Important Note for caster-classes:At the end of Part 3 of the questline the npc lets you choose an ADDITONAL, OPTIONAL, reward in form of a quite powerful staff. My bards "template" on phoenix, may it be helpful in whatever way. :). 1: Samaris: 188,039: 2: Trixixnurt: 183,922: 3: Cte: 161,747: 4: Tutshidsu: 159,878: 5: Sharmies: 157,849 As a beginner in DAoC, you most likely don't desperately need other stuff from the vendors. Hibernia templates. Failure to follow instructions from Phoenix personnel may result in disciplinary action being taken against the account. Porting this over from postcount for those that care. So, your cloak is also called jewelry from now on. Ablative buff being a buff that creates a shieldpool which is drained by every melee attack by 50% up to set value. +51 for variance and +52 for damage. Chimp. It costs 20.000 phoenix feathers at the Vendor which you should be able to reach in only 2 active participations (get a fullgroup, play active, tag mobs/heal). Nice guide for beginners or those of us returning on Phoenix. Join 1 other subscriber. Phoenix Scout template/bow selection Aside from sidi BP and heart of legion, what else should the template include. This post concerns two classes in particular -- friar and warrior. Switch between an obsidian myth and gale myth for safe fall and/or better casting stats. Jewelry refers to ALL the item slots that are not Armor/Weapons/Instruments. Question: If as a Skald I have 50 BS are you saying it's pointless to add + Battlesongs on a temp? Or is it SI BP, neck etc, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Better try to go for all so respeccing eventually wont require you to change your weapon or anything. This post concerns two classes in particular -- friar and warrior. Il compense ainsi sa faible constitution par une panoplie de sorts (DD, Debuffs, Snare, Self-Buff For/Con) et la possiblitée de porter l'armure d'écailles à partir du … We can't just put 4 Gems of tier 10 on an armorpart. Its really only adding 26 power to your powerpool. On other servers/patches, gear would not be as randomized (more on that soon) as they are on Phoenix and a template would consist of a strict item-build of farmable items, making the item-build reproducable for everyone and its what originally gave the name for it. Tired of seeing this? by Alaixis. Phoenix is a Freeshard (free to play) Server for Dark Age of Camelot. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Buy Cheap WoW Classic Gold, Come and join Daocpp, get more discounts.Fast Delivery.Professional Team.Safe Trading.Trustworthy website 24/7 Support.Best ServicemServices: US Service, EU … !OUTDATED! lvl 51, 100% Quality (MP = masterpiece, expensive) is 32 Imbue Points. Same template except for the belt, bracer, and neck as the template above. 1: Samaris: 188,039: 2: Trixixnurt: 183,922: 3: Cte: 161,747: 4: Tutshidsu I am usually carrying around spec AF charge, Ablative Charge, Healing Draught, S/C-Buff Draught, D/Q-Buff Draught, Endu-Buff Draught, PoM-Buff Draught, Power Draught - just to get an imagination on how it could look like at the end. Is it all crafted after you find a good rog? I’ll share a correction. There’s a couple really good feather items. Thanks again for the guide, it help me get through a lot of it! zip 파일을 더블클릭하시면 압축이 풀릴것입니다. And to those worried about spell pierce in this template not having it for the excommunicate dd. Champion level DF Daoc Items make full Template 24/7 livehelp RPs Last 48 Hours. Damage done is of the spell's given damage type. Click on (or off) different realms to see how they compare. Or carrying around buff potions when solo/smallman. Become a supporter today! Is top gear going to be all ROGs? -, (Tutorial for Loki:, Korts - This is without weps I typically run Legendaries and Drakulv Axe(MH), Hallowed Cleaver OH which ends up 81 quick, and brings up matter/energy resist. – Cheap – 1h: 3/11 parry, 14/26 spirit – 2h: 3/11 parry, 14/26 spirit 23/26energy 47/75dex – 99%, MP boots, MP shield – Jewelery very easy to get, DF+Quest items Dont … How are costs handled for the gems and putting them on the armor? The best tools for Dark Age of Camelot players! It can be found on it's own page. If you somehow managed to acquire a ROG necklace that has more than 80 utility on it (lucky at a raid? Still, it is worth to plan with overcharging every single one of your crafted gears, preferably at the maximum 5.5 extra IP. Bainshee. World Of Warcraft US Classic. Note that some Spellcrafter also offer to do the calculating for you, for a costly extra price ofcourse. I thought having 50+11 increases damage/penetration etc? As a starting point, I would strongly recommend to plan your template around at least the Chestpiece from your realms Epic Dungeon Raids (TG/Sidi/Galla). Sign Up. Does that mean crafting is a waste of money? DF/Fins? Ranger Template. Wrong - there is a mechanic named "Overcharge" in place. Bringing together the power of the item database, the internet, and your skills, create powerful templates for all of your characters! Feel free to ask here or around your server for any further information or help. This template is the best one here. Next on you want to fill all the other jewelry slots with RoG Drops. Nice. Characters. Alchemy (i am going into battle, and i want only your strongest potions), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Exchange of in-game items or gold for real life items. I decided to dedicate a "small" writeup on what templates are, how they are usually done on the Phoenix Server, and how YOU can do it. Become a supporter today! Forums: 1 640: Rechercher. There are the "regular" ones, Ablative creating 100 shieldpool and Healing healing for 75. Lightning fast Delivery Daoc Phoenix Platinum. Open. Overcharging allows a high enough level spellcrafter to add another 5.5 Imbue points (other values on other patches) on top of your usual IP - Pool. This is a simple website for tracking the Phoenix freeshard server population trends. As quite a lot of people are flocking into the Gates of Camelot lately and rightfully ask stuff about "what to do after Xp? Tired of the old, difficult to use, templating tools? We have used patch 1.65 as the foundation and have made numerous class and game play adjustments, as well as, added Quality of Life features to make your playing experience much … Another Item that gets used by 90% of all temps is the Necklace from "The Lost Seed" Quest Part 4. you have to get 52 to a skill to get cap damage ? What’s that normally look like? impressive guide :) very helpful informations! Download Moras for free. We are very open to the players and the community has helped shaped the server into what it is today. Are there any must haves or items you really should get for certain classes then build a template around that & rogs? Purchasing of in-game gold or items for real life currency. ... Template Engine. Loki Daoc Templates, free loki daoc templates software downloads, Page 3. Login. Almost my entire prior DAOC experience was on the "co-op" sever, where I played for many years, finally leaving around 2008. DAOC Lowest Price, Large Stock & 100% Secure Delivery! When playing a hybrid class, you might need some 100% Quality Armor pieces instead of 99%, keep on reading for now before you instantly buy away after reading these last lines. Still some classic temps surfacing, including but no limited to, -TG or dragon staff for either DD or AF charge, -charges from items (previously mentione), I would like to know what some must have items are. This is not possible for spellcrafting tho. Now, just grab the occasional but mandatory buff potions/draughts. (cap +11 skill)+Focus Magic Skill Line, only for pure cloth-casters (cap +50 focus). Are they updated compared to old school RoGs? Please enable it to continue. If you want to push the template to the limit, aim for the Epic ones! February 2019 PM. The 20k feather cloth chest in hib is good. You just need to get a hang of the inputs needed and let the app do the rest of the work. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Heres my second video i made of me soloing on my Skald at RR4 on the DAOC free shard server called Phoenix. Must haves feather items are mainly the weapons. Say a level 50 Friar has 39 staff +11, would a Friar with 50 staff +11 hit harder or the same damage? On phoenix, the standard is to put 3 Ablative and 3 Healing procs on your Armor. A DAOC Phoenix Guild in Hibernia. See caravan thread in planned changes forum. These items basically just sit in your inventory, you can put their spells on your Hotbars and use them without putting them actually on. Keeping that in mind, it will leave us with these two numbers - 33.5 IP (28+5.5) for 99% qual items, 37.5 IP (32+5.5) for 100% items. I’ve got my template made and am ready to get an SC’er to do it. Its last reward is a Necklace that has 80 (!) Lightning fast Delivery Daoc Phoenix Platinum. When doing it all manually, the first trys might not be as successfull in capping out everything, but you ll notice yourself getting a lot better with more practice at it. It is way more efficient to try and balance out as much with mid-tier gems as possible as a rule of thumb. Champion level DF Daoc Items make full Template 24/7 livehelp We need a spellcrafter (sc, a player profession) for that, and the spellcrafter will ask you to send over the template/build as it will instruct him on what to craft exactly. Thanks to people here, I discovered Phoenix just last week, and, since that time, I've created several characters there on Alb and Mid side. "Charges" are on-use-spells on your crafted armor/weapons. I never tried Korts which is another known calculator, so I cant say anything about it. Most Skill lines like Blades, Mana Magic, Buff Lines cap at 51. Email Address . ROG stands for "random object generator" and it does exactly that - creating random items. Not all stats/bonuses are needed at all times. I have played skald a bit before (love it) and I enjoy soloing and roaming, BUT my buddy has a skald that he is already templating, but he also plays a zerker he enjoys as well. Universal hib caster template with loyalty cloak (120dex!) There will not be another way of getting it (except buying of others) and although it has very bad utility it has a very Good DD-Charge (330 dmg charge, more on "charges" later) on it and gets used in maybe like 50% of caster temps because of the option to set up a dmg burst with it. It meets all the requirements of an 8 man template and could be used for solo. ; DAOCPP have been completed thousands of … I'm curious about this on my minstrel as well. Bonuses are, +Base Stat like Strength, Intelligence etc. You re all set then and armored to the teeth :) Go out and feel really strong! What are those templates/Temps people talk about all the time?" Generally speaking you need better utility on these when playing a hybrid or stealther or melee since you have more stats to cap AND, especially, more completely different skill lines to cap out. We will get all of that of an Alchemist (another player profession). It has a higher healproc value then possibly crafted ones and the stats are usually good enough (+epic Skin Looks cool for most classes). So you always want at least a Draught of endu-buff and obviously a Power healing potion/draught on a casting class. This shows that you lose 100hps when trying to get 126 dex and 124 piety. more info But for the most part I plan on using feathers to buy items with str/con and dex/qui charges. So I heard a rumor that said that if you're using a 2h elemental weapon, your WS will not be impacted by having little to no subspec nor will there be much variance at all. Utility on items is a measuring unit to quickly determine how effective/how high stats/how good the item is ONLY CONSIDERING the bonus stats on it (disregarding anything else like for example armor factor value on armor items), you can check the utility value of an item by right clicking it and pressing on Info. Hey all. Tired of the old, difficult to use, templating tools? The variety is pretty big here - debuffs, lifedrains, damage add, damage shield, haste. July 2018 in Hibernia Stealthers. STR: 136 / 126 (+51) CON: 92 / 102 (+27) DEX: 111 / 110 (+35) Weapons DEX: 111 / 109 (+34) Bow QUI: 59 / 81 (+6) When it is, you can visit a NPC-Recharger to load it up again. Maybe you guessed it, it would not be worth it since you also can see the IP costs of different Gem tiers going up exponentially. Open. Its not bad and I used it for a long time, it really helped me understanding all these and other daoc mechanics over time. I think it will increase shout damage but that’s it. So you can have this template with 121 dex and 121 piety and 560 hps or you can do the one above and have 100 less hps. Animist. Marked as a supporter on your chimp. You said blades is capped at 51, does thrust or dual wield are capped at 51 too ? Il allie à la fois le combat au corps à corps (Arme à 1 main+Bouclier ou Grandes Armes) et l'utilisation de la magie offensive. I am not a 100% sure of this but i am trying to get a definite answer on that for y'all and change the guides info accordingly. It will greatly help with your to-hit chance for weapons and your getting-hit chance for armor (since everybody is doing it, you dont want to be at a disadvantage). This post concerns two classes in particular -- friar and warrior. - New item: Phoenix Claw, merchants accepting those items can be found in Benowyc, Crauchon and Bledmeer, the merchants sell to all realms. The regular ones would/could be fine. Armsman template #1 (cheap) – Cheap – 1h: 3/11 parry, 14/26 spirit – 2h: 3/11 parry, 14/26 spirit 23/26energy 47/75dex – 99%, MP boots, MP shield – Jewelery very easy to get, DF+Quest items Dont forget to put 35% bonus on your crafted gear. And there are the "Epic" ones, Ablative creating 150 shieldpool and Healing healing for 100. Chest, Legs, Arms have Epic Healing charges, Helmet, Gloves, Boots have Epic Ablative Charges. Remember when i said Utility value would only take stats into consideration? This is a simple website for tracking the Phoenix freeshard server population trends. Pure casters/healers just go +all magic, while melees would need +all melee weapons AND +shield since +melee weapons doesnt raise shields/dualwield/envenom/stealth etc.. You can either buy these jewelry items at the auctioneer or go farm them - the list above hopefully helps you getting an idea on where to farm them. Always cap out your relevant base stats, hitpoints, all melee resists, body resist, heat resist if you re not a hib, cold resist if you re not a mid. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Voina's UI (피닉스 서버용)(for Phoenix server)[DAoC UI] 아래 분할 압축된 파일들을 다운 받으시고, VoinaUI_ Phoenix. There are some helpful charge items and weapons which are mandatory for very very specific class builds, which you hopefully didnt pick as a starter in the game :). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. fights taken from stream, 8v8s from the end of januaryI do not own the right to any of the songs in this video Make sure the part you are about to buy is, a.) 반디집으로 압축했습니다. Almost my entire prior DAOC experience was on the "co-op" sever, where I played for many years, finally leaving around 2008. Exchange of in-game items/gold for items or currency from other games, including Dark Age of Camelot live servers 12. Almost my entire prior DAOC experience was on the "co-op" sever, where I played for many years, finally leaving around 2008. This template is the best one here. +52 is cap on Phoenix, not +51 which Devs confirmed. We are very open to the players and the community has helped shaped the server into what it is today. Spellcrafting (Gems are truely outrageous), 6. in this example it is with +11 slash. S/C debuff charge on harp. So I heard a rumor that said that if you're using a 2h elemental weapon, your WS will not be impacted by having little to no subspec nor will there be much variance at all. Here are a few things you can do! How much Imbue Points a crafted piece got is determined by the level (af51/102, 16.5 dps is level 51) and the % Quality of the piece. On Phoenix servers, all accounts, and characters used for financial gain will be deleted/banned. Draughts have 100 charges, so thats more comfortable than carrying around lots of potions/elixirs.On Phoenix, everybody runs Endu-Buff potions together with the realm abilities Long Wind and Tireless so they can permasprint. Albion templates. It will likely happen, but you really want to reduce it to a minimum. Characters. The most competitive Price. Pure casters on phoenix might even get away with some 98% qual items i would imagine, otherwise everything below 99% just gives us too few room to juggle with, so dont bother with it. Now, to some core mechanics of spellcrafting: Spellcrafters make Gems, one Gem has one bonus stat to it. Open. My own templates, got to put in postcount too 4 help hybpeps. Bard. I hope that "small" write-up brought some light into the subject and giving you as much tools at hand as you will need to start off. where do you buy the "procs" and what are they called exactly? I just recently stumbled across another calculator named Loki, which I think is more recommendable to newcomers and that I started using and quickly loving it for doing my templates. 50-60 utility is VERY easy to get, the mobs you grind from level 45+ should already have a low chance of dropping these, 60-70 utility requires some deep purple to lvl 50 mobs, good example is the Named-Boss-Loop in Cursed Forest in Hibernia (Skeagshee, Shadowgnash, Juggernaut etc), 70-80 is mostly dropping of even higher Nameds (Princes, Epic Dungeon Nameds etc), 80+ utility usually comes of High-End PvE Bosses(Dragons, Beliathan, TG/Sidi/Galla Endbosses). Phoenix is a Freeshard (free to play) Server for Dark Age of Camelot. The % Quality of the item will determine, how much charges of the spell there will be before its depleted. That means you are expected to calculate it by yourself and file a craft report for the spellcrafter. 2 Ablatives SoM Harb Gem 10% … Cheap Ywain Daoc plats Phoenix 1P=2.5$,Full Daoc Plat Daoc Platinum ,Dark Age of Camelot Platinum in stock Fast deliverly 5minutes 100p=6.6$ Fast Power Level 1-50=11.9$(Free Artifact) 3-4hours,24/7 livehelp. They will no longer be updated, but you may still ask for support. Look up any of your main spells and look how much power that costs, most likely more than 26. The ones you really want depend a bit on your class and realm. Are lifetap procs the gold standard on armor or a mix of ablative/heal procs? By using a special price searching system to check the Gold prices of our 150 major competitors.We are able to maintain the most competitive price for players to Buy Gold. DAOC Phoenix plat Full Stock Daoc Plats On Sale Fast deliverly 5minutes 102p=7.3$ Fast Power Level 1-50=13.99$(Free Artifact) . 0 139. So now got your full itemization, all your Stats, Resist, Skills are (ideally) capped - what else should there be to do? You will follow the instructions of authorized personnel while on any Phoenix service. ; We guarantee 100% safe delivery method and take full responsibility for it. Do I give him all my armor and he’ll tell me how much after? What do you get? On Phoenix, every mob you kill has a chance of dropping these, even multiple. The +1% resist would cost up 1 IP, +7% resist would cost up 12 IP and the +17% resist would cost up 32 IP. The most competitive Price. When putting the jewelry all together, you should try to not overcap too hard on a single stat just by jewelry alone. Tired of seeing this? The higher level the mob you kill, the higher chance you have on getting higher utility ROG items. Damage and Snare (AOE) Target takes damage. Don't include stats such as hit points/constitution/power to weapons, especially if you switch between 1h and 2h. If you wanna push it here you could also grab a PoM-Buff potion, Hp-Reg-Buff potion and hp heal potion and so on. Of course the "Epic" ones are way more costly. Next and probably most important step is to put the bonus stats on the crafted gear you just bought. (cap +75)+Hitpoints (cap +200)+Powerpool (cap +25)+Resistances physcial and magical (cap +26%)+Skill line, like Blades, Stealth, Magic lines etc. We're sorry but Phoenix Charplan doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. With the rog system you can't do cookie cutter templates. by Leegen1. We are very open to the players and the community has helped shaped the server into what it is today. This is an "Area of Effect" (AOE) spell which can affect multiple targets in the spell's radius and does less damage the further away … There are a select few combo of weapons that will only net 8% melee damage instead of 10. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Am I missing something or are people actually doing all their own templates...? (Well, a Template as you would imagine). * 128px 사이즈의 작은 맵(위의 스샷에서 볼수.. UI COOL VOINA 2019.01.18 26 comment As you can see, putting up +17% resist would only be possible on a 100% qual, lvl 51 item and would eat every single available IP for it. Guilds by Realm Points # Name Realm Points Active Characters; 1: Federation of Albion: 920,442,310: 6,661: 2: Albion Starter Guild: 874,545,731: 69,629: 3: Midnight Sun,, What are those templates/Temps people talk about all the time?" The Gem boni come in 10 different tiers, for resistances for example tier 1 would be +1% resist, tier 5 would be +7% resist, tier 10 would be +17% resist. (Dark Age Of Camelot) Full Template For CV12 Hours 30 (Dark Age Of Camelot) Fast PL1-49+artifacts+ml1-55-8 Hours 19.99 (Dark Age Of Camelot) Molvik Package Full Template5 Hours 22.2 (Dark Age Of Camelot) 15 Champion Level8-10 Hours 10 (Daoc Phoenix) Fast PL Phoenix 1-50+99% quali temp+40k feathers1 Days 225.5 As quite a lot of people are flocking into the Gates of Camelot lately and rightfully ask stuff about "what to do after Xp? Note that I am only using 99% crafted Gear, 40-60 utility ROG jewelry, Galla Chestpiece and SI necklace and capping out everything easily - I even got +5 Blades that I will most likely never use as an extra since I just had the leftover IP. Click on (or off) different realms to see how they compare. Hibs do not have any class that can buff spec AF, so a lot of people want to carry around 1 item with spec AF charge.Some People also take an ablative buff charge item so they Start off a fight with it already Active instead of hoping for an early/proc when needed. Each crafted piece has a pool of how much stuff you can put into it. of 99% Quality! If those items can fit in my template that’s cool but I’m not sure they will. View Database Template Engine. dot, acuity, ablative, spec AF buff. This one's quick - buy the remaining 5 armor parts and your weapon(s)/shield/instrument (considering you bought the Chestpiece for feathers and none of the latter from vendor). Thanks to people here, I discovered Phoenix just last week, and, since that time, I've created several characters there on Alb and Mid side. After being done with Spellcrafting and not blowing up, you re safe to bring your crafted and sc'ed pieces to a NPC-Enchanter (drag and drop every piece from inventory into him). It looks like Loki 1.4 is the best Spellcrafting program to use for Phoenix. You pick the feather items you want >farm rogs>then craft the 99% peices you need to fill in the gaps. Champion level DF Daoc Items make full Template 24/7 livehelp It meets all the requirements of an 8 man template and could be used for solo. I've been browsing the Pheonix forums and I think the lack of template posts/questions is a little strange. You can swap in items with those bonuses as needed, such as +Envenom when applying poisons. I think if you are running a valkyn or a frosty that these would be good stats. Yep the easiest way is to use your own template, mostly rog jewelry aiming for 60+ utility and it comes together pretty easy. Note: Spellcrafters CANNOT make +All magic focus/+All magic skills/+All melee weapon skills/+All dual wield skills, these boni are limited to dropped Gear (including feather items, rog's, non-rog's like dragon staff etc) on Phoenix/older patches. You can also see that +17% resist would NOT be possible on a 99% qual, lvl 51 item, right? We do this via the help of some tools - SC Calculators like "Moras", "Lokis" or "Korts" (download links below). Blademaster. It doesn’t effect duration or resistances of any of your other spells. I'm just going to wear the obsidian primarily and drop the gale for safe fall. Guilds by Realm Points # Name Realm Points Active Characters; 1: Federation of Albion: 3,261,840: 164: 2: Ma Anche No: 2,102,073: 84: 3: The GoodFellas: 1,689,302: 114
Vaude Damen Air Iii Jacke, Steimles Abendgruß Staffel 3, Natur Zeichnen Für Anfänger, Ihk Und Hwk Gleiche Prüfung, Leo Von Ruffin, Keine Ausbildung Mit 25, Gesundheitsamt Bad Kreuznach, Michael Holm 2018, Vorzelt Umlaufmaß 800, Swisscom Tv Air,