It takes a long time to get to this stage, and there are lots of small improvements and other accessories you will use along the way, but this is ideally your end game build for PVP. I personally wouldn’t bother with them though because you will want as much AP as possible. This skill will swing at the enemy giving you 2% HP Recovery, based on your maximum WP, for each target you hit. As I explained above, it’s better to switch to other skills rather than using one skill in a row since Cooldown B skills deals less damage during their cooldown. You will get Critical Hit Rate +30%, Attack Speed +20% and Melee Accuracy Rate +15% for 30 seconds. Max maehwa's will, ap/evasion passives, and the +hp passives, and use the rest for awakened skills. Offin Tett can be good when you reach certain AP brackets and if your class doesn’t depend on accuracy as much as others, but if you’re unsure whether you should be using this weapon or not, it’s much safer to just use Kzarka. However, there is what people call a “soft cap”, where it gets to be nearly impossible to obtain a certain level. Unique 3-level menu. Musa is stronger at AoE, Maewha is more of a single target focus DPS. When you are 261 (using Nouver) it is actually better to use Nouver in PVE as well because of the bonus AP given in the AP brackets. The Super Armor will efficiently protect you from the devastating strikes for Maehwa… for target [Level 54] Ground Smash Movement Speed +7% for 10 sec. BDO CLASS GUIDE. Behold the prowess of Musa wielding his Crescent Blade and Maehwa’s rhythmic, splendid moves in […] Use this skill against a wave of monsters after placing Magic Lighthouse and monsters will kneel in … Warrior Ranger Sorceress Berserker Tamer Musa Maehwa Valkyrie Ninja Kunoichi Wizard Witch … This is one of your dodge skills. Keys in round brackets () mean that you hold the key. All skills will give lifesteal and Tiger Blade dashes will make you invincible. Flow Skills 3-3. The FARA 83 is a deadly short-to-medium ranged assault rifle with huge potential when outfitted with the right attachments. 1:22. Because its range is short, if you want to hit enemies that are knocked down far away from you, you’d have to close in on them to hit them properly. You can use the Sleet Steps combo like this to attack enemies behind their backs. They also do well in most end game spots, such as Mirumok, Aakman and Hystria, but will go through potions very quickly and may need high weight limit and maids to grind in certain places for a long time. This skill can be used to counter attack and will inflict a floating CC on the last hit. Thanks for the Guide! Read more. Another alternative is to use is the Akum set. I only recommend leveling it up if you already have your core skill build. Black Desert BDO Mystic Guide 2020; Black Desert BDO Striker Guide 2020; Valkyrie. Basilisk’s Belt and Valtarra are very good belts but Tungrade is currently the best in slot. Even a level 1 character can wear … Several others provide 4% or 7%. Moonrise is a Cooldown B skill, so it deals less damage and loses the WP Regen, Knockback, Stiffness, Airbound, and Super Armor effects during cooldown. The class discords are a great place to start, most have their own guides and resources as well as plenty of skilled players willing to help with questions. You can pace your movement to be long or short just like I have done in the image above. The class is the male counterpart of the Maehwa class, which almost has the same pre-awakening skill set and has a different awakening. BDO/ News. Using this skill will activate Invincibility once every 7 seconds, and you can only use it for mobility in these 7 seconds. Thanks ! You can go after an enemy that you have thrust away with Flow: Tip of the Iceberg by using Forward Blind Thrust and Chaos: Red Moon in a combo. (Shortcut Chaos: Red Moon, Shortcut Maehwa’s Will, Key command Chaos: Red Moon, Blind Slash, Blooming: Phantom) On the other hand, Awakening: Maehwa's Kerispear is the only skill that switches from the Blade to the Kerispear.In the case of using the A+C, W+C, and D+C commands, your character will switch to the forward basic attack motion that hits your front enemy upward, while using the S+C command will make an awkward switching motion with a standstill poke. Blade - Kerispear Swap 3-6. If you were to add the Bridge Skills here, you can use New Year’s Eve after Royal Rage, and Blunt Kick between Forward Blind Thrust and Chaos: Red Moon. This is another hard match up for Dark Knight. Characteristics of the Maehwa’s Awakening. Source: Source:… MAEHWA: A graceful combatant with a specialized skill set, the Maehwa can lock down any foe with a wide array of control skills A quick guide and … Videos rel.. Also, there's something to be aware of - the possibility of the Maehwa getting knocked down becomes higher at the moment there’s no forward guard. Aus BDO-Wiki. However, the Dragon Slayer weapons cannot be placed on the marketplace and must be crafted by the player themselves.Dandelion KerispearDandelion weapons are the BiS awakening weapons. Here is a mid-tier build to use once you have boss gear. for selfAttack Speed +10% for 5 sec. bdo musa skill guide 2020 Posted by . Flow: Tip of the Iceberg doesn’t have Forward Guard, so unless your enemies are knocked down by Frost Pillars, you’d get hit by them; it could even get canceled as it does not give Super Armor, not to mention its long post-delay. If available I recommend using the Asula’s Crimon Eye Belt (Asula Set) if you are new to the game, this gives you 6 AP and has amazing set bonuses. Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor (chest) – dropped from Dim Tree Spirit. Warrior Ranger Sorceress Berserker Tamer Musa Maehwa Valkyrie Ninja Kunoichi Wizard Witch Dark Knight Striker Mystic Lahn Archer Shai Guardian Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject. Liverto is the fourth strongest mainhand and much easier to obtain and enhance than Kzarka. For more information on this click here to view our World Bosses guide. Unlike any other skills that have cooldown, when its cooldown mark shows up, its number doesn’t show up right away, shows up a little bit later; activating this skill once more at this moment will regenerate your WP. The tool has a more complex horse skill list that shows which horses can learn which skills. If you press C when standing still, you become vulnerable during the motion (Cannot be canceled), and doing that while having monsters gathered around you will get you either killed or at least near death. They are great for PvP as they have high DPS, but since they have low DPM, they cannot be used during the cooldown, making them inefficient for grinding.As for Cooldown B skills, these are skills like Moonrise and Frost Pillars that can be used during the cooldown, but the skills become weaker versions when used during the cooldown and don’t provide effects. Awakening Weapons: Sundo Kerispear This is a green grade weapon which is sold by some Blacksmith/Arms dealers. hide. It also gives a DP buff to you and is your 200% Black Spirit Rage skill. It gets more efficient once you have higher Attack Speed, so after the new patch and Awakening, it became a good skill to use. The also have their “suck/vacuum” skill (. However, there’s no forward guard for the last hit, which means your Maehwa will slash the enemy while taking enemy attacks. It makes a perfect backup for enhancing and is essentially a free TRI Tungrad Earring. Black Desert Online Olvia Life Skills Contribution Dailies Guide with a list of all the dailies that give gathering, processing, cooking and alchemy XP. Overall, it will help you speed up grinding with its high damage. Bdo Mystic Pvp Guide. This website is not affiliated with Kakao Games or Pearl Abyss. These two skills are essential skills that you must master. This can be used to cut the long delay before casting Frost Pillars. Due to its AoE and Down Attack, I think it’s best to use this skill to finish off enemies that are knocked down. BDO Classes Guide with Dev Class Tier Ranks (Black Desert Online) Last updated Dec 23, ... a class that looks fun to you at least until level 56. It’s best to limit its usage, as it takes up a lot of WP, has a pretty long delay, and does not connect smoothly in a skill combo, even if using it makes it look like it is speeding up the grinding with its damage. Shadow stomp is a very important tool at all stages of pvp. Black Desert Maehwa Awakening Trailer. You can then use [LMB] to counter attack which will stun if successful. (A: Full Moon Wall - Royal Rage - Forward Blind Thrust - Chaos: Red Moon - Weapon switch)(B: Petal Drill - New Year’s Eve - Tenacious Edge - Sleet Steps - Stigma - Sleet Steps - Moonrise - Frost Pillars)(A: Full Moon Wall - Royal Rage - Forward Blind Thrust - Chaos: Red Moon - Weapon switch)(C: Petal Bloom - New Year’s Eve - Stigma - Sticky Snowflake - Moonrise). When you have Arrow Grapple III you can press SPACE again, whilst traveling to your enemy, to cancel the grapple. This skill is charged for a short duration before stabbing in front of you. This skill can also be used with (S + Left-Click + Right-Click). Things such as skills, gear, skill-addons and more.. BDO Valkyrie Guide 2019. Newbie Guides; Highlighted; Đăng Nhập. It has a Forward Guard up unti the very last hit and can inflict floating CC. You will also get higher Accuracy, Evasion and Damage Reduction from these pieces. Basics of Enhancing Skill calculator Gear calculator Choose your class! The skill has collision when moving fowards but no collision when using it backwards. The skill has an iframe off cooldown and will give super armor if you use it on cooldown. Die erste Endgame-Waffe: Yuria günstig bekommen … Also check the Marketplace to see pricing and availability. Maehwa . When in the Awakening stage, switch to Blade by W+C and press Space Bar quickly for its quick activation. Once you reach 261 AP with Nouver, you will want to stop using Kutum for PVE however, until you reach 265 AP with Kutum. Awaiting your creativity at the bottom of the menu is an unstyled widget location; as a quick example, we've included an … The double-axes master and the dark magic expert receive their succession this week, and to celebrate that, we continue the … The skill has a stun on the first hit and then can inflict floating afterwards. for 12 sec. A Maehwa can no longer use Whirlwind Cut once she is Awakened. It’s better to make it a habit of using this skill whenever its cooldown is gone. This is also a passive/buff which will give you a permanent knockback/stiffness +15% ignoreAwakening: Maehwa’s Kerispear[C], This skill allows you to swap between your main hand and awakening weapon. and there’s a possibility that players will find themselves stumped by this, and take some time to get used to it. It is Cooldown A skill, and has powerful damage similar to Awakening skills. The skill is unprotected and often conflicts with other skills so it is highly recommended to just lock it. Also the stub arrow skill add ons on Maehwa are really good and you should have them on Musa also. Witch and Wizard Guide BDO 2020; BDO Wizard Guide 2020; Musa/Maehwa. If you can’t do this then you will need to use Margoria Seafood instead of Kamaslyvia Meal. Lift your finger from W when you press Spacebar so that you can have Backward Blind Thrust instead of Front Blind Thrust. Cyclone Slash You should max it as early as possible. Blind Thrust The skill has super armor as well as a down attack and down smash. If you don’t want to bother with that, don’t forget that you can try out a … Also, it has the most powerful Air Attack so you can do great damage if you use it after the 3rd hit of Moonrise when enemies are launched into the air. The following skill combos are basic combos/cancels and some additional tips/tricks for your class. 25% of it regenerates per each blocked attack, so blocking 4 attacks will completely fill up your WP. Once you reach over 261 AP (with Kutum) it is better to switch back to Kutum for PVE. 1. Accueil; Ce mois-ci; Rendez-vous réguliers 2020 / 2021 Royal Rage(HOLD LMB) during Full Moon Wall. Be careful when you are fighting against. Leveling Guide 1 – 62 (Grinding) Updated September 2020. Awakening Skills 3-2. This is the skill that activates after using Moonrise, and can be used at any hit of Moonrise. (You might think that having both the 10% and 7% Critical Hit Chance buff will be convenient as 7% Crit buff will be present once the 10% Crit buff is gone, but it’s more likely to not happen. Obsidian Abyssal main weapons can’t be enhanced or sold on the Marketplace. Make sure you also make use of the gem slots to get your Casting Speed and Critical Hit up to 5.Another alternative is the Styd Blade for leveling if you are having trouble obtaining a Rosar Blade. share. Set Effect: Accuracy +20Accuracy 4Damage Reduction 3, Knockdown/ Bound Resistance +30%Accuracy 4, Knockdown/ Bound Resistance +2%Accuracy 4, Knockback/ Floating Resistance +30%Accuracy 4, Knockback/ Floating Resistance +2%Accuracy 4. The skill has a 2 minute 30 second cooldown but will summon an extra sword and give you extra attack speed, movement speed and defense for 30 seconds as well as increasing your CC resistances. This is the skill you can use as additional damage after Petal Drill. I recommend learning all passive skills. These skills are what you can learn once you reach a higher level, and are used in addition to existing Awakening skills. Last updated Jan 13, 2021 at 10:22AM | Published on Jul 29, 2020 | Black Desert Online, Gear & Items | 4. Archived [Maehwa] Good, up-to-date guide about gears/skills builds ? Backstep Slash will inflict stiffness on up to 5 targets if successfull and slow their movement speed by -30% for 10 seconds. Giath’s Helmet (helmet) alternative choice – dropped from Giath. Enhancing a Bares Necklace is much cheaper than using an un-enhanced BiS necklace. This skill can be used after Frost Pillars and has a forward guard. (HOLD LMB) + (HOLD RMB) after Chaos: Red Moon. This skill goes up to 4 level, and investing skill points in it doesn’t really show great increase in efficiency, so if you don’t have enough skill points, then I recommend investing in this later rather than early. Blooming: Phantom and Absolute: Blooming will also inflict a bleeding and drain the targets MP on good hits. Click image below to enlargeEnd-game build: linkHere is what to eventually aim for. This skill is Cooldown A skill that is activated after Frost Pillars. This skill has forward guard and will knock back enemies (PVE only) as well as stun them if it isn’t used with Tiger Blade. Griffon’s Helmet (helmet) – dropped from Griffons in Kamaslyvia. This is your auto attack and is automatically taken when you level up. Skills 3-1. Maehwa Guide - Episode 1 - Skills and Addons Maehwa / Plum Awakening Guide | Build, Combos, Tips, Tricks, & PvP Gameplay | Black Desert Online [PROJECT MAEHWA(vol.4)] Maehwa PVP Full-combo Guide Maehwa Succession Review/Guide MUSA. You should enhance it to at least +7 for leveling and then PRI or higher as soon as possible if you don’t have Liverto/Kzarka. This skill is automatically leveled up and gives you WP back per hit. for selfCritical Hit Rate +20% for 9 sec. Dragon Slayer KerispearDragon Slayer weapons are very comparable to the Dandelion weapons with their stats. Blackstar is considered the current best in slot mainhand weapon with higher base AP than Kzarka. This kick inflicts stiffness and also regenerates some WP but the skill has minimal damage and isn’t useful for PVP or PVE. The skill stuns on good hits and is also your 100% Black Spirit Rage skill which makes the skill an iframe during the charge and then super armor for the slash. The skill can be “ok” for extra CC but I only recommend taking it if you already have your core skill build and have spare points. Ring of Crescent GuardianOREye of the Ruins Ring, Accuracy 1 (alternating)AP 1 (alternating). a. Kerispear TrainingThis skill is a basic attack using the Kerispear. You should aim to have TRI gear before switching to this offhand and try to get between 300-330 accuracy without Black Warrior Horn Bow before switching. l. OppressionThis skill doesn’t seem to be that powerful when taking into account its 20-second-cooldown, though the skill does come in handy when you are gathering mobs as it has pulling effect. This is another essential skill for the Maehwa. Black Desert Online BDO Dark Knight Guide 2019; Berserker. However, it still is a powerful skill so you’ll use it a lot in the Pre-Awakening stage and can use after Awakening. You can also use a TET heve and TRI Muskan’s shoes instead but Griffon’s and Urugon’s shoes are currently considered best in slot in the gear meta. - Long delay before and after using skills and slow skill motion- Close-distance fights due to short range and forward-moving skills.- Able to sustain through CC, forward guard skills, invincibility skills, and Super Armor.Personally, I think the Maehwa’s only drawbacks are her big skill motions and long skill delays before and after the skills are cast (I shall refer to them as 'pre' and 'post delays'. Having only high Defense will get you killed, and having only high HP will also get you killed. For the weapon go for Rosar mainhand, green awakening, and black horn warrior bow. Succession is considered better in general for PVE at end game. This is the Sleet Steps - Tenacious Edge skill combo , which isn’t as good as Whirlwind Cut from Pre-Awakening, but still good enough if you use it well. If you already have your core build, you can put extra points into this skill to increase its damage. It may seem faster with the Kerispear, but it shows slower movement speed, thus more WP is used. It will drain your WP and stamina if you use it too much and leave you vulnerable. This BDO Archer Guide is a simple … You can use this skill when you have either the Blade or the Kerispear out. Bheg’s Gloves (gloves) – dropped from Bheg. This skill quickly moves you backwards slightly then stabs once in front of you. The liverto has slightly more AP than Rosar, but it also has a Critical Hit Rate +3 item effect. I would advise only getting your absolute skills if you have spare skill points after you have completed your core build already. You want to aim to get TRI as soon as possible and then work on your accessories. You can also use a TET heve and TRI Muskan’s shoes instead but Griffon’s and Urugon’s shoes are currently considered best in slot in the gear meta.Click image below to enlargeSoftcap build: linkHere is what to aim for if you are going for. Try to also ultimate all your pieces as soon as possible, especially your armor because it will give quite a big DP boost. 4AM fails to reach Weekly Finals, here are the 16 teams for this week, 4AM takes week 2 of the PGI.S 2021 Weekly Finals, [LoL] Battle Academia Katarina/Lux - TTcle HAEUN. They are also more gear dependant than other classes for PVP, and need to get to the higher AP brackets to really shine, as well as being a very squishy class. You then want to swap to a DUO Serap’s or PRI Ogre/Tungrad.The Manos Necklaces are also an alternative for PvP, if you don’t have a DUO Seraps already, due to their item effects. This is why the Attack Speed buff is so important. The build you choose completely depends on your playstyle and what role you want to play in PVP. The Kerispear is good for PvP and has higher AP than the green grade Kerispear. Up-to-date guides, resources, and general chat. ... For PvP we got addons in our #guide-maehwa or #guide-musa like in the guide explained. This skill will raise the Maehwa’s slow grinding speed slightly, and will eat up a lot of your Herbal Juice. It is a long-ranged forward moving skill and its motion is fast; plus it has a knockout and forward guard effect, along with its special effect of +10 Attack Speed for 10 seconds.Your grinding will speed up once your Attack Speed goes up. More information about AP and DP brackers can be found hereYou may also want to consider starting to put Caphras stones into your gear for bonus stats to help you get to the next AP bracket. It has 100% critical chance and is useful for comboing into other skills. for self. Characteristics of the Maehwa's Awakening3. They wear light armor and use a katana sword as their primary weapon with a horn bow as their secondary weapon. These are: Slice, Dragon Bite, Dragon Claw, Ultimate: Dragon Claw, Carver, Whirlwind Cut, Divider. - Long delay before and after using skills and slow skill motion. Against elites or strong monsters, this may bring about your death, but pressing C in the right time or have C pressed the whole time will shorten that moment of vulnerability in your last Chaos: Red Moon attack, allowing you to keep your forward guard. Inventar: Slots und Traglast erhöhen Erstellt von Dusel, letztes Update: 24.03.2016 +5. Weight Limit +60 LTDamage Reduction 4Accuracy 2, Weight Limit +10 LTDamage Reduction 1Accuracy 2. The ultimate and absolute of this skill will also heal you for HP Recovery on hit and will instead inflict a floating CC. And as for the most important part, your character will put her Blade away and take out her Kerispear by spinning it around, and vice versa during C; during this motion, your Maehwa will be vulnerable to enemy attack.Pressing C in middle of Blade and Kerispear attacks will cancel the motion, although getting hit by a monster in that moment can result in Stiffness. I wouldn’t recommend taking this skill. [S] + [LMB] > [SHIFT] + [Q] > [SHIFT] + [A/D] > [W] + [F] > [S] + [F] > [LMB] > [W] + [F] > [S] + [F] > [SHIFT] + [F]This is an example of a PVP combo starting in your pre-awakening. Add “Attack against monsters +20” to Thunder Pound, which is the most frequently used skill. And so, let us help you in exploring the basics. An example of Cooldown C skills would be Blind Thrust. But since Tenacious Edge is a Cooldown B skill, I don’t recommend using Tenacious Edge alone to deal damage when going around the enemy at the same time. Carver(HOLD W) + (HOLD SHIFT) + (HOLD LMB). Post-Awakening skill build – Level 56 (372 skill points): you’ve just reached level 50 or you’re still leveling, use this build to put you in the right direction of what skills you should be using.Make sure you reset your skills at level 56 though because you will need skill points for your awakening skills and will only really need the support skills from pre-awakening.Mid-Tier skill build – Level 60 (1255 skill points): skill build – Level 60 (1517 skill points): skill build – Level 60 (1909 skill points): prioritize Awakening skills before leveling your Absolute Skills.Succession skill build – Level 56 (639 skill points): Mid-Tier skill build – Level 60 (971 skill points): High-Tier skill build – Level 60 (1284 skill points): End-Game skill build – Level 60 (1580 skill points): So you must develop a habit of pressing C with W A S D. The only way to change the Maehwa’s stance to Awakening is by pressing C, and it is a class with no Awakening Skills available for use in the Pre-Awakening state. It is available at level 62+ only but is a very good earring because of it’s high AP. The only problem is that it takes some time before activation, which you can use to alter the direction. Skill calculator Gear calculator Choose your class! Keys separated by a “+” symbol should be used at the same time. There is no level cap in BDO. +15 WP, +20% Melee Attack, +100 Critical Hit Rate, Stiffness, and decreased melee accuracy for those hit, with an 18% increase in Critical Hit Rate for 10 seconds. Also check the Marketplace to see pricing and availability. The PowerUp Theme. This kick inflicts bound and also regenerates some WP but the skill has minimal damage and isn’t useful for PVP or PVE. So really you’re actually losing damage overall since you won’t be hitting the enemy as much (unless they are full DR). Has anyone found the preset for this maehwa? Kunoichi uses light armor and has many complex combos making it a hard class to master. There are a couple skill differences to the Plum class, which change the play style completely. It has Knock Down, which can be used as mediation for skills with Down Attack. For example, [Q] means you tap Q once. You should enhance it to at least +7 for leveling and then PRI or higher as soon as possible. I would recommend getting it to TRI at most and then you really want to switch to Kzarka. For some reason, it gives Critical Hit Chance +12% for 10 seconds, which may seem useless for Maehwas who always have a 30% Critical Hit Chance buff by constant use of Forward Blind Thrust, and the game system doesn’t allow these buffs to overlap. BDO CLASS TIER LIST. Last updated Jan 13, 2021 at 10:22AM | Published on Jul 29, 2020 | Black Desert Online, Gear & Items | 4. If you’ve just Awakened your Maehwa, the cooldown for skills may be long (they get shorter as you invest skill points in them). Using it randomly will just make you deal less damage to monsters. If you press A, your character will twist slightly left and hit, and if you press D, she will hit towards the right. The Kutum can also be modified using an Inverted Hearth of Garmoth to give extra stats (Max HP +150, Max Stamina +100, Special Attack Evasion Rate +10%). HOLD [LMB] after Moonrise or Stigma. So while Full Moon Wall has no cooldown, consider the 4 seconds of cooldown for Royal Rage as a cooldown for Full Moon Wall. I recommend using video guides to learn more complex skill combos, because it is much easier to see exactly what you should be doing, rather than reading it and trying to wrap your head around it all.
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