Maybe add this inder macros, i forgot about this macro and its very helpfull. does anyone have any nice INF,MINSIE,ARMS i am basically looking for thrust weapons,stealth items,and 2h slashers.... i am on the server merlin on albion, my name is sinaster minaster lvl 40th friar or contact me on ahbra lvl 50th wizard..... ellyls are REALLY nice xp i was in a group with me a lvl 40 friar and a lvl 45 pally i was getting great xp got 2.5 in 1 hour.. bp = Bounty Points 1 Shops 1.1 Albion 1.2 Hibernia 1.3 Midgard Here are some npcs that sell items for bounty points. Ataköy Mah. Ilerget Phoenix Knight Posts: 1376 Joined: Jul 04, 2011 10:54: by Ilerget … Vous allez ensuite XP ailleurs (glass par exemple) voire même en utilisant les BP acquises pour acheter des parchemins d'xp (forts frontaliers, marchand de bounties) Quand vous êtes 43 et que vous avez repris les quêtes (vous en avez donc 9), vous les faites toutes une fois et paf, validation des 9 quêtes, passage 45 garanti. Times: 11AM CET / 10AM UK / 5AM EST / 4AM CST / 2AM PST (BG open 15 minutes before) Dragon Raid. 1:16:17. Me revoici de nouveau sur la section DAOC limmortel ! Use this command after selecting a guard and they'll point you towards the NPC you're looking for. Re: CL xp . Locked Selling Daoc Pheonix. Chiles Rellenos Receta, Page 1 of 1 [ 2 posts ] Leveling guide for all on Hibernia. Par exemple pour les moines/ma/scout/théu il faut aller voir le pnj se trouvant à l'étage dans la caserne de Camelot. In the 1970s the downtown area experienced a resurgence, with a level of construction activity not seen again until the urban real estate boom of the 2000s. Classic DAoC server reviving old times with Realm versus Realm in Old Frontiers! Skip to content. Pour les item xp de quest c'est par level effectivement on peut en rendre un total maximum de 10 / level / types. Use this link to check what fits you best. You will level fairly quickly and get solid gear as quest rewards along the way. Forming groups is pretty straightforward and, even if you have to solo, exp items listed above make it a breeze. Selling High End WTS ⚒️ Phoenix DAoC MIDGARD PLATS / Feathers & items ⚒️ C H E A P ★★★ mar99, 1/21/19... 2 3 4 Replies: 60 Views: 1,945 Last Reply: N/A. This page contains information about Phoenix , one of the trophy mobs in Dark Age of Camelot (DAOC). Vieux de la vieille, je viens de me laisser tenter par un retour en douceur sur la version Phoenix. Anthony Sherwood Movies And Tv Shows, Selling High End WTS ⚒️ Phoenix DAoC MIDGARD PLATS / Feathers & items ⚒️ C H E A P ★★★ mar99, 1/21/19... 2 3 4 Replies: 60 Views: 1,945 Last Reply: N/A. With the exception of speaking to the King to unlock Champion xp, these can be done in any order. The best tools for Dark Age of Camelot players! Classic DAoC server reviving old times with Realm versus Realm in Old Frontiers! This is all generated from capnbry's, allakhazam, and community input. I'm active and responsive - quick delivering ! Mob / Item Models; ID List (Uthgard) Forum Phoenix Project . DAoC information site: Search for monsters or items: Submit a chat.log: Contributors and Top25 lists: News: Fast access menu: XP items | Factions - Salvage: Metal | Wood | Leather | Cloth | Strips | DF - Known errors: Zone: Stonehenge Barrows A total of 14980 monsters were killed here in Stonehenge Barrows and that resulted in a total of 1516 dropped items that equipped our …, The only thing that sucked was in DAoC the armor and weapons would degrade as you use them therefore by the time you got the artifacts abiltities... Forum: General Gameplay Discussion 11-04-2008, 02:55 PM Replies: 96. NPC: Baelus Location: Castle Sauvage Realm: Albion Sells: Equipment NPC: … I found this in a post on seems to be all classic DAOC and DF. N of Cotswald, between the road and Castle Sauvage, N of PK Bridge, NE of DF Portal, SE of PK Bridge, 45k 17k Campacorentin Forest, 52k 14k Forest Sauvage, Centurio Pilus Posterior, Centurio Primus Ordines, Giant Lizard Sinew, Fell Creature's Tooth, Humanoid, Magical, Undead, Elemental, Magical, Dragon, Reptile (D), Water Elemental Spirit, Greater Water Elemental. To see how to obtain these sets, visit the Experience-boosting sets page. Encore un serveur freeshard me direz-vous vu que il y a + ou - un an , je vous ai présenté Uthguard. The type of this server is set as open. Create a list of your characters with a public URL that you can share in chat, on forums, and anywhere else you want to show off! 4. Community. With its main headquarter in the heart of Istanbul, and many sub agents located in different cities in the world, Intro Property has succeeded in forming a wide base of multinational satisfied clients, through its team of experienced property consultants, trained to find the target of every request and achieve a high satisfaction rate from their clients. Merit bonuses cost 1000 guild merit points and will be applied to everyone in the guild. Remember Me . Probably even more inaccuracies in the document, so do not rely too heavily on it. Anthony Sherwood Movies And Tv Shows, The Greatest XP Spot Ever?!? Contact mar99 10/18/20. DAoC - Serveurs alternatifs - Phoenix . I would estimate if you play a solo melee class and solo to 50 you can anticipate a played somewhere around 30 days /played to 50. Locked Selling Daoc Pheonix. Characters. Im not sure if its just me, but I think the levels on here are all wrong. Coucou les nonos. 1 Attributes & Races 2 Abilities & Specialization 3 Tactics 3.1 PVE 3.2 RVR 4 Realm Abilities 4.1 Useful Realm Abilities 4.2 Neutral Realm Abilities 4.3 Useless Realm Abilities 4.4 Realm Rank 5 Ability: 5 Useful Artifacts 6 Other Useful Items Purge Static Tempest Augmented Strength Mastery of Pain Mastery of Parrying Ignore Pain Augmented Constitution Mastery of Blocking Wild … Merit bonuses cost 1000 guild merit points and will be applied to everyone in the guild. Where in the heck do you level through the 20s that's not DF or FZ? Home » Forums » Dark Age of Camelot » DAOC Submissions. Sidi Raid. The case glows from within. Quote … Characters. Chimp . Phoenix is a free-to-play Dark Age of Camelot Shard Acessórios; Fantasias; Mascará; daoc phoenix quests Bainshee. Principal; A Empresa; Produtos. Please keep in mind that much of this needs to be verified, because I'm a dirty Hib that doesn't play Alb. Jatayu Persona 5, Times: 6PM … Surtout, ce n'est pas son instructeur qu'il faut aller voir, mais le maître de guilde. Contact Yomon 10/13/20. Creates a button to view your realm tasks and current xp bonuses. It's like an accordion, but where any number of sections can be open at the same time. ... Good loot about 3 silver each time, and magic items are very good here. Data collected since: January 6th 2017 and Database … To find out more about what is … Sur Phoenix c'est un peu différent ... le jeu respecte aussi DAOC à l'identique mais avec une certaine latitude au niveau des loot et de l'xp. Speeding up XP … -3- Ninja Online (Naruto), jeu encore en dev. No mastery of block but 5% mythical. 1 Agility 2 Attack 3 Constitution 4 Construction 5 Cooking 6 Crafting 7 Defence 8 Divination 9 Dungeoneering 10 … Hello - selling Phoenix DAoC Plats and High Rogs // TG items on MIDGARD. Create a list of your characters with a public URL that you can share in chat, on forums, and anywhere else you want to show off! Oh, it absolutely is. Anger Management Issues; CotP Guardian; 152 13,756 posts; Location: Sunny Southern California; Active Game: World of Warcraft; Joined 12 Years, 6 Months and 17 Days … DAoC PHOENIX NEWS: THE BANISHED - BG QUEST OVERVIEW. I had no idea how comprehensive this was. Contact mar99 10/18/20. Especially of note are th… View Example. Pour les item xp de quest c'est par level effectivement on peut en rendre un total maximum de 10 / level / types. Mob / Item Models; ID List (Uthgard) Forum Phoenix Project . Create an account; Who is online We have 787 guests online Board index ‹ Realm Forums ‹ Albion; Change font size; FAQ; Farm ROG Items in Albion. In my opinion this is the best progression route for players completely new to DAoC. You receive bounty points from killing high level players. It's not fast, but it's certainly faster than Uth. • Get a horse, saddlebags, saddle; A. Everything is a darn humanoid mob and no XP bonus. Announces to your group that you're pulling a target. daoc phoenix xp items. 1: Trixixnurt: 286,471: 2: Niddsfeeling: 266,742: 3: Legritch mmorpg propre a Phoenix Project par navigateur, incarnez votre ninja puis … User account menu. Lightning fast Phoenix PL Lvl1-50 150USD.2-3days.Ywain server all PL orders done in 24 hours.all in daocpp. Animist. 0. Time Zone 05:56 Feb 24 EST Recruitment We are looking to recruit the following. DAoC - Serveurs alternatifs - Phoenix . In order to receive credit towards kill tasks, follow this chart: By keeping the above rules in mind, you can select a location from the list below to optimize your experience. Speaks to everyone in the region (anywhere you can go without hitting a loading screen). Latest News. GUIDES; New Players; Returning Players; TOOLS; Item Search; Character & Guild Search. The only hard quests: One quest in the Albion series and one in Hibernia will have a NPC quizzing you. Dismounts a horse or siege weapon. Contact Yomon 10/13/20. Staff takes cheat free game play very serious. Sealy Mattress Phone Number, A FS juste a droite de la sortie ya jamais dxp kill. 9-19: Various Grove Nymph Camps throughout the plains. Hey guys, welcome to another video with donnydaoc. Fights take a while but the xp is great especially at off hours when you can still get a camp bonus. Staff takes cheat free game play very serious. News; Donate; Issue Tracker; Forum; Gallery; How to play; Login. Load, fire, fire and reload, or stop firing for ranged weapons. Per xp item (all just memory not fix) I hope some ppl who use it, will clarify how it … Ilerget Phoenix Knight Posts: 1376 Joined: Jul 04, 2011 10:54: by Ilerget … Vous allez ensuite XP ailleurs (glass par exemple) voire même en utilisant les BP acquises pour acheter des parchemins d'xp (forts frontaliers, marchand de bounties) Quand vous êtes 43 et que vous avez repris les quêtes (vous en avez donc 9), vous les faites toutes une fois et paf, validation des 9 quêtes, passage 45 garanti. It looks like you're new here. Changing to 10% Heal bonus + 3% RP/BP/Coin/XP buff (both group-only) Found in the same place south of Berkstead ... will grant players a random shard piece that can be combined with the other 2 types of shard pieces into a very rare item. (Should apply to Uthgard!) 7, 8, 9,10 Kısım, Ataköy Towers A-Blok, No:132 Bakırköy / İstanbul, What Church Does Jackie Hill Perry Attend, Miraculous Ladybug Shanghai Special Release Date. Other News . If you have an item that you cannot sell and no longer need it is possible to destroy that item. You will level fairly quickly and get solid gear as quest rewards along the way. 1 RvR Titles 1.1 Enemy Players Killed 1.2 Albion Players Killed 1.3 Hibernia Players Killed 1.4 Midgard Players Killed 1.5 Deathblows 1.6 Solo Kills 1.7 Towers Captured 1.8 Keeps Captured 1.9 Relics Captured 1.10 Battleground Title 2 PvE Titles 2.1 Champion Level 2.2 Dragon Killed 2.3 Legion Killed 2.4 Epic Dungeon Cleared 3 Trade Skill Titles 3.1 Patch 3.2 Basic Crafting 3.3 … Planned features for this post moving forward. Uth1: Equade rr10 ranger, Fight rr7 sb, Sinwar rr6 thane Genesis: Swift rr7 champ, Reaperinho rr6 vw, Sinwar rr5 eld Uth2: NS, VW and Eld. ". You can contact me via Skype or Discord - if you have other request, we can talk about ! The center of culture and government in Albion is the city of Camelot, the former seat of the throne of Arthur. Lists all tasks that your character has made progress on since 7:00PM EST. I had no idea how comprehensive this was. What Church Does Jackie Hill Perry Attend, My goal was to find the most inexpensive craft and then determine the most economical way to level both the trade … Best Single-serve Coffee Maker, I joined the Official DAoC Discord at … Good support and daily updates by a veteran staff team. 1 Agility 2 Attack 3 Constitution 4 Construction 5 Cooking 6 Crafting 7 Defence 8 Divination 9 Dungeoneering 10 … Hello - selling Phoenix DAoC Plats and High Rogs // TG items on MIDGARD. You can figure out most of the answers using the in game map. Latest News. If you want to find out more information about an item you can delve it. DAOC Uthgard! 2 years ago. EX: tu rends 10 Bandit's Ear au level 7 qui te donne environ la moitié d'un level -> Tu ne peux plus rendre ce type d'item xp du tout que (...) Re: Collection tasks - Items tasks Alternative Navbar that auto collapses the extra/overflowing menu items into a Dropdown ; github page React component to wrap content in collapsible element with trigger to open and close. Grove Nymphs are a very good choice for these … Right click the item and hit the delve key, which defaults to Shift+i. There's a lot of good money to be made in salvaging drops in DAoC. Server Description. Remember Me . The number on the Y-axis is the player level and the number on the X-axis is the target level. Better money than any cash farming location I know. Server Description. Level 1: Grab the quest by the northern Mag Mell tower and kill 2 skeletal pawns in the northern field. respecter DAOC à l'identique (ver 1.65) donc la progression extrêmement longue de montée en niveau qui lui correspond. DAoC information site: Search for monsters or items: Submit a chat.log: Contributors and Top25 lists: News: Fast access menu: XP items | Factions - Salvage: Metal | Wood | Leather | Cloth | Strips | DF - Known errors: Search by name or keyword: Search by level range : Select a realm, whether it is a item or monster you are looking for, choose a specific item if necessary and … hopefully leveling Alb here is different than Uthgard where it was basically "WTT PL lvl 50 Necro", I'm more of a casual solo player and I got to 34 very quick. There are also a lot of people who are interested in leveling a crafter specifically for salvaging and trinketing but aren't sure how to go about it. XP item tasks, 300% xp bonus on some mobs and the levels just fly by. The feather rotates as flames flicker over its surface. I had no idea how comprehensive this was. I haven't seen DF opened for alb since the first few days of Phoenix live! Tfais cke tu veux, moi jai ding 50 en 10 jour c cke je sais. Bonjour j ai une petite question Je suis actuellement sur serveur officiel mais je souhaiterais essayer de venir faire un tour sur Phénix. BLUF: I'm just getting started on Alb guide and could use a hand compiling info for this one. DAoC information site: Search for monsters or items: Submit a chat.log: Contributors and Top25 lists: News: Fast access menu: XP items | Factions - Salvage: Metal | Wood | Leather | Cloth | Strips | DF - Known errors: Search by name or keyword: Search by level range : Select a realm, whether it is a item or monster you are looking for, choose a specific item if necessary and … Author: Categories: Uncategorised. Linear Regression Worksheet And Answers, Re: Spots Xp sur albion. Salut à tous et meilleurs voeux pour 2021 ! Less known … NPC: Baelus Location: Castle Sauvage Realm: Albion Sells: Equipment NPC: … Forum serveurs alternatifs - Pour toutes les discussions générales sur les serveurs alternatifs de DAoC. If creatures in Albion's PVE areas have 200% or higher bonuses and you don't want to risk being ganked, choose a PVE location - you'll have a better experience. bp = Bounty Points 1 Shops 1.1 Albion 1.2 Hibernia 1.3 Midgard Here are some npcs that sell items for bounty points. This is the only animated trophy in the game. You can use these to buy buffs, siege equipment, items, master level credit, artifact credit, and artifact scrolls. Uthgard 2.0 bestiary, item database and droprate statistics A bestiary of monsters and items database for the Dark Age of Camelot freeshard Uthgard, made entirely from automatically trawling through your chat-log's. Greatest XP Spot Ever?!? The type of this server is set as open. 0. 6 posts • Page 1 of … Delving Items. You can use these to buy buffs, siege equipment, items, master level credit, artifact credit, and artifact scrolls. 0. Je viens faire une petite présentation dun nouveau serveur freeshard Phoenix. My goal was to find the most inexpensive craft and then determine the most economical way to level both the trade … Intro Property Istanbul mainly aims to provide legal and real-estate consultancy services in an honest and straight forward way, by understanding the client’s need and offering suitable projects from the most trustable developers in Turkey, in addition to after sales services, from renting your property or re-selling it, to obtaining a residency in Turkey. DAOC - Les Crocs Divins sont sur Uthgard & Phoenix du coté Midgardien biensur. Views: 319. Contact Yomon 10/13/20. Selling High End WTS ⚒️ Phoenix DAoC MIDGARD PLATS / Feathers & items ⚒️ C H E A P ★★★ mar99, 1/21/19... 2 3 4 Replies: 60 Views: 1,988 Last Reply: N/A. goldeneye84 has registered a new server 'Phoenix Project' on DAOC Portal! Albion Shards can be /used to obtain Shard 1 of 3 items; Midgard Shards can be /used to obtain Shard 2 of 3 items ; Hibernia Shards can be … DAoC General; Cross Site. Server Description. The frontier zone only provides a 30% experience bonus. This page shows the trophy's current appearance, which was introduced in test version 1.68e. Hosted by Solicfear. However, if you have any trouble the answers are: Old man in Hibernia - "Lough Derg" - "Druim Ligen" - "Cuuldurach" Geographer in Albion … Grim. :\. From there stretch the forests and plains of the Realm: to the west of Camelot lie huge plains, deep dark forests, trackless swamps, and haunted hills. Price $: 200 Yomon, 8/19/20 Replies: 0 Views: 97 Last Reply: $200. DAOC Uthgard! Time Zone 05:56 Feb 24 EST Recruitment We are looking to recruit the following. Re: CL xp. Reddit: Post here or message me directly /u/hendersonstonewall . DAoC information site: Search for monsters or items: Submit a chat.log: Contributors and Top25 lists: News: Fast access menu: XP items | Factions - Salvage: Metal | Wood | Leather | Cloth | Strips | DF - Known errors: Zone: Stonehenge Barrows A total of 14980 monsters were killed here in Stonehenge Barrows and that resulted in a total of 1516 dropped items that equipped our …. Staff takes cheat free game play very serious. A DAOC Phoenix Guild in Hibernia. Vieux de la vieille, je viens de me laisser tenter par un retour en douceur sur la version Phoenix. EX: tu rends 10 Bandit's Ear au level 7 qui te donne environ la moitié d'un level -> Tu ne peux plus rendre ce type d'item xp du tout que (...) Re: Collection tasks - Items tasks Alternative Navbar that auto collapses the extra/overflowing menu items into a Dropdown ; github page React component to wrap content in collapsible element with trigger to open and close. Especially useful when horses bug out. Encore un serveur freeshard me direz-vous vu que il y a + ou - un an , je vous ai présenté Uthguard. EX: tu rends 10 Bandit's Ear au level 7 qui te donne environ la moitié d'un level -> Tu ne peux plus rendre ce type d'item xp du tout que (...) Re: Collection tasks - Items tasks DAoC - Serveurs alternatifs - Phoenix . WutevaB8z, … I would estimate if you play a solo melee class and solo to 50 you can anticipate a played somewhere around 30 days /played to 50. I joined the Official DAoC Discord at … Good support and daily updates by a veteran staff team. Chimp . Oct 26, 2020 #1 The Banished - BG Quests Overview Prove your strength, Albion/Midgard/Hibernia Starting NPC: Rise (A) / Zoti (M) / Heke (H) Loc: Banished Camp Level: 45-50 Prequest needed: - Task: Kill realm dragon & epic dungeon … Share Followers 0. Same with Forest Sauvage Giants which say level 18 on this chart too. New Arrangement for Property Sales from Mockup, Number of Property Sales in Istanbul Towns. Submissions are very welcome! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. These items are only for level 50 toons … Grove Nymphs are a very good choice for these … Right click the item and hit the delve key, which defaults to Shift+i. BLUF: I'm just getting started on Alb guide and could use a hand compiling info … Quote … Characters. GUIDES; New Players; Returning Players; TOOLS; Item Search; Character & Guild Search. They are non-aggressive and there is a fast spawning 3-spawn that is easily shared. 34: Solo the entrance of Coruscating Mines (CM). Phoenix server: Albion PvE schedule Sunday 28th Feb 2021 . Level 1: Grab the quest by the northern Cotswald tower and kill 2 skeletal pawns in the northern field. You can contact me via Skype or Discord - if you have other request, we can talk about ! Thread starter Solicfire; Start date Oct 26, 2020; Watchers 0; Solicfire Adventurer. It is highly recommended to use the level range search to find items and monsters around your level. • Get a horse, saddlebags, saddle; A. Sealy Mattress Phone Number, You will level fairly quickly and get solid gear as quest rewards along the way. Delving Items. So if it came to 40% normally, you would have 30% block rate vs dual wielding enemies. Characters. Price $: 200 Yomon, 8/19/20 Replies: 0 Views: 97 Last Reply: $200. bp = Bounty Points 1 Shops 1.1 Albion 1.2 Hibernia 1.3 Midgard Here are some npcs that sell items for bounty points. There are also a lot of people who are interested in leveling a crafter specifically for salvaging and trinketing but aren't sure how to go about it. Phoenix server: Albion PvE schedule Sunday 28th Feb 2021. Corpse LightElemental 15 44k 13k Isle of Glass, Moor Boogeys are not level 30 that I have seen highest in that loc was 28, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. What Church Does Jackie Hill Perry Attend, RPs Last 48 Hours. Changing to 10% Heal bonus + 3% RP/BP/Coin/XP buff (both group-only) Found in the same place south of Berkstead ... will grant players a random shard piece that can be combined with the other 2 types of shard pieces into a very rare item. Legendary items that grow with the players as you play . goldeneye84 has registered a new server 'Phoenix Project' on DAOC Portal! This is a large list of most zone maps that are free to use while working on the wiki, please upload them to Wikia and don't hotlink them, Thank you! Albion Shards can be /used to obtain Shard 1 of 3 items; Midgard Shards can be /used to obtain Shard 2 of 3 items ; Hibernia Shards can be … Phoenix Project c'est : 3 jeux par navigateur dont 1 en développement : -1- spacegame, jeu spécial façon OGAME avec des rates vitesse x3. You receive bounty points from killing high level players. Lightning fast Phoenix PL Lvl1-50 150USD.2-3days.Ywain server all PL orders done in 24 hours.all in daocpp. Community. Username. I'm posting this here as a reference for the Albion community and hope that you'll all help by correcting my submissions and submitting your own entries to fill in the gaps. Phoenix is a Freeshard (free to play) Server for Dark Age of Camelot. Acessórios; Fantasias; Mascará; daoc phoenix quests 1:16:17. Posted by just now. On Alb I recommend Wyrd Spec (look it up), but on Hib I … Price $: 200 Yomon, 8/19/20 Replies: 0 Views: 101 Last Reply: $200. Turns your character towards a coordinate location in its current region. Introduction. Hosted by Solicfear. Shows your character's location in its current region. Open. Salisbury Giants are noted as level 18, even though they are oj/red to a level 19 character, which would mean they are solid red to level 18 characters. 9-19: Various Grove Nymph Camps throughout the plains. Skype: evilpigsatemypants Discord: Awol#5626 Items; Templates BETA; Donate; Welcome. Salut à tous et meilleurs voeux pour 2021 ! Principal; A Empresa; Produtos. bp = Bounty Points 1 Shops 1.1 Albion 1.2 Hibernia 1.3 Midgard Here are some npcs that sell items for bounty points. Anger Management Issues; CotP Guardian; 152 13,756 posts; Location: Sunny Southern California; Active Game: World of Warcraft; Joined 12 Years, 6 Months and 17 Days … DAoC PHOENIX NEWS: THE BANISHED - BG QUEST OVERVIEW. Views: 319. Oct 26, 2020 #1 The Banished - BG Quests Overview Prove your strength, Albion/Midgard/Hibernia Starting NPC: Rise (A) / Zoti (M) / Heke (H) Loc: Banished Camp Level: 45-50 Prequest needed: - Task: Kill realm dragon & epic dungeon … DAoC information site: Search for monsters or items: Submit a chat.log: Contributors and Top25 lists: News: Fast access menu: XP items | Factions - Salvage: Metal | Wood | Leather | Cloth | Strips | DF - Known errors: Zone: Stonehenge Barrows A total of 14980 monsters were killed here in Stonehenge Barrows and that resulted in a total of 1516 dropped items that equipped our … GUIDES; New Players; Returning Players; TOOLS; Item Search; Character & Guild Search.
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