One of the walls of this room is weakened - destroy it. In the area highlighted in the picture above you need to tear down a part of the wall - use the Surge weapon or telekinesis. AWE Loading Bay; Loading Bay Vents; Service Ducts; Fra Mauro AWE; Hidden Locations [edit | edit source] In the Observation Deck, the elevator shaft to the left can be entered by removing all the debris blocking it with Launch. The secret area can be found in the Observation Deck. Once you walk into this office space, look up at the giant pillar in the center of the room. You’ll need 4/5 to get the Chief Investigator Achievement: In the Abandoned Offices, in the room required for the Nourish the Plants sidequest. If you've done it all correctly, the floor with the clock will raise up. Subterranean Research . Enter an unlit area - you can find a lamp here and move it by using the telekinesis. How Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis represents the original Compilation of Final Fantasy VII titles. Finding secret locations will bring you closer to unlocking the Chief Investigator trophy. On this page of our game guide to Control AWE DLC you can find information about the location of hidden places and areas. [EU] Control AWE DLC Save - 80% of hidden locations Download Name: [EU] Control AWE DLC Save - 80% of hidden locations Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets It is best to move to a checkpoint adjacent to the location of the Loading Bay AWE. Instead of following the path, spin round and levitate at the top of the small flight of stairs. Walk a bit west to enter a room with a Turntable as shown in the picture. There are only four hidden locations that you need to find to unlock this Trophy. Interact with the clock. All you have to do is enter them. If you need help finding all the plants to shine a light on, this guide will show you the way. Ahti’s back! Before you head south, turn 180 degrees and start using levitate to reach the higher floors of this location. AWE There are 11 ... Chief Investigator . Hidden Place 4 - Shifted Offices The secret area can be found just after entering the Shifted Offices on the north side. The Control Gerbil Took the Top Head item locations may seem like gibberish to anyone, even those who have played the game. Use any power or Service Weapon to get rid of the furniture. It is highly recommended that you seek out these locations at the Endgame. ‘Take Control’ Easter Egg Guide. If there's a list of vending machine locations, I would appreciate it. You’ll need 4/5 to get the Chief Investigator Achievement: In the Abandoned Offices, in the room required for the Nourish the Plants sidequest. Control has 67 Achievements worth 1390 points. If you haven’t dropped down yet, you will be facing the right direction. 15. Destroy his shield by using telekinesis and then attack him with service weapons. Control is the latest supernatural thriller for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. In order to solve the puzzle you have to stop clock arrow at the right times and you have to do so by pressing the interaction button (Square in case of the PS4 version). Help yourself with levitate while traveling around a secret location. The first secret location is found here. Jump into it to discover a hidden place. Each location gives you one Ability Point, used to buy Ability Upgrades. How to unlock the Chief Investigator achievement in Control (Xbox One): Find 80% of the hidden locations in the Investigations Sector In order to earn the trophy, Jesse must find four of them. Ability Points are given to you when you complete Main Story or Side Missions. … A secret area can be found in the location of the Shifted Passage. Drop down here to find another hidden area. The expansion is a crossover between Control and Alan Wake. Then I head to another department, return and start the cycle over again. If there's a list of vending machine locations, I would appreciate it. It did hint at hidden content--but it was content that didn't appear in Control until the release of its final DLC expansion, AWE. It can be purchased separately or as part of the deluxe edition bonus for the digital version of Control on PlayStation 4. There’s an office in front of you, so head inside and then look for a gray wall to your right. Firebreak Hidden Location Remedy Entertainment/505 Games via Polygon From the Logistics Control Point, head running north until you reach the Firebreak leading the Panopticon. Copyright © 2000 - 2021 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. After the battle, find the hanging switch. As such, one side quest you can take on in the AWE expansion is the Another Fine Mess: Nourish the Plants mission. These area don't always have a collectible or point of interest in them, but they AWE Transit Bay The next hidden location is in the Observation Deck room. The next hidden location is in the Observation Deck room. Comment: This is the most problematic trophy of the AWE DLC because altered vending machines cannot be found in the same areas, that is, imposed locations of the game world.As you make progress in the game try to check every vending machine you find - the example is shown … Who is Weiss in Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade? Control AWE Hidden Locations guide. Once they’re dealt with, head inside a door labeled Bridge Operator. Comment: Hidden places were described in the Secrets chapter of our guide. Avoid the Astral Spike by heading into the office up to your left. Workplace Recreation . You can check the above map for the location. Control contains 20 Hidden Locations. In addition, the discovery of each hidden location is rewarded with 1 skill point. The four that I found were near the following fast travel points: 1. In the AWE expansion for Control, you will go through the two main story quests A Dark Place and “The Third Thing” before you reach the next quest “It’s Happening Again”. There are five hidden locations, even though you only need to find four to get the achievement or trophy. ... How to unlock: Find 80% of the hidden locations in the Investigations Sector. Drop down, and fend off any Hiss enemies that spawn. 15. I'm either missing a few locations that could include the haunted machine or I'm doing something wrong. Some locations require you to have finished Dr. Underhill's side mission "Old Growth" as it provides you with a pill that makes you immune to the toxicity of the Mold-infested areas. After encountering the first group of enemies, make your way up the platforms to find the Case Files -... Cave System. Once you have, face the turntable so that the carriage on the tracks is on your right. Shifted Passage. However, if you’ve been running around The Oldest House and come across several TVs showing off a … From the Eagle Limited AWE room, head down into the Shifted Passage. Use your Push ability to break the wall down. Turn all the desk lights on; In the other room is a small plant. In the Filing and Processing area, head to the conference room to the right of the pneumatic tubes -... Eagle Limited AWE Entrance. Locate the barricaded office space shown in the picture above. Control AWE The Third Thing After talking to Langston on the intercom at the top of the elevator you will be tasked with two investigations. Then I head to another department, return and start the cycle over again. Abandoned Offices 2. This room has a loot chest and an interactive radio, but it is not the secret area yet. This door leads into the Shifting Offices area. The four that I found were near the following fast travel points: Abandoned Offices; Transit Terminal; AWE Loading Bay; AWE Transit Bay AWE Loading Bay 4. On a tape recorder found by going through the Hidden Location in the Maintenance Sector Access Corridor. Walkthrough Control: AWE. You will know it’s the correct one if there is a light on top of a filing cabinet. The correct order of stopping the clock arrows is - I, VII, VII, I, VI, IV, IX, VII. All you have to do is enter them. Jump down, turn 180 degrees and use, for example, telekinesis or a Surge to destroy the weakened wall shown in the picture. You will find yourself in a red-lit area where you have to fight a battle against opponents controlled by Hiss. Find the signpost overhead that reads Filing and Processing, and head left when you reach it. From the Eagle Limited AWE Entrance Control Point, head into another turntable room. Note that the wall to the adjacent office is weakened. The secret area can be found just after entering the Shifted Offices on the north side. The last hidden location is found on the way to this Control Point. Another Fine Mess: Clear the Mold thanks in advance. The first of three side missions requires you to burn Darkness away in three locations: Eagle Limited AWE, Utility Corridor and Service Ducts. This passage is dark, so use the light to see where you’re going to get your rewards. At the bottom of the shaft there is a loot chest. All Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade additions and improvements – graphics, PS5 features, and more, Who is Yuffie in Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade? Head into the turntable room from the Lower Access Control Point. To solve this ridiculously elaborate puzzle and earn one of the best mods in the game, follow these steps. The AWE DLC for Control has a total of 11 trophies - six of which are not hidden. Observation Deck. Underneath the door to the Active Investigations area in the turntable just before Eagle Limited AWE. Just like in the main game, they are hidden behind breakable walls and elevator shafts. The game will reward you with a skill point after walk a bit further, but examine the area thoroughly to find two chests which contains some loot. If you're going to use a Surge to destroy a wall, then fly out of the room through the gap before detonating the sticky bomb grenade. Drop down and spin around to look at the wall behind you. Select the Eagle Limited AWE Entrance fast travel point. On this page you can find a trophy guide to the Control - AWE DLC. It was released on August 27, 2020. A Complete Trophy Guide and Road Map for earning all trophies in Control's AWE DLC, included in Control Ultimate Edition on PS4 or PS5. thanks in advance. Control’s AWE expansion wouldn’t be complete without some hidden locations to discover. You'll need to use 30 ability points to get this trophy. AWE: Hidden Locations Abandoned Offices. Here are their hidden locations… How to find the Shum arcade cabinet in the Control AWE DLC. A secret area can be found in the western part of Abandoned Offices. Platform up the shifted landscape until you drop into a room with a mod box. Please note that when you remove the battery, the light from the transformer will disappear. If you’re struggling to find them all, allow us to step in and help. Control AWE side missions Another Fine Mess: Burn the Dark. Find 80% of the hidden locations in the Investigations Sector There are only four hidden locations that you need to find to unlock this Trophy. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Stand in place shown in the picture above - this is a higher floor with a yellow edge. Control is never afraid to remind you that, despite being the director of the FBC, you're still the janitor's assistant. In Control, the "cord" refers to a strange light cord that appears periodically in the Oldest House. To unlock all 3 personal mod slots, you must progress through the main story and side missions, and discover hidden locations as they grant you ability points which you can only upgrade at control points under ABILITIES. The first secret location is found here. Just like in the main game, they are hidden behind breakable walls and elevator shafts. Our description also explains how to find the clock and solve the clock puzzle. You will see a gold colored mod box, which will unlock this area’s hidden location. Destroy it, for example, with the help of telekinesis or a Surge. You can turn on the radio in here for a special musical surprise, and bust down another wall to find another secret location that houses the clock puzzle. Control AWE Hidden Locations guide. If you find the fifth hidden location, and break one of the walls in this area, you’ll unearth a secret room with a solitary clock on a plinth. A secret area can be found at the Turntable location in the western part of the sector. I'm either missing a few locations that could include the haunted machine or I'm doing something wrong. Reach the area where the indestructible monster wanders around. At the motel, head straight to room 226, where you'll find a key. 356 On a tape recorder in the control room in Sterling AWE. Before you head south, turn 180 degrees and start using levitate to reach the higher floors of this location. There’s a hilarious new enemy in the Control AWE DLC — and shooting it will drops tons of rare loot. Control has 67 Achievements worth 1390 points. In order to get the Platinum in Control you need to unlock all Ability Upgrades. View all the Achievements here ... Find all hidden locations in the Foundation. During the battle, watch out for an elite opponent surrounded by levitating objects. You will reach a room from shown in the picture - you have to reach it by moving through the gap in the ceiling. Transit Terminal 3. During the first visit in this location, Jesse must restore the power supply and unlock the elevator shaft visible in the background. On the way back you will be able to watch a bonus cutscene / vision of Alan Wake - Valhalla Nursing Home. This will allow you to enter a new secret area. This page of the guide will document secret locations as we find them. AWE is the second downloadable expansion for Control. Jesse will reach the location with a clock and it is a secret area. Alan Wake has always been on the mind while playing Control. The Foundation: Hidden Locations Crossroads. Research. Take it and plant it on the white vase next to the TV set; Activate the Newton’s cradles (the swinging marbles sets); Activate the beckoning cat; Ignore the horseshoe (this may not be required; if … Use your Push ability to break the wall. Use it 3x to teleport to the Oceanview Motel. America Overnight Ep. You need to destroy all red growths on the selected transformer to gain access to the battery. Jump in there and levitate to the lower ledge. Before you do, look left for another elevator shaft hidden behind some boxes. There is an optional clock puzzle that will allow you to reach several new locations. Executive Affairs Hidden Location Remedy Entertainment/505 Games via Polygon. The Shum arcade cabinets are in Active Investigations section in the Investigations Sector. After a couple of attempts, a giant hole will be made in the wall that uncovers a hidden area. Where to find all hidden locations in Control AWE Abandoned Offices. Head inside but, before you drop down, grab the light to your right. It has some Darkness on the floor, so you will know this is the right way to go. America Overnight Ep. Open the door with an inverted black triangle and use a switch three times to return to the real world. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the 505 Games or Remedy Entertainment. Dropping into the shaft will mark the hidden location as discovered, and a yellow supply crate can be found at the bottom. 30. Finding these secret areas are a way to earn Ability Points, get Service Weapon or personal mods, and unlock an achievement or trophy. Also, if anyone knows of more hidden locations, that would also be helpful. In a hidden place, you'll find a chest that can be looted. Push down the wall right in front of you and head inside. 359 On a tape recorder in an open plan area above the … Find 80% of the hidden locations in the Investigations Sector. Underneath the door to the Active Investigations area in the turntable just before Eagle Limited AWE. There are only four hidden locations that you need to find to unlock this Trophy. Kill any Hiss enemies that spawn. Head toward the cliff ledge, near the sign for the "Base Camp", and drop down to a loot container and then... Astral Collision. Trophy type: bronze How to unlock: Destroy 80% of the Altered Vending Machine instances. Race through and drop down to evade it if it’s heading back towards you. The first one is in the Eagle Limited AWE area. The hidden place is located at the top floor - you can find a loot chest there. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. The hidden place is located at the top floor - you can find a loot chest there. Head inside to grab your rewards and nourish the plant for one of Ahti’s janitorial side missions. Rather, missions from the Bureau’s janitor are — he’s still on vacation himself. The Control Gerbil Took the Top Head item locations may seem like gibberish to anyone, even those who have played the game. In the picture we have marked your destination. ... Each battery is hidden inside small transformers. On the left is another, unlit window - as shown in the attached picture. Luckily, the missing writer finally took center stage in the AWE DLC, but there might … Many of the mysteries in Control are up front and solvable through the game’s story. You have to drop down an elevator shaft to make your way to Lower Access. Also, if anyone knows of more hidden locations, that would also be helpful. – backstory, gameplay, and Sonon details.
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