"Redeem" for old UI and (ESC) > Tab Community > Redeem for the new UI. Pearl Abyss provides service on a variety of platforms. Event description taken from the official site. Please note the item will be claimable from the web and your in-game mailbox until January 20, 2021. Gearing up for the Cross-Play anniversary! Daily 100 Silver Sale Event! Sign Up. Mysterious Lucky Fountain. TWITCH DROPS EVENT is an activity where you watch streams with Black Desert Online "Drops Enabled", and you get rewards! Season Server Launch Events. Music. Special Hot-time Event! Vell Extra Spawn. After the Halloween Log, we now get the Valentine’s Day Adventure Log, which sadly doesn’t offer any account-wide benefits, but it does offer a great amount of Silver in the form of enhancing materials!. as per their event page Log-in to Black Desert to get [Event] Winter-bearing Egg during the event period, then also claim the [Event] Burning Jade Flame sent as a Calphe:ON Ball stream reward on December 12. Repeats of this quest just rewards the Halloween Box. Search. 01 February 2021 00:00; Service Transition Events Did you hear the news about Black Desert Online being serviced by Pearl Abyss? New Adventurers, More Rewards to Help You Grow! To celebrate the new era of self-publishing, Pearl Abyss is discounting Black Desert Online by 100% (AKA, free!!) A guide to the Black Desert Online Halloween 2017 events. Events are available once or reoccurring each year offering special quests or items among other things. Heart-pumping action and adventures await in the open world MMORPG. Official Black Desert Online Twitch Channel. Expired 283 Days Ago Black Desert Online . 119 . Isabella has cast a spell on the villagers and turned them into dolls! The Distorted Illusion in the Altar of Blood. Nova Launch Events. Black Desert Online - 5th Anniversary!https://www.naeu.playblackdesert.com/Intro/5th_Anniversary Calpheon is very materialistic whereas Valencia is very spiritual. Technical . Combine them to get your very own Young Rauno (Tier 4)! Black Gem x1–5 . Music. Golden Coelacanth . Rookie and Returning Attendance Rewards Refreshed, Find Your Oasis: Event 4. Expired 116 Days Ago Black Desert Online . 108 . We welcome you to the vast and exciting world of Black Desert, NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL. Check out the latest trending topics in Black Desert Mobile. Learn more. - Postponed. 2,980 23,688. Announcements Announcements. Pause (space/k) Mute (m) … Complete the Adventure Log and get Weapon Exchange Coupons! October 28, 2020 - November 11, 2020. Shai is a a support class that has both combat and buff abilities. Enjoy the realistic world of Black Desert. Browse. As of today, Pearl Abyss now controls publishing for the entirety of the Black Desert IP across all platforms in North America and Europe! Black Desert Online Event Fourth Anniversary Celebration, Part 1. Chief Valentine of Florin calls for help! Notices ... [Event] Recruiting Black Desert Content Creators! Learn More. Find Your Oasis: Event 4. Official Black Desert Online Twitch Channel. Ongoing. Official Black Desert Online Twitch Channel. This log-in challenge is available once per in-game family during the entire event period. PC. Start your adventure in O’dyllita now with the following events to enjoy the new area. This is a fan-made site! Expired 106 Days Ago Black Desert Online . Events. Make sure to participate during the specified time frames to obtain valuable loot to aid in your journey. Cross-play Warm Up Event Part 2 . What will change? Experience fast-paced, action-packed combat, hunt monsters and huge bosses, fight with friends in a guild to siege nodes and conquer castles, train your life skills such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and much more! Find Your Oasis: Event 3. Complete the challenges listed on the Black Desert Season Pass available for Season Characters to receive many rewards. Mobile. Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile ... Video. Item Needed. The event items [Event] Steel Bucket, [Event] Big Snowball, and [Event] Sturdy Tree Branch will not be removed from your Inventory (I) after the event period ends. Combine them to get your very own Young Rauno (Tier 4)! Playstation. Copyright ⓒ Pearl Abyss Corp. All Rights Reserved, We use cookies, with your consent, to customize content and advertising. [toc] Witch Daily Quest There is a new witch daily quest you can do and it rewards a Forest Fury the first time you complete it. Expired 92 Days Ago Black Desert Online . 11 days left. Visit Ellie’s Shop. Valkyrie leads the charge on the battlefield with her sword and shield. Ranger is a ranged class that attacks enemies from afar. Defend the Field of Valor! Played by 20 million users, Black Desert Heart-pumping action and adventures await in an open world MMORPG. Turkey will run away March 03, 2020 - April 01, 2020. Mystic is trained in eastern martial arts. 24.02.2021. Check out the following events to help with your Courser Training as well as a World Boss related event. Additionally, they showed a brief look at the future of the game in the form of a content roadmap. 20 million users, Black Desert - Heart-pumping action and adventures await, in an open world MMORPG. While you are defeating monsters all over the world of Black Desert Online during the event period, you may run into an [Event] Traces of a Turkey. This site uses cookies. General Discussion. Black Desert Online Event September Events. Black Desert Online North America/Europe Transfer Celebration! Hard Black Crystal Shard x1–2. Black Desert Online. Special notice about the event How to participate. The subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert Online, developed by Pearl Abyss. Make sure to claim the web coupon from web and in-game mailbox (B) by January 20, 2021 (before maintenance). Black Desert Online is running the Flurry of Snowflakes event from Jan 4 to Jan 24. Warrior is a skilled melee fighter that uses the sword and shield. Patch Notes & Current Events. Transfer of Service 2021 2021 Q1/Q2 Roadmap. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. October 07, 2020 - November 11, 2020. What does this mean? February Events February Events 03 February 2021 11:00; Pearl's Blessing - February 2021 Earn bonus items depending on how many Pearls you spend during the special promotional period! 17.02.2021. Hashashin wields the power of the sands at whim. Reward items given out during events can be bound or not depending on the items and some cannot be moved nor restored. If you're struggling or simply want to save time solving it, use this solver for the 3x3 Art Puzzle Event in Black Desert Mobile. Event 3: Get Refined Magical Black Stones. Event Winners [February 22] Patch Notes. on Steam and the official Black Desert website until March 10. Browse. Nova is the 21st class to join Black Desert Online. The [Event] Burning Jade Flame will become available to claim via a form of web coupon after the global Calphe:ON Ball to be streamed from 08:00 UTC–11:00 UTC on Saturday December 12th. ... Black Desert Heart-pumping action and adventures await in the open world MMORPG. Question. [Event] Golden Bell. Ongoing [Event] Ongoing Events in Black Desert! Black Desert Online Events. Black Desert Online Events. If you want to complete it as fast as possible, then get to Velia, having these items in your inventory:. Black Desert Online takes place in a high fantasy setting and revolves around the conflict between two rival nations, the Republic of Calpheon and the Kingdom of Valencia. Any exploit or abnormal ways of entering in-game events may result in the restriction of your account. September 23, 2020 - October 07, 2020. Pearl Abyss provides service on a variety of platforms from PC to Console. Wizard can control the forces of nature with his Staff. When you obtain this trace item, it will automatically be consumed and a Turkey will appear. [Maintenance] End-of-Service February 24th, 2021 The Kakao Games Black Desert Online service ends on February 24th, 2021. 1. Lahn has mastered her weapon, Crescent Pendulum. Esports. Obtain by. Black Desert (Winter) Season Pass Period: December 22, 2020 (after maintenance)—March 31, 2021 (before maintenance) Once the Winter Season starts, log-in with your Season Character. How to Combine. Combine in a shape of [-] inside your Inventory (I) item. Sorceress can effectively control the battlefield, Berserker is vicious and wields monstrous double-axes. Event period and specs may change with future notice. This will be solely managed by Pearl Abyss. UPDATES [February 22] Patch Notes. Oasis Dream Chest. Blessed Message Scroll (100 min.) Ancient Ruins update, Field of Valor event, Great Desert: New Temple, and more! Esports. Event Period: April 1, 2020 (Wed) after maintenance - April 22, 2020 (Wed) at 23:59 Mission:1. Young Rauno (Tier 4) is waiting to hatch! Event description taken from the official site. Log-in to Black Desert to get [Event] Winter-bearing Egg during the event period, then also claim the [Event] Burning Jade Flame sent as a Calphe:ON Ball stream reward on December 12. Screenshots. Twitch Drop Rewards Now Available! Guardian wields the Battle Axe and Shield, Nova is midrange class who can effortlessly combine. Black Desert Online. Esports. More information. 595 . The Black Desert Online publishing responsibilities for NA and EU have been handed over to its developer, Pearl Abyss, on February 24. Großkanzlei Mit 7 Punkten, Fritzbox 6591 Login, Dm Münzen Verkaufen, Apfelessig Pur Trinken, Audio In Text Umwandeln Word, Llm Stellenbosch Noten, " /> "Redeem" for old UI and (ESC) > Tab Community > Redeem for the new UI. Pearl Abyss provides service on a variety of platforms. Event description taken from the official site. Please note the item will be claimable from the web and your in-game mailbox until January 20, 2021. Gearing up for the Cross-Play anniversary! Daily 100 Silver Sale Event! Sign Up. Mysterious Lucky Fountain. TWITCH DROPS EVENT is an activity where you watch streams with Black Desert Online "Drops Enabled", and you get rewards! Season Server Launch Events. Music. Special Hot-time Event! Vell Extra Spawn. After the Halloween Log, we now get the Valentine’s Day Adventure Log, which sadly doesn’t offer any account-wide benefits, but it does offer a great amount of Silver in the form of enhancing materials!. as per their event page Log-in to Black Desert to get [Event] Winter-bearing Egg during the event period, then also claim the [Event] Burning Jade Flame sent as a Calphe:ON Ball stream reward on December 12. Repeats of this quest just rewards the Halloween Box. Search. 01 February 2021 00:00; Service Transition Events Did you hear the news about Black Desert Online being serviced by Pearl Abyss? New Adventurers, More Rewards to Help You Grow! To celebrate the new era of self-publishing, Pearl Abyss is discounting Black Desert Online by 100% (AKA, free!!) A guide to the Black Desert Online Halloween 2017 events. Events are available once or reoccurring each year offering special quests or items among other things. Heart-pumping action and adventures await in the open world MMORPG. Official Black Desert Online Twitch Channel. Expired 283 Days Ago Black Desert Online . 119 . Isabella has cast a spell on the villagers and turned them into dolls! The Distorted Illusion in the Altar of Blood. Nova Launch Events. Black Desert Online - 5th Anniversary!https://www.naeu.playblackdesert.com/Intro/5th_Anniversary Calpheon is very materialistic whereas Valencia is very spiritual. Technical . Combine them to get your very own Young Rauno (Tier 4)! Black Gem x1–5 . Music. Golden Coelacanth . Rookie and Returning Attendance Rewards Refreshed, Find Your Oasis: Event 4. Expired 116 Days Ago Black Desert Online . 108 . We welcome you to the vast and exciting world of Black Desert, NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL. Check out the latest trending topics in Black Desert Mobile. Learn more. - Postponed. 2,980 23,688. Announcements Announcements. Pause (space/k) Mute (m) … Complete the Adventure Log and get Weapon Exchange Coupons! October 28, 2020 - November 11, 2020. Shai is a a support class that has both combat and buff abilities. Enjoy the realistic world of Black Desert. Browse. As of today, Pearl Abyss now controls publishing for the entirety of the Black Desert IP across all platforms in North America and Europe! Black Desert Online Event Fourth Anniversary Celebration, Part 1. Chief Valentine of Florin calls for help! Notices ... [Event] Recruiting Black Desert Content Creators! Learn More. Find Your Oasis: Event 4. Official Black Desert Online Twitch Channel. Ongoing. Official Black Desert Online Twitch Channel. This log-in challenge is available once per in-game family during the entire event period. PC. Start your adventure in O’dyllita now with the following events to enjoy the new area. This is a fan-made site! Expired 106 Days Ago Black Desert Online . Events. Make sure to participate during the specified time frames to obtain valuable loot to aid in your journey. Cross-play Warm Up Event Part 2 . What will change? Experience fast-paced, action-packed combat, hunt monsters and huge bosses, fight with friends in a guild to siege nodes and conquer castles, train your life skills such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and much more! Find Your Oasis: Event 3. Complete the challenges listed on the Black Desert Season Pass available for Season Characters to receive many rewards. Mobile. Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile ... Video. Item Needed. The event items [Event] Steel Bucket, [Event] Big Snowball, and [Event] Sturdy Tree Branch will not be removed from your Inventory (I) after the event period ends. Combine them to get your very own Young Rauno (Tier 4)! Playstation. Copyright ⓒ Pearl Abyss Corp. All Rights Reserved, We use cookies, with your consent, to customize content and advertising. [toc] Witch Daily Quest There is a new witch daily quest you can do and it rewards a Forest Fury the first time you complete it. Expired 92 Days Ago Black Desert Online . 11 days left. Visit Ellie’s Shop. Valkyrie leads the charge on the battlefield with her sword and shield. Ranger is a ranged class that attacks enemies from afar. Defend the Field of Valor! Played by 20 million users, Black Desert Heart-pumping action and adventures await in an open world MMORPG. Turkey will run away March 03, 2020 - April 01, 2020. Mystic is trained in eastern martial arts. 24.02.2021. Check out the following events to help with your Courser Training as well as a World Boss related event. Additionally, they showed a brief look at the future of the game in the form of a content roadmap. 20 million users, Black Desert - Heart-pumping action and adventures await, in an open world MMORPG. While you are defeating monsters all over the world of Black Desert Online during the event period, you may run into an [Event] Traces of a Turkey. This site uses cookies. General Discussion. Black Desert Online Event September Events. Black Desert Online North America/Europe Transfer Celebration! Hard Black Crystal Shard x1–2. Black Desert Online. Special notice about the event How to participate. The subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert Online, developed by Pearl Abyss. Make sure to claim the web coupon from web and in-game mailbox (B) by January 20, 2021 (before maintenance). Black Desert Online is running the Flurry of Snowflakes event from Jan 4 to Jan 24. Warrior is a skilled melee fighter that uses the sword and shield. Patch Notes & Current Events. Transfer of Service 2021 2021 Q1/Q2 Roadmap. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. October 07, 2020 - November 11, 2020. What does this mean? February Events February Events 03 February 2021 11:00; Pearl's Blessing - February 2021 Earn bonus items depending on how many Pearls you spend during the special promotional period! 17.02.2021. Hashashin wields the power of the sands at whim. Reward items given out during events can be bound or not depending on the items and some cannot be moved nor restored. If you're struggling or simply want to save time solving it, use this solver for the 3x3 Art Puzzle Event in Black Desert Mobile. Event 3: Get Refined Magical Black Stones. Event Winners [February 22] Patch Notes. on Steam and the official Black Desert website until March 10. Browse. Nova is the 21st class to join Black Desert Online. The [Event] Burning Jade Flame will become available to claim via a form of web coupon after the global Calphe:ON Ball to be streamed from 08:00 UTC–11:00 UTC on Saturday December 12th. ... Black Desert Heart-pumping action and adventures await in the open world MMORPG. Question. [Event] Golden Bell. Ongoing [Event] Ongoing Events in Black Desert! Black Desert Online Events. Black Desert Online Events. If you want to complete it as fast as possible, then get to Velia, having these items in your inventory:. Black Desert Online takes place in a high fantasy setting and revolves around the conflict between two rival nations, the Republic of Calpheon and the Kingdom of Valencia. Any exploit or abnormal ways of entering in-game events may result in the restriction of your account. September 23, 2020 - October 07, 2020. Pearl Abyss provides service on a variety of platforms from PC to Console. Wizard can control the forces of nature with his Staff. When you obtain this trace item, it will automatically be consumed and a Turkey will appear. [Maintenance] End-of-Service February 24th, 2021 The Kakao Games Black Desert Online service ends on February 24th, 2021. 1. Lahn has mastered her weapon, Crescent Pendulum. Esports. Obtain by. Black Desert (Winter) Season Pass Period: December 22, 2020 (after maintenance)—March 31, 2021 (before maintenance) Once the Winter Season starts, log-in with your Season Character. How to Combine. Combine in a shape of [-] inside your Inventory (I) item. Sorceress can effectively control the battlefield, Berserker is vicious and wields monstrous double-axes. Event period and specs may change with future notice. This will be solely managed by Pearl Abyss. UPDATES [February 22] Patch Notes. Oasis Dream Chest. Blessed Message Scroll (100 min.) Ancient Ruins update, Field of Valor event, Great Desert: New Temple, and more! Esports. Event Period: April 1, 2020 (Wed) after maintenance - April 22, 2020 (Wed) at 23:59 Mission:1. Young Rauno (Tier 4) is waiting to hatch! Event description taken from the official site. Log-in to Black Desert to get [Event] Winter-bearing Egg during the event period, then also claim the [Event] Burning Jade Flame sent as a Calphe:ON Ball stream reward on December 12. Screenshots. Twitch Drop Rewards Now Available! Guardian wields the Battle Axe and Shield, Nova is midrange class who can effortlessly combine. Black Desert Online. Esports. More information. 595 . The Black Desert Online publishing responsibilities for NA and EU have been handed over to its developer, Pearl Abyss, on February 24. Großkanzlei Mit 7 Punkten, Fritzbox 6591 Login, Dm Münzen Verkaufen, Apfelessig Pur Trinken, Audio In Text Umwandeln Word, Llm Stellenbosch Noten, " />

black desert online event

49 . 18.06.2020 - 15.07.2020 Season Server Launch Events. Guide. [Events] Pearl Abyss’s Brand-New Attendance Rewards. Black Desert Online is a sandbox, living-world MMORPG. Black Desert Online Event O'dyllita Launch Events. Please refer to the individual item descriptions for more detailed information. Events. Music. This code is only available for the PC version of EU/NA. Home Forums English. New Adventurers. [Maintenance] End-of-Service February 24th, 2021 The Kakao Games Black Desert Online service ends on February 24th, 2021. Visit Ellie’s Shop. Skip navigation. Events Archive. Obtainable item [Event] Winter-bearing Egg. Kakao Games will no longer be responsible for or involved with the live operation of Black Desert Online. 23 February 2021 19:00 [Maintenance] Server Restart February 17th, 2021 Dear Adventurers, We will perform a server restart Date: Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021. Reward items given out during events can be bound or not depending on the items and some cannot be moved or restored. Witches gain a firm grasp of magic at a young age. Sharp Black Crystal Shard x1–2. Log In. O’dyllita, the land of darkness and ancient secrets, will unfold. Yes - "Please note the event items will be removed when the event period ends and that these [Oasis] items are available for a limited time." Oasis Dream Chest, Find Your Oasis: Event 3. On February the 24th, 2021, Kakao Games will hand over the publishing responsibilities for Black Desert Online NA and EU service to its developer, Pearl Abyss. To continue playing with your existing Kakao Games based Black Desert Online account, you will need to go through the Account Transfer process. Toss silver in the lucky fountain to receive a special buff! Advice of Valks (15~25) Premium Elixir Box . Every Day is Special with Black Desert Online! Event description taken from the official site. Latest: Questions about organised/endgame PvP, performance and … Pearl Abyss provides service on a variety of platforms from PC to Console. [Event] My Dark Half Go to Alejandro Farm and talk to […] Log-in now until January 20, 2021 (before maintenance) and claim via Challenges tab (Y). Step 1 – Login and collect [Event] Snowflakes Step 2 – urn them In Step 3 – Get Rewarded Event Caution The Best Data Transfer Rewards of All Time! Gearing up for the Cross-Play anniversary! Black Desert Online Event Halloween in Florin. Watch the new trailer here. Select your puzzle. Ancient Ruins update, Field of Valor event, Great Desert: New Temple, and more! Amazing Benefits for New and Returning Adventurers! With this new crossover event, Black Desert will be able to experience a whole new questline that sees Nimue and the fearsome Red Paladins transported to the Black Desert … 23/12 - 20/01 . Login to Black Desert for 7 days or more2. Reach at least Lv. Swipe to view more. General. Event description taken from the official site. revealed after Calphe:ON Ball global stream). Musa uses a variety of oriental martial arts, Maehwa is trained in oriental swordsmanship and archery. During this online event they showcased a new look at the upcoming Nova class. Browse. Steam client: Main menu of the game (ESC) >"Redeem" for old UI and (ESC) > Tab Community > Redeem for the new UI. Pearl Abyss provides service on a variety of platforms. Event description taken from the official site. Please note the item will be claimable from the web and your in-game mailbox until January 20, 2021. Gearing up for the Cross-Play anniversary! Daily 100 Silver Sale Event! Sign Up. Mysterious Lucky Fountain. TWITCH DROPS EVENT is an activity where you watch streams with Black Desert Online "Drops Enabled", and you get rewards! Season Server Launch Events. Music. Special Hot-time Event! Vell Extra Spawn. After the Halloween Log, we now get the Valentine’s Day Adventure Log, which sadly doesn’t offer any account-wide benefits, but it does offer a great amount of Silver in the form of enhancing materials!. as per their event page Log-in to Black Desert to get [Event] Winter-bearing Egg during the event period, then also claim the [Event] Burning Jade Flame sent as a Calphe:ON Ball stream reward on December 12. Repeats of this quest just rewards the Halloween Box. Search. 01 February 2021 00:00; Service Transition Events Did you hear the news about Black Desert Online being serviced by Pearl Abyss? New Adventurers, More Rewards to Help You Grow! To celebrate the new era of self-publishing, Pearl Abyss is discounting Black Desert Online by 100% (AKA, free!!) A guide to the Black Desert Online Halloween 2017 events. Events are available once or reoccurring each year offering special quests or items among other things. Heart-pumping action and adventures await in the open world MMORPG. Official Black Desert Online Twitch Channel. Expired 283 Days Ago Black Desert Online . 119 . Isabella has cast a spell on the villagers and turned them into dolls! The Distorted Illusion in the Altar of Blood. Nova Launch Events. Black Desert Online - 5th Anniversary!https://www.naeu.playblackdesert.com/Intro/5th_Anniversary Calpheon is very materialistic whereas Valencia is very spiritual. Technical . Combine them to get your very own Young Rauno (Tier 4)! Black Gem x1–5 . Music. Golden Coelacanth . Rookie and Returning Attendance Rewards Refreshed, Find Your Oasis: Event 4. Expired 116 Days Ago Black Desert Online . 108 . We welcome you to the vast and exciting world of Black Desert, NEW_WEB_MAIN_GETMAINCLASSINFO_SHOW_DETAIL. Check out the latest trending topics in Black Desert Mobile. Learn more. - Postponed. 2,980 23,688. Announcements Announcements. Pause (space/k) Mute (m) … Complete the Adventure Log and get Weapon Exchange Coupons! October 28, 2020 - November 11, 2020. Shai is a a support class that has both combat and buff abilities. Enjoy the realistic world of Black Desert. Browse. As of today, Pearl Abyss now controls publishing for the entirety of the Black Desert IP across all platforms in North America and Europe! Black Desert Online Event Fourth Anniversary Celebration, Part 1. Chief Valentine of Florin calls for help! Notices ... [Event] Recruiting Black Desert Content Creators! Learn More. Find Your Oasis: Event 4. Official Black Desert Online Twitch Channel. Ongoing. Official Black Desert Online Twitch Channel. This log-in challenge is available once per in-game family during the entire event period. PC. Start your adventure in O’dyllita now with the following events to enjoy the new area. This is a fan-made site! Expired 106 Days Ago Black Desert Online . Events. Make sure to participate during the specified time frames to obtain valuable loot to aid in your journey. Cross-play Warm Up Event Part 2 . What will change? Experience fast-paced, action-packed combat, hunt monsters and huge bosses, fight with friends in a guild to siege nodes and conquer castles, train your life skills such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and much more! Find Your Oasis: Event 3. Complete the challenges listed on the Black Desert Season Pass available for Season Characters to receive many rewards. Mobile. Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile ... Video. Item Needed. The event items [Event] Steel Bucket, [Event] Big Snowball, and [Event] Sturdy Tree Branch will not be removed from your Inventory (I) after the event period ends. Combine them to get your very own Young Rauno (Tier 4)! Playstation. Copyright ⓒ Pearl Abyss Corp. All Rights Reserved, We use cookies, with your consent, to customize content and advertising. [toc] Witch Daily Quest There is a new witch daily quest you can do and it rewards a Forest Fury the first time you complete it. Expired 92 Days Ago Black Desert Online . 11 days left. Visit Ellie’s Shop. Valkyrie leads the charge on the battlefield with her sword and shield. Ranger is a ranged class that attacks enemies from afar. Defend the Field of Valor! Played by 20 million users, Black Desert Heart-pumping action and adventures await in an open world MMORPG. Turkey will run away March 03, 2020 - April 01, 2020. Mystic is trained in eastern martial arts. 24.02.2021. Check out the following events to help with your Courser Training as well as a World Boss related event. Additionally, they showed a brief look at the future of the game in the form of a content roadmap. 20 million users, Black Desert - Heart-pumping action and adventures await, in an open world MMORPG. While you are defeating monsters all over the world of Black Desert Online during the event period, you may run into an [Event] Traces of a Turkey. This site uses cookies. General Discussion. Black Desert Online Event September Events. Black Desert Online North America/Europe Transfer Celebration! Hard Black Crystal Shard x1–2. Black Desert Online. Special notice about the event How to participate. The subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert Online, developed by Pearl Abyss. Make sure to claim the web coupon from web and in-game mailbox (B) by January 20, 2021 (before maintenance). Black Desert Online is running the Flurry of Snowflakes event from Jan 4 to Jan 24. Warrior is a skilled melee fighter that uses the sword and shield. Patch Notes & Current Events. Transfer of Service 2021 2021 Q1/Q2 Roadmap. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. October 07, 2020 - November 11, 2020. What does this mean? February Events February Events 03 February 2021 11:00; Pearl's Blessing - February 2021 Earn bonus items depending on how many Pearls you spend during the special promotional period! 17.02.2021. Hashashin wields the power of the sands at whim. Reward items given out during events can be bound or not depending on the items and some cannot be moved nor restored. If you're struggling or simply want to save time solving it, use this solver for the 3x3 Art Puzzle Event in Black Desert Mobile. Event 3: Get Refined Magical Black Stones. Event Winners [February 22] Patch Notes. on Steam and the official Black Desert website until March 10. Browse. Nova is the 21st class to join Black Desert Online. The [Event] Burning Jade Flame will become available to claim via a form of web coupon after the global Calphe:ON Ball to be streamed from 08:00 UTC–11:00 UTC on Saturday December 12th. ... Black Desert Heart-pumping action and adventures await in the open world MMORPG. Question. [Event] Golden Bell. Ongoing [Event] Ongoing Events in Black Desert! Black Desert Online Events. Black Desert Online Events. If you want to complete it as fast as possible, then get to Velia, having these items in your inventory:. Black Desert Online takes place in a high fantasy setting and revolves around the conflict between two rival nations, the Republic of Calpheon and the Kingdom of Valencia. Any exploit or abnormal ways of entering in-game events may result in the restriction of your account. September 23, 2020 - October 07, 2020. Pearl Abyss provides service on a variety of platforms from PC to Console. Wizard can control the forces of nature with his Staff. When you obtain this trace item, it will automatically be consumed and a Turkey will appear. [Maintenance] End-of-Service February 24th, 2021 The Kakao Games Black Desert Online service ends on February 24th, 2021. 1. Lahn has mastered her weapon, Crescent Pendulum. Esports. Obtain by. Black Desert (Winter) Season Pass Period: December 22, 2020 (after maintenance)—March 31, 2021 (before maintenance) Once the Winter Season starts, log-in with your Season Character. How to Combine. Combine in a shape of [-] inside your Inventory (I) item. Sorceress can effectively control the battlefield, Berserker is vicious and wields monstrous double-axes. Event period and specs may change with future notice. This will be solely managed by Pearl Abyss. UPDATES [February 22] Patch Notes. Oasis Dream Chest. Blessed Message Scroll (100 min.) Ancient Ruins update, Field of Valor event, Great Desert: New Temple, and more! Esports. Event Period: April 1, 2020 (Wed) after maintenance - April 22, 2020 (Wed) at 23:59 Mission:1. Young Rauno (Tier 4) is waiting to hatch! Event description taken from the official site. Log-in to Black Desert to get [Event] Winter-bearing Egg during the event period, then also claim the [Event] Burning Jade Flame sent as a Calphe:ON Ball stream reward on December 12. Screenshots. Twitch Drop Rewards Now Available! Guardian wields the Battle Axe and Shield, Nova is midrange class who can effortlessly combine. Black Desert Online. Esports. More information. 595 . The Black Desert Online publishing responsibilities for NA and EU have been handed over to its developer, Pearl Abyss, on February 24.

Großkanzlei Mit 7 Punkten, Fritzbox 6591 Login, Dm Münzen Verkaufen, Apfelessig Pur Trinken, Audio In Text Umwandeln Word, Llm Stellenbosch Noten,

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