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cute words for boyfriend

With you as my boyfriend, I couldn’t possibly ask for more. Find more ways to say cute, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. We decided to make up today. While birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day are all special occasions that are worth celebrating, the ordinary days in life should be celebrated in their own way. Coming home to you is one of the best parts of my day. 108. I want to make you the happiest guy in the world. 70. 221. 122. The inspiration for romantic gestures does not have to end here. He will surely appreciate the gesture and that you have made the effort to be romantic. When you find the article helpful, feel free to … 196. You are the peanut butter to my jelly. Hot Stuff 6. Asking me to not think about you would be like asking me to stop breathing. 88. If I did anything right in my life, it was when I gave you my heart. You got away with the perfect crime when you stole my heart. 194. The moment when you roll over puts your arms around me and pull me closer in your sleep. Phenomenal, remarkable, extraordinary…I went through the whole dictionary, and couldn’t find the words to properly describe our relationship. When first saw you, I was scared to talk to you. 86. 8. 10. We’ve got some ideas for cute names to call a really good-looking, attractive boyfriend. I love being in love with you more than I have enjoyed anything else because I know you are the best there is. Whenever I’m with you, I do not have to try hard to be someone that I’m not. You always know what to say to brighten up my worst day. 176. I am currently in a long distance relationship. 129. 187. And certainly, he will expect something positive from you. 150. When I talk to you, I can’t stop smiling. 169. You will never have to catch me because I will never stop falling for you. When I look at you, it’s almost as if all my dreams have come true. (Mi) Amor – It means “ (my) love,” and it’s used for a person your deeply in love with. I love it when you hold my hand in yours. I would swim all of the seas in the ocean to be with you. 61. Thank God that I did not and met you!. While you can say them to his face or over the phone, you can also text him these messages. I wish I could go back in time so I could meet you sooner and spend even more time with you. From the Heart: You give me butterflies through your laughs and smiles. I just want you to hold me in your arms for the rest of eternity. 87. 26. I feel so safe when I am in your arms. Hot Stuff, Hottie, Hot Lips; Good Lookin’ Gorgeous; Stud, Stud Muffin, Studly; Sexy Thing; Sugar Lips; Handsome; Knock-out, KO; Mr. 143. I promise to always be there for you. You are the sweetest boyfriend that a girl could ever ask for. Moreover, you don’t have to wait for his birthday or any special day to arrange a surprise like this. 118. Let’s go on a never-ending adventure together. When you’re in love, its very important to make your partner feel special. I can be my true self when I am with you. Think of a classic couple, like Romeo and Juliet or Beyonce and Jay-Z. Words can’t describe how much I love you. When we are apart, you are always in my dreams. Whether you want to write them on the bathroom mirror, put a note in his lunchbox, or whisper it in his ear while you dance on your wedding night, there's never a bad time to say I love you in 109 different ways. You will own my heart for the rest of my life. I have for the first time found what I can truly love—I have found you. You are so amazing. 154. You always know how to be such a gentleman. In this article, we have listed 230 cute things to say to your boyfriend. I will hold your hand through thick and thin. Underpants – A strange, but cute, pet name. When you touch me, I feel a spark that I never felt before I met you. Remember that communication is key, especially in a romantic relationship. You make me want to be the best I can be. 89. Prince [NAME] This way, you'll still have his name listed on your phone. Check out our other article: Cute Things To Do For Your Boyfriend. Out of all the love stories out there, I like ours the most. Your very presence fills my heart with so much joy. Sometimes the small things you do and say to him are enough to make him happy. … Read More... about Participate in Research. You have shown me what true love feels like. 158. 113. I love that you help me reach the things on the top shelves that I’m too short to get. You make me complete. 229. When I am with you, I am happy… Like something I’ve never felt before…. 16. It’s so hard to get you out of my head. Koochi-Koo 54. When you fill your relationship with positive, romantic words, you will very likely receive the same energy back. 1. You are the only thing on this earth worth fighting for. 214. I mean it when I say that I think about you every single day. Thank you for being mine. I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or even smile at me because I know, even if its just for a second, that I’ve crossed your mind. Each time you say goodbye to go home I feel so alone; the only time I feel complete is when we meet up again. A world without you would be so dull and gray. My feelings for you grow deeper with every passing day. 148. Our lives are so intertwined now that I can’t imagine my life without you in it. See Also: Love Messages, Family Quotes, Cute Things to Say to your Girlfriend. I can’t stop telling my friends how great you are. 47. I just want to hold your hand. Do it on a random day, that would be a real surprise! 185. There are many fun and creative ways for you to pass on these cute messages to your boyfriend. 14. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. If you are wondering why I am so happy, the answer is you. 46. 100 Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend Now. You are the lovely surprise that every girl hopes she will get and never does. 161. 39. I could dance with you all night long. 101. Thankyou . I never thought that I would find someone who is as lovely as you. 28. 190. You know how to rock my world. Your happiness puts the biggest smile on my face. I hope you know just how special you are. Gizmo – Is he small and cute like the Mogwai or is he obsessed with the newest gadgets and gizmos on the market? When I look at you I know we were meant to be as each moment I spend with you seems like a dream come true. They say time shrinks when you have a good time and I wish that every minute that I spend with you expands to years and I am sorry it does not. We go together like a burger and French fries. 170. 188. Let’s just lay here together and never get up. Luvze® is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We couldn’t be a better pairing if we were milk and cookies. Ecstasy – For a boyfriend who makes you too happy. 5. Another word for boyfriend. You have been through my head all day. You can copy these cute boyfriend quotes and share it on Instagram (as Instagram captions), Pinterest (paste it in Description field), Facebook (share as a … I didn’t choose this life. I love that you and I can just be weird together. I would not change a thing about you because I love you just as you are. There’s nothing better than getting a response after sending cute paragraphs for your boyfriend. 85. I thank god that we found our way to each other. He told me to make him happy and that was what brought me here. Cute Spanish Nicknames to Call Your Girlfriend or Boyfriend. When I close my eyes, I think of you. 50. Do not be afraid to be romantic and mushy with your boyfriend on days that are not special occasions. 57. I’m thankful for you. 216. Start Thriving: 5 Steps to Overcome the Fear of Success, Amberly Lago – How to Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds, Vanessa Van Edwards – Failure is a Delay not a Defeat. If I could use 2 words to describe you, I would say: the best. You are the dream I’ve been waiting for. 205. I still get butterflies even though I’ve seen you a hundred times. I can just be myself. If he's truly into you, he will make a strong effort to catch you. My home is wherever you happen to be. You and I have so much chemistry, we should have been lab partners. Wolverine – For a strong and brave man. I am so thankful for all of your love and affection. Making the effort and going out of your way to shower your boyfriend with the occasional sweet compliment will help take your relationship to the next level. 226. Brittany Michalchuk – How Bad Do You Want It? Also, make sure to add one or a few of the cute boyfriend quotes from below that you find most relatable along with your surprise, this will make bring a BIG smile on his face. I have no words to explain my Love because I have got an amazing person in my life who can understand even my silence. 201. My heart flutters when it’s near you. I just want to thank you for being my reason to look forward to the next day. This can mean that his nose isn’t too big or too small, and his teeth are pearly white. 11. I love wearing your shirts because they remind me of you and make me feel safe. Today is just another page of our wonderful story together. I hit a home run when I snagged you. 76. 3. 171. You remind me that there is a lot of good in this world. When I spoke to you, I was scared to hold you.When I held. You are my white knight. I have always known that you were the one. 0; Related. Our love story is like a book. ‘Love what you do’ or ‘Do what you love’? 79. 15. You have awakened a passion in me that I never knew was there before. 77. Nicknames starting with M. Ma Cherie: Cute sounding word that means ‘My sweetheart’ in French. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. You are my best friend, boyfriend, and the love of my life. To me, you are luckier than any four leaf clover. Nov 26, 2015 - Explore Belia Lupunga's board "sweet words for boyfriend" on Pinterest. I am a better person now because of you. 109. 42. 227. 132. You have my heart, just remember to take good care of it. I love that you treat me like a lady. 69. 40. You know how to make me forget about my troubles. Ultimate – Because this man is the ultimate boyfriend. 105. And one of the important thing is to address your loved one differently from what most people call them. 45. I thank God every day that I have you. No one has ever loved me the way that you do. Because of you, I know what true love is. Use the phrases here, or find a way to say them in your own words. 51. Got a hot guy? I appreciate you. I feel so much chemistry between us when we are together. If I could sit across the porch from God, I’d thank Him for lending me you. What is better than being together with your best friend for the rest of your life? Good news: We've rounded up the cutest nicknames you can call your boyfriend, husband, father of your children, and crush. 134. Happy Birthday to wonderful you. 124. Is there anything you cannot do? I miss you so much when you are away. It took a moment for me to fall in love with you, but I will keep loving you forever. I want to thank you for loving me endlessly, even when I am most certainly the biggest pain in the ass that you could’ve ever imagined. 21. Top 30 Reasons To Prove Why Dogs Are Your Real Hero. You know I really want you to come over. 55. Goodbye was never such a hard word for me to say until I met you. 27. 133. 103. Here we present you lots of romantic Valentine‘s Day cards for boyfriend or husband as well as cute Valentine's Day messages for him with images. Get Love Tips Sent Straight To Your Mailbox. 33. 192. So these were all the cute things to say to your boyfriend. My life is music, my love is colorful and every day is fruitful….all because of you my love. 183. I have been searching for you for all these years. Prove your love. 20. 106. You make me feel like I am the only girl in the world. You don't want to list your boyfriend by his real name on your phone. You inspire me to chase my dreams and be the best person I can be. 136. Lovelyboo: A cute word formed by combining the words, ‘Lovely’ and ‘Boo’. I can’t really find the words to explain the way I feel when I hear your voice or when I see your face… all I can say is that I like the feeling. I have a crush on your mind; I fell for your personality, and your looks are just a big bonus – The Notebook, When you hold me in your arms my world stops for a moment. With you, every day is a special day. This makes life complete. Hugster – For a boyfriend who is a hugger and who you long to hug back. I wish you could hold me in your arms right now. 80. 130. “A thank you letter to my boyfriend dear boyfriend, I want to thank you for the endless things you do for me, even if you don’t realize it. 189. My bf and I were going through some rocky time. I feel so lucky to have you by my side. You are so cute when you smile. Cuddle Bunch Here are must-know phrases you need to know – to be cute, for dramas, or for your boyfriend/girlfriend. Promise me that you will never let me go. While it is more typical for boyfriends to say sweet things to their girlfriends, guys appreciate hearing cute things as well. “Handsome” is a word that you can use to describe your boyfriend if he has an aesthetically pleasing face or some features that you find attractive. Want to make your boyfriend happy? 72. 24. When god made you, he was thinking of the perfect companion for me. Never underestimate how much a nice comment can lift up your boyfriend’s day. Write them down on flashcards, review and say them out loud. 53. I chose HIM. It must be pretty deep if words can’t even describe it! Now I understand that all of the hard times in my life have led me straight to you. All rights reserved. 220. 20. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. 165. They say that love can happen in a single moment, I did not believe that till I came to the moment it took me to fall in love with you. 1. This has changed my life aswell as my boyfriend life. Loveliest of Sweet Love Words, Cute Love Words, Romantic Love Words and Beautiful Love Words you can send to your Lover, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband or Wife. 52. As I learn more and more about you, I love you even more than before. 2. You make me want to be the best girlfriend in the world. Either way, make sure that what you say to your boyfriend comes from the heart. 160. I love talking to you about anything and everything. 19. You are the guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love how you go the extra mile just to make me happy. You have the most beautiful soul that I have ever known. Everything is better with you around. They say time shrinks when you have a good time and I wish that every minute that I spend with you expands to years and I am sorry it does not. See more ideas about sweet words, cute texts, texting your boyfriend. That when you leave them it makes you sad but then when you’re with them it’s back to the happiness? – Throwing Up for a Healthy Body, An Empathetic Epidemic: Navigating a Culture of Diminished Compassion, How to Be Happy – 9 Ways to Be Naturally Happy, 10 Ways To Find Love And Be Loved As You Want, 30 Heartbroken Quotes Straight from the Heart. 104. 60. 59. I am lucky that I did. Cute Things To Say To Your Boyfriend You are all that I want and all that I need. Another word for cute. 135. Now that I luv you I am scared to lose you. Great work. 112. Below are the few nickname : 2. 32. All I need to turn a bad day around is a hug from you. 38. 146. 58. 2. You are the missing piece to my puzzle. Thank you for being you — for sharing your love with me. I’d do anything to make you smile. We would love to hear from you. I never believed in the idea of soul mates until I met you. The following are cute and funny nicknames for boyfriends: Cuddle Muffin – Whether he’s into PDA’s or he just has a few extra curves. I want to kiss every part of your body. Find more ways to say boyfriend, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. You are the reason I get up every morning. 152. 68. 202. Giving you my heart is the best thing I ever could have done. There are many ways that you can get these cute messages to your boyfriend. You are the best thing since sliced bread. I think we make a really cute couple. 193. 217. Guys are like stars, there are millions of them, but only one makes your dreams come true. 63. Now that I have found you, I never want to lose you. Life Hacker, Internet Entrepreneur, SEO Strategist and The Founder of, 10 Surprising Signs That Prove You’re In Love, 20 Signs A Guy Likes You But is Trying Not to Show it, Platonic Love – The Original Notion and How to Reach It, 7 Things To Remember If You Love Someone With Anxiety, 10 Things To Say Someone Struggling With Depression, What is a Platonic Relationship and How to Make it Work, Fake Friends: How To Spot Them, Avoid Them, And Move On, How to Fall Out of Love with Your Best Friend, 6 Scary Halloween Pranks for a Perfect Halloween, How to Make Yourself Throw Up? If I had to relive my whole life, the only thing I would change is that I would have met you years ago than when I did. 13. I’m smiling because you make me so happy. Your eyes sparkle like the brightest stars. 168. I need you as much as plants need water. 121. 7. If he reminds you of someone in a classic or cute couple, or you remind him of someone in a couple, then you two could riff off those names. It seems that it is much easier for the boys to come up with something cute to say to a girl, since they do it more often. 12. Funny Names To Call Your Girlfriend. 67. If you have suggestions, advice or feedback, please let us know. Our life together is already amazing, and together it will only get better and better.

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