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brave frontier base unit

8400-8500 | 6 639 2 445 2 304 2 233 Max Bonus + 1 800 + 620 + 560 + 500 ↑ ↓ En jeu, les valeurs peuvent différer légèrement Présence lycanthrope Augmente l'ATT, la DÉF et la RÉC (+65 %) de tous les alliés quand PV supérieurs à 50 %. Hack Brave Frontier FR. Brave Frontier Guide - Fire Unit Base Stat Chart. The relevant skill description text is also displayed in the new Skill Information Button in the Unit View screen, as well as in the battle status window. 1200-1300 | Sheet1 Any box filled in with this fill has been Sphere frogged. Note: It is highly recommended to view this page in Desktop Mode if you are on a mobile device. The Unit Type of the Random Mystery Frog has no influence on the type that the unit fused will change into. * Rex type can only be acquired through the use of Mystery Frogs. Release Dates listed below pertain to the Global version of the game only. Please follow one of the disambiguation links below or. Miscellaneous Info. รีวิว ยูนิต ตามความพอใจของ Admin เท่านั้น ทางเราไม่ได้รับผลประโยชน์จากใครทั้งสิ้น Brave Frontier and Guilty Gear collide in new game event Brave Frontier Hosts Global Brave Summer Festival 2017 and Unveils Exciting Omni+ Boost Expansion Feel free to register and join our user base by clicking here. 6 373 2 607 2 421 2 498 Max Bonus + 1 100 + 440 + 440 + 440 ↑ ↓ En jeu, les valeurs peuvent différer légèrement Ambition du fantôme héroïque +30% à tous les paramètres. 4,189 likes. Squad effects do not stack from the same Unit Type e.g. Games Movies TV Video. 1500-1600 | Base 6,300 2,562 2,313 2,134 Lord 9,000 3,660 3,304 3,048 Anima 10,118 3,660 3,304 2,750 ... Omni+ Boost stats are only available in the Global version of Brave Frontier. For example, two max-leveled Anima-type units will most likely have different HP stats, as one might get more HP per level up than the other during the course of leveling up. 1.2 Je souhaite réinitialiser mon compte Brave Frontier et recommencer du début. 1600-1700 | | Dual Brave Burst, 1-100 | Add new page. Who needs'em? This interface shows all of the units you currently own. Modifier. 7000-7100 | If you're looking for different types of unit sorting, take a look at my Brave Frontier base stat chart list. Anyone trying to make a strong fire-centric or rainbow team, for starters. … Brave Frontier replay. As such, Extra Skill Lock will invalidate their effects for the duration it is active. Miscellaneous Info. There's a ton of great content … 1 Liste des questions les plus posées 1.1 Comment me tenir informé des dernières nouveautés sur notre serveur Brave Frontier RPG? Unit List. Units | Types | Leveling | Groups | Dual Brave Burst If you are having trouble viewing this page on mobile, switch to Desktop Mode. 400-500 | Missing Base XP; Male Unit; BB:Mono; Missing BB:DC; BB Row; Missing Animation; Missing Attack Animation; Ajouter des catégories; Annuler Enregistrer. This video is unavailable. At Omni+3, a passive squad effect is unlocked that behaves slightly differently from Leader Skills or Extra Skills that apply to all allies. For example, one Anima-type (increased HP and reduced REC) Level 80 Steel Shield Darvan may have over 5846 HP, while another Level 80 Anima-type Steel Shield Darvan may only have 5830 HP. 1.3 Mon bouton "Spécial" est grisé et je ne peux plus l'utiliser. Each unit in Brave Frontier has a set of stats that determine how effective they are in combat: First up is the Element. If you've got an itch to compare base stats for Brave Frontier's earth units, I've got some charts for you. Watch Queue Queue Plus de : Wiki Brave Frontier 2. Base 5,865 2,596 2,174 2,139 Lord 8,379 3,708 3,105 3,056 Anima 9,497 3,708 3,105 2,758 ... Omni+ Boost stats are only available in the Global version of Brave Frontier. Plus de : Wiki Brave Frontier 2. Additionally, 3 Rainbow Crystals are sent to your Present Box upon fusing a Mystery Frog. 8600-8700 | Missing Base XP; Female Unit; BB only Magical; BB:AoE; Missing BB:DC; BB Row; Missing Animation; Missing Attack Animation; Ajouter des catégories; Annuler Enregistrer. The unit type affects how its parameters increase when leveling up. and rarer units will see striking differences, where the random differences over so many levels add up. Each unit has a type that is randomly assigned. Gameplay. 1-100 Lian (5★) | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 熾聖剣神リアン Dégâts d'étincelle augmentés de 20% Grille flamboyante Combo de 8 attaques de feu sur une cible unique et augmentation des dégâts d'étincelle pendant 3 tours. Wikis. The listings below are split into evolution tiers. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A Unit's type can be confirmed on their Details screen. For Brave Frontier on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Top 5 unit for each stats". Base 10 Base 15 Base 21 Unit List. 86 likes. Unit Leveling | Brave Frontier Wiki | Fandom. The stat range increase/decrease is random, so units of the same type may not progress at the same rate. For Brave Frontier on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Advice on Unit types (Anima,Breaker,Oracle,Lord, Etc. | Groups 1000-1100 | 800-900 | And finally, quick links to jump below: Units 51 ~ 100; Units 101 ~ 150; Units 151 ~ 200 ; Units 201 ~ 248; I will be adding the new units to this as soon as their base stat information is available! Le Laboratoire de recherche des invocateurs est un lieu où vous pouvez tester la puissance de vos unités contre les unités créées par Navi. Quests; Grand Gaia; Ishgria; Otherworld; Item Info. Upon fusing any Mystery Frog to a unit, the unit'… Pourquoi? Brave Frontier est un jeu de rôle dans lequel le joueur mènera son propre héros au combat. A unit's type can be confirmed on their Details screen. Bonus Skills are attached to Units depending on their Types and Omni+ Levels. Other. | Leveling * The Gradual BB Gauge Boost effects occur at the start of turn. There are seven different types of Mystery Frogs: Random Mystery Frog, Lord Mystery Frog, Anima Mystery Frog, Breaker Mystery Frog, Guardian Mystery Frog, Oracle Mystery Frog, Rex Mystery Frog. 1100-1200 | (3184) Basically, this means that with the right type, your unit's overall stats will be alot higher since unit type can varies to as high as 30+% (I havent seen higher so if someone has a 50% kindly tell us) and it can fulfill it's role even better. Register Start a Wiki. 1300-1400 | 8000-8100 | Lorsque le joueur termine toute … Après qu'une vague ennemi est vaincu, le joueur passe à l'étape suivante jusqu'au boss, qui est requis pour terminer un niveau. 8300-8400 | 13,786 Pages. Comparisons of the strongest earth units in each evolution tier. by Ashley Shankle. 1800-1900 | Brave Frontier - Earth Unit Base Stat Comparisons by Evolution Tier. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence CC-BY-SA . 0 Wiki Brave Frontier 2; 1 Unit List:0:Data; Explorer les wikis Wiki Assassin's Creed. by Unit ID Range All Units 1-100 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 601-700 701-800 801-900 901-1000 1001-1100 1101-1200 1201-1300 1301-1400 1401-1500 1501-1600 1601-1700 7000-7100 8000-8100 8101-8200 8201-8300 Fil des fans. Après avoir terminé, les joueurs sont récompensés avec du Zel et des objets, ainsi que l'acquisition d'unités de chaque mission. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ushi Gaming Channel 48,402 views 15:20 Contained within this article is a list of the game's current fire units sans evolution materials like Nymphs, Idols, and Totems. Le laboratoire de recherche est permanent. Each type boosts and lowers certain stats by an additional amount for each unit level. Unit Batches are groups of units that are either released together in some form of Summon Gate or Special Event or defined through lore reasons. 300-400 | 700-800 | For Brave Frontier on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Max Unit Capacity". Upon fusing any Mystery Frog to a unit, the unit's level is reset to 1. Units in gold text indicate that the unit has not yet been released in the Global version of Brave Frontier. Units | Types | Leveling | Groups | Dual Brave Burst, 1-100 | 100-200 | 200-300 | 300-400 | 400-500 | 500-600 | 600-700 | 700-800 | 800-900 | 900-1000 | 1000-1100 | 1100-1200 | 1200-1300 | 1300-1400 | 1400-1500 | 1500-1600 | 1600-1700 | 1700-1800 | 1800-1900 | 7000-7100 | 8000-8100 | 8100-8200 | 8200-8300 | 8300-8400 | 8400-8500 | 8500-8600 | 8600-8700 | Other. Each unit has a type that is randomly assigned. The following is a list of links to pages that might share the same title. Unit Type Bonus Skills are considered Extra Skills. 500-600 | For example, a max-leveled Breaker-type unit will have more ATK and less DEF compared to all other types for the same, max-leveled unit. Merci d'avoir contribuer à l'existence de ce wiki, et à une prochaine peut-être ! Normal 12-Hit Combo: 60 (5 /hit) Hit Count Drop Check Damage Modifier Cost ; BB: 15 (AOE) 15 (1) 200% [HP%] 26 BC SBB: 15 (AOE) 15 (AOE) 15 (1) (AOE) 15 (1) (AOE) 200% (AOE) [HP%] 200% … | Types Brave Frontier Wiki. Ce dernier devra faire front à différents adversaires disposant d'aptitudes exceptionnelles. There are some sphere effects that boost stats only if the type of unit equipping the sphere matches the requirement. 1 ~ 50. Therefore, similar Units may differ in their final stats depending on their type. 1-100 ; 101-200; 201-300; 301-400; 401-500; 1 ... Wiki Brave Frontier 2 est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Jeux vidéo. )". Clean fire unit base stat chart. by Ashley Shankle. 100-200 | For example, a max-leveled Breaker-type unit will have more ATK and less DEF compared to all other types for the same, max-leveled unit. Therefore, similar units may differ in their final stats depending on their type. Units Until the unit reaches max level, the unit will not have access to their SP Enhancements. We’ll go into detail about what elements are strong against which other elements in the Combat Guide. (2153) Max 4,125 776 1624 783 Overall stats wo hp. Thus, it was fixed. Mystery Frogs can change the Unit Type of a unit it fuses into. Due to its superior overall effects, Rex Type is randomized at a lower rate than the other possible Types. Gameplay Quest Info. 900-1000 | Each Unit Type has passive self effects that increase in strength relative to their Omni+ Levels. Augmente colossalement le taux d'apparition des CC, CV, Karma et objets Mystery Frogs can change the Unit Type of a unit it fuses into. Brave Frontier Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 70% BB Atk, may [50%] negate all status ailments and Atk, Def, Rec reduction, 100% BB Atk, negates all status ailments and Atk, Def, Rec reduction, Fills BB gauge [7 BC] each turn*, 25% OD Fill Rate, Fills BB gauge [10 BC] each turn*, 50% OD Fill Rate, 30% critical damage, 10% all elemental damage, 50% critical damage, 15% all elemental damage, 3% damage reduction, 50% damage reduction from all element types for first turn, 5% damage reduction, 50% damage reduction from all element types for first 2 turns, Restores HP [3000-4000] each turn, 1 KO Resistance when HP is below 15%, Restores HP [4000-5000] each turn, 1 KO Resistance when HP is below 30%, Damage taken may [30%] restore HP [20-25% damage], Fills BB gauge [3 BC] each turn*, 1% damage reduction, Fills BB gauge [5 BC] each turn*, 2% damage reduction, Fills BB gauge [7 BC] each turn*, 3% damage reduction, 10% all elemental damage, 1 KO resistance when HP is below 15%, Fills BB gauge [10 BC] each turn*, 5% damage reduction, 15% all elemental damage, 1 KO resistance when HP is below 30%. only one "Breaker +3" squad effect can be applied from a squad full of "Breaker +3" units. HP ATK DEF REC Base 2,646 509 1182 462 Overall stats wo hp. There are several filters that can be used to sort the unit view by tapping the Sort Filter button ブレイブフロンティア【「大神巌グランヴァース」ユニットレビュー】Brave Frontier 7 Stars Grandverse Unit Review - Duration: 15:20. Fil des fans. Comment faire? In Episode 57 of the Brave News Channel, it was clarified that type changing as a result of evolving units was a bug. Force de Weisser Combo de 35 attaques de feu, d'eau et de foudre sur tous les ennemis. Fire units! There are seven different types of Mystery Frogs: Random Mystery Frog, Lord Mystery Frog, Anima Mystery Frog, Breaker Mystery Frog, Guardian Mystery Frog, Oracle Mystery Frog, Rex Mystery Frog. Comme vous l'avez sûrement lu dans les news du jeu, Brave Frontier fermera ses serveurs le 7 Janvier 2019. Some units may have their names listed in multiple different batches. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Each element is strong against certain elements, and weak against others. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence CC-BY-SA . Modifier le wikicode Historique Discussion (0) Commentaires Partager. The unit type affects how its parameters increase when leveling up. Tu penses pouvoir vaincre mes clones?J'espère que tu connais bien tes adversaires cette fois! 600-700 | 8500-8600 | 1-100 Grok (5★) | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 Combo de 9 attaques de foudre sur une rangée et augmentation du taux de coups critiques pendant 3 tours. 1400-1500 | Ce fut une longue aventure qui commença bien, et finit très mal. 200-300 | Frappe éclair Combo de 11 attaques de foudre sur une rangée et augmentation du taux de coups critiques pendant 3 tours. Du coup ce wiki ne sera plus actualisé (déjà qu'il ne l'était plus depuis Octobre). Attaquer des ennemis dans une bataille récompense le joueur avec des "Brave Burst Crystals" et des "Heart Crystals". All other properties remain the same, such as Omni+ Boost rarity, SP Enhancements selected, Brave Burst levels, second sphere slots from Sphere Frogs. Brave Frontier TH - Review Unit. Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding existing ones. 8100-8200 | HACK Bravre frontier tool injection RPG We are currently maintaining 11,398 pages (3,459 articles). Brave Frontier Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Lord-types are always consistent and the stats do not randomly deviate. 1700-1800 | Random Mystery Frogs change a unit's type a random different type. For example, a Lord type unit with a Random Mystery Frog fused changes its type to Anima, Breaker, Guardian, Oracle, or Rex. 8200-8300 |

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