Tag Archives: Eterna Bleach Bypass ... Fujifilm X100V, X-Pro3, X-T30, XC16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OIS II Firmware Updates and Fujifilm Software Updates Released; Federal Court Holds National Parks Service Film Permitting Rule Unconstitutional; Varianten) 4547410442625, 4547410442632, 4547410442687, 4547410442847, 4547410442854) Kamera mit wechselbarem Objektiv ausführliches Datenblatt mit Preisvergleich I set Highlight to +4, Shadow to +3, Color to -4, and set a shift of -2 Red and -3 Blue to the Auto White Balance, which roughly gets you close. I hope Fujifilm brings it to other cameras (such as all the other X-Trans IV cameras). you can use the double-exposure feature to create a bleach bypass look, Fujifilm GFX-50S Film Simulation Recipe: Provia 400. Ich hoffe Eterna Bleach Bypass wird in der X100V noch über ein Firmwareupdate hinzugefügt, weil sie sich besonders für die Straßenfotografie, die Reportagefotografie eignet. It’s not 100% compatible with the X100F, but you can still use it and get in the ballpark. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Learn more about Fujifilm film simulations in a free online course – click here. Results will vary greatly depending on the film used and exactly how you develop it, but generally speaking what you get with bleach bypass is a high-contrast, low-saturation, grainy picture that appears as if a black-and-white and color picture were combined together. Sie erhalten ein JPG-Rezept für Ihre ältere Fujifilm-Kamera, um den Filmeffekt zu simulieren: Historie / Entwicklung … Build and Handling Like previous X-E series cameras, the Fujifilm X-E4 has a rectangular rangefinder-like design that resembles the APS-C format compact camera, the Fuji X100V. Untuk perekam videonya, X-E4 sanggup menangkap footage 4K DCI atau 4K UHD hingga 30fps 4: 2: 0 8-bit dan juga mendukung 4K 30P 4:2:2 10-bit melalui port HDMI-nya. This simulation prviously reserved for the GFX100 and X-T4 now found its way into the X-E4. It looks kind of like the new film simulation, but with more contrast and saturation. *4K and Full HD movie data of GFX100, X-T30, X-T3 , X-T4 ,X-Pro3, X-H1 and X100V recorded on SD cards or in external HDMI devices with the mode of the “F-Log RECORDING” in the “MOVIE SETTING” Download. The X-S10 features all of Fujifilm's film simulation modes when shooting in JPEG, including ETERNA Bleach Bypass. with ETERNA (Cinema) tweaked below hyperfuzz's gear list: hyperfuzz's gear list. I’m still holding out hope on the .5 adjustments though. I’m not too bothered about inheriting bleach bypass the film simulation, it’s an interesting look but it doesn’t seem like there are many custom recipes to be made with it. Fujifilm X100V Silver Amazon B&H. The saturation is ultra-low, almost to the point where you might think it’s black & white at first. A professional camera needs to be able to shoot every moment and record it instantaneously. Hopefully Fujifilm will add Bleach Bypass to the other cameras at some point. Specification. Below I reprocessed the RAW file in-camera using my Bleach Bypass film simulation recipe that uses Classic Negative. Characteristics: Eterna Bleach Bypass is a different cinema option than Eterna. The X-T4 autofocus works as fast as 0.02 seconds and with a burst shooting mode of up to 15 … There’s not necessarily a right or wrong way, or even a right or wrong look, which makes experimentation more fun. Dòng máy ống kính tháo rời nhưng lại có thiết kế như X100V, chưa hết lại còn có cả hệ mầu thần thánh ETERNA Bleach Bypass … Die neue Fujifilm Filmsimulation ETERNA BLEACH BYPASS wird der X-T4 im Jahr 2020 hinzugefügt. While more complicated, you can use the double-exposure feature to create a bleach bypass look. If you appreciated this article, please consider making a one-time gift contribution. another example... regular Eterna... with ETERNA Bleach Bypass applied below. Hello Epic People,Here is just a short test video using Fujifilm X-T4 and the new Eterna Bleach Bypass film simulation. Das Ergebnis ist ein Farbbild, das von einem Schwarzweißbild … At this time, the X-T4 is the only camera that has it. Dynamic Range: DR100 Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Learn how to achieve famous bleacn bypass look inside Davinci ResolveGO CHECK THEM OUT!! GFX100 Camera Body Firmware Update GFX 50S Camera Body Firmware Update GFX 50R Camera Body Firmware Update Already available in GFX100.) New Nostalgic Negative Film Simulation + X-Trans IV Nostalgic Negative Recipe! Fujifilm X-E4 (EAN (inkl. Color Chrome Effect Blue: Strong A new color profile called Eterna Bleach Bypass has been added, offering a high-contrast, desaturated look. The takeaway is that Eterna Bleach Bypass is essentially Eterna but with more contrast and less color saturation, and some other small differences. Fujifilm has just announced the release of FUJIFILM X-E4, a new mirrorless camera available at the end of February 2021. This technique is more common for motion picture film than still photography, but some people do bleach bypass with C-41 film. Thanks for any help! Meine Lieblings-Filmsimulation Eterna Bleach Bypass fehlt. der Bleach-Bypass-Effekt ist ein visueller Effekt, bei dem der Vorgang des Bleichens bei der Farbfilmentwicklung teilweise oder komplett ausgelassen wird.Dadurch wird das schwarze Silber nicht in Silberbromid umgewandelt und bleibt zusammen mit den Farbstoffen auf dem Film. Hinzugekommen ist jedoch eine Highspeed-Option mit 240 Bildern pro Sekunde. I wasn’t trying to mimic that film simulation, but instead mimic actual bleach bypass film. This, however, is in fact the effect intended … It’s not my style. Bleach bypass is a darkroom technique where you skip or limit the bleach during development of color film, which causes it to retain the silver. There’s no one exact aesthetic for bleach bypass. Grain Effect: Strong, Large X100v - Smallest Lens Protection Solution: 5: Re: Scanning 35mm Film with Fuji X-Pro2: 5: How do you sharpen? Eterna bleach Bypass und classic negativ in LR? Bildkritik ausdrücklich erwünscht. Rose on a Table – Farmington, UT – Fujifilm X100V – “Bleach Bypass”. Untuk perekam videonya, X-E4 sanggup menangkap footage 4K DCI atau 4K UHD hingga 30fps 4: 2: 0 8-bit dan juga mendukung 4K 30P 4:2:2 10-bit melalui port HDMI-nya. The sole exception was “ETERNA”, which by the usual Film Simulation yardsticks as applied to photographs lies outside the matrix altogether, with saturation and contrast so low as to seem almost inadequate. Thistle Color – Fruit Heights, UT – Fujifilm X100V – “Bleach Bypass”. The bleach bypass is a developing method that stems from a traditional processing technique for silver halide films. I don’t have much … Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Filmsimulation Eterna Bleach Bypass. Why are Fujifilm’s film simulations so trendy? In addition to Eterna Bleach Bypass there are another 11 film simulation modes, two of which … I set Highlight to +4, Shadow to +3, Color to -4, and set a shift of -2 Red and -3 Blue to the Auto White Balance, which roughly gets you close. Fujifilm X-T4 Fujifilm XF 35mm F1.4 R Fujifilm XF 50-140mm F2.8 Fujifilm XF 16mm F1.4 R WR Fujifilm XF 80mm F2.8 Macro +7 more. ( Log Out / The Fujifilm X-T4 has a new film simulation called Bleach Bypass. Auch ein praktischer Joystick wurde der Kamerarückseite spendiert, mit dem sich das AF-Messfeld intuitiv verschieben lässt. You can use this recipe if you have a Fujifilm X100V, X-Pro3 or X-T4. Dilengkapi 18 film simulation, termasuk yang terbaru ETERNA Bleach Bypass dan Classic Negative. How to add the X-T4 Fujifilm ETERNA Bleach Bypass Film Simulation to ALL of your photos, even images shot on XT2, XT3, etc. As with most of Fujifilm’s cameras, the X100V has an array of fun film simulation modes including our favorite Velvia and “Classic Chrome” films looks along with the newly added Eterna Bleach Bypass, which produces a striking de … Initially released in the spring of 2020, Fujifilm’s X-T4 is their fourth generation high-end mirrorless camera. Lastly I was wondering if you had a recommended recipe for food photography. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Nobody pays me to write the content found on fujixweekly.com. Classic Negative Schneller und immer schneller: Autofokus und Serienbilder . Hier ist übrigens mit „ETERNA Bleach Bypass“ ein neuer Effekt hinzugekommen. ETERNA Bleach Bypass is already having that same effect on my film work. I never used that simulation much, and I probably never will. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. New Nostalgic Negative Film Simulation + X-Trans IV Nostalgic Negative Recipe! Thanks to the new LCD that flips around 180 degrees, it makes an ideal vlogging camera as there is no longer a need for an external monitor to be able to see yourself. Professional image makers need to be ready to frame moments instantly and, for that, they need a camera that can keep up. Eterna Bleach Bypass is already having that same effect on my film work. I also really like the above third party charger, but it is a little […] Dem steht die neue X-T4 in nichts nach: Bis zu 30 Bilder pro Sekunde schießt sie, allerdings weiterhin mit 1,25fachen Crop. Just got a silver x100v and was surprised at how warm it was to touch after just a bit of time setting up menus and taking some test shots in AF-S mode. Super fast and accurate. My new LomoChrome Metropolis recipe,… 2) Film Simulation mode : ETERNA / CINEMA (for GFX 50S and GFX50R) *1 3) Film Simulation mode : ETERNA Bleach Bypass (for GFX100) 4) IMAGE QUALITY SETTING : Smooth Skin Effect (for GFX50S and GFX50R) *1 5) IMAGE QUALITY SETTING : GRAIN EFFECT and Color Chrome Blue (for GFX100) *1: Already available for GFX100 According to Fujifilm’s official press release, the newest addition to X Series, X-E4 brings the best of what X Series products have to offer and combines them into a single camera that is the perfect storytelling tool for everyday photographers, videographers, … This simulation prviously reserved for the GFX100 and X-T4 now found its way into the X-E4. The bleach bypass is a developing method that stems from a traditional processing technique for silver halide films. November … Dual memory card slots accepting the fastest UHS … Fujifilm X-Trans IV Film Simulation Recipe: Creamy Color, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation Recipe: Faded Negative, Fujifilm X-M1 (X-Trans I) Film Simulation Recipe: Winter Blue, Fujifilm X-T1 (X-Trans II) Film Simulation Recipe: Jon’s Classic Chrome, New Patron Early-Access Film Simulation Recipe: Fujicolor NPH, Two New (Yet Old) Film Simulation Recipes, Fujifilm X-T30 (X-Trans IV) Film Simulation Recipe: Velvia v2, My Fujifilm X100V Kodachrome 64 Film Simulation Recipe, How To Add Film Simulation Recipes To Your Fujifilm Camera, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation: Kodak Portra 400, My Fujifilm X100F Kodak Portra 400 Film Simulation Recipe, Fujifilm GFX-50S Film Simulation Recipe: Provia 400. 2)ETERNA/CINEMA (GFX50S and GFX50R. An example of that is below. Adjust the grain to taste. Until now, Film Simulations has been understood in a matrix with “PROVIA” at its center. I reprocessed the RAW file in-camera, and tried to (in a short period of time) recreate Eterna Bleach Bypass using regular ol’ Eterna. Mình là mình ấn tượng với em này rồi đấy. Reply to thread Reply with quote Complain. I don’t know how accurate this recipe is to the Bleach Bypass film simulation that’s on the X-T4. One thing that the X-E4 has that the X100V doesn’t is the added ETERNA bleach bypass film simulation. Thanks! Decided to edit the very few clips I had in one of the ramen restaurant openings I did a while back . I don’t have much … It’s not just trendy – there’s actually a lot of practical photographic utility to using these film simulations, and the first step is to actually understand what they do and when to use them.. Är FUJINON XF200mm F2 det bästa objektivet till X-serien någonsin? Arthur. Vielen Dank. Change ). Autofocusing is the same as with the X-T4 / X-Pro3. I also want to start shooting some pizza with a dark backdrop. It’s not my style. Ich vergleiche den Effekt PROVIA STANDARD versus ETERNA BLEACH BYPASS. Fujifilm X-E4 Preview -- First Impressions. 3)ETERNA Bleach Bypass (GFX100) *The new Film Simulation is available with the firmware of GFX100 Ver.2.00, GFX50S Ver.4.00 and GFX50R Ver.2.00. It suits my style of shooting perfectly,and will save me many hours of color correction in post. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. There is a new film simulation mode on the block; Eterna Bleach Bypass, offering a high contrast desaturated look. Batería NP-W126S. I never used that simulation much, and I probably never will. High contrast, Ultra Low saturation! Sie wird erst in der neueren X-T4 angeboten. Results will vary greatly depending on the film used and exactly how you develop it, but generally speaking what you get with bleach bypass is a high-contrast, low-saturation, grainy picture that appears as if a black-and-white and color picture were combined together. the .5 adjustments would be great. Update: Fuji X Weekly App for Android Almost Finished! Eterna bleach Bypass und classic negativ in LR? Something from bright and structured without the reds being too red and the whites being too white if that makes any sense. November ... Fuji X-T4 oder Fuji X100V oder Fuji X-T3. Eterna Bleach Bypass is already having that same effect on my film work. The sole exception was “ETERNA”, which by the usual Film Simulation yardsticks as applied to photographs lies outside the matrix altogether, with saturation and contrast so low as to seem almost inadequate. The Fujifilm X-T4 has a new film simulation called Bleach Bypass. A professional camera needs to be able to shoot every moment and record it instantaneously. Tag Archives: Eterna Bleach Bypass ... Fuji Guys: Fujifilm X100V, X-Pro3, and X-T30 Firmware Updates; Fujifilm X100V, X-Pro3, X-T30, XC16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OIS II Firmware Updates and Fujifilm Software Updates Released; Federal Court Holds National Parks Service Film Permitting Rule Unconstitutional; MC Rubinar 10/1000 Macro, MC Rubinar 8/500 Macro, MC Rubinar … Fujifilm X-Trans IV Film Simulation Recipe: Creamy Color, My Fujifilm X100F Classic Chrome Film Simulation Recipe, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation Recipe: Kodak Portra 400 v2, My Fujifilm X100F Vintage Kodachrome Film Simulation Recipe. I would try these: https://fujixweekly.com/2020/06/29/fujifilm-x100v-film-simulation-recipe-fujicolor-superia-1600/, https://fujixweekly.com/2020/07/27/fujifilm-x100v-film-simulation-recipe-fujicolor-superia-800/, https://fujixweekly.com/2020/06/20/fujifilm-x100v-film-simulation-recipe-fujicolor-reala-100/. As far as a recipe for pizza photography (recipe for pizza? You also now get a few more Film Simulation modes for both video and stills on Fujifilm X-E4, which has 18 of these vintage looks (including the new Eterna Bleach Bypass… Eterna Bleach Bypass: Refines the standard Eterna look with a higher key, higher contrast feeling while maintaining the overall desaturated look Acros: Based on the popular B&W film, this monochrome mode has a distinct tonality and graininess and can be used along with Yellow, Red, and Green contrast filter effects Fujifilm X-Trans IV Film Simulation Recipe: Creamy Color, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation Recipe: Faded Negative, Fujifilm X-M1 (X-Trans I) Film Simulation Recipe: Winter Blue, Fujifilm X-T1 (X-Trans II) Film Simulation Recipe: Jon’s Classic Chrome, New Patron Early-Access Film Simulation Recipe: Fujicolor NPH, Two New (Yet Old) Film Simulation Recipes, Fujifilm X-T30 (X-Trans IV) Film Simulation Recipe: Velvia v2, My Fujifilm X100V Kodachrome 64 Film Simulation Recipe, How To Add Film Simulation Recipes To Your Fujifilm Camera, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation: Kodak Portra 400, My Fujifilm X100F Kodak Portra 400 Film Simulation Recipe. Exposure Compensation: 0 to +2/3 (typically). It might come to the X-Pro3 and X100V at some point via a firmware update, but it’s difficult to know for sure if or when that will happen. Die Bleichauslassung bzw. ( Log Out / It is also known as skip bleach or silver retention, and its is a chemical effect which entails either the partial or complete skipping of … Back in February I created a “Bleach Bypass” film simulation recipe for the X-T30 and X-T3 utilizing the double-exposure feature of the camera. Zur Auswahl stehen beispielsweise „Velvia“ für hohe Brillanz und kräftige Farben sowie „ETERNA Bleach Bypass“ für starke Kontraste und gedämpfte Sättigung. What was being said by those Fujifilm managers is to mimic bleach bypass for still photography, use the Eterna Bleach Bypass film simulation (not Provia) with Highlight set to +1, Shadow set to +3, and color Set to -4. It is also known as skip bleach or silver retention, and its is a chemical effect which entails either the partial or complete skipping of the bleaching function during the processing of color film. by William Brawley Preview posted: 01/27/2021. Wippe / Steuerkreuz All shot handheld with the Fujifilm X-T4. Unfortunately, no. Sie unterstreicht das elegante und kompakte Design der Kamera und schützt den unteren Gehäuseteil vor … Fujifilm X100V sangat mempesona, ... Dilengkapi 18 film simulation, termasuk yang terbaru ETERNA Bleach Bypass dan Classic Negative. ( Log Out / This is currently only available on the newest cameras like the X-T4 and X-S10. At this time, the X-T4 is the only camera that has it. If the White Balance is too yellow because of the light you are shooting in, don’t be afraid to use AWB. Updated Dec 10 2020 to include Eterna Bleach Bypass. ( Log Out / The upcoming Fujifilm X-T4 will have a new film simulation: Bleach Bypass.This new film simulation might eventually come to other X-Trans IV cameras, such as the X-T30, X-T3, X-Pro3 and X100V, but it might not, as Fujifilm has yet to add Classic Negative to the X-T3 and X-T30. ISO: Auto, up to ISO 6400 While the exterior of the X-E4 shares a lot of similarities with the X100V, ... features the full array of Film Simulations offerings, including the latest ETERNA Bleach Bypass … There is another option. Fujifilm X100V Black Amazon B&H This effectively creates a final image that has a very distinct desaturated and high contrast look. Super fast and accurate. Forum: Parent: First: Previous: … Highlight: +2 Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Performance. Highlight, Shadow and Color were set to 0, using Auto White Balance, and pretty much everything set to defaults. The Clarity function might not work if you are in a continuous shooting mode, so I would check that first. Ráfaga de 8 fps con obturador mecánico, hasta 30 fps con obturador electrónico y modo recortado. The Eterna Bleach Bypass film simulation is a great starting point, and I plan to experiment more with it and create at least a few different film simulation recipes using it. It shoots 4K video at 60Fps, and the Eterna and new Eterna Bleach Bypass film simulations are great if you can’t be bothered to colour-grade your footage. I was going to try to hack the EXIF of my XT-3 files to play around with it but this would be a pain - anyone know how to just get it to work without mucking around? Todas las simulaciones de película de la Fujifilm X-T4, Eterna Bleach Bypass y Classic Negative incluidas. The Fujifilm X-E4 is available to pre-order from Adorama in the USA. It’s not my style. Fujifilm has given it a similar design to its predecessor and the Fuji X100V (but with a removable lens). Clarity: +3 Neu ist dagegen die Filmsimulation Eterna Bleach Bypass, die für kontrastreiche und körnige Aufnahmen mit reduzierter Farbsättigung sorgt. Specifically overhead, artisanal pizza shooting. Videos mit neuem Highspeed-Modus. The X-S10 also includes a new Auto mode that automatically selects a film simulation mode based on the subject but you can still manually select if you like. 2)ETERNA/CINEMA (GFX50S and GFX50R. These are the generic batteries that I use for my X-T4 and this is the lowest price I have seen them for yet. Not sure if its locked from a previous setting I may have put on. If I had more time I could get closer, but this was just a quick experiment. That recipe wasn’t intended to mimic the Eterna Bleach Bypass film simulation, but actual bleach bypassed film. It would certainly be nice if Fujifilm gave those of us with “older” X-Trans IV cameras the … 愛用の機材、メーカーとは別に使用してみたい機材や機能というのはあるかと思います。 筆者が初めて購入したのは数年前、ニコンのエントリーモデルのダブルズームキットでした。 同じ時期にカメラを購入したニコンを使用する友人、フジフイルムを使用する友人と一緒にカメラ片手に … Dòng máy ống kính tháo rời nhưng lại có thiết kế như X100V, chưa hết lại còn có cả hệ mầu thần thánh ETERNA Bleach Bypass … GFX100 Camera Body Firmware Update GFX 50S Camera Body Firmware Update GFX 50R Camera Body Firmware Update Hi (and perhaps others), just depending on the exact bleach bypass look you are after. Es ist ein unterkühlter, harter Filmstil, der auch im Film Anwendung findet. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Kolla in den här videon vad actionfotografen Daniel Tengs tycker: Mit dem linken Wählrad neben dem OLED-Sucher stellst Du eine von 18 Filmsimulationen ein, die die Farbwiedergabe à la Velvia, Astia oder Eterna Bleach Bypass reproduzieren. Ich vergleiche den Effekt PROVIA STANDARD versus ETERNA BLEACH BYPASS. 2)ETERNA/CINEMA (GFX50S and GFX50R. Obviously that doesn’t look right, so I reread the quote, and realized what it actually said was that the Eterna Bleach Bypass film simulation recipe is intended to mimic cinematic film (for cinematic purposes) that’s skipped the bleach during development. I never used that simulation much, and I probably never will. Between the translation and my interpretation of that translation, I mistakenly thought that it said a Bleach Bypass look could be achieved using the Provia film simulation with Highlight set to +1, Shadow set to +3 and Color set to -4, so I reprocessed the RAW file in-camera doing this, which is below. It's easy to recreate such effect in Photoshop, and there are many ways to do so. Selain itu, pada resolusi 1080p kamera dapat merekam … Classic Negative can also be used, and maybe even Classic Chrome and PRO Neg. F-Log 3D-LUT file. My new LomoChrome Metropolis recipe, which is currently only found on the Fuji X Weekly App for iOS, uses Eterna Bleach Bypass. … Color Chrome Effect: Weak Die neue Fujifilm Filmsimulation ETERNA BLEACH BYPASS wird der X-T4 im Jahr 2020 hinzugefügt. Of course, colour profile preferences are subjective and also down to what is in the picture. 5: How to: Unlocking Classic Negative/Bleach Bypass for pre-X-T4 cameras in Capture One: 5: Classic Negative and Bleach Bypass film sims. 3)ETERNA Bleach Bypass (GFX100) *The new Film Simulation is available with the firmware of GFX100 Ver.2.00, GFX50S Ver.4.00 and GFX50R Ver.2.00. Recent testing by Photons to photos shows that the new Fujifilm X100V doesn’t just match the performance of the X-T3, but it surpasses it […] Posted in Fujifilm X-T3, Fujifilm X100F, Fujifilm X100V | Also tagged Classic Negative, Computational Photography, ETERNA, Eterna Bleach Bypass, Fringer, Fuji Guys, Fuji Rumors, Fuji X-H2, Fuji X-T2, Fuji X-T3, Fuji X-T3S, Fuji X-T4, Fuji … 3)ETERNA Bleach Bypass (GFX100) *The new Film Simulation is available with the firmware of GFX100 Ver.2.00, GFX50S Ver.4.00 and GFX50R Ver.2.00. ( Log Out / Fujifilm GFX-50S Film Simulation Recipe: Provia 400, Fujifilm X-Trans IV Film Simulation Recipe: Creamy Color, My Fujifilm X100F Classic Chrome Film Simulation Recipe, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation Recipe: Kodak Portra 400 v2, My Fujifilm X100F Vintage Kodachrome Film Simulation Recipe. Selain itu, pada resolusi 1080p kamera dapat merekam video frame rate tinggi hingga 240fps. The X-T4 is an astounding imaging tool, packing a newly designed IBIS, a quiet new shutter unit, a new vari-angle LCD screen, a new Eterna Bleach Bypass Film Simulation, and a new, large-capacity, battery all into a compact and lightweight camera body. Autofocusing is the same as with the X-T4 / X-Pro3. Eterna bleach bypass simulation is getting very popular and you can also achieve in Fujifilm X-T3 or any other fuji camera with Flog. Hi all, I loaded up a RAW shot on the XT-4 from Photography Blog to see if Bleach Bypass would pop up in Capture One and it did. Classic Negative can also be used, and maybe even Classic Chrome and PRO Neg. I love it!) This is beautiful, looks very close to the actual film. Performance. I invite you to pick a film simulation (whether or not your camera has the new Eterna Bleach Bypass film simulation), turn up the contrast and turn down the color saturation, and see what you can create!
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