Probaly no other GBA game is so in depth as this. Pokemon Emerald. GBA Battle Adventure Platform. 125400 downs / Rating 75%. Download the Mario And Luigi RPG ROM now and enjoy playing this game on your computer or phone. Other GBC roms Legend Of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening (V1.2) Chou Gals! Download 3DS ROMs. We have presented you a collection of 2486 of Gameboy Advance games. Browse All GBA Roms. Download GBA roms Fire Emblem — Maiden of the Dark (tentative title) Battles, bravery and the balance between brawn and brains. Gameboy Advance. In the emulator section of … Download section for Gameboy Advance (GBA) ROMs of Rom Hustler. View. Emulatoren der Spielekonsolen und Arcades samt Spielen (ROMs). There are classic RPGs with turn-based combat and rules inspired by pen-and-paper RPGs (e.g. GBC Action Adventure. Welcome to the finest ROM resource on the web! Spielen Sie Ihr Lieblingskonsolen- oder spielhallenspiel auf Ihrem PC! Have fun using Gameboy Advance emulator? Have fun playing the amazing Mario And Luigi RPG game for Game Boy Advance. Roms Isos PSX, PS1, PS2, PSP, Arcade, NDS, 3DS, Wii, Gamecube, Snes, Mega drive, Nintendo 64, GBA, Dreamcast download via torrent 107277 downs / Rating 63%. Its like an RPG, with gameplay of stategy. 1 2 3... 1,473 Seite 1 von 1,473. kürzliche Posts. 14590 downs / No votes yet. GBA Action Fighting Adventure. Ergebnis 1 bis 8 von 8 Thema: GBA - RPG … Full Games. GBC … Naruto RPG 2 – Chidori gegen Rasengan. The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening . Gameboy Advance RPG Roms. 28956 downs / Rating 59%. You are in the Naljo Region where you discover a lost Larvitar and become its master. Home; Roms GBA ... Full List of GBC ROMs. Pokemon White Version By … 2000-2018 © NINTENDO DS ROMS INFORMATION. EEEAAAOOO NES PCM Demo. ROM Hacking Discussion. How to play GBA ROMs from Emu. Bomberman. 6158’s list includes popular ROMs games, such as 2661 - Star Wars - The Force Unleashed (Venom), … It was presented to the public together with the GameBoy Advance and several games on Nintendo’s Space World 2000 exhibition, held from August 23 … GBA Battle Adventure Platform. Browse ROMs by download count and ratings. Pokemon Ultra Violet (1.22) LSA (Fire Red Hack) 96162 downs / Rating 68%. Die Seite ist quasi Leer und es passiert nichts. - The Sacred Cards (E)(Rising Sun), Yu-Gi-Oh! … Showing genre: RPG. Nintendo Gameboy Advance ROMS/GBA ROMs Free Download, 100% Working Roms for PC & Smartphones Emulators. No votes yet. RPG. Das … - Seite %Seite% Roms Isos PSX, PS1, PS2, PSP, Arcade, NDS, 3DS, Wii, Gamecube, Snes, Mega drive, Nintendo 64, GBA, Dreamcast download via torrent News Submissions. GameCube Information. If you were looking for free 3ds you should not worry anymore because you can download them for free … BELIEBT: GBA ROMs; NDS ROMs; SNES ROMs; N64 ROMs; NES ROMs; GBC ROMs; GameCube ROMs; PSX ROMs; DS ROMs; MAME ROMs … Crash Bandicoot - The Huge Adventure (USA), Final Fantasy VI Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Legend of Zelda, The - The Minish Cap (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Yu-Gi-Oh! Today at 06:57:21 pm. Übersetzung. Super Mario Bros. Deluxe. We hope you enjoy your stay and we will be happy to welcome you back. Pokemon Emerald. - The Sacred Cards (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World (USA, Australia), Final Fantasy IV Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Digimon - Battle Spirit 2 (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), FIFA Soccer 07 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es), Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Final Fantasy V Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Yu-Gi-Oh! You can use 6158 emulator to play all your favorite games compatible with it. Top & Best Games for Gameboy Lovers. Roms; Emulators; Help; RomsGet. We have presented you a collection of 6158 of Nintendo DS games. 98531 downs / Rating 82%. 100% Fast Download. Emulatoren der Spielekonsolen und Arcades samt Spielen (ROMs). At these current days, RPG Maker XP games are only playable on Windows PC in .exe file format, but hopefully soon they will make it available for mobile users. Variety of GBC games that can be played on both computer or phone. High Speed Download Links. Gameboy Advance (GBA) ROMs. Today at 05:10:40 pm. Today at 06:34:25 pm … In our portal you will be able to find a great variety of 3DS cia roms quite varied, games RPG, all the saga of Pokemon or the evil survivor, firen emblem among many others as kirbi, mario Bross, and many games RPG and JRPG that only you can find for the Nintendo 3DS system. Browse ROMs by download count and ratings. Metroid Fusion. - The Eternal Duelist Soul (U)(Mode7), Yu-Gi-Oh! Featured Translation Images. Programming. Gameboy Advance ROMs (GBA ROMs) Available to Download and Play Free on Android, PC, Mac and iOS Devices. GBC RPG. We Have The Largest Collection of GBA Emulator Games Online. Puyo Pop Fever ; Famicom Wars DS; Die Welt ist nicht genug; goldenes Auge; Osu! Kotobuki Ran; Shadowgate Classic (V1.1) Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children - Shiro No Shou; Dragon Quest Monsters - Terry No Wonderland (V1.1) Hexcite - The Shapes Of Victory; Les Roi Lion - Les Adventures De Simba; B-Daman Bakugaiden V - Final Mega Tune ; Disney's Tarzan; SpongeBob … (Fan made Pokemon games can be played on Android using the app Joiplay) Pokemon ROM Hacks. Today at 07:35:16 pm. 107277 downs / Rating 63%. For copyright issues / DMCA requests, please check our Legal / DMCA Page. Browse All GBA Roms. Download Nintendo Gameboy Advance (GBA) ROMs kostenlos und spielen auf Ihren Geräten Windows PC, Mac, IOS und Android! All your favorite 3DS roms in one place, compatible with all devices including android and ios. GBA Adventure. The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening. With the GBA nearing the end, it’s best we vote on which was the best RPG for the GBA. Here you can play online and download them free of charge. This section has been revamped! Reviews and Rankings … Es ist viel besser, und es ist die Nachfrage noch weiter zwischen Nintendo-Fans. DOWNLOAD Download Nintendo Gameboy Advance ROMs. GBA - RPG Maker; Willkommen bei Multimediaxis! 90,5% Metroid Fusion ist der 4.Teil der Metroid Serie. Have fun playing the amazing RPG Tsukuru Advance (J) game for Game Boy Advance. Play the Super Mario RPG game for together with friends. Rating 350%. Pokémon Platin-Edition ist eine der berühmten RPG-Spiel, das für NDS von der Pokémon Company entwickelt wurde. Tech Demos. (Keep reading): We have manually checked each game adding all available languages, accurate genres and more screenshots. Pokemon - Yellow Version . Action-Adventure.'s GBA ROMs section. GAMEBOY ADVANCE ROMS INFORMATION. In diesem Video wird gezeigt, wie man GBA Spiele auf einer R4 Karte spielen kann. This game sets a standard of what all GBA games should be like. 25886 downs / Rating 80%. Super Mario Advance 4. The Ninja of the 4 Seasons. Mein Favorit von den Deutschen Fanmades ist Pokemon Feuergrün,er wurde mithilfe des RPG Makers erstellt und ist echt witzig und gut.Ansonsten vielleicht noch die Modi Bloody Platin. ROM Hacks: Mega Man 4: Free of Charge. Duel Monsters 7 - Kettou Toshi Densetsu (J)(Cream), Yu-Gi-Oh! In 1996, magazines such as Digital Gaming Monthly, future Generation, issues 53 and 54 of Total and the July 1996 issue of Game Informer featured reports of a fresh Game Boy, code-named challenge Atlantis. Tekken 3. Pokemon - Gold Version. GBC RPG. This is the Japan version of the game and can be played using any of the GBA emulators available on our website. Forbidden Memories » Digimon World » Pepsiman (Japan) » Vigilante 8 - 2nd Offense » Final Fantasy VIII (Disc 1) » Resident Evil 2 (Disc 1) » FIFA Soccer 2005 » … This is the very first GBC ROM hack to make our list of best ROM hacks for 2021. Reshef of Destruction (E)(Rising Sun), Yu-Gi-Oh! They also have a multi-plot story and quests. ROM Hacking Discussion. You can use 2486 emulator to play all your favorite games compatible with it. Pokemon - Crystal Version. Let’s take Pokemon Emerald, for example. This, admitedly, is the first Final Fantasy game Ive ever played, and i can say, its nothing short of a miraculous game. Have fun using Nintendo DS emulator? Download section for Gameboy Advance (GBA) ROMs of Rom Hustler. Hallöchen, ich wurde von einer Person in meinem Umkreis gefragt ob ich für sie mal nach ROM-Seiten forschen kann. Here you can play online and download them free of charge. Ich persönlich kenne Rom-Freaks, nur da besteht bei mir das Problem, dass ich nichts Downloaden kann. Browse by genre, rating, and more with our advanced rom browser! GBC Platformer Adventure Compilation. GBA ROMs (2647) GBC ROMs (1297) Lynx ROMs (86) NDS ROMs (6294) NGPC ROMs (77) PSP ISOs (2907) PSX2PSP ISOs (1302) WSC ROMs (90) Computers. The person making the ROM … Crash Bandicoot. Wir freuen uns, Dich bei Multimediaxis zu begrüßen. Recent Forum Posts [Genesis][Technical] SoR2 Custom Code Proofread/Guidance Request. Help Wanted Ads. Pack with 1100 gba roms Categories: gba-roms roms-pack Sonaje Publish Date: 19:37:00. 377 Downloads. Wirklich viele gute Deutsche Hacks gibt es nicht,vorallem fertige,weshalb ich dir eher zu Englischen Hacks rate,sowas wie Flora Sky oder die Ruby Desteny Hacks sind sehr gut. Nr Name Wertung; 1. Free Nintendo DS Games (NDS ROMs) Available to Download and Play for FREE on Windows, Mac, iPhone and Android. - 7 Trials to Glory - World Championship Tournament 2005 (USA) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It), Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es), Yu-Gi-Oh! RomsGet Has The Largest Collection of NDS Games Online. Amiga ROMs (2539) Atari 800 ROMs (5488) Atari ST ROMs (8368) C64 Tapes ROMs (1683) CPC ROMs (11216) DOS Games (3550) ScummVM Games (518) X68K ROMs (3240) ZX Spectrum (TAP) ROMs (3604) ZX Spectrum Z80 ROMs … - Reshef of Destruction (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Advance Wars 2 - Black Hole Rising (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It). 100% Fast Downloads! Pokemon ROM hacks use the data from an actual Pokemon game. Free ROMs download for GB, GBC, GBA, NDS, N64, NES, SNES, Sega, Atari and more. Home (current) Roms; Emulators; RomHacks; Search. Kimi No Tame Nara Shineru. GBA Mario & Luigi RPG rom downloads for Game Boy Advance.… This is the Japan version of the game and can be played using any of the GBA emulators available on our website. Sawaru – Hergestellt in Wario. Paradise. Featured Hack Images. Sort by: Popular Alphabetical. View. Hier findest du Gameboy Advance Roms wie Pokémon Smaragd, The Legend of Zelda, Harvest Moon und viele mehr! Pokémon : Smaragd-Edition [Germany] rom for Nintendo Gameboy Advance (GBA) und spielen Pokémon : Smaragd-Edition [Germany] auf Ihren Geräten Windows PC , mac ,ios and android! So, for those of you who are looking to download roms gba gameboy advance, providing you find the right rom location, you can basically turn your mobile … Hello my gamer friends, I am bringing you the torrent to download a package with 1100 roms, the portable Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) with the emulator, so you remember old times. No hidden viruses, just download your ROM and ISO files and play them using an emulator. Download the Super Mario RPG rom files and use the emulator to play on any device. Nintendo GameCube/GCN ISOS & ROMS Free Download, 100% Working Roms, Playable on PC with Dolphine Emulator. ROMs. To browse GBA ROMs , Download Mario & Luigi RPG (Japan) ROM for Gameboy Advance ( GBA ) from Rom Hustler. 2 - Know Your Role » Final Fantasy VII (Disc 1) » Bloody Roar II » Yu-Gi-Oh! Flip NES sprite that's displayed twice. No votes yet. Pokemon Fire Red. Spielen Sie Ihr Lieblingskonsolen- oder spielhallenspiel auf Ihrem PC! Pokemon Fire Red. Am Liebsten sind ROM-Seiten die viele deutsche ROMS anbieten. Jackie Chan Stuntmaster » CTR - Crash Team Racing » Digimon World 3 » WWF SmackDown! 98531 downs / Rating 82%. GBA Rom In contrast to the previous GameBoy models, which were following portrait shape variable of the Game Boy. Search for Nintendo Gameboy Advance ROMs:. - Ultimate Masters Edition - World Championship Tournament 2006 (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It), Sims, The - Bustin' Out (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl), Tales of Phantasia (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Dragon Quest Monsters - Caravan Heart (Japan), Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors (USA), Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (USA, Australia), Metroid - Zero Mission (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Yu-Gi-Oh! This game was categorized as Action on our website. Pokemon - Yellow Version. - The Eternal Duelist Soul (USA), Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi's Island (USA), Yu-Gi-Oh! Game Boy Advance D-PAD Test (GBA) Hardware Tests. GBC RPG. View. In the package with the roms is included Visual Boy Advance emulator for Windows. Sie können von hier aus Pokémon Platin-ROM-Datei herunterladen und auf Ihrer … GBA Adventure. 426 Downloads. GameCube console, was developed under the codename Dolphin, belongs to the 128-bit era or sixth generation of video games consoles (with the Dreamcast, PlayStation, Playstation 2 and Xbox). RPG Tsukuru GB is a role playing game for the Game Boy Color. Now, you have to find the mystery that … Reshef of Destruction (U)(Venom), Zone of the Enders - The Fist of Mars (E)(Cezar), Zone of the Enders - The Fist of Mars (U)(Mode7). GBA Action Battle. 100% Fast Downloads! All rights reserved. You play as the child of Lance who is the Pokemon Champion in Crystal. Welcome to Retrostic. Fire Emblem: … Ouendan! View. Pokémon Platin ist die erweiterte Version des vorherigen Spiel Pokémon Diamant und Perl. 313 Downloads. GBA Action Battle. Translation Description: There’s still some formatting errors and the occasional spelling error, but … Today at 07:14:21 pm [NDS] Fixed string length limit. Super Mario Advance 4. GBC RPG. Roms are file formats that are used in tandem along with emulators, to allow you to download and play free gba roms using your mobile device. Mobile optimized. Wenn dies Dein erster Besuch bei uns ist, musst Du Dich in unserem Forum registrieren, bevor Du Beiträge verfassen kannst. Pokemon - Crystal Version. Pokemon Ultra Violet … GB ROMs (1508) GBA ROMs (2647) GBC ROMs (1297) Lynx ROMs (86) NDS ROMs (6294) NGPC ROMs (77) PSP ISOs (2907) PSX2PSP ISOs (1302) WSC ROMs (90) Computers. This category includes games that put emphasis on progress system for a controlled character (or a group of characters) which is (are) described with many statistics. Du kannst aber auch jetzt schon Beiträge lesen und in einigen Foren stöbern, die Dich interessieren. Download the RPG Tsukuru Advance (J) ROM now and enjoy playing this game on your computer or … Is Japanese hard to … - Ultimate Masters - World Championship Tournament 2006 (USA) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It), Legend of Zelda, The - The Minish Cap (USA), Sims 2, The (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl), Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku II (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Crash Superpack - Crash Bandicoot 2 - N-Tranced + Crash Nitro Kart (USA), Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town (USA), Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Sonic Advance 3 (USA) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It), Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past & Four Swords (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past & Four Swords (USA, Australia), Mario & Luigi - Superstar Saga (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA), Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku II (USA), Grand Theft Auto Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It), Need for Speed - Most Wanted (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,It), Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team (USA, Australia), Yu-Gi-Oh! The very first screen shots of this real-time strategy/RPG hybrid have just arrived from Japan, but at this point no firm U.S. release date has been announced. Browse All GBC Roms. Pokemon - Fire Red Version (V1.1) Pokemon - Emerald Version. How can I modify files within PSX ISO for a hack of RE Director's Cut DualShock? Avatar - The Last Airbender (U)(Rising Sun), Baldurs Gate - Dark Alliance (U)(Hyperion), Bionicle - Maze of Shadows (E)(Endless Piracy), Breath of Fire 2 - Shimei no Ko (J)(Eurasia), Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (E)(Eurasia), Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (U)(GBATemp), Castlevania - Minuet Of Dawn (J)(Eurasia), Doraemon Midori No Wakusei (J)(Perversion), Dragon Ball Z - Buu's Fury (U)(Psychosis), Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy Of Goku (U)(Mode7), Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku (E)(Polla), Dragon Quest Monsters - Caravan Heart (J)(Polla), Duel Masters - Kaijudo Showdown (E)(Endless Piracy), Duel Masters - Kaijudo Showdown (U)(Venom), Duel Masters - Sempai Legends (E)(Rising Sun), Duel Masters - Shadow Of The Code (E)(Rising Sun), Duel Masters - Shadow of the Code (U)(Trashman), Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (E)(Independent), Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (U)(Independent), Final Fantasy IV Advance (U)(Independent), Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (E)(Surplus), Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (J)(Eurasia), Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (U)(Eurasia), Gensou Suikoden Card Stories (J)(Eurasia), Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town (E)(GBA), Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town (G)(Rising Sun), Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town (U)(Mode7), Harvest Moon - More Friends of Mineral Town (U)(Trashman), Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories (E)(Eternity), Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories (J)(Caravan), Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories (U)(Venom), Klonoa Heroes - Densetsu no Star Medal (J)(Eurasia), Legend of Dynamic - Goushouden (J)(Rising Sun), Marvel - Ultimate Alliance (U)(Rising Sun), Marvel Ultimate Alliance (E)(Independent), Mega Man Battle Network 2 (Virtual Console), Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue Version (Virtual Console), Mega Man Battle Network 3 White Version (Virtual Console), Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon (Virtual Console), Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun (Virtual Console), Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team Colonel (Virtual Console), Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team ProtoMan (Virtual Console), Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzar (Virtual Console), One Piece - Nanatsu Shima no Daihihou (J)(Cezar), Riviera - The Promised Land (U)(Trashman), Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation (J)(Independent), SD Gundam G Generation Advance (J)(Independent), Scooby-Doo - The Motion Picture (E)(Independent), Scooby-Doo - The Motion Picture (F)(Patience), Scooby-Doo - The Motion Picture (S)(Independent), Scooby-Doo - The Motion Picture (U)(Mode7), Shaman King - Legacy of the Spirits - Soaring Hawk (U)(Venom), Shaman King - Legacy of the Spirits - Sprinting Wolf (U)(RisingCaravan), Shaman King - Master of Spirits (E)(Supplex), Shaman King - Master of Spirits (U)(Venom), Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2 (E)(Rising Sun), Shin Bokura no Taiyou - Gyakushuu no Sabata (J)(Supplex), Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Children - Yami no Sho (J)(Cezar), Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Children Messiah Riser (J)(Caravan), Shining Force - Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (E)(Independent), Shining Force - Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (U)(TrashMan), Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu (J)(Independent), Summon Night - Swordcraft Story (U)(Independent), Summon Night - Swordcraft Story 2 (U)(Independent), Summon Night Craft Sword Monogatari - Hajimari no Ishi (J)(Caravan), Super Robot Taisen - Original Generation (E)(Independent), Super Robot Taisen - Original Generation (U)(Jam Project), Super Robot Taisen - Original Generation 2 (U)(Independent), Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2 (J)(Independent), Tactics Ogre - The Knight of Lodis (U)(Mode7), Tales of the World - Narikiri Dungeon 2 (J)(Eurasia), Tales of the World - Summoner's Lineage (J)(Cezar), The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (U)(Rising Sun), The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (E)(Cezar), The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (U)(Venom), The Lord of the Rings - The Third Age (U)(Rising Sun), Tokyo Majin Gakuen - Fuju Houroku (J)(Supplex), Yggdra Union - We'll Never Fight Alone (U)(Rising Sun), Yu Yu Hakusho - Spirit Detective (E)(Rising Sun), Yu Yu Hakusho - Spirit Detective (U)(Mode7), Yu Yu Hakusho - Tournament Tactics (U)(Venom), Yu-Gi-Oh! 125400 downs / Rating 75%. Die besten 50 GBA RPG Rollenspiele Games. Top 25 PSX ROMs. Dear retro players, Retrostic aims to deliver every possible archived retro game in a form of ROM or ISO. Tatakae! 14566 downs / Rating 69%. GBC RPG. Pokemon Prism is a hack of Pokemon Crystal and the story is probably taken from it. This basically means that, if you are an ios user, you could play gba for ios devices. To make things better, you can’t choose any remakes, so no Fire Red or Leaf Green, FFA 4-6, nor FF 1-2 DOS. … Here you can download Nintendo GameBoy Advance ROMs to play in your favorite emulators. 15656 downs / Rating 72%. Amiga ROMs (2539) Atari 800 ROMs (5488) Atari ST ROMs (8368) C64 Tapes ROMs (1683) CPC ROMs (11216) DOS Games (3550) ScummVM Games (518) X68K ROMs (3240) ZX Spectrum (TAP) ROMs (3604) ZX Spectrum Z80 ROMs …
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