While DragonFly Black uses a high-quality headphone amp and analog volume control, DragonFly Red includes a more advanced ESS headphone amp and a bit-perfect digital volume control that resides on the 9016 DAC chip itself—a sophisticated implementation that gives Red a unique combination of power and grip over the music. The Audioquest DragonFly Cobalt USB DAC uses the ESS Sabre ES9038Q2M chip which is none other than the mobile version of the ESS Sabre ES9038PRO conversion chip. USB DAC/preamp/headphone amp. Whether I'm traveling to the coffee shop or around the world, I bring a DragonFly along. Click here to learn more about how Qobuz works. Compared to its Black and Red predecessors, the main difference in the Cobalt is an upgrade to the ES9038Q2M DAC chip from ESS. 2. These outstanding companies make beautiful music with DragonFly. The Dragonfly Red has an ESS ES9016 chip. Part of this article was already featured in our Picture Sunday series which has recently been renamed to First Look Sunday . USB-DAC + Vorverstärker + Kopfhörerverstärker Schöner Klang von jedem Mobilgerät oder Computer Digital-Analog-Wandler in USB Stick-Größe Hohe Leistungsabgabe (2,1 volt) DAC-Chip: ESS ES9038Q2M mit Minimalphasenfilter (Slow Roll-off) für natürlicheren Klang … If you have a DragonFly Red or Black or the original DragonFly, you will love the improvements. Les micrologiciels de nos DragonFlys Noir, Rouge et Cobalt peuvent être mis à jour par le biais de notre gestionnaire du dispositif de bureau gratuit. Click here to learn more about how MQA works. DragonFlys Black, Red, and Cobalt support Tidal Masters (MQA) playback from iPhones and Android smartphones. Additionally, the Audioquest Dragonfly Cobalt and the Chord Mojo have different DAC chips, which affect both their sound characteristics as well as the playback formats they support. Beautiful Sound from any mobile device or computer. Lokal. DragonFly Black, the most affordable model of the award-winning DragonFly family, has been praised by Darko.Audio as “the quintessential everyman hi-fi product,” while its more sophisticated sibling, DragonFly Red, combines significantly improved performance with still exceptional value. Successfully combating this noise is absolutely crucial to the preservation of the lowest-level musical details, particularly when it comes to high-res audio—and especially when applied to a portable-audio device such as DragonFly. Item Condition: Mint. Einfach. The Audioquest DragonFly Cobalt DAC, is Audioquest’s newest flagship DAC, ... All current-production DragonFly models incorporate 32-bit ESS Sabre DAC chips. DragonFly® Cobalt DAC + Vorverstärker + Kopfhörervorverstärker Der DragonFly® Cobalt, unser neuer Flaggschiff-DAC, bringt alles mit, was Musikliebhaber auf der ganzen Welt von der vielfach ausgezeichneten DragonFly®-Familie erwarten Play YouTube or Vimeo videos. Whether I'm traveling to the coffee shop or around the world, I bring a DragonFly along. L’ensemble de cette superbe technologie est rassemblé dans un boîtier raffiné et élégant qui mesure seulement 57.5mm x 18.6mm x 11.9mm, rendant le dernier DragonFly plus petit de 10% et encore plus facile à glisser dans la poche ! While all three Audioquest Dragonfly DACs use ESS Sabre chips, the Dragonfly Cobalt has an upgraded chip from the Red. Cliquer ici pour télécharger la dernière version du gestionnaire de bureau disponible et compatible avec votre matériel. Ces DACs sont la preuve qu’il est désormais possible d’allier confort et performance. natürlich schönen, verführerischen Klang. Cobalt… Further, in Gordon's monoClock ® technology, a single ultra-low-jitter clock generated from the ESS ES9038Q2M DAC chip runs the ESS chip functions as well as all microcontroller functions. Tout comme les outils de restitution MQA, les DragonFly Noir, Rouge et Cobalt complètent le processus de déploiement permettant aux amoureux de la musique de profiter d’un choix plus large de musique à haute résolution. Werbung „Cobalt“ nennt sich der … Nach etwas über drei Jahren bringt Audioquest ein neues Topmodell seiner erfolgreichen DragonFly-Serie heraus. The output driver is the same ESS SABRE9601K as found in the Red. AudioQuest makes three separate models: the basic Dragonfly Black; the Dragonfly Red, which uses a higher-performance DAC chip; and the Dragonfly Cobalt, its highest-end model. Cobalt’s precedent-setting performance is made possible by multiple significant upgrades: New, more advanced ESS ES9038Q2M DAC chip with a minimum-phase slow roll-off filter for more natural sound. Les DragonFlys Noir, Rouge et Cobalt permettent d’accéder à la lecture des Tidal Masters à partir des iPhones et des Smartphones Android. It can play back PCM with up to a 96 kHz sample rate. Let me tell you. It’s hard to believe that it has been eight years since the release of Audioquest’s ingenious Dragonfly, the memory stick-sized USB DAC/preamp/headphone amp that provides a simple, effective and affordable solution to the problem of mediocre sound quality from … Cette solution est le garant d’une fidélité maximale, de contrastes dynamiques saisissants et d’un ratio signal – bruit excellent. Dabei geht es nicht um die Wiedergabe immer höherer PCM- oder DSD-Abtastraten – die könnte der verwendete Wandler zwar auch –, sondern allein um mehr Wohlklang. Tout comme le DragonFly Rouge, acclamé par les critiques, Cobalt dispose d’une sortie robuste de 2.1 volts permettant d’alimenter quasiment tous les casques. While the chips used in DragonFlys Black and Red are unbeatable for the price, the minimum-phase slow roll-off filter in the 9038 results in naturally expressive sound that is always emotionally engaging and never fatiguing—a beautiful combination of warmth and detail that we find equally exciting and soothing. Anscheinend ruhen die Entwicklergeister bei AudioQuest nie. Quel que soit la musique qui vous branche, où que vous soyez, un DragonFly DAC USB de chez AudioQuest diffusera un beau son passionnant et dynamique dans des écouteurs, des casques, des enceintes alimentées ou des systèmes audios complets. Ainsi, vérifier que le flux audio ne se modifie pas est particulièrement simple. portabler USB-DAC mit Kopfhörerverstärker; keine eigene Stromversorgung (bezieht die Energie über USB) Android / iOS / Windows / Mac kompatibel (teilweise nur mit optionalem Adapter) 3.5mm Kopfhörerausgang; 2.1Vrms Leistung; USB-C OTG Adapter bereits im Lieferumfang; Der DragonFly Cobalt, der neuer Flaggschiff-DAC von Audioquest… MQA's technology folds high-resolution files into smaller files that can be streamed on the go. Avec un DragonFly, l’appréciation et l’exploration de la musique sont sans limites : branchez-vous à un ordinateur Apple or Windows® ou connectez-vous à un iOS® ou à un portable Android. : 24495 Frage zum Produkt. The new model boasts a more advanced DAC chip, and a new microprocessor draws less current and bumps up the DAC's processing speed. Most importantly, DragonFly is designed to honor the music you already own and love. eBay Kleinanzeigen: Audioquest Dragonfly, Audio & HiFi gebraucht kaufen - Jetzt finden oder inserieren! Als Wandler-Chip für dem Cobalt wählte Audioquest … Then you should try the latest instalment in AudioQuest's line of portable DACs - the DragonFly Cobalt. The 2.1-volt output makes Cobalt and Red compatible with a wide range of headphones, including power-hungry, low-efficiency models. The Cobalt trades in some of the Red’s sonic (the hedgehog?) Both utilize the ESS 9061 amplifier although as mentioned previously, the cobalt cleans up input power a bit better than the Red, and also uses a lower powered main processor (Pic32MX274 (Cobalt) vs Pcic32MX … I’ll be testing those claims and comparing it with some competing products as well, so let us begin. Le DragonFly Cobalt, notre tout nouveau DAC et produit phare, rassemble tout ce que les auditeurs attendent de la très primée famille DragonFly – à savoir un son séducteur et d’une beauté naturelle – en y éliminant le duvet et le brouillard dont l’auditeur n’avait même pas conscience jusqu’à ce que le Cobalt ne les enlève. Some users prefer the size of the smaller adapter, while others prefer the performance of the larger adapter. Audiophiles following the news cycle know by now that the new AudioQuest Dragonfly Cobalt is out. DragonFly Black outputs 1.2 volts—enough power to successfully drive all preamplifier input circuits and a wide range of today’s efficient headphones. Versandbereit in 4-12 Werktagen In den Warenkorb. Audioquest DragonFly Cobalt – USB-DAC & Vorverstärker. eBay Kleinanzeigen: Audioquest Dragonfly, Kleinanzeigen - Jetzt finden oder inserieren! This chip features a minimum phase fast roll-off filter. It’s priced at $300 and it is supposed to offer better sonic qualities than its older and more affordable cousins Black and Red. AudioQuest Dragonfly Cobalt. Purchase DragonFly from an Authorized AQ Dealer, Purchase DragonFly from the official AQ Amazon Store. Qobuz streams and downloads music in bit-perfect FLAC, the most widely used format for mastering and archiving, at resolutions of up to 24-bit/192kHz. Son alimentation est par ailleurs mieux filtrée pour limiter l'effet des perturbations externes. Explore playlists on Spotify or Pandora. 08.07.2019 Nach Dragonfly „Black“ und „Red“ setzt Audioquest jetzt mit dem DAC-Stick „Cobalt“ (300 Euro) noch einen drauf. The AudioQuest DragonFly series has always been about travel for me. The Cobalt is the latest entry in the DragonFly DAC series from AudioQuest. Audioquest DragonFly Cobalt : LED de contrôle du flux audio décodé Le DAC audio USB Audioquest DragonFly Cobalt possède une LED sous son logo de libellule. DragonFly Black outputs 1.2 volts—enough power to successfully drive all preamplifier input circuits and a wide range of today’s efficient headphones. Chord Electronics Mojo: four … AudioQuest DragonFly Cobalt USB DAC Review As this is not our first DragonFly to test, we can initially see that the visual changes are minimal and are reduced to a slightly more rounded lower case. Dabei geht es nicht um die Wiedergabe immer höherer PCM- oder DSD-Abtastraten – die könnte der verwendete Wandler zwar auch –, sondern allein um mehr Wohlklang. Let me tell you. Jetzt ersteigern: AudioQuest DragonFly Cobalt - Nur noch bis: 29.11.2020 20:58:07Uhr! Stream high-res audio from Tidal or Qobuz. Our test with the DragonFly Cobalt connected to both an iPhone 6S and LG V30, saw a dramatic reduction in battery use providing additional hours of playing … Disclaimer: The AudioQuest DragonFly Cobalt was sent to us free of charge in exchange for a preview article at the launch and this full review. What does any of this have to do with the AudioQuest DragonFly Cobalt? Et bien sûr, comme l’ensemble des modèles antérieurs du DragonFly, Cobalt utilise le code USB révolutionnaire “StreamLength®asynchronous-transfer” de Gordon Rankin. That is exactly what Audioquest chose to do, and as such the amplifier section of the Cobalt is largely unchanged from the previous Dragonfly Red. Our Desktop Device Manager will also allow you to identify your DragonFly's serial number and software version to ensure that the device is up to date. Whatever music turns you on, wherever you are, an AudioQuest DragonFly USB DAC delivers inspiring, dynamic, and beautiful sound to earbuds, headphones, powered speakers, or complete audio systems. In Cobalt, we've taken what we've learned from our recent research and development in noise dissipation to employ power-supply filtering specifically designed to dramatically reduce the increasingly prevalent noise from WiFi, Bluetooth, and cellular signals. DragonFly Cobalt ist ein tragbarer Plug - and - Play - USB - DAC ( Digital - Analog - Wandler ) , Vorverstärker und Kopfhörer - Verstärker , der Kopfhörern , Aktivlautsprechern oder kompletten Audiosystemen einen sauberen , klaren und natürlichen Klang verleiht . Cobalt takes what music lovers around the world have come to expect from the multi-award-winning DragonFly family—naturally beautiful, seductive sound—and strips away fuzz and fog that weren’t even noticeable until Cobalt removed them. If music will be played on the road, a DragonFly … Yes it costs around a little more, but it does take performance to another level. Roll-off filters in DACs are used to remove quantization noise. Then you should try the latest instalment in AudioQuest's line of portable DACs - the DragonFly Cobalt. Roll-off filters in DACs are used to remove quantization noise. It’s hard to believe, but the original Dragonfly DAC from AudioQuest first hit the streets back in 2012. Click here to learn more about how Qobuz works. Er entfernt Unschärfen und Schleier, die man erst wahrnimmt, wenn Cobalt sie beseitigt hat. Ergo, Cobalt, like Red and Black, is a DAC / headphone amplifier. Le Cobalt est le plus avancé techniquement de la série DragonFly d’AudioQuest. DragonFlys Black, Red, and Cobalt support Qobuz high-res playback from iPhones, Android smartphones, and MacOS and Windows computers. like the day I bought it. In fact, the DragonFly has become one of those nonnegotiable items or what I'll call standard issue. The new model is slightly smaller than the Red but retains its ESS Sabre 9601 headphone output chip – that runs line-level at 2.1 volts – and “64-bit bit-perfect digital volume control” . While all three Audioquest Dragonfly DACs use ESS Sabre chips, the Dragonfly Cobalt has an upgraded chip from the Red. DragonFly Black, the most affordable model of the award-winning DragonFly family, has been praised by Darko.Audio as “the quintessential everyman hi-fi product,” while its more sophisticated sibling, DragonFly Red, combines significantly improved performance with still exceptional value. AudioQuest croit sincèrement que les appareils numériques d’aujourd’hui doivent évoluer avec la technologie elle-même, ainsi garantissant un vrai plaisir musical pour des années à venir. Your mileage may vary. Dadurch lässt sich der DragonFly so einfach wie bisher verwenden: Alle Modelle sind vollständig PC-kompatibel, ohne dass spezielle Treiber heruntergeladen und installiert … The DragonFly Cobalt features a new ESS ES9038Q2M DAC chip and Microchip PIC32MX274 microprocessor which draw significantly less current and offer a 33-percent increase in processing speed over the DragonFly Red. Il est équipé d’un contrôle de volume numérique à bit parfait apportant un ratio signal-bruit remarquable et permet une compatibilité parfaitement fluide avec des appareils Apple et Androïd tout en offrant un rendu MQA d’une qualité exceptionnelle et le tout à un prix tout à fait abordable. Lit tous fichiers musicaux, du MP3 à la Haute-Résolutions et les MQA, Compatible appareils iOS (nécessite l’adaptateur Apple Camera/Kit de Connexion), Compatible appareils Android (nécessite un DragonTail ou autre adaptateur USB pour appareils Android), Un transfert synchronique garantit l’intégrité du timing numérique, DragonFly Black and Red – Taux d’échantillonnage soutenus (Code couleur des indicateurs LED) : 44.1kHz (Vert), 48kHz (Bleu), 88.2kHz (Orange), 96kHz (Magenta), MQA (Pourpre), DragonFly Cobalt – Taux d’échantillonnage soutenus (Code couleur des indicateurs LED) : La Norme (Rouge), 44.1kHz (Vert), 48kHz (Bleu), 88.2kHz (Jaune), 96kHz (Bleu Clair), MQA (Pourpre), Contrôle du Volume : Contrôle de volume analogique (Noir) ; 64-position, 64-bit, bit-parfait (Rouge, Cobalt), Voltage de sortie : 1.2 (Noir) ; 2.1 (Rouge, Cobalt) Ampli de casque : Texas Instruments TPA6130 (Noir) ; ESS Sabre 9601 (Rouge, Cobalt), Puce DAC : 32-bit ESS 9010 avec filtrage à phase minimum à coupure rapide (Noir) ; 32-bit ESS 9016 à phase minimum à coupure rapide (Rouge) ; ESS ES9038Q2M avec filtrage à phase minimum à coupure progressive permettant un son plus naturel (Cobalt), Microcontrôleur : Micropuce PIC32MX (Noir, Rouge); Micropuce PIC32MX274 réduit l’alimentation en courant et augmente la vitesse de traitement de 33% comparé DragonFlys Noir et Rouge (Cobalt), Dimensions : 12mm H x 19mm W x 62mm L (Noir, Rouge); 12mm H x 19mm W by 57mm L (Cobalt). Avail free shipping and Cash on Delivery. 3. Microchip’s superb PIC32MX274 microprocessor draws less current and … We'd willingly pay the extra. How is this possible? audioquest DragonFly Cobalt Der DragonFly Cobalt, der neue audioquest Flaggschiff-DAC, bringt alles mit, was Musikliebhaber auf der ganzen Welt von der vielfach ausgezeichneten DragonFly-Familie erwarten. Microchip's superb PIC32MX274 microprocessor draws less current and increases processing speed by 33%. À l’intérieur, on trouve le DAC Audioquest Dragonfly Cobalt, le câble adaptateur USB-C vers USB-A Audioquest DragonTail et un petit étui en cuir noir.
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