Awarded once per family when a character reaches level 63. Awarded once per family when a character reaches level 62. The special reward can be exchanged for “Season Special Gift Exchange Coupon,” which can be used after graduating the Winter Season. Prices will sooner or later recover. Posted November 13, 2019 August 31, 2020 alext96. A belt that the Secret Guards found. They recently added the ability to craft Capotia Accessories: Capotia Ring, Capotia Earring, Capotia Belt, Capotia Necklace with Yona's Fragments. Close. That is basically more than 1.5 billion cheaper than a tet crescent guardian ring. However, after 27th January 2021, players will have the option to graduate early. Do i need to finish season challenge to unlock this reward? You should be able to get any one of the rewards that you do not have yet. Black Desert Online BDO Yona’s Fragment Guide. Question. Belt yang ditemukan oleh Kelompok Pelindung Rahasia. The best you can do is to be patient and drop your yonas by direct mob drop or by melting only the yellow cheap tier accessory occasionally got without wasting silver … Here is a guide that would inform you of what Yona’s fragments are, what they are used for, how and where to obtain them. Posted by 1 month ago. If it's the first season reward then you can pick 1 ring OR 1 earring OR 1 belt. For details, please see our Yona’s Fragment Guide. Season servers are a new addition to BDO which first arrived on the 17th June 2020. Ring prices recovered after the first season, while currently the belts are dirt cheap. PEN Capotia Belt (17 AP) How to Graduate (Early Graduation) The current season is expected to end on 31st March 2021. TextBind:CapotiaAccessoryMaterial4 Cannot be enhanced. Namun jika gagal, Item ini tidak hancur dan Enhancement Level menurun dan Max Durability berkurang 10 karena pengaruh dari Crystal of Symmetry.- Perbaikan Max Durability : Yona's … Dihiasi oleh Crystal of Symmetry, salah satu harta kuno yang mengeluarkan kekuatan yang kuat.Dapat di-Enhancement dengan Belt yang sama. Yona wouldn't be a super big problem and getting 2x capotia ring/earrings is ALWAYS good at the beginning. It exudes powerful energy. For Summer Season, PEN (V) Capotia accessories were offered and for Autumn Season, the Perilla’s Star. So I would take the ring and get asap a belt from the market. 1. For winter season, the PEN (V): Capotia Belt as Winter Season’s special reward. BDO Boss Gear is considered the end game gear or BIS (Best In Slot) gear available in Black Desert Online. Basi Belts are down in price to 2.55 billion. Question. Pen capotia belt reward? The Capotia Belt has the same stats as TRI (III) Basilisk’s Belt, minus the 80LT. You however can only choose: 1 earring or 1 belt, while the ring will say that you already got it. That is, if … 10 … Yona's Fragment & Capotia … I have all classes except nova at 61 i don’t feel like to start over again with main quests. It is decorated with the Crystal of Symmetry, an ancient treasure. Pen capotia belt reward? The Capotia Earring has the same stats as TRI (III) Tungrad Earring, minus the 10% black spirit rage. These allow you to craft yellow grade accessories like Basilisk Belt and Capotia Accessories.
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