Druzhina Strategy Archive - AoE2 Introduction » Countering a Archer Rush When facing Civs like Britons, Mayans or Ethiopeans, of which one can typically go for a straight Archer-Rush; so is the best counter to build 1 Archery Range producing Skrimishers, and getting Fletching followed up by Padded Armour in … What makes them great is their no houses bonus, they don't need to spend wood on houses and have good Feudal times. AoE2 Strategy Center is a place to find strategies and guides to use in Age of Empires 2.Guides are mainly intended to use in Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors but some may also be able to use in the Age of Kings. Again, build a house on the way to fetching the boar. As soon as these ranges are up, continue production in each. aoe2 archer rush build order. The knight rush can be countered by pikes very effectively. Keep moving your knights around. Build a Blacksmith, when it's done research Fletching. You will need 1 or 2 spears at all vulnerable spots. If you either want shorter games to climb the ladder or know how to defend against enemy rushes, this guide is for you. Share this article: Age of Empires II © Microsoft Corporation. – redraft. It can be countered by skirmishers, siege or eagle warriors. If the enemy is producing a lot of skirms is gonna cost him a lot of food and you should be up well ahead. Your first 5 villagers upon entering Feudal Age will be sent to gold, as 7 villagers sustains archer production and 8 allows for fletching and to save up for Castle Age. 6 Sheep 4 wood with Lumber camp 1 lure boar 1 to make 2 houses then mill berries 4 to berries (lure 2nd boar with food villager) 2 boar + 2 farms with weak villagers 6 to wood with 2nd lumber camp 3 … One Lumber Camp and a few lumberjacks(4 – 6) Villagers mining stone at 8 ish min Monk; Tempest Rush Season 22 Gr 100+ Build; Rating +1. All photos and videos related to Age of Empires II were created under Microsoft's ". Home Blog Uncategorized aoe2 archer rush build order. How, when and why to Archer Rush. The Archer rush. Quote of the day: It can still be effective mid-game, but its power rapidly diminishes with the introduction of not only Knights, but also Scorpions and Mangonels. These bonuses make Britons particularly good at going for Fast Feudal Archers into Castle, as archers receive an attack bonus the momentt they are in Castle Age. Send 3 shepherd villagers to build a mining camp in your gold immediately after clicking to Feudal. Hurt your opponent's economy while you keep growing your own. You're in luck- the Saracens have another option. Many early rush strategies like the Tower rush can bec… So you want to rush the opponent with archers. (Nearly the exact same as the Camel Line) 59. Once all your sheep are exhausted, send whichever villager cannot build farms to wood. Age of Empires 2 is a real-time based strategy game. The Feudal Age counters to Archers (Scouts and Skirmishers) are quite food intensive, delaying the defending player's Castle Age advance substantially, if they aren't prepared for it. Your main goal should be to damage the enemy economy by killing their villagers. Archery Range units have +20% HP making them very cost effective, also enemy positions are revealed at the start making exploration way easier. Mid-sized to large groups of Archers make extremely good early harassment soldiers due to the absence of Knights from both sides. 8 Archers with Fletching are enough to one shot a static Villager with Loom, althought you can send less to harass earlier. Nothing is more irritating then having a group of skirmishers and archers circling around your base picking off villagers. The next 5 villagers should be sent to a different woodline. When attacking with Cavalry Archers the player must always micromanage them properly in order to maintain distance from the enemy targets. Together with Fast Castle, Archer Rush is one of the first strategies new players should learn and master. With an early economy bonus (+1 villager -50 food), cheaper Archers as the game progresses (10/20/30% in Feudal/Castle/Imperial) and Obsidian Arrows (Castle age tech: Archers have +6 attack vs buildings) Mayans are one of the strongest if not the strongest Archer Civilization. Have the next villager build a house, and then lure the first boar. One particularly effective method of dealing with them is by using a few rams patrolled in front to soak up damage from the archers, while other units attack. 11th lures boar (sheep villagers go to boar after its lured). They have a huge technology tree that only lacks economy upgrades and Herbal Medicine. This is an archer rush build order developed by Jupe, an AOE2 expert. Usually an archer rush build order is completed at 22 or 23 population in AOE2. Strangely Huns are a great Archer Rush Civilization despite not being an Archer Civilization themselves. https://aoe2.guide/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg, https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/46e3956babf015a13fa9cd073cd5253d?s=96&d=mm&r=g. When it comes to range battles Vietnamesse unique unit, Rattan Archers, are the strongest. At 58% of the way to Feudal Age, have any villager build a barracks. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you’re new to the game you’re most likely not going for scout or archer rushes anyway. Don't get housed. Their Plummeted Archers are great too, despite having less attack than other archer units they make it up with their tankiness and mobility. Send idle villagers to wood or to build houses and farms. On maps like Arena it becomes a strong tactic and it's a counter to a knight rush. Boars food should be depeleted by now, send those villagers to sheep. The archer-line is a ranged, high damage-per-second, low health unit. Cloud Strife, Final Fantasy. 20 knights in 20 minutes is a well-known strategy to try once you are an expert with the conventional Krush. For Castle Age they have a great transition into Cavalry Archers as they are a bit cheaper. Our guide has you covered: Objective 1: Advance to Feudal Age with 23 population. Objective 2: 8 Archers with Fletching at 37 population. Very common build order, the 3 Men at arms are used to disrupt your opponent’s eco, and buy you some time to mass your archers, new players should start by learning a normal archer rush build order first (without men at arms). It holds over 1000 years of war and economy from Dark Age to Imperial Age. Scout Rush Vs Trush. Immediately after you are in Feudal build 2 Archery Ranges. It enables you to mass archers in feudal age and pump out villagers continuously. Upon entering the game, always have your town centre queue up a few villagers so that your town centre is not idle. Cavalry Archers are an excellent way to deal with slow moving melee units like most infantry. An archer rush is usually executed with a quick age up and immediately pumping out skirmishers that are sometimes supported by spearmen. So depending on your skill level an archer rush can actually be a little slow, as they take a while to create and are only strong in mass.
One important detail is that I like to play post-imperial age maps. Speed is crucial while rushing. Our guide has you covered: Objective 1: Advance to Feudal Age with 23 population. Going M@A or scouts is usually a little faster. They are used for raiding and must be paired with Eagle Warriors for maximum effectiveness. So you want to rush the opponent with archers.. Well, look no further. Like what you've read? Their high pierce armor, attack and movement speed allows them to defeat all other archers units in the game and even Skirmishers and Scorpions. The AOE2 Build Order For The Cavalry Archer Rush Is As Follows:- Dark Age. Welcome to the AoE2 Strategy Center. As a Berber you can transition all the way to Camel Archers relatively easy, making it a great beginner civilization. Age of Empires 2 DE Archer Rush Guide. Villager number 15 should lure the boar. A simple BO for a fast castle start. Be mindful, also, that you will soon be producing archers out of 2 Archery Ranges and villagers out of your town centre, so it helps to have this villager build a house first, and then a barracks at around 58%. This guide is done with Age of Empires Definitive Edition civilizations and patch updates in mind. Click loom, then advance to Feudal Age with 23 population. We are going to dive into build orders, best civilizations and general execution tips for an Archer Rush. The next two villagers should take from the boar. If you plan on attacking with Crossbowmen, prioritize Castle Age and research fletching while on the way to castle age. If you are currently or are planning on attacking with these archers in Feudal Age, research Fletching immediately. Well, look no further. The next 3 villagers should be sent to berries. The cheaper stables in Castle Age provide an immense advantage over other players. Their Camel Archer unit is among the best ranged mounted units as well, with excellent strength and accuracy, and it benefits from the Maghrabi Camels tech which grants Berber camel units a regenerative ability. As soon as you start advancing to Feudal Age, send three of your villagers collecting sheep to build a mining camp and collect gold. Skill Combos. Cavalry Archers are one of the best harassers of the game. Viable aoe2 archer rush build order almost all the civilizations of Age of Empires II strategy that is as as! The first can build a mill on the berries. The faster you Castle, the more effective is your knight rush. How or can you edit units on scenario editor. If say you're pocket and were going FC and the other pocket goes archer flush against you, the second you see it coming, grab 4-5 villagers and make a mining camp on stone and then make towers to … aoe2 archer rush build order. The most popular pairing involving Cavalry Archers is with Hussars, which is the preferre… Have your next villager build a blacksmith. 11 lumberjacks and 8 gold minners to keep archer production and farm building. Mehvix's Age of Empires 2 Counter List 2.0: 3. aoe2 counter list age of empires 2 counters: 4. Find an Error? What are the signs of a Trush? Move the majority of villagers that were on sheep to take from the boar. Send the next 4 villagers to wood. Also, have your 3 starting villagers build 2 houses, 2 with one villager and one with the other. If you’re new to Age of Empires 2 Definitive edition then the tier list above might not be right for you. Send your next villagers to straggler trees. Amass enough Archers in order to not be threatened by Scouts or Skirmishers. Vietnamesse have powerful advantages when it comes to rushing with archers. A: Scout rush usually hits your base at 12:30 or 13 mins with 3 – 4 scouts. Men at arms into Towers: Requires more multitasking and micro then other build orders, not recommended for new player. Not ranked or ordered in any way here are some of the best Civilizations for an Archer Rush, followed by some mid to late game analysis as in team play you will still have to deal with late game despite executing a good rush. With this Feudal rush, you continuously produce archers from two archery ranges and put pressure on your opponent in the early game. It's a very effective rush that can devastate your opponent and end the game early or put you so far ahead that your opponent won't catch up. Build orders are essential for improving in Age of Empires 2 and now there is an interactive build order guide to help you practice. Don't stop producing archers while dropping farms, build orders usually tell you how many farms to drop in archer builds so you can fallow those. Neeeeeiiiggghhhh Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition 'Scout Rush' strategy guide The "Scout Rush" is a great way to surprise your enemy with an army of fast-moving cavalry early on in the game. Whenever possible without jeopardizing archer production, pull villagers off sheep and build farms. I modified this strategy so I castled a little later, and had more resources available to be on pace with the knight rush. While going to Feudal use 2 of your food or wood vills to build a house and a Barracks. USA: 360-318-9928 Monday and Thursday. Knight rush. Let's backtrack a bit: When you have enough wood and have a strong farm eco going, add a Blacksmith and a Stable. Upon entering Feudal Age, build one archery range with this villager, and another with a villager from berries. Wall in any forward military buildings then plan a heavy scout rush attack while mining stone slowly (only 2 or 3 stone miners) for defensive towers against a potential archer+spear rush. Best Civilizations for a Feudal Archer Rush. As if a strong Feudal and Imperial wasn't enough Britons also have a good late game with mass Longbows and their incredible range. The first can build a lumbercamp on the woodline for efficiency. Say you're not a big Cavalry Archer fan, or you're up against a civ that could give them a tough time (big Archer civs come to mind). Their weakness are meele units as Rattan Archers have 0 armor. The archer rush is by far the most annoying of all flushes. An Archer Rush consists of going for a fast feudal with enough resources to make archers as fast as posible and then attack with them catching the enemy unaware. The theoretical limit to reach the Castle Age with this strategy is 16:05 minutes. Archer rush-Archers are in my opinion the best unit for attacking in feudal age, (only in late feudal) because of the fact that they are the only unit that can soundly kill farmers(as they can poach from afar) apart from skirmishers and skirmishers suck against anything but archers. Its not unusual for your opponent to be doing the same thing or be in a similar position, otherwise the game would not be a challenge or fun. 18, 19 and 20th go to wood (at the second lumbercamp). Upon entering the game, always have your town centre queue up a few villagers so that your town centre is not idle. If your opponent goes Scouts make some Lancers in order to protect your Archers and economy. Towers are good vs archer rush against human players too. Tactics that employ these units require a large amount of resources since these units work way better if used in large numbers. As soon as these villagers can, build farms with them, until you have at least 7 farms. If you are going full archers you should aim to have a mass before you reach Castle age so a few archers and a couple of pikes won't cut it. The Camel Archer are its unique units and Kasbah & Maghrabi Camels are the main technologies in this race. Research Double-Bit Axe from the Lumbercamp. An Archer rush in AOE2 is where you build your economy in order to advance to the Feudal Age and then attack quickly with archers. Have all of your villagers go to take sheep until you have 6 villagers on sheep. They effectively replace Cavalry Archer but without the weakness against Camels or Halberdier. 13 feb 2021 aoe2 archer rush build order. "Not interested" When the second boar runs out, have villagers take from remaining sheep. Have the second villager to this woodline build he lumbercamp, and the villager taking from the wood join in on building it. Britons have powerful Archer bonuses such as "+20% faster Archery Ranges" (Team bonus) and "Foot Archers +1/+2 range in the Castle/Imperial Age". For instance, a lot of the civs on the tier list get their ranking based on how well they can scout or archer rush. This is a very simple, but very effective and powerful build order.
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