MOST POPULAR ETS 2 MODS. Version 1.3 (1.35.x): This update is focused on reworking the entire truck model. -Fixed gaps inside cabin models; Description: This mod reworks the Actros MP4 by SCS by adding many plastic and paint parts and rigid chassis. -Added paintjobs from Actros Tuning Pack to Krone chassis; The F-MAX truck is modeled from scratch in full detail, faithful to the actual model. -Fixed and updated template for BDF Container; -Fixed missing container cargoes on 6×4 rigid chassis; Mercedes_Actros_MP4_edit_by_Alex.rar. -Fixed lights lightmask on some chassis and cabins (added on missing chassis); ); You Must have KRONE MEGALINER BY SOGARD3 TO MAKE THIS MOD WORK!-Added full support for Actros Tuning Pack DLC-Cleanup of mod structure files-Removed unnecessary files from mod-Adjusted height of lowdeck chassis Tried various cabins aswell as left and right hand drives. You can do it by 9zip or sth like that. -Revisited cabin definition files (removed/added new string files); Test Video:, Test Video… Fill this form and share a video. -Updated truck dealer trucks with new accessories (Standard and UK); -Fixed quick job trucks missing accessories (UK and Europe); -Refreshed UI icons; -Added adblue tank missing on chassis from Kast addon chassis; -Revisited cabin definition files (removed/added new string files); This mod not working for me? -Added air filter tube as accessories for their cabins (standard and tandem cabin); -Updated UI icons for accessories; -Added stock corner deflectors; February 22, 2021. -Fixed side and front mirrors (full paint and paint + plastic) with DX11 (Thanks @Sogard3); By clicking the button "Send" You consent to have this website store submitted information. It will be shared as a free mod for ETS 2. -Reworked remaining chassis (old 6×4 models reworked under current standards); -Fixed paintjob problem on some accessories (others need still fixes); There are still may other mods some of them are little tweaks like a camera changer while others introduce a whole new story mode into … -Added 3 spokes Mercedes special steering wheel; -Added custom interior curtain; -Added mirror holder (paint and plastic with slots for accessories); KRONE MEGALINER BY SOGARD3 IS MANDATORY TO MAKE THIS MOD WORK! Hello! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Gamers who are looking for new Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mods can expect mods that can enhance the game's graphics and textures. -Added stock blanket model on interior as an accessory; Still a great mod, used this for some time now, look forward to seeing future updates/fixes ? Your email address will not be published. ); -Fixed UI icons on accessories; February 22, 2021. -Added 2 variants of roof grill for GigaSpace cabin (paint and chrome); -Fixed doorhandle misplaced on cabin model; -Fixed truck dealer truck missing accessories (UK and Europe); -Changed truck dealer truck configuration (UK and Europe); -Fixed truck dealer truck missing accessories (UK and Europe); -Added painted air filters for all cabins; Other reworks/options will be added too in the following updates. ETS2 / ETS2 Others. -Added 2 new curtains option: front+side; side only; -Krone Load Carrier raised and moved towards the truck; Authors: - ValheinXL- Alexandru_Andrey- Sogard3- SCS Software- and all others who contributed in this mod- B787(tester)- Schwedentrucker_09(skins/tester)- ActrosMP3(tester)- Wippy (tester), Your email address will not be published. 2021 - Truck Simulation Games Mod Place, Tsorg. -Added front cabin and chassis accessories missing on some parts; -Fixed hieght of trailer hook on 6×2 BDF chassis; Mercedes-Benz Actros MP4 by Alex Scania R & Streamline 2012 by FRED Mercedes-Benz Antos 12 by D3S Design Mitsubishi Fuso SuperGreat RecycleDog Mercedes-Benz Actros MP5 2019 by ACTROS 5 CREW BDF Tandem Truck Pack v137.30 by Flemming V Mercedes-Benz Big Stars Actros Arocs SLT by WTD DAF XF 105 Rew by Schumi Iveco Hi-Way Rew by Schumi -And many other fixes. -Added missing slot for Stoneguard in interior view; -Added more UI icons for accessories; -Added air filter tube as an accessory (stock); June 11, 2020. -Added temporary SCS interior models until the new ones are ready; -Added support for windows animation (1.37.x); I'm certainly going to run with this for a while to see if this will make life with the MP4 more acceptable. -Removed unnecessary files from mod; Version 1.6 (1.37.x): -Added stock sunshield with chrome; Mercedes Actros Mp4 Edit By Alex V1.5 mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2. -Added missing Kelsa lightbox on GigaSpace cabin (more options in the future); Uploaded on 2020-04-04 20:23:14 ... Euro Truck Simulator 2, GTA5, Fallout 4 and other games mods. -Added rear accessories for 4×2 lowdeck tandem; – ValheinXL -Added many company skins to Box Liner & BDF container (Special thanks to @klauzzy); A great addition added to the game Euro Truck Simulator 2 is Truck Mercedes Actros MP4 Edit by Alex for 1.35.x game version, which can be downloaded for free and without registration. -Adjusted height of lowdeck chassis; ETS 2 Mods. -Added BigSpace cabin to 8×4 chassis + accessories; Other reworks/options will be added too in the following updates. -Added Actros real lamps (rear lights) to all chassis; -Added stock corner deflectors; Kann mir vllt einer sagen wie genau die Ladereihenfolge ist ? Here you will find most of them together with tutorials. -Fixed truck dealer truck missing accessories (UK and Europe); -Added more UI icons for accessories; -Added support for GoodYear Paintjobs (DLC GOODYEAR NEEDED! It's time to conquer the European tracks — feel like a truck driver who delivers important goods to incredible distances. -Krone Load Carrier raised and moved towards the truck; When selecting curtains front and side, side curtains don’t show and missing texture still shows. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is an awesome game with many mods and opportunities. -Fixed trailer hookup problem on lowdeck Krone chassis; On our website, you can find a great variety of video game mods files. DETBIT BUS TERMINAL 1.39. Changelog V1.6 -Added stock rear bumper to 8×4 chassis; Also tried various orders in mod manager to no joy, there is no picture for the load order. Mercedes Benz New Actros 2019 v1.4 by Actros 5 Crew -ALL IN ONE- (1.38.x) DATE: 2020-07-28 CREDITS: HRS Mods(Harald-RS,Wolli2017) Truckjunkie3d, ActrosMP3, DP Design I'm using a 21:9 monitor and that may make it a bit worse than for people using a 16:9. -Partial rework of 8×4 truck configuration for Actros Tuning DLC; KRONE MEGALINER BY SOGARD3 IS MANDATORY TO MAKE THIS MOD WORK! – SCS Software -Added interior windshield slots (free slots); -Added painted air filters for all cabins; -Added paint and plastic rear fenders and rear top fenders for 8×4 chassis; Changelog v1.5 -Added new parts to truck desktop model; This update is focused on reworking the entire truck model. -Fixed quick job trucks missing accessories (UK and Europe); -Fixed front and rear license plate locator on chassis; – and all others who contributed in this mod -Fixed locators position – now with scs numbers on models; -Added air filter cap as an accessory (stock); -Added slots on lower front grill (using SCS slots pattern); -Fixed front license plate on 8×4 chassis; Euro Truck Simulator 2 > Videos > BINGH0ST's Videos This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. -Added new Mercedes front mudflaps; -Fixed and updated template for BDF Container; Pauly's Steam Workshop (inc.Squirrel Logistics) Garages,trailer skins,truck skins: Good: -And many other fixes. This is the introductory page of the Ford Trucks F-MAX truck mod developed for Euro Truck Simulator 2. -Fixed truck dealer trucks blocked for purchase until level 25+; -Decresead files size and optimized the models; -Removed unnecessary files from mod; Version 1.6 (1.37.x): This update is focused on reworking the entire truck model. -Reworked all cabins to support different parts from tuning pack; KRONE MEGALINER BY SOGARD3 IS MANDATORY TO MAKE THIS MOD WORK! Changelog v1.5-Added full support for Actros Tuning Pack DLC;-Cleanup of mod structure files;-Removed unnecessary files from mod; … – Sogard3 -Fixed hieght of trailer hook on 6×2 BDF chassis; KRONE MEGALINER BY SOGARD3 IS … -Added many company skins to Box Liner & BDF container (Special thanks to @klauzzy); -Added rear accessories for 4×2 lowdeck tandem; -Fixed gaps inside cabin models; -Added new parts to truck desktop model; -Integrated new parts from the updated truck model by SCS; -Added slots on upper front grill(using SCS slots pattern); -Changed truck dealer truck configuration (UK and Europe); ETS 2 Mods ETS2 Other Mods ETS2 – Truck Physics By Alex Kazak V0.3.1 (1.39.x) November 15, 2020. Developed by experienced model designers and … -Moved front cab fender to new place; You have to extract scs files to documents>ets2>mod which are in a downloaded zip folder. You will be surprised by the vast selection – we offer you Farming Simulator 15, Farming Simulator 17, American Truck Simulator, Euro Truck Simulator 2, GTA5, Fallout 4 and other games mods. -Added painted sunshield with chrome; -Added raised roof deflector (paint and plastic for cabins used on rigid chassis); 0 92 1 minute read. Changes in v1.4 : KRONE MEGALINER BY SOGARD3 IS MANDATORY TO MAKE THIS MOD WORK! Read Next. It is only visible to you. – Alexandru_Andrey -Reworked rear fenders using new SCS format; -Added 2 new chassis: 4×2 BDF standard and 4×2 lowdeck tandem + accessories; -Added Hypro Trux Bull Bar (chrome and paint + slots); -Added missing Kelsa lightbox on GigaSpace cabin (more options in the future); -Added Mercedes-Benz catalogue Colors (25 at the moment – more in the future); -Added temporary SCS interior models until the new ones are ready; -Added a new rear bumper model for the lowdeck tandem chassis with real Actros lights; All you need to do is click on the download button, and it will be completed in just a few seconds. -Added missing front grill and chassis shields (L, G, TIR, etc. -Fixed lower bumper grill models; For more info type in yt “how to extract scs files” or “how to run mods in ets2”. -Cabin frame now known as \”Side Strip\”, 3 variants (plastic, paint, and full paint); -Added missing slot for Stoneguard in interior view; Contacts | -Decresead files size and optimized the models; -Cleanup of mod structure files; -Removed unnecessary files from mod; -Added support for HS-Schoch […] -Added adblue tank missing on chassis from Kast addon chassis; For more info answer, I will try to help you bro , VIDEO TEST ETS2 MODS 2020 – Copery TV [GreenLime] -Fixed gaps inside chassis models; -Added front windshield frame (plastic and paint); -Added missing slot for middle glass plate in interior view; We share max 3 videos for one mod. -Fixed lights lightmask on some chassis and cabins (added on missing chassis); Mercedes Actros MP4 edit by Alex v1.6 1.37 ETS2. -Added localization to some accessories; -Added new rear top fenders; Privacy | -Reworked the GigaSpace 8×4 cabin for new accessories; Human Verification: In order to verify that you are a human and not a spam bot, please enter the answer into the following box below based on the instructions contained in the graphic. -Added localization to some accessories; Other reworks/options will be added too in the following updates. Changes in v1.4 :-Added specific cabins (StreamSpace, BigSpace, GigaSpace) for rigid chassis;-Reworked all cabins using new models; -Cleanup of mod structure files; Mercedes-Benz Actros MP4 by Alex Scania R & Streamline 2012 by FRED Mercedes-Benz Antos 12 by D3S Design Mitsubishi Fuso SuperGreat RecycleDog Mercedes-Benz Actros MP5 2019 by ACTROS 5 CREW BDF Tandem Truck Pack v137.30 by Flemming V Mercedes-Benz Big Stars Actros Arocs SLT by WTD DAF XF 105 Rew by Schumi Iveco Hi-Way Rew by Schumi -Added translations and icons on most of the parts; Mercedes Actros MP4 Edit By Alex V1.6 [1.37] mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2. -Added specific cabins (StreamSpace, BigSpace, GigaSpace) for rigid chassis; ETS2 [1.39] MohSkinner – Combo – Africa Logistics Bollore Transport [1.3.x] January 18, 2021 About Us - one of the best Euro Truck Simulator 2 mod sites out there. Also we want to promote the modders creations. Make the gameplay more interesting with this Mercedes Actros Mp4 Edit By Alex V1.4 Truck mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2. -Added side reflectors (white and yellow); This update is focused on reworking the entire truck model. -Cleanup of mod structure files; Engines And Transmissions Package V1.0 ETS2 1.40. -Added air filters as accessories for their cabins (standard and tandem cabin); – Schwedentrucker_09(skins/tester) -Added 2 new curtains option: front+side; side only; -Updated truck dealer trucks with new accessories; Every MERCEDES ACTROS MP4 EDIT BY ALEX V1.5 1.36 TRUCK ETS2 Mod we have uploaded still to this day are the best in the game. -Changed internal names of accessories (front grill, front logo, front mask, etc); DETBIT BUS TERMINAL 1.38. Realistic Brazil Map (Mapa Oeste Baiano) ETS2 1.40. -Fixed wheel offset on front tyres (all chassis); -All cabins and chassis are now a single .pmd model; -Added a new chassis 6X with single rear steer taglift axle; -Former known as “Mercedes Actros MP4 Rigid Chassis Mod” now as “Actros MP4 edit by Alex”; -Adapted the truck for version […] -Fixed quick job trucks missing accessories (UK and Europe); Euro Truck Simulator 2 – Mercedes Actros MP4 – Alex Edit v1.5 1.36 ETS2 – Geek Mode. -Fixed stoneguard misplaced locator; ETS2 / ETS2 Maps. – Wippy(tester). -Added more UI icons for accessories; – Klauzzy(tester/skins) -Added missing slot for middle glass plate in interior view; Do you have a video review of this mod? -Added Side deflectors and Roof deflectors (6 types for each cabin – plastic and paint); -Added stock rear bumper to 8×4 chassis; -Added heavy duty parts (parts from 8×4 model) to normal chassis; -Added new steering wheel animation; -Added 2 new chassis: 4×2 BDF standard and 4×2 lowdeck tandem + accessories; -Reworked 8×4 chassis + new accessories; Updated to 1.39.Version for Schumi Actros will be added in a few days UPDATE 2.03 13.10.2020 Increased the volume of exhaust system sounds.In the future, this sound package will be changed with new recordings.News will be available soon -Added new parts to truck desktop model; -Added new paintjobs + fixes and rework on older ones; -Added new front lights texture; -Reworked the GigaSpace 8×4 cabin for new accessories; ETS2 – Mercedes Actros MP4 ALEX Tháng Sáu 15, 2020 Mercedes Actros MP4 chỉnh sửa bởi Alex – phiên bản thay thế của bộ máy kéo Actros MP4 từ SCS Software, do kết quả của việc tinh chỉnh, chiếc xe tải đã nhận được các tính năng mới và tất cả các loại điều chỉnh bên ngoài.
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