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ethnic groups definition

[19][irrelevant citation]. Ethnicity or ethnic group is a socially defined category. Secondly, this belief in shared Gemeinschaft did not create the group; the group created the belief. According to this view, the state should not acknowledge ethnic, national or racial identity but rather instead enforce political and legal equality of all individuals. Identities within Global Coloniality", "A Brief History of the OMB Directive 15", "The Scottish Diaspora and Diaspora Strategy: Insights and Lessons from Ireland", "Serbian Government – Official Presentation", "Beogradski centar za ljudska prava – Belgrade Centre for Human Rights", "Ethnicity, Race, and a Possible Humanity", "Another Look at Ethnicity as a Biological Concept: Moving Anthropology Beyond the Race Concept", American Psychological Association's Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs,, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Articles lacking reliable references from July 2017, Articles needing additional references from January 2013, All articles needing additional references, Articles with empty sections from August 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Thus, in the West, the notion of ethnicity, like race and nation, developed in the context of European colonial expansion, when mercantilism and capitalism were promoting global movements of populations at the same time that state boundaries were being more clearly and rigidly defined. [64], Writing in 1977 about the usage of the term "ethnic" in the ordinary language of Great Britain and the United States, Wallman noted that, The term 'ethnic' popularly connotes '[race]' in Britain, only less precisely, and with a lighter value load. [19] [50] Moreover, once the legal barriers to achieving equality had been dismantled, the problem of racism became the sole responsibility of already disadvantaged communities. What are the major things that make you feel as though you belong in a certain group? A group of people who share a common race, religion, language, or other characteristic. ‘These groups gave confidence to the ethnics and allowed them to assimilate into American culture at their own chosen pace.’ Usage Ethnic is sometimes used in a euphemistic way to refer to non-white people as a whole, as in a radio station which broadcasts to the ethnic … The largest group is the Tatars 3.8%. Herodotus (8.144.2) gave a famous account of what defined Greek (Hellenic) ethnic identity in his day, enumerating, Whether ethnicity qualifies as a cultural universal is to some extent dependent on the exact definition used. The largest group is the Tatars 3.8%. Ethnic groups often continue to speak related languages and share a similar gene pool. "ethnic, a. and n."), Socially defined category of people who identify with each other, "Ethnicity" redirects here. The sense of "different cultural groups", and in American English "racial, cultural or national minority group" arises in the 1930s to 1940s,[10] serving as a replacement of the term race which had earlier taken this sense but was now becoming deprecated due to its association with ideological racism. Musicology, The Key Concepts. [4] The terms refer currently to people thought to have common ancestry who share a distinctive culture. [61] With Weber's introduction of the idea of ethnicity as a social construct, race and ethnicity became more divided from each other. In 1950, the UNESCO statement "The Race Question", signed by some of the internationally renowned scholars of the time (including Ashley Montagu, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Gunnar Myrdal, Julian Huxley, etc. The nature of ethnicity is still debated by scholars. A community or population made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent. Information and translations of ethnic groups in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Tonkin, M. McDonald and M. Chapman. The term ethnicity is used for a broad spectrum of groups in history. Definition of ethnic group in English: ethnic group. Ethnic minority workers earn less than white Brits - report Average gross hourly earnings for white British employees in 2018 were PS12.03 - below the equivalent figure for Chinese (PS15.75), Indian (PS13.47) and mixed/multiple ethnic groups (PS12.33). 1959. Some groups are primarily hunter-gatherers, some practice transhumance (nomadic lifestyle), others have been agrarian/rural for millennia and others becoming industrial/urban. Adjective []. The 19th century saw the development of the political ideology of ethnic nationalism, when the concept of race was tied to nationalism, first by German theorists including Johann Gottfried von Herder. [4] The terms refer currently to people thought to have common ancestry who share a distinctive culture. [48] This theory was put forth by sociologist Robert E. Park in the 1920s. The U.S. has a wide variety of ethnic groups made up of immigrants or their descendants. I. Polinskaya, "Shared sanctuaries and the gods of others: On the meaning Of 'common' in Herodotus 8.144", in R. Rosen & I. Sluiter (eds.). The 2011 census figures for these categories were Black South African at 76.4%, White South African at 9.1%, Coloured South African at 8.9%, Indian South African at 2.5%, and Other/Unspecified at 0.5%. For example, ethnic groups such as Irish, Italian American, Russian, Jewish, and Serbian might all be groups whose members are predominantly included in the “white” racial category. Although the term “ethnic group” (EG) is often used in social studies, its definition differs among researchers. Many social scientists, such as anthropologists Fredrik Barth and Eric Wolf, do not consider ethnic identity to be universal. Instead of explaining the marginalized status of people of color in the United States with an inherent biological inferiority, he instead said that it was a failure to assimilate into American culture that held people back. (Bern) 2006. p 15. 6, 1 (1997), pp. What does ethnic groups mean? 3. Biological essentialism is the belief that white European races are biologically superior and other non-white races are inherently inferior. In the United States, for example, a high degree of ethnic mixing and cohabitation has led to an elevation of food as a primary definition of ethnicity, and what it means to belong to an ethnic group. defined the term ethnic group as ‘a collectivity within a larger society [who] have real or putative common ancestry, memories of a shared historical past, and … Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art or physical appearance. Sometimes these contradictions are destructive, but they can also be creative and positive.[31]. Meaning of ethnic groups. A New History" (Harvard 2016); Patricia Engelhorn "Wie Wien mit Meersicht: Ein Tag in der Hafenstadt Triest" In: NZZ 15.2.2020; Roberto Scarciglia Trieste multiculturale: comunità e linguaggi di integrazione (2011); Ibanez B. Penas, Ma. [11] Depending on the context that is used, the term nationality may either be used synonymously with ethnicity or synonymously with citizenship (in a sovereign state). Moreover, little is known about ordinary people’s subjective understanding of this term, even though it is often used in social discourse. In 1978, anthropologist Ronald Cohen claimed that the identification of "ethnic groups" in the usage of social scientists often reflected inaccurate labels more than indigenous realities: ... the named ethnic identities we accept, often unthinkingly, as basic givens in the literature are often arbitrarily, or even worse inaccurately, imposed. Meaning of ethnic groups. [41], Ethnic groups can form a cultural mosaic in a society. Ethnography begins in classical antiquity; after early authors like Anaximander and Hecataeus of Miletus, Herodotus in c. 480 BC laid the foundation of both historiography and ethnography of the ancient world. Ethnic Group – A group of people who identify with one another, especially on the basis of racial, cultural, or religious grounds. Many ethnic groups and nations of Africa qualify, although some groups are of a size larger than a tribal society. a social construct) because they were based on a subjective belief in shared Gemeinschaft (community). An ‘ethnic group’ has been defined as a group that regards itself or is regarded by others as a distinct community by virtue of certain characteristics that will help to distinguish the group from the surrounding community. Others, like Charles Taylor and Will Kymlicka, argue that the notion of the autonomous individual is itself a cultural construct. [32] Ronald Cohen concluded that ethnicity is "a series of nesting dichotomizations of inclusiveness and exclusiveness". By contrast, employees in the Chinese ethnic group earned 30.9% more than those in the white British group. They regard ethnicity as a product of specific kinds of inter-group interactions, rather than an essential quality inherent to human groups. Nation-states, however, invariably include populations that have been excluded from national life for one reason or another. Thus, anthropologist Joan Vincent observed that ethnic boundaries often have a mercurial character. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples [71][72] There are some 26 ethnic groups in the province,[73] and six languages are in official use by the provincial administration. They culminated in the rise of "nation-states" in which the presumptive boundaries of the nation coincided (or ideally coincided) with state boundaries. There are many ethnic Indonesians in the Netherlands; Characteristic of a foreign, usually non-Western culture. Ethnicity and ethnic groups – an explanation of these terms. 1 relating to or characteristic of a human group having racial, religious, linguistic, and certain other traits in common 2 relating to the classification of mankind into groups, esp. anthropologists, may not coincide with the self-identification of the members of that group. The Evolution of New York City's Multiculturalism: Melting Pot or Salad Bowl. Ernest Gellner (1997) Nationalism. relating to a particular race of people: A question on ethnic origin was included in the census. Russia has over 185 recognized ethnic groups besides the 80% ethnic Russian majority. Cohen also suggested that claims concerning "ethnic" identity (like earlier claims concerning "tribal" identity) are often colonialist practices and effects of the relations between colonized peoples and nation-states.[30]. noun. ethnic (comparative more ethnic, superlative most ethnic) . Terminology and definition. Third, group formation resulted from the drive to monopolize power and status. Herodotus (8.144.2) gave a famous account of what defined Greek (Hellenic) ethnic identity in h… Each promoted the pan-ethnic idea that these governments were only acquiring lands that had always been inhabited by ethnic Germans. Current topics are in particular social and cultural differentiation, multilingualism, competing identity offers, multiple cultural identities and the formation of Salad bowl and melting pot. In North America, by contrast, '[race]' most commonly means color, and 'ethnics' are the descendants of relatively recent immigrants from non-English-speaking countries. Ethnic groups are fundamental units of social organization which consist of members who define themselves, or are defined, by a sense of common historical origins that may also include religious beliefs, a similar language, or a shared culture. The states of the New World were multi-ethnic from the onset, as they were formed as colonies imposed on existing indigenous populations. 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"Notes on Midnight Basketball and the Cultural Politics of Recreation, Race and At-Risk Urban Youth". ... A key feature of this definition is the overt refer-ence to phenotypical variation. noun. [4] Others view ethnic groups as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society.[5][6]. [51] It was assumed that if a Black or Latino community was not 'making it' by the standards that had been set by white ethnics, it was because that community did not hold the right values or beliefs. The terms ethnicity and ethnic group are derived from the Greek word ἔθνος ethnos, normally translated as "nation". [59] Women also often play a significant symbolic role in conceptions of nation or ethnicity, for example in the notion that 'women and children' constitute the kernel of a nation which must be defended in times of conflict, or in iconic figures such as Britannia or Marianne. Race is a more controversial subject than ethnicity, due to common political use of the term. "African Music", in R. Bascom and, M.J. Herskovits (eds), Continuity and Change in African Cultures, Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Social scientists have thus focused on how, when, and why different markers of ethnic identity become salient. Characteristics of Ethnic Groups. [30] This may be why descent is sometimes a marker of ethnicity, and sometimes not: which diacritic of ethnicity is salient depends on whether people are scaling ethnic boundaries up or down, and whether they are scaling them up or down depends generally on the political situation. Russia has over 185 recognized ethnic groups besides the 80% ethnic Russian majority. The 2011 census figures for these categories were Black South African at 76.4%, White South African at 9.1%, Coloured South African at 8.9%, Indian South African at 2.5%, and Other/Unspecified at 0.5%.

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