly skim your text post because it's too long for 90% of the people on reddit and then we have a new wave of players trying to jerry rig a highlander grid without any idea what they're doing. Ixaba, Colossus Cane Omega New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Granblue_en community. A gain of 1 will have no effect, a gain of … See more . Ray of Zhuque Malus I remember a long time ago : gisla grid to be a thing too. RLQ.push(['jquery', function() { (scroll further down to see my comments on M2). yMin = y; Seraphic + Death 5* is 33% seraphic. let x0 = sd.values[sd.values.length-1].x, x1 = prep[i][0]; let stepSize = s.dataset.seriesInterpolationStep ? :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); chart.multibar.stacked(uniformLength && 1 == element.dataset.option); sd.values.push({x: x0+j, y: y0+j*dy}); Idk why people always bring this up, but: I run a highlander grid in magna dark and it works more than fine in high def content. Schmerzen Im Oberen Rücken Lunge,
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Gender Gender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. } Without one, a weapon is effectively an empty grid slot regardless of its stats. To create a grid, you must understand how the variables are placed on it and where the boundaries lie relative to it. Back in the olden age it existed as an alternative to CFs with its thicc atk, "But this isn't the end" Benedia said. grid: { Absolutely, added a note to clarify that it's not exactly a kind of grid to be used in non-elemental/high DEF content. chart.xAxis.tickValues(gx); area: s.dataset.seriesArea == "yes", element.appendChild(es); The hurdles from benefitting from this weapon, especially in magna, are very high, but beside farming relevantly high-powered weapons, despite what you might hear, a ULB is not really the deciding factor in the power of a highlander grid, and whether or not it's right for you; what's much more important is your character lineup and your ability to achieve a high uptime of multiple buffs on your party. } .call(chart) VS 25 Def this grid will fall apart really quickly. Motocal Graph: Party-Averaged Exp. x: null, Edit: My bad no baha. } for (let j=stepSize; (x0+j) < x1; j += stepSize) { if (yAxisWidth && yAxisWidth > 70) Earth is the one getting the most profit of all if you get scales + caim. Sold (WTS) GBF Endgame rank 215 account, all juutens FLB. case 'daystime': xF = formatDaysTime; break; svg.style.width = element.dataset.chartWidth || (element.clientWidth + 'px'); Akasha that doesn't have 50% defense down because it just changed phases? switch(chartType) { for (let i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { else for (var e of document.querySelectorAll('[data-nvd3-chart]')) { key: s.dataset.seriesLabel || ('Unlabelled[' + series.length + ']'), No possible free hades grid usable too, lich weapon are crap and hermanubis is mroe of a mainhand Ancient Ecke Sachs (NB: I was hasty in not mentioning here that highlander grids do particularly struggle to shine against higher-defense enemies, and against non-elemental enemies writ ), Pictured above is my highlander hades grid, which consists of mostly some pretty lackluster weapons outside of a fallen sword and unheil, and which has a FLB magna dark opus equipped. Well yeah, but what I'm seeing isn't "Highlander grids are deficient in non-elemental/high defense endgame content" what I'm seeing overwhelmingly is "highlander is basically a meme if you don't have ULB opus.". So first of all, what is a Highlander grid? (do wanna note that Dark is a bit of a special case when it comes to highlander as you're also getting some skill cap up, but a lot of my points still stand, and for non-Dark non-Earth elements, it really is just the 10% cap up we have to consider). } Envoyez-moi un e-mail. prep.push([x]); let y = series[i].values[j].y; Damage per Turn,Remain HP Ratio, Guaranteed triple attack regardless of Triple Attack Lowered debuffs, DMG for one-foe attacks and counterattacks is amplified, Massive Fire damage to a foe. if (errors.length) { .datum(series) } And for caim grid also which is a double gain from both. }); nv.addGraph(function() { you're able to use, Epic grids all have low amounts of Normal ATK modifiers which in turn gives. if (xv && yv && xv.length == yv.length) { GBF: A Good Day's Grind. } else if (s.dataset.seriesLinearInterpolation) { Element Changed Revenant/GW … Ancient Ecke Sachs I built my grid after thinking about which characters I wanted to use, and how they worked with each other, and how they functioned in a fight. sd.values.push({x: x1, y: y1}); }); ',.02f' : ',s'; Or the game to go along enough to eventually cicle and old mechanics getting a surge of usefulness again. let es = document.createElement('span'); .showControls(uniformLength) Press J to jump to the feed. ^ The grid is far more expensive than any SSR character, especially the whale primal grids using 4+ limited weapons ( Murgleis, Ak4A, Love Eternal) That said the progression for GBF is different from FGO and rarity is worth less in GBF ( Unless its a primal, primals are … Feb 28, 2017. I already have one from farming and dont know about other weapons. case 'daystime': yF = formatDaysTime; break; Wrathfire Longblade, Fire of Prometheus } ; let convertTeamRaidTime = (s) => { sd.values.push({x: prep[0][0], y: prep[0][1]}); Compared to highlander grids in other elements, the loss of damage from making a highlander grid is mitigated somewhat by the 20% unique mod. var xF, yF; You can do this by only applying 25% defense down on the dummy. So what is the actual standard by which Highlander grids are worthwhile? I run magna highlander in both wind and earth (without Caim for now) for most content and find them plainly superior, especailly in any content that actually does serious damage, in the case of Earth, with my teams being Andira/Scathacha/Grimnir, and Vira/Hallessenna/Alexiel, respectively. It is not recommended to use this grid without having at least the Stamina Dark Opus. (ofc some buffs are undispellable but Unheil's for example are not). for (let x of s.dataset.seriesLinearInterpolation.match(/\-?(?:\d+(? As you can see, on ougis every bit of cap up is utilized and during Vikala's field uptime my characters auto for north of 850k damage, this is because of specific decisions I've made to prioritize charcter synergy (and yes, being lucky enough to have the right characters to take advantage). This setup uses a pairing of two 5-star Celeste Omegas to net you 98.8% Crit with the four Abyss Gaze. English-language community for Granblue Fantasy, a web-browser role-playing gacha game developed by Cygames. M1 grids alwayswant weapons with 1 or more ATK skill(s). This means that even with a Hyper-Invested Colo Cane setup, it will be beaten by a fully-free AES setup. .transition().duration(500) .showXAxis(true) let g = [], gx = [], gy = []; – Highlander grids are setups that provide bonus multipliers to ATK and DMG Cap when all of your weapons have unique weapon ID’s (aka no duplicate weapons). These are all cases where you might look to remove some cap up from your grid, and if consider what the first thing to go should be - Qilin Bow is a single weapon slot and has a strong normal mod, Sariel is a single summon slot with a nice call effect, and Unheil's a cool mainhand if you're building around ougis - it really seems like Scales of Dominion, the thing that requires you to reformat your entire grid just to get the exact same cap up as Qilin Bow/Sariel, is first on the chopping block. On a seperate note, for anyone who might want to show damage on training dummy in the future, consider at least showing vs 15 def fully debuffed. series.push(sd); The Metal Destroyers in the graphs can be treated as flexweapons which can be replaced by (almost) any other weapon grid piece. chart.yAxis.tickValues(gy); :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); ES grids also have low amounts of Normal ATK modifiers but is still slightly higher than Epic grids. let firstPoint = series[0].values[0]; 440k * 1.35 = 594k, 594k * 1.33 (seraphic) = 790k. chart = nv.models.lineChart() .tickFormat(yF) A "Highlander" grid is a grid that utilizes the 2nd skill of the Scales of Dominion, a weapon dropped by Anubis, to give your entire grid a flat cap raise of 10%, along with a 20% EX modifier boost to attack. var t = minutesPassed % 1440; m = m < 10 ? if (prep.length == 0 || prep[prep.length-1].length == 2) if (element.dataset.xGrid) { Uses the same setups above but replacing one. .showYAxis(true) UBHL? for (let i = 0; i < g.length; i++) { let xTickFormat = ',r'; "My time will come when crit rebalance comes.". case '': xF = d3.format(',r'); break; Ultima Weapons A thing I wanna point out that might get lost in OP's wall of text is that highlander grid's are very situational, based on what characters you have and what classes you wanna use. 2. You can share your team setup by saving it in your account, then clicking the "Share" button to copy the URL of the page. } Below you can see all the videos on YouTube for Dark Grid. gx.push(Number.parseFloat(g[i])); } What never seems to come up is that the Scales are only one of many sources of cap up, and while not running them does lower your "potential" damage, it allows you to add significantly more damage to your grid that makes it firstly more consistent, and secondly less reliant on specific character buffs. Display info . Looking at your grid, that means Qilin Bow (10%), Scales (10%), Unheil ougi (15%), and you very likely have a fully uncapped Sariel for another 10% (if you don't then there's something unaccounted for here). } Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But you can switch to a non-highlander grid, fitting in more power weapons and other perks, and keep everything else the same, and all it does is change the 45% cap up to 35% cap up. if (null == prev) prev = sd.values.length; I primarily use a magna dark highlander grid with 4* Opus. for (let i = 0; i < g.length; i++) { These are all cases where you do not just automatically reach damage cap and the raw power of your grid is tested more. d3.select(svg) default: yF = d3.format(yTickFormat); break; The graphs will blow up otherwise (case in point: Epic Grids). I'm being serious here. What's being said is more to the effect of "highlander is meme-tier/not worth bothering with without a ULB opus", and without sufficient context it really is just misinformation. A "Highlander" grid is a grid that utilizes the 2nd skill of the Scales of Dominion, a weapon dropped by Anubis, to give your entire grid a flat cap raise of 10%, along with a 20% EX modifier boost to attack. .reduceXTicks(true) Weapon skills and skill levels are more important for party stre… chart.xAxis :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); / All allies gain, Fire magic is amplified (Max: 5 / Can't be removed), Motocal Graph: Epic [4/0] (S / I / Sol / CF), Motocal Graph: Epic [5/0] (S / I / Sol / CF), Can deal critical hits regardless of element / ATK is boosted / DEF is lowered, http://gbf.wiki/index.php?title=User:Midokuni/Notepad/FireGrids&oldid=341431, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Magna Stamina (L), 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Magna Enmity (L), 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Normal Stamina (L), 5★, Pendulum Key α (Normal Attack Cap 10%), Normal Enmity (L), The Combined Graphs only take some representatives from the "grid groups.". x: Number.parseFloat(xv[i]), :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); See more . gbf grid calculator. for (let j = series[i].values.length; j-->0;) { for (let s of element.querySelectorAll('[data-series-label]')) { if (prep.length && prep[prep.length-1].length != 2) prep.pop(); es.appendChild(document.createTextNode(errors[i])); 1-800-472-1142. let formatDaysTime = (minutesPassed) => { See full list on granblue. This page was last edited on 3 May 2020, at 11:15. Auto cap is 440k, increased by a total of 45% cap = 638k, 638k increased by 33% seraphic is 848k, thus the 850k autos you're reporting. Some of my notes regarding Gangsta Grids can be found here: These graphs are from the same setups above. } Of course you can get carried by limited characters with super unique buffs, sure. Number.parseInt(element.dataset.yAxisWidth) : 0; Recording actual raid runs is still better. values: [], let series = [], errors = [], chartType = element.dataset.chart.toLowerCase(), uniformLength = true; What's your setup look like? else if (sd.values.length != prev) uniformLength = false; ; Luci? Can you recommend what other weapons worth to trade instead of the scale? ; -1 : 1); }); Have characters that independently give them very high attack modifiers like Hallessenna (earth) or Grimnir, and also characters with highly valuable ougi effects and a Mumei Kaneshige, then it's well worth it to test, and see for yourself, the difference in average damage between a normal M2 grid and a Magna Highlander grid, regardless of if your Dark Opus is only 4*. // Gridlines at custom positions gbf grid calculator. element.removeChild(element.firstChild); The other setups can work even with 4★ Opus Weapons but make sure to use. It's a shame though that the sheer number of people who don't read is what discourages potential discussion like this even though it might better inform the smaller number of people who do read. Devil x Shiva is the stronger one due to mod dilution (i.e. if (element.dataset.yGrid) { default: xF = d3.format(xTickFormat); break; "0" + m.toString() : m case 'line': for (let i = 1; i < prep.length; i++) { ... 【グラブル】闇マグナ 確定TA 編成 最終オーキス/ Guaranteed TA FA grid Dark Magna Orchid FLB【GBF ... date tenou Title: granblue fantasy highlander magna dark grid demo. Videos tagged “gbf” Sort: Date Alphabetical Plays Likes Comments Duration. if (gy.length > 0) { You can click on a label to show/hide them. Report Save. 0 : (a[0] < b[0] ? Ray of Zhuque Malus Ultima Weapons, Metal Destroyer } y: null } else { Devil x Shiva grids use the same grids as Shiva x Shiva. How about if your damage buffs are down, either due to duration or due to dispels from the boss? For magna, outside of Caim highlander, it's just a noobtrap. 120% Boost to Dark's, Hatred's, and Oblivion's weapon skills. December 2, 2020. let sd = { chart.xAxis.axisLabel(element.dataset.axisLabelX); chart.yAxis.axisLabel(element.dataset.axisLabelY); , a 2013 American teen comedy Bilfinger, a German construction and engineering firm; Gaikundi language, native to Papua New Guinea. var d = Math.floor(minutesPassed / 1440) + 1; } mw.loader.using('ext.cargo.nvd3', function(require) { if (element.dataset.axisLabelX) case 'bar': Meaning you're not glued to stacking Hype between Vicky/Anthuria and can run characters with echoes/more damage cap instead (Nier, Six, etc). color: s.dataset.seriesColor, Your claims have me curious. Context matters. The reason for 15 def is GW nightmare raids tend to be around that or higher, and GW is relevant for anyone who plays a lot. } else { case 'teamraid': yF = convertTeamRaidTime; break; Cap up is useless if you can't reach cap, and without ULB opus this is almost always the case. .useInteractiveGuideline(true) .showMaxMin(true) ; You're absolutely right. break; And so crit came, and Benedia became slightly relevant again. It's also Vs the training puppet and fully debuffed... Of course it's gonna do that shiny 7m when set up literally perfectly. #granblue fantasy #gbf #i wanna play clue with aoidos #i think it a dirt main with that grid AHSBDJDJ #gbf. Mainhand Weapons Ushumgal This generator is very important, way … 0 out of 5. MA boosting characters (Fire has a lot) will devalue the MA boosting weapons. GBF - GW Dark NM90 OTK F2P Magna setup (1 spine, 2 axe). Check the Edit checkbox to add or remove elements from your party. if (s.dataset.seriesX && s.dataset.seriesY) { } A ULB opus will make your damage more stably above cap, yes, but if you:have powerful buffing characters like andira, anila, (light) zooey, any disciple character when paired with elemental atk up, etc.. have characters with remarkable skill damage output, like Valentine Melissabelle, Kolulu, Black Knight, Light Ilsa, either Monika, etc. }; I want to note that this doesn't mean that I'm endorsing using your 6th anniversary ticket to pick it, by the way. Anyway, I'm an idiot so please feel free to correct me on any of this. return formatDaysTime(1160 + (s/60) - 20); let dy = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0); Display or hide any post information (title, tags, source, reblogged from, ...) Pictures definition. Forming Your Grid 1. if (sd.values.length) { Don't be a pepegSit and take in everything. nv.utils.windowResize(chart.update); let yv = s.dataset.seriesY.match(/\-?(?:\d+(? Otherwise nowadays hades is stamina with 3-4 FS or i see some people going highlander grid for boss with weak defense, idk abotu nightmare defense. The most grossly overpowered shit in the game in conjunction with the perversely stacked Dark roster. Ixaba. "); y: Number.parseFloat(yv[i]), sd.values.push({ These do NOT represent what damage you will actually do. ES and Epic Grids have extremely close curves however some things to note are: ES grids will naturally have far higher HP, Standard ES grids require crits to be able to match Epic grids, ES grids are more flexible in terms of grid slots (i.e. 2 x 2 is higher than 3 x 1), Epic Devil is no longer recommended because of. .showMaxMin(true) let y0 = sd.values[sd.values.length-1].y, y1 = prep[i][1]; prep[prep.length-1].push(x) case 'teamraid': xF = convertTeamRaidTime; break; if (isNaN(stepSize) || stepSize < 0.5) stepSize = 1; | gbf grid calculator | Define the grid ratio. prep.sort(function(a,b) { return a[0] == b[0] ? errors.push("Series contains invalid or incomplete data - " + sd.key); Set up a base grid first before uncapping weapons with copies. :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g)) { Just like how Water Staff Highlander is popular right now because of S.Cag and perhaps Pholia. It's less than highlander, but not monstrously less. If you disagree with my opinions, feel free to convince me. default: Maybe not the perfect tag but I'm seeing a lot of woefully underinformed chat about highlander grids so I want to set the record straight a bit, for any new players who are seeing all this. }); es.className = "error-message"; let prep = []; let yAxisWidth = element.dataset.yAxisWidth ? Metal Destroyer Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Crimson Finger let yTickFormat = Math.max(yMax, Math.abs(yMin)) <= 200 ? } Columns. Your dark grid doesn't have an EX mod. The Progression skill is considered at max value for the graphs. You can use the representatives to estimate how the group fares against other groups and then look in the graphs within the group to analyze the other grids. }; Okay, but which cap? return chart; Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/No-Connection-5766, 2/25/21 at 2:52 AM. switch (yTickFormat) { like this as this is a light-hearted romance. Non-Caim highlander magna grids exist to take advantage of extremely low defense enemies, or for a massive burst of damage by heavily stacking buffs. How does the damage hold up against higher level enemies? Gangsta Grids allow you to deal lots of damage against raids where you can land critical hits (Welcome to. if (lp.x > xMax) switch (xTickFormat) { let yMin = firstPoint.y, yMax = firstPoint.y, xMin = firstPoint.x, xMax = firstPoint.x; } Scales of Dominion does not give extra damage, and will lower your grid strength from the extra restriction. Image size. if (element.dataset.xNumberFormat) xTickFormat = element.dataset.xNumberFormat; For example you say your dark team is hitting 850k autos. if (yAxisWidth && yAxisWidth > 0) Like OP says, a lot of your damage comes down to being able to maintain a shit load of buffs on your team, which depends almost entirely on the class you use and what characters you have. let lp = series[i].values[series[i].values.length-1]; .tickFormat(xF) Benedia proclaimed, "I WILL COMBINE MY THICC ATK AND CRIT (and DA) TO OVERCOME THE F2Ps!!". if (xMin > series[i].values[0].x) 元カレ計算機(グラブル攻撃力計算機) / motocal. This is why it's important to test your overall damage. Colossus Cane Omega } Get the bookmarklet to load a GBF party in a single click. chart = nv.models.multiBarChart() There are other more difficult to farm weapons that are more worthy targets imho. break; People are definitely gonna take this out of context, only see the 7m in screenshot, ignore that it's fully buffed turn (baha ougi turn, hype4...), only briefly skim your text post because it's too long for 90% of the people on reddit and then we have a new wave of players trying to jerry rig a highlander grid without any idea what they're doing. Ixaba, Colossus Cane Omega New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Granblue_en community. A gain of 1 will have no effect, a gain of … See more . Ray of Zhuque Malus I remember a long time ago : gisla grid to be a thing too. RLQ.push(['jquery', function() { (scroll further down to see my comments on M2). yMin = y; Seraphic + Death 5* is 33% seraphic. let x0 = sd.values[sd.values.length-1].x, x1 = prep[i][0]; let stepSize = s.dataset.seriesInterpolationStep ? :\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/g); chart.multibar.stacked(uniformLength && 1 == element.dataset.option); sd.values.push({x: x0+j, y: y0+j*dy}); Idk why people always bring this up, but: I run a highlander grid in magna dark and it works more than fine in high def content.